February 07, 2007

Neo-nazis target Holyrood election

Extremists launch leaflet campaign

Nazi hardliners could launch a bid to win seats at Holyrood, it is feared. The November 9th Society - who dismiss the extreme-right BNP as too moderate - have launched a leaflet campaign in Glasgow.

And opponents fear the extremist splinter group are preparing to stand for election in Scotland.

Their leaflets urge people not to vote Labour and to join their party - named after November 9 1938, the night on which the German Nazis launched the murderous Kristallnacht attack on the Jews.

According to their website, they want Britain to be a "white nation" and not only end immigration - apart from for whites - but repatriate "all non- British colonists". NS9 are led by shaven-headed extremist Kevin Quinn, who was once given a suspended jail term after admitting possession of violent Nazi literature.

Labour MSP Pauline McNeill, whose Glasgow Kelvin constituency was targeted by N9S, said: "I am concerned by this. I shall be contacting the chief constable and the electoral authorities. The issue for police is whether anything they say is an incitement to hatred. They are an organisation with specific and extreme views which would give parts of the community special cause for concern. I would be very concerned if they campaigned in the election."

Nick Lowles, of the anti-fascist organisation Searchlight, stressed N9S were a group of about "two dozen" extremists with no history of fielding election candidates. But he added: "They are hardline. They are Nazis. They normally attract disillusioned members of extreme fascist organisations who want to dress up and be more openly fascist. It is sinister in the sense that some people might feel intimidated. But they are fairly insignificant on a wider political level."

The group registered as a political party in 2004 as part of a bid to become more active. It is understood they wanted to register as the Kristallnacht Party but the name was rejected on the grounds it was offensive.

The Electoral Commission said they would be entitled to field candidates in both the Holyrood or council elections on May 3.

Last year, an undercover reporter infiltrated the group and was told by leader Quinn: "I'm all Nazi, a total Nazi."

Glasgow Daily Record

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that N9S are a honeypot organisation for the state and is detested by other hardline nazi groups such as C18 for this reason. We had one specific nutcase (mike) posting on my blog who claimed to be a member although has since withdrawn membership. Mike is also the same person who posts under the pseudonym viking on the Combat 18 website which he has now been expelled from for apparently being a 'net nazi'. He has commented considerably on my blog since.
