
PARTY politics has, for a long time, been viewed, arguably, as boring and stagnant, and it is in this vista of apathy, that the mongers of hate, are attempting to spread their racist poison throughout society. The internet contains a plethora of current affairs blogs, some resourceful and honest, others, less than informative. Some anti-fascist, others, downright vulgar and racist.
Internet message boards contain blatant racist abuse, sometimes to commit murder, rape, and genocide, often with references to "vote BNP" and such like.
Thanks to an active network of "white nationalists", any newspaper story published on the Internet about racism, terrorism, or Islam, especially the ones picked up on Google news, is bombarded with dozens of follow up comments, racist and inflamatory in nature. Local newspaper comments boxes are regularly targeted, once an alert is raised on neo-nazi havens such as Stormfront or the Vanguard News Network.
Under the misguided premise of "free speech", Google News shockingly carries BNP press releases as "genuine news. Indymedia, an independent media site contains a strange mixture of useful information and troll misinformation, so you have to be careful of what you come across on search engines, and always read between the lines.....
BNP trolls are part of a well-oiled right-wing internet propaganda campaign, to:
(1) give what is effectively a neo-Nazi organisation, a mainstream veneer.
(2) spread hatred and intolerance of foreigners, non-white people, Roma communities, gay and lesbian people, and first and foremost, Muslims.
Any issues remotely connected with Islam, mosques, etc, are quickly targeted by a multitude of racist, pro-BNP message-board spam in a thorough and well organised manner. One person can post messages under an infinite number of false identities to distort genuine opinion, of, for instance, a debate about the location of a new mosque.
Lancaster UAF, strive to publish genuine news articles extracted from notable news sources, specifically to inform the public of the ongoing dangers of racism and homophobia.
Sizeable sums of money enters the coffers of the British far right, from various worldwide funding sources (including American white supremacist groups, and South African apartheid organisations), whereas, anti-racist groups like the UAF operate on a voluntary basis. For anti-racists, there is no commercial, merchandising aim in combating racism...
We simply value the equality and humanity of each individual member of society, regardless of gender, class, ethnicity, or nationality, and we aim to prevent hatred, violence, intolerance, and fear from destroying our free democratic society.
In trying to convince everybody they are a "proper political party", the Neo-Nazi BNP describe themselves "patriots", "defenders of freedom", and "upholders of democracy", and announce they are "protecting Britain" from "forces threatening Britain" (usually meant to represent non-white people).
BNP "politics" is all about skin colour and religious bigotry. If a nightmare ensued, and the BNP were to able take power (by ballot box or armed coup), as Nick Griffin himself has hinted through his tightly worded speeches, the human rights of most (if not all) citizens, would disappear overnight.
In defeating Nazi Germany (who BNP bigwigs still admire), Britain sent a message to the world that racial intolerance is not acceptable. Our society (like that of all countries worldwide) is not ideal, and let's not kid ourselves, discrimination and racial violence still happens on a worryingly daily basis.
Victims of hate crimes come from all backgrounds, black, white, and Asian, but most frequently, immigrants and asylum seekers have become the main targets of violence and discrimination, fuelled by rabid tabloid hysteria, and most recently, Muslims, including women and children. The presence of a minority of idle, unconstructive, sniping brainless bigots in a council chamber fails to impact upon the normal workings of democracy, especially where the one-issue charlatans fail to show up for most council meetings, however, the overall aim of the BNP is greater than an attention-seeking ego trip.
WHENEVER and wherever the BNP have gained a foothold, racist attacks have often doubled overnight, as cowardly, lawless racist thugs see the presence of elected fascists in their town hall as a license "carte-blanche" to unleash violent and anti-social behaviour upon society.
In the sick and twisted minds of your average BNP-supporting hooligan, electoral representation is viewed as public support for their criminal activities, to the extent, many such racist attackers try to convince themselves they are murdering, killing, and maiming their innocent victims, with public support.
The British Nazi Party (BNP) (let's not be politically correct in not calling Nazis, Nazis), have "Channel Four documentary" Hitler worshipper Mark Collett in their ranks, and numerous more besides him, who have, on many occasions, expressed a sordid desire for our modern, eclectic, normally tolerant society to fragment into outright, bloody racial warfare.
In a joint operation with their "bastard cousins the National Front" and far-right football hooligan firms, they successfully fomented riots in Burnley, Oldham, and Bradford, giving a mere taste of what will be to come, if the BNP are not safely nipped in the bud. Let's not pussyfoot around this.
The neo-Nazi BNP want Christians, Jews, and Muslims, to fight one another in a ferocious blood bath. Thus, they "brush their anti-Semitism under the carpet" to help their PR, reaching out for the votes of Jewish people, to include as many ingredients as possible, into their doomsday soup, before their "war of reckoning" breaks out.
