Since the announcement of Chris Jackson's leadership challenge, those emails have stepped up dramatically, with those who oppose Nick Griffin and his pathological lust for money providing us with a pile of information on dodgy-dealings, mismanagement and sexual shenanigans that we could never hope to prove and that would find us in court for libel within minutes. But if we move the money stuff to one side for a moment (though not entirely because wherever there is Griffin, there is always money) there is another theme that emerges and is emerging more each day, presumably as rumour and conjecture spreads itself rapidly through the BNP's ranks - Croatia.
Croatia-related rumours have been buzzing around the BNP like recalcitrant flies for quite a while now, each one providing us and our anti-fascist colleagues with a little more information and a yearning for a lot more. In fact, recent emails have given so much information (thank you to the senders) that we're able to extrapolate a good deal more for ourselves. So here's the Croatia stuff. Bear in mind that much of this is rumour, hint, suggestion and conjecture - though many of our readers, particularly those who are in the British National Party itself, will recognise the truth contained in the article and we would hope that they would have the good sense to demand some answers from the party's clearly corrupt leadership.
From what we can gather, there are four investment partners involved in the Croatia deal - Griffin himself, Simon Darby, Andrew McKillop and a fourth who hasn't yet been identified but certainly will be soon. All we know about him at the moment is that he's young and had (past tense) a substantial amount of money (from a death in his family) that Griffin got to hear about.
Griffin we already know but for the benefit of those who have never heard of the other two, Darby is an ex-member of the National Democrats/National Front who attended an American Friends of the BNP meeting in the States wearing a National Alliance T-shirt (the anti-semitic and white supremacist National Alliance is America's most hardline nazi group: founded by William Pierce, author of The Turner Diaries, the book that inspired Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and London nail bomber David Copeland). Darby continues to be one of the leading figures within the BNP, to the extent that Griffin designated him as stand-in leader were he to be imprisoned during his 2005/6 trials.
Andrew McKillop is a writer and consultant on oil and energy economics and is the co-editor of The Fuel Energy Crisis (Pluto Press, 2006), which explores the crisis in fossil fuels. He has also written about the 'Peak Oil' crisis and lives in France. McKillop, we are reliably informed by Searchlight is a member of the BNP's 'inner-circle' and is Griffin's 'Peak Oil' inspiration.
And here's the crunch. Griffin and Co are said have purchased a chunk of land over in Croatia, down South and close to the border, roughly thirty kilometres from Knin. The area of the land is approximately 26 hectares (around 65 acres) and at the moment has a couple of derelict buildings on it, probably old barns or other farm buildings. The cost of the land was about £30,000. There are plans afoot apparently though, if that is indeed the case, Griffin and his little consortium don't seem in any mad dash to get on with it - as far as we can ascertain no-one has been back to the site since March.
Whether they are acted upon or not, the plans seem to be to move a few of the BNP's operations over to Croatia - ones we've heard repeatedly include a CD/DVD-pressing facility, recording studio and Freedom newspaper - plus the long-awaited BNP radio station seems to be on the cards again if the investment cash becomes available. There is a further and much more elaborate plan to create a bizarre eco-friendly holiday camp (our information indicates that McKillop is to design eco-friendly cabins) powered by solar panels and wind turbines, and to grow organic veg, keep goats and cattle for the milk, free-range chickens for their eggs and so on. A tributary to the River Krka runs through the land so fresh water is abundant. Pretty much what most of us would like to do really, except for the BNP being involved.
The idea - at least as presented to the outside world - seems innocent enough. It's a plan for a nationalist holiday camp - all spot-on as far as energy consumption goes but like a giant perpetual Red, White and Blue Festival only made available to nationalists from all over Europe. In fact our understanding is that the Front National was going to fund the whole project but with Le Pen facing a leadership challenge and the modernisers, who have no high regard for Griffin or the BNP, moving in to change the party, this idea fell flat along with the attempts to get funding from other groups like Belgium's fascist Vlaams Bok.
Generalising outrageously, the BNP would seem to have picked a good location for Butlitz. Following the conflict in the nineties, Croatia was left largely Catholic and in the words of one writer 'fiercely nationalistic, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim', all of which, if true, would be perfect for Griffin.
We would regard all this as simply another of Griffin's more elaborate get rich quick schemes if it were not for a few comments that have been made in some of our emails that seem to tie in neatly with an article that appeared in Searchlight in April of this year. In this article, the writer speculated on what precisely the BNP was planning for the future:
'Since those days [the Oldham, Burnley and Bradford riots of 2001] there has been a growing belief that the BNP was working to a secret agenda as well as its public one. Even party members are concerned at the build-up of the BNP’s private army of security guards and the large sums of money spent on their training.
