January 12, 2012

It's time for LU to say goodbye

For seven years, first on my own server then on Blogger, Lancaster Unity (formerly Lancaster UAF) has been fighting fascism and racism as embodied in such groups as the BNP and the EDL. From originally being set up to accompany local anti-fascist activity, the blog spread itself wider until it became a national resource with, over the years, many excellent contributors and countless thousands of readers.

When LU began, there was a gap in the market for a continually updated blog that has now been closed by a number of anti-fascist organisations elsewhere, some of which are listed below. Also, the advent and popularity of Twitter and Facebook (both easily accessible and updatable via smartphones) has made the anti-fascist presence on the internet much larger and more effective than it has ever been before. While the bad guys use technology to humiliate and embarrass themselves, anti-fascists have used it to inform and organise.

Because of ongoing health problems which are drastically eating into the time I can devote to Lancaster Unity, it has gradually become a copy and paste blog with very few original articles. This is no bad thing because it's always useful to have one type of news that appeals to a certain group located in a single place. This role though, is rapidly being superceded by Twitter, which does the same job very well. Better, in fact, than we ever could. Thus, it's time for Lancaster Unity to stand down, though the blog as it is will remain here as an archive and a resource for anti-fascists.

It's not too bad a time to be going. The EDL, although it has political ambitions, seems incapable of keeping itself from fragmenting in all directions, while the BNP at the moment appears to be shrinking by the day while Nick Griffin spends half his time in the European Parliament participating in the gravy train that he once professed to despise, and the other half boring us all to death with his tedious stories about smoked salmon.

Even better, it's a real pleasure to be leaving in the week that two of the killers of Stephen Lawrence have finally been convicted. We look forward to the day that the rest of them get banged up.

Big thanks to Denise and John, both of whom helped make LU what it was, and very many thanks to our contributors: Andy Minion, Iliacus, Roddy, Larry and all the rest of them. Special mentions go to NewsHound and Zaahid, both excellent news-spotters who should get their own sites together and keep up the good work. Naturally, a site such as this is useless without readers, and we've had a loyal and feisty readership over the years whose contributions have easily been as interesting as ours. Thank you to all of you (except the nazis, who are just complete morons).

We've been helped since the blog began by a number of organisations. Principal among these are Searchlight (who gave us essential help to get started in the first place, and who we worked closely with on numerous occasions), Hope not hate and Unite Against Fascism. Special thanks to those three and to all the other people who have helped out in one way or another.

It's been (at times) great fun, interesting and bloody hard work (especially on the all-night election specials). Thank you to everyone for all your input.

Although I have a good deal less time and energy these days, I shall be posting occasionally at my own blog space on Searchlight's new website. Thanks to Searchlight for offering me both the opportunity and the space. John has moved over to Anti-Fascists Online.

Lancaster Unity

This is not a comprehensive list of anti-fascist resources. If you think I've left anyone out who should be included, email me or make a comment and I'll add them.

Hope not hate
Unite Against Fascism
Anti-Fascists Online
EDL News
Everything EDL
Malatesta's Blog
Love Music Hate Racism
Show Racism the Red Card
EDL Watch at Urban75
Love Music Hate Homophobia
Liverpool Antifascists
Kick It Out


  1. Dave (from Blackpool)2:38 pm, January 12, 2012

    Fuck, what a shock. Still your probably right that Twitter and Facebook are more used now than blogs because theyre accessed through phones. A shame to say goodbye to Lancaster Unity but you've all done a hell of a good job over the past few years and its been a laugh. Good luck with the health problems and also with the new blog. I'll take a look at it.

  2. Fook me. Good luck to all for the future and well done for all the hard work you put in.

  3. There's fuck all on the new blog you useless cunt!

  4. That's a shame. I enjoy the stories and both serious and lighthearted comments on here.

    Hope your health problems subside Ketlan and remember,

    "No Pasaran!"

  5. It's true. Twitter and more especially Facebook have taken a lot of the power from blogs. Nevertheless it's nice to know you're still going to be doing something in anti-fascism. Lancaster Unity has had a good run and it's probably best to get out while it's still up there with the best.

    It's a pity Denise left though. I thought she was a great loss when she went.

    Good luck to all of you for the future.

  6. http://www.searchlightmagazine.com/blogs/searchlight-blog/welcome-to-ketlan-ossowski

    Nice introduction. Good luck Ketlan. :)

  7. Ha ha ha hope your in pain

  8. Bloody hell I'm shocked. Good luck to everyoned though. Agree with the comments to Newshound and Zaahiud.

  9. James (you know who I am)3:40 pm, January 12, 2012

    "It's time for LU to say goodbye"

    Wow, I thought LU would be here forever.