If you're reading this blog for the very first time, and you're white, employed, Christian, and middle class, and wander what relevance our anti-fascist campaign is, to you personally, assuming, as you do not live in a socially-deprived ghetto, remember the remorseful words of German pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the silence of the white Christian German majority to speak out during the Holocaust: -
When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.
Like Nazi Germany, the racial and religious warfare that the BNP leaders hope and pray for, DOES affect you if you are white. Whenever there is a racist attack when the victim is, indeed white, Nick Griffin and co, rub their hands together in rapturous delight.
The BNP leadership relish news of all types of racial attacks, (with white as well as black victims), knowing full well that the more hate crimes are committed, the less stable and tolerant, Britain will be. So-called "revenge attacks" instigated out by local BNP organisers, increase the tension, as communities are segregated with mistrust, fear, and antipathy.
Wounds created by the far-right instigated riots of six years ago, are only slowly healing.
Organised racist groups like the BNP exploit anything and everything they lay their hands on, to help spread their propaganda and lies, like MRSA to an open sore.
In their election materials, BNP election candidates consistently tell cruel, damaging lies about Muslims, non-white people, and immigrants, particularly concerning asylum seekers receiving free council houses, etc, in their election materials, just as Hitler's Nazis did, spreading mistruths and false stereotypes about Jews, Roma, Eastern Europeans, gays and lesbian people.
Not everybody has the will, foresight, socioeconomic, or educational advantage to understand the highly complex world of party politics, particularly in the dumbed-down post Iraq malaise that is, Westminster affairs.
Deep in the depths of this apolitical landscape, lies and distortions prosper. Popular misconceptions about religion, coupled with xenophobia, and the War On Terror, racism and Islamophobia have flourished by exploiting public ignorance, and a reliance upon anti-immigrant tabloid sensationalism.
During the Nick Griffin racism trial at Leeds Crown Court, leering, jeering brainless BNP supporters with the net intelligence of two short planks, held aloft copies of the Daily Mail and the Daily Express, showing headlines about "immigrants swamping Britain", as if such "insightful oracles of humanitarian thought" were somehow justifications for their dour, nihilistic hate trips.
Regardless of how many votes the BNP achieve, they will thankfully forever remain on the fringes of politics, which is exactly what Nick Griffin seems content to achieve.
The party's Fuhrers are extremely secretive, seldom revealing their true thoughts to the press, stuck within their dark, microcosmic, conspiratorial world of New World Orders.
For a party which seeks votes through demonising law-abiding Muslims, and heightening racial tension in stable communities, the BNP alarmingly share a common interest with fringe Islamic radical sects in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Cast your minds back to the Robert Cottage chemical weapons terrorist story as featured on this blog ("the retrial proper is to begin shortly"), it was Mr Cottage's troubled wife who alerted police to the evil plans of her disturbed husband.
She revealed in her sworn testimony that Mr Cottage had regularly boasted of wanting to shoot Mr Blair and Lib Dem peer Lord Greaves. His mind full of racist conspiracy theories surrounding 7/7 and 9/11, he planned to turn drunken bravado into action, stockpiling weapons for the advent of some final battle.
Chilling stuff, indeed!
In their polished, spin-doctored election broadcasts, and Radio Four soundbites, the media-savvy BNP make constant references to their battle against religious extremism, while saying very little about their secretive side, and their belief in conspiracy theories.
During occasional moments of heightened racist fervour, the goggle-eyed prince of spin allows the ugly truth to surface. Last weekend, a journalist from The Times captured a sinister "off-the-record" remark from Griffin, which encapsulated the murky world of violent national socialism stumbled upon by would-be chemical weapons terrorist Robert Cottage.
Nick Griffin groundlessly accused the religion of Islam of deliberately poisoning white Britons with heroin (using the vile racist terminology: - "paki poison" - although, folks, he says he's no racist), despite the fact that the Koran (of which he claims he's an expert), forbids violence, racial and religious hatred, and decrees the use of all narcotics (not just alcohol) as a sin.
Poppy growing in Afganistan was crushed by the the Taliban as a heracy against God, but nothing short of brain power, stops a good (or in this case, evil) conspiracy theory.
There are always gullible people prepared to believe anything, even that the Moon landings were faked. The BNP's slander against Islam is thus tantamount to the blood libel of the "poisoned wells" which led to repeated genocides against Jewish people in the Middle Ages, and later, gave rise to Mein Kamph and the Holocaust.
Thanks for letting your cover slip, Nick Griffin. Humanity now knows, once and for all, like all lethal dictators, you are severely mentally deranged, and great a danger to society.