After the European elections in 2004 when the BNP got 800,000 votes but no MEPs, Nick Griffin said that the party might have to consider alternatives to the ballot box. At the time this attracted no more than a ripple of interest. Clearly the BNP leader was harking back to his days running the National Front Political Soldiers faction, when he was happy to rub shoulders with extremists including terrorists of many political hues.
More recent developments add to the evidence about where the BNP might be heading if it fails to make any real breakthrough at the ballot box.
Last autumn the BNP organised its first clay pigeon shoot in Yorkshire, attended by Griffin and BNP councillor Richard Barnbrook as a fundraising and social event but also to build up a core of party members who know how to handle guns.
Then Matthew Single, a regular BNP election candidate in Essex, boasted to the local press that he had been promoted to third in Griffin’s personal security detail and claimed that he had undergone “intensive training”. He has also started training BNP activists in “anti-hijack evasive driving”. Single has twice escaped justice in the courts and was in hot water over a false entry on his election papers last May.
And last month Griffin made an interesting remark as an aside in his blog about his speaking tour of East Anglia, writing: “During the English Civil War (in due course, it will of course have to be called the First English Civil War, in order to differentiate it from the one to come)…”. Was it Griffin who inspired Robert Cottage to stockpile explosives for what he told Manchester Crown Court in February were preparation for the coming race war?
Finally, why has the BNP stated that it is especially keen to recruit serving and recently retired police and army officers?'
One of our correspondents from within the BNP added to this speculation when he referred to Butlitz, stating that it 'is planned to be a bolt hole for key BNP leaders and publicity people when [as they believe may well happen] the BNP is driven underground'.
We really should state that here at Lancaster UAF we don't believe the party is going to have to go underground at any point in the foreseeable future unless, of course, it is planning some radical changes to how it is perceived by the public. If it was going to be proscribed, it would have happened when Tony Lecomber was toting for killers to assassinate key politicians and public figures or when the BNP reprinted the prophet pictures to deliberately provoke conflict with the Muslim community or when one of the many attacks provoked and encouraged by the party was committed but at the moment, no chance.
Nevertheless, it seems that the BNP hierarchy believes that might be the case (one wonders why) and this, tied in with the information in the Searchlight article quoted above and some of the comments made by Griffin in our article 'The BNP's secret agenda: just making money or civil/race war?' leads one to speculate on whether, instead of an eco-friendly Butlitz, we're going to see a BNP-organised paramilitary training camp set up.
Wherever there is talk about the BNP and Croatia, there is speculation (often widely differing) about its objective. The simple answer is that it's yet another way to fleece BNP members out of their hard-earned cash, effectively being an investment for Nick Griffin's retirement fund. The complicated answer is the move towards the paramilitary which, as Searchlight suggests, may not be quite as bizarre as it appeared to be when the idea first gained some traction.
Either way, the membership should know what the leadership is up to, where its money is being invested and what the plans are for the future. Typically, the membership are the last to hear of anything happening in the BNP. If Griffin truly believes that he and his cronies may need a bolt hole in the near future, it's safe to assume that there is some plan afoot which will alienate the BNP completely from the public and, rather more dramatically, the government. Griffin and co will then tootle off to their safe house in Croatia leaving the membership to take the flak. Does this sound likely? Well, from all we've read of Griffin and the bunch of wasters at the top of the BNP, yes it does.
Just a couple of weeks ago, we reported on the BNP's most recent idea for money-making - the mortgage brokers. We pointed out that Avocado the mortgage broker appeared to be a spin-off from a page that hinted at the existence of yet another BNP potential earner, Avocado Finance, presumably another brokerage where loans could be obtained via the BNP from a third-party. Although we know the BNP is virtually bankrupt all these appendages to the party simply seem to have the effect of draining off cash - someone has to design the web page, someone has to pay for the server space and the domain name and so on, and no income - or virtually none - derives from any of these ventures, no matter how elaborate they are. In fact, the profligate company start-up habit that the BNP seems to have developed only seems to point in one direction - desperation.
It's true that the BNP is desperate for cash - we all know that. But now Griffin is flailing around for finance for his potential Croatian bolt-hole. As we mentioned earlier, there are just a couple of derelict buildings on the site in Croatia, meaning that development has to be funded, and the figure we've heard (from a couple of different sources, which doesn't make it correct but gives it some validity) is £40,000. Yes, you read that right. Forty thousand smackers or Nick Griffin doesn't get his bolt-hole, his refuge in the event of everything, as he clearly believes it will, going pear-shaped.
