April 15, 2010

Scuffle breaks out at BNP candidates meeting

A scuffle erupted on the streets of Croydon as the British National Party presented some of its candidates for the forthcoming local and Westminster elections. One anti-fascist protester broke through a police cordon and tried to punch a BNP member before being tackled to the ground and taken away by police officers.

The BNP was presenting its candidates outside the headquarters of the UK Border Agency, in south London. Anti-fascist protesters were waiting for the BNP outside Lunar House where the event was taking place. They shouted "Nazi scum. Off our streets" and "Smash the BNP".

BNP London organiser Robert Bailey, who is standing as a parliamentary candidate in Romford, Essex, had earlier told a group of around 40 BNP candidates that they were there to put immigration on the election agenda. He said: "The leaders of the main political parties will be holding a meeting tonight at the TV studios to discuss the future of Britain. Up until this moment, nobody has mentioned immigration. The reason why the British National Party is here today is to draw the public's attention and the world's attention to the immigration crisis that is facing ordinary British citizens."

Mr Bailey, who is also a local councillor in Barking and Dagenham, said immigration was the second-biggest issue after the war in Afghanistan for politicians and the Government to face up to.

The BNP plans to field around 350 parliamentary candidates for the forthcoming General Election on May 6. Party leader Nick Griffin was not present at the gathering. Asked where Mr Griffin was, Mr Bailey replied: "You will have to ask him."

Press Association

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