It is to be hoped the "men in white coats" arrive pronto to cart you off to the nearest "loony bin", before you can plan another Holocaust to deny, the mass slaughter of millions of innocent, law-abiding British Muslims.
To think, you had the guile to disown yourself from the actions of David Copeland, when both of you share the same lust for mass murder.
"You're about as much a true Christian as much as a fanatical suicide bomber is, a true Muslim".
GROSS Hypocrisy is the lifeblood of ordinary, everyday "brown-nosed" party politics (á la "weapons of mass destruction" and "cash for honours"), but (to take an Orwellian narrative), some hypocrisy is more blatant than others.
It doesn't take a degree in nuclear physics to understand that the BNP are guilty of everything they themselves are supposedly against. A party of law and order, they have thieves, rapists, wife-beaters, violent attackers, benefit cheats, and chemical terrorists in their alumni. Not forgetting their "street warriors", far-right supporting football hooligan gangs.
So much for the integrity of their Swindon street wardens.
A party of truth, Nick Griffin is a notorious Holocaust denier and anti-Semite.
A party of integity, they state an intention to end all overseas goverment aid, resulting in the deaths of millions of people worldwide.
A party of freedom, the BNP have expressed a candid wish to shut down the politically independent BBC, replacing it with a Goebbels-like propaganda weapon of racial hatred and division.
A party for the working class, the BNP would shut down all unauthorised (genuine, non-racist) trade unions, replacing it with the shadowy (Hitler-Youth like), whites-only BNP "trade union" Liberty.
Oh, and if you live in a deprived council estate in Dagenham, or elsewhere, and you are young and unemployed, living in bad housing, think again, if you believe a BNP government would leave you happy, wealthy, and contented.
Far right regimes all around the world, from Germany, Spain, Argentina, and Chile, have claimed to support the poor through their love of the nation, but, once in charge, have shown nothing but disdain for the marginalized poor, peasants, and the underclass.
Don't go thinking the BNP would spend money on public services such as schools and hospitals, let alone youth centres, where "dangerous young people" might develop their own anarchistic ideas. Money would be spent on controlling the minds and bodies of you, the people, and keeping the BNP elite in the lap of luxury, as per par with money-grabbing dictators.
Youth, as in the Hitler Youth days, would be tightly controlled.
Young people would not be permitted to have lives of their own.
Youth and community workers would disappear.
Priests and religious leaders would be tortured.
Anyone showing dissent, promptly executed.
Oh, and there would be no freedom of any kind. There would most likely be workfare, slave labour, and the like. If you think McJobs are pretty ropey, just you wait until the MasterRace start using poor people living on council estates as cannon fodder.
Anti-racists are all too often dismissed contemptively as "do-gooders", as if doing good and thinking of others is wrong and stupid. Actually, it makes sense in caring, and thinking of others, regardless of their appearance, religious beliefs, colour, or social background. "Loving thy neighbour" isn't necessarily about morals, ethics, or religion. It makes common sense to live in a peaceful, tolerant society, where everybody can get on with their own lives without hating others, or worrying "who exactly hates me".
Ditch the suspicion. Ditch the paranoia. Ditch the lies, distortions, and mistruths of the BNP. Get a life, enjoy relationships, music, food, video-on demand, whatever. If you cannot enjoy life because you are suffering, alone, and having issues, don't allow yourself to be duped that things would be better under the BNP.
Things would get worse... much, much worse.
Another accusation aimed towards anti-fascists, is that we don't have fun. Well, if you truly believe such lies, you've never attended a Love Music Hate Racism gig in your life.
French Fuhrer Jean Marie LePen, recently suggested young, unmarried people should stick to masturbation instead of engaging in sex.
It seems the far right, while villifying Al Qaeda, are reliant upon puritanical Christian extremists for some of their votes, just as in America. Not only will abortions be banned, and gay and lesbian people be persecuted. Every aspect of your life, living in a fascist state, would be controlled and regulated.
Under the dark days of Nazi Germany, sexual freedom was stricly prohibited. Sex was limited to procreation, in particular, the production of a master-race of blonde-haired, blue-eyed Aryan babies.
If you like the sound of being told what you can and can't do in bed, by your white supremacist Taliban-style government, and you regard this as kinda cool, be our guest... vote BNP.
You must protect the British Heritage, as your BNP keep telling you. They are indeed true. In those wonderful, halycon Victorian days, lovemaking by anything other than the missionary position was strictly forbidden. Just try to turn a blind eye to the BNP's swinging orgies and homoerotic action movies.
THE holier than holy are allowed indescretions...
Hitler's Nazis, while persecuting sexual freedoms of the masses, got up to all sorts of "alternative activites" behind closed doors.
