Not much of a welcome in the hillside...
A couple of interesting rumours have come to us over the past few days, one of which is that BNP leader Nick Griffin is not allowed to have more than five non-family visitors at his Welshpool home at any one time. This must be a bugger, as the long-suffering BNP membership paid for his barn conversion into a (ho-ho) meeting/conference facility out of their donations and membership fees.
One wonders whether the reason for the ban is that there are too many member-funded leadership piss-ups on the premises or if it's just that Griffin never actually got planning permission for the conversion and the local council has finally put its foot down.
We'd (obviously) quite like to know more about this, so all information will be gratefully received via the comments or by email.
The other rumour tells of an incident where a large number of windows were broken down on t'farm - Griffin's farm, that is - presumably at one of the aforementioned piss-ups. Apparently, the incident was reported to the police but Griffin's complaint was met with complete indifference.
Griffin needs to watch out. The newly-proscribed lunatic Tony Lecomber is out there, angry at finally being booted out of the party hierarchy and still itching to assassinate someone.
Stormfront fighting Griffin challenge
Meanwhile, back at the appalling Stormfront, Griffin-supporter and financial-backer John Joy Tree/Andy Robertson is causing havoc by closing down threads and banning members who show any sign of support for Chris Jackson, the hardline nazi who is allegedly standing against Griffin in the first leadership challenge of his long dictatorship.
JJT's actions are proving so irritating to Stormfront members and erstwhile Griffin-supporters that they are writing to us to tell us how angry they are. Just yesterday we received an email from a recently-banned member that stated in no uncertain terms that if JJT's actions were what passed for democratic in Griffin's world, he could shove his vote up his butt and Chris Jackson could rely on his support instead. God knows why this person's emailing us rather than Griffin but we don't really care - we love to see dissent in the nazi ranks. :-)
The worst web page in the world?
We're going to break the habit of a lifetime and put a direct link to a nazi page, not because there's anything there that anyone in their right mind would be likely to want to read - simply because it must deserve some prize as possibly the worst web page in existence.
We're pretty sure worse ones exist and it might be a laugh to see a few so feel free to send us some links, but ohmigod, the Final Conflict page is truly ghastly, even if you ignore the content - assuming you can find it. Go take a peek before it's removed out of sheer embarrassment. If this is all the master-race can manage, we really don't have much to worry about.
On a much darker note:
Nazi Stormfront forum attacks Jordan's 'half-breed' disabled child
The Stormfront forum, owned by ex-KKK klansman Don Black (a very good friend of Nick Griffin), has hosted a particularly filthy attack on the model Jordan (Katie Price), or rather her son Harvey. Harvey, who is four years old, suffers blindness and autism (caused by septo-optic dysplasia) but is a target for the far-right not simply because he's disabled but because he's the product of a mixed-race relationship.
We'll warn you before you continue - these comments are both disgusting and deeply offensive to any normal human. It's also worth remembering that most of the BNP leadership are happy to post on Stormfront and share space with these vermin.
'I know it's a terrible thing to say about a disabled child,but that half breed child is repulsive...'
'Her niglet is utterly abhorrent, really disgusting to look at...'
'Bad genes, and yes the child is horrid...'
'Yes,the kid is repulsive.I feel a tad guilty saying that about a disabled kid,but it's partly the fact it's half black...'
'Aside from being a fat, fuck ugly niglet, I was under the impression that the only other disability it had was being blind, although I have never really paid much attention to these two overexposed idiots...'
'These whores like Jordan should have more consideration for what they are bringing into the world...'
'Price has allowed herself to be impregnated by a nig, but hypocrites like Jolie, Madonna etc have gone round the world adopting niglet kids, yet would never let a nig near them in real life...'
'The child is a mong. Half bred mong, nice. Also I find mongs just that.No mongs in my famliy.'
Pure filth.
June 03, 2007
News in brief from way over on the far-right
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Im surprised that since Griffin has such a restriction on him that he's stillallowed to head a party, and that the BNP is allowed with him heading it. I say just disband the lot of them.
Im not surprised with the behaviour of stomfront. Those monkeys never talk sense as you can see by the random comments theyve been leaving me lately here
"I say just disband the lot of them."
I don't think you'd find any disagreement around here.
Further to the JJT stuff, this is from the North west nationalist site
"Stormfront bans Chris Jackson supporters
Stormfront UK is now showing it's bias. The current writer has been banned a record six times for no reason. We hear that a Chris jackson senior supporter and signator MIKE EASTER has also been banned from SFUK, for no reason.
Now we see that a few are now being banned off SFUK, for not supporting crook Griffin.
No wonder scumbag and Stormfront owner Don Black ,was shot in the USA a few years back, in an assassination attempt."
Youre right about that final conflict page - it's horrible!
The FC page is hysterical but those comments about Jordan's kid are appalling. It doesn't matter who she is or what colour the kid is, to say the things those scumbags on stormfront said is just disgusting.
I would rate your site as more credable if it was even handed in it's condemnation of wrongs
Who has banned Griffin from seeing more than 5 none family members? Is he still on police bail, I thought he got off that Leeds court case last year. If he is still on bail then there most be more charges to come, lets hope they bag him this time.
wasn't north west nationalist hounded out of the bnp and nationalism in general because he supported the drug habit of his brother and his black girlfriend. is that why nobody likes him? never heard of final conflict, they must have formed in the wake of those thugs at c.u.n.t.s
'Who has banned Griffin from seeing more than 5 none family members?'
Dunno - that's the joy of rumour though we've had another email which suggests the rumour is coming from a couple of different directions.
'Is he still on police bail, I thought he got off that Leeds court case last year.'
He did. I doubt if bail is anything to do with it - though my guess is that the BNP would keep that VERY quiet if it was the case.
'wasn't north west nationalist hounded out of the bnp and nationalism in general because he supported the drug habit of his brother and his black girlfriend.'
That's right. Lovely aren't they, these nazis. So loyal to their comrades.
'never heard of final conflict'
I think they're the paramilitary wing of the Muppets. At least judging by their webpage.
Rah said...
I would rate your site as more credable if it was even handed in it's condemnation of wrongs that's not going to happen is it? Jamal's got a similar line in ZOG arguments as the BNP.
"I would rate your site as more credable if it was even handed in it's condemnation of wrongs"
This isn't really the right place for an argument like this. I'd suggest emailing Jamal direct or at least taking it over to his blog. This is the lancaster uaf blog.
Anonymous said...
This isn't really the right place for an argument like this. I'd suggest emailing Jamal direct or at least taking it over to his blog. This is the lancaster uaf blog.
You are right but I would never have seen the site if the link hadn't been put up here, but it was so I commented on it
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