    Good luck with the new blog, Ketlan.

  10. Well done guys for your years of devotion to the cause. Good luck for the future.

  11. Fucking shame. Lancaster Unity has been here since I was 15. Now I'm 21 and I'm going to have to get a job or something. Just kidding. :D Brilliant job, LU. Good luck for everything you plan to do next!

  12. "Ha ha ha hope your in pain"

    What a cunt.

    Good for you Ketlan. Keep up the good work for as long as you can!

  13. sad to see you go, best for the future, keep the faith!

  14. Ha ha ha hope your in pain

    That should be "you're" not "your" but then again crimes against English grammar is to be expected from the fascist thickos!

  15. You have all done a great job through the years. Thank you. Understand the need to move on and Ketlan you have done us all proud. Give yourself time to recover from your health problems and I will watch out for the new blog.

    south devon anti fascist

  16. Jesus, have you been going for seven years already? You've done a good job with such a huge commitment, particularly if you're sick too. Fuck it. Goodbye LU but hopefully hello to a few other sites as spin-offs.

    P.S. Take no notice of those nazi twats. If they had a site that was worth a millionth of LU (or Searchlight) they wouldn't know what had hit them.

  17. Big congrats to Ketlan, Denise and John P!!! You've made a fucking HUGE contribution to anti-fascism. Bravo all.

    No Pasaran!

  18. Sorry, I meant 'Zaahid'. Apologies.

  19. Good luck to all of you for the future, you've done a great job!

  20. "Big congrats to Ketlan, Denise and John P!!! You've made a fucking HUGE contribution to anti-fascism. "

    Too fucking right!. The nazzers are going to be releived.

  21. FFS I think I meant 'relieved'.

  22. I just spoke to a couple of friends I still have in the BNP (I left a couple of years ago) and they were both shocked that LU was going. It was the only place that told them the truth about their party.

  23. "It's time for LU to say goodbye"

    What a damn shame, but you can satisfy yourself that you've annoyed the crap out of THOUSANDS of nazis. Well done Ketlan and Lancaster Unity!

  24. good luck with your health problems. i'll miss lu,i checked in every day. best wishes

  25. I can't believe it. Bloody brilliant of LU to jack it in before they overstayed their welcome. Well done everybody.

    And whatever your health problems, Ketlan, all the very best for the future. Seven grandchildren? Really??? I never thought of you as that old. :-D

  26. Seen a few nazis suffer pain over the last few decades, when they thought they were picking on easy targets. Oh how we laughed. Take it easy Ketlan and all at LU.

  27. "There's fuck all on the new blog you useless cunt!"

    Fuck off, you nazi twat.

  28. Bravo for having the courage to stop when you consider it's right. We'll miss you but fuck, you did a great job. Well done everybody.

  29. Barth's Notes is a useful website also.

    Good luck Ketlan!

    You have done a great job fighting racism and fascism.

    I'm sure neo-Nazis everywhere will be pleased you are stopping editing this excellent anti-fascist resource, but your fine work is continuing everywhere so the fascist scumbags will quite rightly have no rest!

    Thanks for everything!

  30. Good riddance to bad rubbish, Ketlan will now be too busy to fuck about with this shitty little blog as he's a full-time police grass!



  32. The neo-Nazi EDL trolls won't be getting the last laugh!

  33. A shocker but you have to what you think is right. I look forward to any future endeavours by LU folk.

  34. Aw, shucks.

    Seriously, thanks, folks. You have no idea of how fucking pleased I am to hear your comments. This was a difficult decision and you're making things a lot easier for me. :-)

    As for the nazi knob-ends, fuck you all. Please hurry up and die.

  35. Well done Ketlan you have inspired many anti fascists.

  36. End of an era :(

    Take care x

  37. Well done, you brilliant bastards!

  38. "Well done, you brilliant bastards!"

    Pretty excellent comment.



  39. "Well done, you brilliant bastards!"

    Wonderful. Well done LU.

  40. "While the bad guys use technology to humiliate and embarrass themselves, anti-fascists have used it to inform and organise."

    That's true. lol

  41. "it's time for Lancaster Unity to stand down, though the blog as it is will remain here as an archive and a resource for anti-fascists"

    Excellent. Thanks chaps.

  42. You sweet things. Thank you so much for what you've done for us all. Good luck Ketlan with your next venture.

  43. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck


    Carry on the good work, Antifascist.

