The second reason was that we wanted to preserve the first year of the Lancaster UAF blog – or at least the articles that we had written. Apart from giving a snapshot of the year from an anti-fascist viewpoint, the articles show the way the British National Party and other fascist groups operate and how we respond to their activities. The old blog, being based on a separate blog from the one at the current location, will probably end up in the same graveyard as all the dead web pages that have ever existed. Paper doesn’t, we hope, do the same thing. See, there are still some advantages to using paper.
We’ve been told that the blog is a valuable resource enough times that we now believe it, and valuable resources should be kept to be appreciated in a spare moment or two, so take a stroll through the highs and lows of 2006, have a laugh or two at the BNP’s expense (and several more at the expense of the even more stupid smaller fascist groups) and make good use of the list of organizations and websites at the back of the yearbook.
We’ve greatly enjoyed producing the book and we hope you enjoy reading it and, if you’re not already involved in fighting fascism, it encourages you to get active. Whether your activity involves raising awareness in your community, waving placards at demonstrations, delivering leaflets or starting your own website, we don’t mind – it’s the activity that’s important.
Fascism is a dire threat to our communities. The BNP and other fascist groups will exploit and encourage division for their own ends, regardless of the damage it causes, and it’s up to all of us to fight division and intolerance wherever we find it. We can only win if we are united in, if you’ll excuse the expression, our intolerance of intolerance.
Okay, that’s enough introduction. Go read the book…
Lancaster UAF Yearbook 2006
by Lancaster UAF
Download £3.99 ($7.24)
Paperback book £8.99 ($16.32)
The Lancaster UAF blog complete original articles collection for 2006 - plus some extras!
Download: 1 document (PDF), 3211 KB
Printed: 180 pages, 6.14" x 9.21", perfect binding, white interior paper (55# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (90# weight), full-colour exterior ink
Copyright: © 2007 Lancaster UAF Standard Copyright License
Available from here.
What a great idea for a fundraiser. Beats the shit outof going to see a bunch of crap bands.
Great idea folks!
Will you be publishing any accounts? Are you using the anti fascist cause as a means to make a living for yourself getting money for articles already published?
'Will you be publishing any accounts?'
I don't have anything to do with the accounts. That's what a treasurer is for.
'Are you using the anti fascist cause as a means to make a living for yourself getting money for articles already published?'
Definitely. You never know, I might make enough to start up a secondhand car dealership.
The answer is NO. I won't see a single penny of any money made from this. It will ALL go to Lancaster UAF for fighting you fascists. :-)
'Will you be publishing any accounts?'
I don't have anything to do with the accounts. That's what a treasurer is for.
Does Lancaster UAF have a treasurer? Will the sale of the books be recorded anywhere and details of the proceeds made clear for all to see?
Excellent idea. I shall be buying one.
You tell him. The yearbook is a really good idea, Something to keep for your hard-earned dosh and all going th keep the likes of the BNP at bay. Nice.
'Does Lancaster UAF have a treasurer?'
Yes, Lancaster UAF has a Treasurer (and it isn't me or anyone in any way related to me).
'Will the sale of the books be recorded anywhere and details of the proceeds made clear for all to see?'
Yep, on the Lulu page which is entirely out of my control. The accounts are available for anyone involved in Lancaster UAF (or indeed national UAF) to see whenever they want. We don't keep our accounts secret from members. In fact we don't have any secrets from members.
"You tell him. The yearbook is a really good idea, Something to keep for your hard-earned dosh and all going th keep the likes of the BNP at bay. Nice.".
Tell him? Wish he would. So far he has refused to state whether Lanc UAF has a treasurer and whether it publishes any accounts.
Yet you seem happy to hand over your "hard earned dosh" without knowing where it goes other than one persons say so...
Still a fool and his money etc......
Keep trying son. You're getting nowhere.
why does unite against freedom never post under there real name ?
there scared of the bnp
A brilliant idea antifascist.
I'm quite happy for UAF to raise funds as and when they see fit and the plonker that keeps on questioning UAF would be better directing it's comments to his beloved Nazi BNP.
I shall be buying a number of copies to pass round
Sweet idea UAF!
Excellent idea LUAF ,and I agree with what Rah said.:)
I'm quite happy for UAF to raise funds as and when they see fit and the plonker that keeps on questioning UAF would be better directing it's comments to his beloved Nazi BNP
So are you saying you dont care how UAF raises money but you do when its the BNP - not a very consistent standpoint that is it really?
I don't know why you keep allowing that idiots posts on here LUAF
For the laughs really. He's part of a party packed with criminals who are constantly involved with all kinds of criminal activity and he criticises us, the moron. It's amazing but it serves to remind us all that these people have no logic, no sense and no morals.
Oh dear Ketlan, you are still soooo desperate to be taken seriously as a 'journalist' aren't you ?!?
You clearly still haven't worked out that there's more to jouranlism than just pressing Ctrl+C followed by Ctrl+V on your keyboard have you ?!?
"For the laughs really. He's part of a party packed with criminals who are constantly involved with all kinds of criminal activity and he criticises us, the moron. It's amazing but it serves to remind us all that these people have no logic, no sense and no morals.".
FYI I am NOT actually part of ANY party so once again despite the recent statement you no longer assume people are "nazi" you have done so again.
When an organisation like UAF criticises the BNP for alleged financial practices is it unreasonable to ask if UAF are above board and practice what they preach? Apparently so.
As for criminals in political groups - they all have them. Even UAF as you no doubt know. In fact how many of them got arrested outside Leeds Court?
Anyway I have had a bit of fun and enjoyed the banter but I understand this is a UAF forum so won't post anymore.
Sighs of relief all round?
For what its worth "antifascist" has been resonably fair in allowing some of the posts to go on, not all though. And he can come back with some pretty good put downs.
I do think however that the person who posted about UAF hosting "crap bands" ought to be a bit more grateful though but maybe he deserves congratulations for at least being truthful?
'In fact how many of them got arrested outside Leeds Court?'
One, as far as I know, and he was arrested for being on the wrong side of the barrier.
'Oh dear Ketlan, you are still soooo desperate to be taken seriously as a 'journalist' aren't you ?!?'
If I was, I'd be a journalist.
'I do think however that the person who posted about UAF hosting "crap bands" ought to be a bit more grateful though but maybe he deserves congratulations for at least being truthful?'
Perhaps he just doesn't like going to see bands. A lot of people don't.
Wow, the tiny nazis are creeping out from under the furniture!
If you still have time to add some pics of Sid Williamson's house, let me know.
It's the only time I've ever thought that building council houses was a bad idea.
Then I remembered that the racist shites could be thrown out anyway because of their politics/anti-social behaviour.
I hear he's looking for a caravan to share with Watmough...
"Ketlan Loves Spam said...
Oh dear Ketlan, you are still soooo desperate to be taken seriously as a 'journalist' aren't you ?!?
You clearly still haven't worked out that there's more to jouranlism than just pressing Ctrl+C followed by Ctrl+V on your keyboard have"
Never mind the spelling. It's just great being a Sheffield Nutzi.
@Mr Fister
Not this time though we'll be happy to squeeze one into the next volume!
@Everyone else
Many thanks for the supportive comments. We really do appreciate it. We also desperately need funds so treat someone to the book for reading over their summer hols (if we ever see summer).
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