August 31, 2011

Anonymous hackers take down EDL web site

English defenceless

Right-wing Muslim-baiting nut-jobs the English Defence League have come in for a bit of a poking with a sharp stick wielded by hackers with a conscience.

#TeamPrinc3ss is credited with a part in the hack, though to be honest we don't really know what that means. Twitterer froobze, has something to do with it, describing him/herself as a 'Social engineer of Team Princess and media representative', as he twits from his 'secret bunker' somewhere.

The hack may have something to do with Anonymous, orTeamprinc3ss is a splinter group, or a separate gang with similar aims or something else entirely.

What we do know is that the website is currently offline in what is claimed as a take-down by someone or other.

We're guessing this is a UK-based initiative - who else has heard of the EDL? The group seems to have emerged from Luton and is proud to claim a selection of different races amongst their number. The outfit claims not to be racist - it just wants to get rid of the Muslims.

Some hope.



  1. Anonymous isn't a group fs.

    Anyone can be in Anonymous. That's the point.

  2. We were going to wipe the EDL site out completely if they'd gone ahead with their racist Sept 3rd Neo-Nuremburg effort.

    Luckily for them it didn't happen.