  44. I can only echo what Ketlan has said and it's been great fun along the way and I've got some special memories and moments that I think that everybody involved in this blog can be proud of.
    Many thanks to Ketlan, Denise, Andy, Irish Tony, Kev Scott loves the Jam and the many many others who have helped or made me laugh along the way.

    I've set my own website up which I launched last night which can be found here http://www.anti-fascists-online.com It's up and running at the moment but not finished as today is my birthday and I intend to demolish a rather nice single malt.
    John P

  45. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Another one bites the dust. What a shame. I certainly wont be losing any sleep over the fact that another fascist site has gone to dust. And nationalism gets stronger by the day. Survival of the fittest, and it looks like that isn't you !!

  46. Good luck with everything in the future Ketlan.

    You've done a brilliant job, but all good things come to an end.

    And it's been fun!

    P.S. To whom do I send my future reviews of the BNP accounts? Oh, of course, there probably won't be any future accounts!

  47. What a crying shame. This site was one of them best for anti-racism enlightenment. However, perfectly understand the reasons why it's coming to a close. Good health to you guys, may your futures be bright, healthy, and happy. It was a pleasure sending in the news stories and reading the articles... part of my staple net daily diet.

    Best regards


  48. Has Ketlan been Kettled???

    Or is he dying??????

  49. 'And nationalism gets stronger by the day.'

    D'you know, I almost choked to death then. Nationalism is fucked. If you haven't realised that yet, you're a bigger cunt than I realised, Sean. Get rid of Griffin - if you don't, you're permanently fucked.

    Not that I give a shit, you sad twats.

  50. Hey, if there are ever any BNP accounts in the future, iliacus, send them to me. I could use a laugh. :-)

  51. Kev Scott loves The Jam11:36 pm, January 12, 2012

    Awwww.......... I checked this site several times a day.... this was / is the defacto anti-fash webpage...

    Ketlan, I wish you well and good health mate, I hope things pick up for you.

    to all the regular posters (many of you 'anons'), please continue to publish all the stuff somewhere... me? I'll probably pop along to Johns site (http://www.anti-fascists-online.com/) and post there... maybe you will too.... lets keep up the momentum..... till the last nazi sinks into the pile of shite they came from.

    I am so sad that this blog has reached the end, may the spirit live on for all to be inspired by.

    Thanks Ketlan....

  52. Wow, that's a shocker!

    As someone who also had to take a back seat due to health issues I can fully understand.

    Thank you Ketlan for taking the fight to the Nutzis and my very best wishes for the future.

    Your friend Rah.

  53. The fascists haven't gone away their organising up and down the country.

  54. http://www.urban75.net/forums/threads/edl-watch.262722/





    Has Ketlan been Kettled???

    Or is he dying??????



  56. There's some really nasty nutzi troll comments on here from those stupid Aryan keyboard warriors (or should that be "worriers", as you really showed up EDL and BNP nazis for what they are, a complete and utter waste of space....

    Enjoy your retirement, mate!

  57. Bloody shame but at least we'll have two new places to visit.

  58. crikey, that's a shock and a shame. LU has been my daily reading for goodness knows how long and Damn fine it is too. As a load of people have already said, it's done a great a great job of exposing the far right as the bunch of liars, cowards, criminals and idiots that they so surely are. I hope your health improves and maybe that LU isn't gone for good. As the edl would say, "no surrender to common sense", but i prefer " no parasan"

  59. Many thanks for everything, Ketlan, and the best of luck for the future.

  60. Thanks for being my first port of call for anti-fascist news for the past few years, you've always had a good balance of serious/funny and reported the important stuff whilst not overloading with every little bit of possible news.

    Good luck, and respect for stopping when you want to.

    Reckon I'll have to try Anti-Fascists Online from now on.

  61. Thanks for all your good work challenging those who sow the seeds of hatred and division in our communities.
    Thanks for all your good work in defeating the organisations rotton to the core with policies designed to create an apartheit Britain where some citizens have more rights than others.
    The fight goes on.

  62. Hey Ketlan,

    A big big thank you for your inspirational, informative and fantastic blog.

    I think I have logged in everyday for the last few years to read your blog and peruse the comments.

    "peruse" is so pedantic heh!

    It will be a sad loss to so many of us. Best wishes with your health.

    And as I have said many times before if you ever fancy a curry and a few beers, the night out is on me.

    Good luck with whatever you do.