And where will he get the money? Where else but the gullible, manipulable and ever-exploitable BNP membership?
All this speculation ties in rather neatly with a post that has just appeared (yesterday) at the Britain Forward website (reprinted at Voice of Reason) which poses the following questions:
'Perhaps the problem is that Nick Griffin and those close to him have taken their eyes off the ball and have their minds on a speculative property purchase in Croatia and setting up offshore bank accounts. Where is all the money coming from? Is it part of Nick Griffin’s personal fortune or is it the members’ money? And is Nick Griffin using senior members as a conduit to ship money abroad?'
That last question is particularly interesting - and should be gripping BNP members like a vice - especially when we consider a throwaway sentence in one of our correspondent's emails;
'An investment company registered by one of the BNP's wealthy accountants in the Isle of Man is the end of the trail...'
There might well be a Butlitz, a paramilitary training camp or a bolt-hole for Griffin and his gang over in Croatia but it's pretty clear that there's still a hell of a lot more of this story yet to come out.
This may all be true but without specific information and evidence, this just looks like a crude and long winded mischief making exercise.
Why don't you include the "fact" that the Trafalgar club belongs to Nick Griffin in all this?
Possibly because you have been asked repeatedly to produce the evidence and failed.
The more you allege without producing evidence, the more you undermine yourself.
Where is the wolf?
It'll be interesting to see if the BNP deny having this place in Croatia. I'd be willing to bet they will keep their mouths very firmly closed.
Looks like Lancasteruaf has got a friend in Chris Jacksons political camp.
Why don't you include the "fact" that the Trafalgar club belongs to Nick Griffin in all this?
What the hell has the Trafalgar Club got to do with it.This articles about Croata.
"Looks like Lancasteruaf has got a friend in Chris Jacksons political camp."
Looks more like Lancaster UAF has a friend in the BNP itself. Quite high by the look of things. Great article mates.
As a former BNP member, organiser and friend of Griffin, I have to say that this story has the ring of a 'half truth' to it.
It sounds very much like a repeat, updated and slightly amended to fit in with the BNP as it now stands, of the ridiculous attempts by the Griffin-founded ITP to set up a European Nationalist Village in Spain (and another in France, others planned all over the place).
Of course, these all failed, miserably, as does anything involving money which also involves Griffin.
I have to say that I do not believe this story. I think (in fact, I know) that Griffin is more than capable of stealing tens of thousands of pounds from fellow patriots in order to get himself a nice foreign holiday home, and the way it is portrayed here sounds like a typical Griffin scam - and a typical failed Griffin scam. However, I simply do not believe that the BNP has £30,000 spare to buy land overseas, I don't believe that they would even consider relocating party production outside of the UK, I don't believe that they seriously believe they need a bolt-hole, and I don't beieve that this could be hidden.
Surely a saearch of land purchases, companies house and a few other places would soon reveal the owners of the site? If indeed there is a site? There are very few Griffin would trust to hold land for him, so he would be one of the director's - and, no doubt, the only one with voting or veto powers.
I think that this will be proven to be an elaborate hoax, but one that will run for some time, simply because it is so close to what Griffin has done before and because, despite their denials, even the most loyal Griffinites know that he is more than capable of doing this sort of thing. But without some sort of documentary proof, I have to say that I do not believe this story; it has probably come out of the NNP wing of the pro-Jackson camp.
If you want to see his next 'big idea' to seperate patriots from their hard-earned cash, I would advise you to keep an eye on what Harrington says and does - not that they have any elaborate plan to work together, but simply as Harrington is so clearly being set up as the patsy to take the blame (and debt, bailiffs and legal action?) for Griffin's next round of schemes, and Harrington is of low enough intelligence and big enough ego to be easily manipulated by the more ruthless, and much more competant, Griffin.
LOL Hi de heil. Killer.
The story is true, it just doesn't go far enough.
"I simply do not believe that the BNP has £30,000 spare"
It doesn't Read the story again and if your really involved in the BNP you'll realise where the money came from.
Even is just the bedrock of this story is true and Nick Griffin is planning to push off to Croatia that should be enough to give BNP supporters an alarm call. Lets face it he's hardly been entirely honest with his people over the years has he and his behavious through this leadership crap is well out of order. Even if the party doesnt end up with a new leader ,it certainly seems time to rein him in a bit. All this farting about with moneyt and starting stupid new companies is going to be the death of the party yet.
"Where is the wolf?"
In Welshpool
"What the hell has the Trafalgar Club got to do with it.This articles about Croata."
This is playing the fool and it does not work. It is the second time (at least) you have cried wolf over corruption in the BNP.