Oh - don't go listening to drum and bass or r&b on your car stereo or IPod. A ban on music of non-Aryan origin likely, to please their far-right paymasters in the American Ku Klux Klan, racist folk music, banjos, and lute twanging, would be order of the day. Expect polyphonic renditions of Auty and Cromie's dreary pseudo-Celtic "pop classics", kids!
All your favourite Quentin Tarantino movies would disappear also, although don't believe this would mean you will be living in a less violent society. Authoritarian, unjust, cruel, and highly criminal society, living under fascist rule will spell years of unending misery.
If you're after patriotic escapism, don't expect Britain or England to be more successful at sports. Without black, Asian or Jewish prospects in football, rugby, and cricket, victories in major sporting events won't come easy, not that we will be allowed to compete for many trophies, once an anti-apartheid boycott on British sporting teams is established.
According to the BNP, Olympic double-gold medal winner Kelly Holmes, World Cup final try scorer Jason Robinson and boxer Amir Khan can never be British. Nor can Private Johnson Beharry, a black British soldier who recently won the Victoria Cross in Iraq.
Don’t forget, the British Army regiment with the most VCs are the Ghurkas.
Next are the Sikh regiments who fought in the Second World War. These people were proud to fight for the British Army.
Fascist Britain would be ostracised worldwide, meaning financial collapse and social decay, as investors from Europe, America, China, Russia, Australia, India, Ireland, and just about everywhere else, would sell up their shares, and stop investing in British industry.
Corporate responsibility is the name of the game - fair-trade coffee, environmentally produced lettuce, etc. Slave labour and mass murder of political dissidents, wouldn't go down well with share holders.
Forget Guantanamo Bay. The whole of the British Isles would be turned into a torture camp, with floggings and executions daily. Failing to salute a BNP official would result in immediate punishment.
Human rights abuses continue to this day across the world (check out Amnesty International to discover more). If supposedly sanitised neo-Nazis like the BNP were to "turn feral", and destroy democracy, Britain would well and truly, in the words of an Alf Garnett-style bigot, "go to the dogs!!!"
Thus, folks, the British National Party are dangerous, deceitful, and a threat to democracy.
You might think we are exaggerating what a BNP Britain, but who during the rise of Adolf Hitler, when many successful people joined the Hitler youth, imagined the Holocaust would happen?
THINK long and hard before using the BNP as a protest vote.
THINK what hardships and injustices a BNP government would inflict, not just upon the lives of others.
THINK how you personally would make YOUR OWN LIFE a bloody misery.
THE next time you hear a Griffin or Collett prattling on about freedom of speech and democracy, imagine their true genocidal intentions, the paranoid netherworld the social misfit Robert Cottage stumbled upon, a deluded philosophy of hardcore white supremacy that the slickest, most media-friendly ("we're not Nazis, lol") veneer, cannot cleanse.
Leopards cannot change their spots, and the BNP is part of a global network of hatred and fear far more deadly than Al Qaeda.
If the BNP are not as they claim, Nazis, why do they attend conferences and worldwide gatherings with the scum of the earth, enjoying the company of the Ku Klux Klan, and SS Veterans? An anti-racist blog, Unite Against Fascism's primary concern is for the victims of hatred and injustice, to make a better world (to paraphrase Martin Luther king) in which we will all be free, whatever our sexual orientation, gender, race, and background.
Muslims, gay and lesbian people, black, white, mixed-race and Asian, we are all at risk from the threat of organised racism. If you wish to find out more, check the links at the side of the blog for information, materials, etc.
Teachers, contact the Unite Against Fascism central office on 0207 833 4916, or Love Music, Hate Racism at 0207 924 0333.
Together we will do our bit to help make the world fairer and safer for everybody, by defeating the odious fascist threat. Life isn't ideal. At times, it's grossly miserable and unfair for us all, but please consider how much worse life would be under a BNP fascist dictatorship.
You cannot help but pity the smalltown, warm-beer, little Englander nostalgists whom the BNP are recruiting to their ranks to stand for election, as they get brainwashed from mild xenophobia into a worldwide white supremacist network of Norse gods, conspiracy theories, Stormfront, SS Veterans, eugenics, and the Ku Klux Klan.
Having discovered the fascist nature of the BNP, Andy Sykes and Maureen Stowe were faced with death threats and hate mail akin to leaving a sinister Wako-like religious cult. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/3896213.stm)
ASK YOURSELVES: - Is this the behaviour of a bona-fide political party?
The BNP are dangerous, and must be stopped.
Very nice article, SNTR.
A big contribution from someone whose obviously got a lot to say. Keep it up SayNoToRacism and lancaster UAF.
Eerily enough, there has been connections between neo-Nazis and American religious cults.
The BNP are far more sinister than I had ever imagined.
I see those morons on stormfront haven't worked out that this article wasn't written by Ketlan yet. They're so fucking stupid,.
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