  63. What a shocker. The end of an era.

  64. Bye LU. Bloody sad to see you go.

  65. Damn shame. Good luck in the future K and J.

  66. As we say in the language that the twat from Trallwng only claims to understand:

    Diolch am bopeth!

    Thanks for everything Ketlan & Co.

  67. They'll be breathing a sigh of relief at the BNP and EDL today. Sorry to see you go guys. Good luck with your new venture.

  68. I suppose it's an end of an era really.

  69. The fact that the fash are gloating shows how good LU has been. You'll be missed.

  70. I'm genuinely gutted LU's going, PLEASE don't remove the information, please let the blog remain as an archive, and very best wishes

  71. Kev Scott loves The Jam8:41 pm, January 13, 2012

    Sami said...

    They'll be breathing a sigh of relief at the BNP and EDL today. Sorry to see you go guys. Good luck with your new venture.

    Hey Sami.... dont 'leave' just get yourself over to http://www.anti-fascists-online.com ....... continue the fight, laugh at the bnp/muslamic raygun division there!

  72. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3732148/BNP-chiefs-Hitler-salute-to-Breivik-heroine.html

  73. A real pity this site is going. I've only participated once (I sent you a link from my local rag which you published) but this site has been daily required reading for a few years.

    Hope your health picks up....

  74. Answer me this, if you are giving this blog up for health reasons why are you doing the exact same work under the Searchlight umberella?

    And were you always an MI5 operative working for mossad/zionism?

  75. "And were you always an MI5 operative working for mossad/zionism?"

    Yes I was, you stupid twat.

  76. Fucking tragic. What a loss to anti-fascism.

  77. Phew thank heavens for that. As a committed National Socialist for the last thirty years, I'll be able to sleep soundly at night for the first time in a long while!

  78. Good riddence to bad rubbish!

  79. Good work, LU, and thanks.

  80. 'Good riddence to bad rubbish!'

    Good riddance to bad spelling!

  81. 'Good riddence to bad rubbish!'

    Good riddance to bad spelling!

    Must be an EDLer!!! lol

    Nazis who cannot spell!

  82. And were you always an MI5 operative working for mossad/zionism?

    Nah....we do this for free !

  83. Thankyou, you will be missed.

  84. You have provided us with much hilarity over the years, Mr Tossoffski.

    I must say, the social network anti-nationalists are of an inferior standard compared to many of the writers hosted here. Yes, that is a compliment.

    That is all.

  85. Sorry to see you go. LU has been my first 'go to' point for keeping up to date with the outrageous antics of the Far Right for some years.

    Thank you for your work and all the best for the future.


  86. Damn shame. :( Bye folks. Good luck for the future.

  87. Very sorry to see this close but many thanks for all your efforts!

  88. Ketlan - sorry to see you go and to hear about your health problems.

    Wishing you all the best for the future.

    In solidarity

    UAF webadmin

  89. christ you still here !!! can you not fuck off and die you jewboy

  90. Good luck Ketlan.As a former BNP member who saw the light i still looked in each day to read yours and Denise's articles.All the best mate will miss the site.

  91. 'can you not fuck off and die you jewboy'

    Not yet. Tough luck.

    Thanks to everyone for the many, many supportive emails and comments. We always knew our readers were great.

  92. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do in the future Ketlan, and with your health which is most important of all. Thanks for everything.

  93. irishtony said: ""peruse" is so pedantic heh!"

    I don't think that word means what you think it means.

    Also, good luck Ketlan! I've been an avid reader for years and it's a shame to see the blog go.

  94. "irishtony said: ""peruse" is so pedantic heh!"

    I don't think that word means what you think it means"

    Thanks for the English lesson matey but woory not I fully understand what the word means.

    Instead of worrying about my grasp of the English language lets concentrate on wishing Ketlan the best of luck in the future

    peruse is such an ostentatious word is it not!!!!

  95. you better get that left eye sorted.ha! ha! if you miss the boat that's it.
    paper and rubber out and erased for forever.half up half down.
    good to get rid of of rubbish!
    and that's not from me if you get my drift!!!
    cheerio cheerio cheerio!ha! ha!

  96. 'you better get that left eye sorted'

    Is there something wrong with my left eye? Gosh, thank you, doctor.

  97. Ketlan the hate not hope tea boy lol the facebook has gone crap since you took over.

    gable loyalist.

  98. 'the facebook has gone crap since you took over'

    You need to wake up, dumbass. The Facebook page is nothing to do with me.

  99. We will stand up against racism, bigotry and ignorance. I know from my brothers that Lancaster is peaceful with our rights to live by the teaching of Allah (peace be upon him)