The general theme of the article is that NG is stealing the BNP cash etc etc.
Croatia is just another example of this theme.
Just as the story about the Trafalgar Club was an earlier example of this theme.
You could not or did not provide the documents to prove your Trafalgar Club story.
And...you have not provided any really specific info or evidence to this Croatia story.
Your article is full of innuendo. Any info you provide is accompanied by qualification, such as "maybe" or "it has been said" etc.
This article is so full of this vague innuendo that it is likely to backfire and inspire genuine suspicion of anything it contains.
You have a duty to yourself, if nobody else, to back this story up better.
"You could not or did not provide the documents to prove your Trafalgar Club story."
The whole point of any reference to the trafalgar club is that there IS no documentation. Where are the accounts? Where is the money? Who gets it? See, there are no answers, yet is clear that the TC makes thousands every year. If it doesnt go to the BNP where the hell does it go? If it does go to the BNP why isnt it mentioned in the accounts. There is NO documentation because its fraud!
"You have a duty to yourself, if nobody else, to back this story up better."
What would you like UAF to do, provide the email addresses of the people who provided the information? The writer has made it clear what info he has and how he got it, making clear the limitations to it. That's more honest than anything you'd ever hear from the BNP.
I can reliably inform you that in the vicinity of this land purchase are land mines and I hope Griffin steps on one.
It won't be a paramilitary training camp but it will be a holiday camp or so he hopes. The greed of the oily greasy Griffin family knows no bounds.
You would think that someone out there could advise the BNP membership as to what they can do about Griffin's dirty deals and theft.
David Shapcott,ex Burnley organiser and now RWB organiser has been a frequent visitor to Croatia as well over the pass few years.
Might just be a coincidence.
Then again it might not
Well said Jo.
Message to 'flowers'
We're greylisted at your location. Have you another email address? If so, send it to the same place. :-)
'David Shapcott,ex Burnley organiser and now RWB organiser has been a frequent visitor to Croatia as well over the pass few years.'
There's an interesting fact. Is he tied into all this crap?
I wish the BNP would fuck off to Croatia!
Interesting stuff. You should forward all this stuff you've got on Nick Griffin on to Special Branch.
Is the 4th person Nick Cass? He's been to Coatia 3 or 4 times with Griffin.
"I would advise you to keep an eye on what Harrington says and does - not that they have any elaborate plan to work together, but simply as Harrington is so clearly being set up as the patsy to take the blame (and debt, bailiffs and legal action?) for Griffin's next round of schemes, and Harrington is of low enough intelligence and big enough ego to be easily manipulated by the more ruthless, and much more competant, Griffin."
Can you confirm that Griffin over the past two weeks has created 500 BNP members who don't exist? News is coming in from some branches of a surge in new members that no one has met. Will these nonexistent members be voting Griffin?
"Is the 4th person Nick Cass? He's been to Coatia 3 or 4 times with Griffin."
Didn't they say he was young???
"Can you confirm that Griffin over the past two weeks has created 500 BNP members who don't exist?"
That'll be interesting for Lancaster uaf if it's true!
So you get many emails from `fascists', a real coup for you and your microgroup.But not many of the British public are eading this.
That's right. We have a readership of three and we're two of them. Twat. If we're so tiny and insignificant, how come you bozos are always posting here?
Seems to me that the BNP membership and that corrupt leader of theirs deserve each other. If they can't be bothered to question him regarding the numerous corruption charges why the hell should anyone else bother? Sod em all.
"Read the story again and if your really involved in the BNP you'll realise where the money came from."
I'm NOT in the BNP, so where did it come from?
"Griffin over the past two weeks has created 500 BNP members who don't exist"
Hang on, surely he'd have to show the membership money in the accounts? Not this year maybe but certainly next. How would he get away with that?
"Hang on, surely he'd have to show the membership money in the accounts? Not this year maybe but certainly next. How would he get away with that?"
When has he ever shown the correct accounts? Many BNP members believe the membership figures are forged anyway.
"Interesting stuff. You should forward all this stuff you've got on Nick Griffin on to Special Branch."
They're *getting* this stuff from Special Branch.
Its part of the States latest tactic to try and disrupt the BNP's progress - the 'spread unsubstantiated rumours about finances and corruption' chapter in the Dirty Tricks Manual.
The real question is why are Lancaster UAF so willing to cosy up to the States Black Helicopter brigade ?
Anonymous said...
"I would advise you to keep an eye on what Harrington says and does - not that they have any elaborate plan to work together, but simply as Harrington is so clearly being set up as the patsy to take the blame (and debt, bailiffs and legal action?) for Griffin's next round of schemes, and Harrington is of low enough intelligence and big enough ego to be easily manipulated by the more ruthless, and much more competant, Griffin."
