The BNP tries hard to project respectability. BNP canvassers are told to dress smartly and be polite, to remove themselves as far as possible from the party's thuggish image. They claim to be ordinary hardworking family men and women.
On the morning of Sunday 29 April two teams gathered outside Epping station. One was a group of local anti-fascists preparing to deliver leaflets in wards in which BNP candidates were standing. The other was from the BNP.
One of the BNP members held a video camera. Her brown trouser suit could perhaps pass as smart. But inside, bursting to get out, was the worst type of hate-filled nazi yob that Nick Griffin, the BNP leader, claims is no longer what BNP members, let alone council election candidates, are like.
Leni Riefenstahl she ain't. Her film, despite its appalling out-of-focus and very shaky camerawork, including shots of the ground, quickly appeared on a nazi website under the imprint of Covert Undercover Nuisance Tactics (pathetic!). An added soundtrack included such choice lines as "I'm an a***hole, I'm a f***ing w****r", and other similar expressions, reflecting the musical taste and self esteem of the film's creator.
We somehow doubt whether Griffin will hire her to make the official party film of the next BNP Red White and Blue festival.
We understand that Transport for London are reviewing CCTV footage from outside Epping station because of her pushy behaviour which caused concern among passengers.
After she had finished shooting her footage, the BNP supporters left Epping station on a high, fuelled up to distribute their leaflets of lies and try and con some people to vote for them. The anti-fascists delivered the Hope not Hate leaflet in Epping. This was extremely well received by residents, several of whom came out to talk to the leafleters or made contact later. One man even dropped what he was doing and joined the leafleting team for the rest of the afternoon.
May 01, 2007
Griffin fails again to quash BNP yob tendency
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Who exactly runs the anti-semitic yet pro-BNP "CUNTS" website???
They are indeed aptly named for a bunch of racist scumbags.
Tommy Williams I think aka Sniper69
"Club foot" Tomy Edwards, to his friends.
I think the site is actually run by the Wolfs Hook bunch who are yet another cover for the Nationalist Alliance.
Tommy Williams is just a thug with a string of assault charges to his name and a passion for violence and womanising including sleeping with the Polish girlfriend of Roy James the idiotic BNP member who liked to talk alot on the Sheffield forums. He has also fathered 11 children to seven different women but probably not bright enough to instigate such an organisation alone.
Known members of the c.u.n.t.s are
William King a.k.a Billy King which is also a play on words. King is a staunch Ulster loyalist and is proud of his King Billy tag. King has served time for violence and public order offences in Northern Ireland despite living in the UK, near Barnsley to be precise.
Elvis, so named after he assaulted a man for standing on some blue suede shoes he was wearing during a National Front march in the 80's. Elvis, real name Steven Jones is also a football hooligan and convicted thug.
Pork Pie, real name Steven Windle. Another thug who stands at about 6' 4" an ex-boxer who has taken up coaching in the Yorkshire area. Windle is a nasty bit. As far as I know he's still working as a doorman in the Leeds area. Another known hooligan.
All the above have connections with Combat 18, the British Movement, National Front as well as other lesser nazi organisations including the BNP.
I bet I'll have more later from those who have had more personal dealings with them. I think they are also associated with John Griff Wood who it appears has recently had an injuction made against him for stalking a woman called Ruth who is the girlfriend of ex-BNP organiser for Sheffield Ian Caine. Anyone who has been reading the websites or even the Sheffield Forums will know the story even though the administrators have chosen to remove many of the posts.
Give me a few more hours and I should be able to find more and hopefully some links.
The John Griff Wood story is a bit complicated.
He did have an injunction against him from Iain Cains partner Ruth and he posted a picture of her on his laughable blog as well as stalking her and god knows what else with his reputation.
She posts on Sheffield Forum with the username xruthx and John Wood posts under the name Heeley Tyke on there. It was all a bit messy but they seem to have made up after Iain Cain and Roy James went on holiday to Thailand where they spent a fair bit of time shagging prositutes and Iains case ladyboys (this is not a joke).
Both Roy and Iain have joined the NNP along with a few other Sheffield BNP members.
John Griff Wood tried to rejoin the BNP last year and he used Roy and Iain as a reference, he also sold the BPP membership list to The CUNT's and a letter from a jailed BNP prisoner that was sent to JGW ended up in searchlight so he really isn't very popular with fellow Nazis. His username on stormfront is mentor.
There is a load of other stuff going off at the moment that could result in legal action so the less said the better.
To the person who posted the info about Tommy and Roy James ex partner, is there any chance I could get in touch with you?
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