Can you confirm that Griffin over the past two weeks has created 500 BNP members who don't exist? News is coming in from some branches of a surge in new members that no one has met. Will these nonexistent members be voting Griffin?
As the anonymous who posted the fdirst bit, no, I cannot confirm the 500 new members bit as this is the first that I have heard of it. Again, I doubt if it is true. Why create 500 new fake members? He is guaranteed to win the leadership election anyway, why risk a possible expose?
And to answer an earlier poster, I still do not believe that the BNP has £30,000 to spend on a scheme like Croatia. Granted, nobody knows how much monmet the Trafalgar Club raises nor what happens to it, but this (possible, well alright, probable) pot of Griffin gold is put forward as the source of everything associated with Griffin. Either the club members are donating a few hundred thousand every year, with no questions asked (unlikely) or about 75% of all Griffin corruption and new business stories, as a minimum, are either false or highly exagerated. I feel that Croatia comes into the former category. As I said before, it is too close to his ideas in ITP, and too neat a story, to be true.
Not that it is impossible, but I still doubt this one. But I'll repeat myself once more - keep a close eye on what Harrington is involved with (especially what he is allowed to be a powerless figurehead in) and you can make a pretty shrewd guess as to where Griffin is trying to make some very dodgy money and needs a gulible idiot to take the fall when it goes wrong, or to be pushed out of the way if it starts to make money. And all conveniently removed from the BNP, as such.
'The real question is why are Lancaster UAF so willing to cosy up to the States Black Helicopter brigade ?'
Some of us just like helicopters. It's not our fault.
Joking aside and with our tin-foil hat on, it's always possible that disinformation is being spread by the State via anyone (including us) but in our case that opens up a whole other giant can of worms because a couple of useful emails have come to us directly from highly visible and known sources within the BNP itself. And no, we won't name them.
Let's not get into all the conspiracy shit because insanity is just another step further on.
Nobody I work with has ever given me reason to mistrust them - can anyone from the BNP say the same? Honestly?
Aren't a lot of people missing the answer to where the money came from? Seems to be it's stated pretty clearly in this paragraph.
"From what we can gather, there are four investment partners involved in the Croatia deal - Griffin himself, Simon Darby, Andrew McKillop and a fourth who hasn't yet been identified but certainly will be soon. All we know about him at the moment is that he's young and had (past tense) a substantial amount of money (from a death in his family) that Griffin got to hear about."
"The real question is why are Lancaster UAF so willing to cosy up to the States Black Helicopter brigade ?"
Can you state with absolute certainty that what is here is untrue? If you can, can we now see the Trafalgar Club accounts?
To say that the BNP doesn't have £30,000/£40,000 for Croatia is clearly untrue because Griffin was taking libel action through the courts last year using membership money. Libel actions cost thousands and it was Stephen Edwards that he had in court. Once again Griffin spends BNP money as he sees fit. Do you really think that if he won the libel action against Edwards he would give the proceeds to the party? No, he wouldn't and you didn't even know he was spending BNP money in court did you?
I think that everyone in the BNP was fully aware that Griffin was spending BNP members' money in the Edwards trial, also on the Stoke trial fiasco, that it was BNP members' money that went missing in the Ebanks trial, and so forth. This is why so many BNP members and former members are posting on here and giving out information - because Griffin is seen as the biggest threat to nationalism in the UK.
And yes, of course the BNP could find £40,000 for another Del Boy scheme. But there is only so much money, and so many schemes that could be financed by it, and I do not believe that Croatia is a going concern at BNP HQ. Too little evidence, too much speculation, too little return and too close to being a carbon copy of his more idiotic schemes when with ITP.
Search the sales of land records, Croatian records and so forth, provide evidence and prove me wrong, but until then, I don't believe that this is a genuine story. If you have received e-mails from people in the Griffin camp, the story may well be a smoke screen to cover up where the money has gone - and any future calls for investigation into BNP finances will be met with a reply of 'why? You think this is another Croatian story?'.
I'll say it once more - keep your eye on Harrington - he is immature and stupid enough to be used as the fall guy for all and any Griffin schemes - especialy the less-than-legal.
"Nobody I work with has ever given me reason to mistrust them..."
Oh well that's alright then. Because if someone *was* informing on you they'd be sure to let you know about it wouldn't they ?
You poor deluded idiot. We're not the ones that do the things that are informed about. We don't attack people, we don't stockpile bombs and weapons, we don't encourage riots or attempt to bomb mosques and we don't rip our membership off for a small fortune. We're the good guys, remember?
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