July 08, 2007

Tory chief faces rap over BNP blog blast

The Assembly’s Tory leader is being investigated over an attack he made on the British National Party.

Nick Bourne, Mid and West Wales AM, described the right-wing party as a “nasty, mean, distasteful and grubby bunch of sub-human flotsam and jetsam” in an article on his personal blog. The piece in February attracted more than 180 complaints to the Assembly under the rules governing the code of conduct of AMs.

The standards committee is expected to consider a report of an initial inquiry by the standards commissioner Richard Penn next week. The committee can recommend either no breach, that a breach is trivial and no action should be taken or that the AM should be excluded from Assembly proceedings for a specified time.

Mr Bourne stuck by his words this weekend, saying: “I have no intention of withdrawing any of the comments I made about the British National Party and its membership. Nor will I apologise for making them. The BNP is a divisive, dangerous organisation which exists to spread fear, hatred and bigotry. There is no place in a civilised society for their views and people from all political parties and none should stand together against them.”

The complaints against Mr Bourne are the among the first to be considered by the committee since the polls.

Phil Edwards, a spokesman for the BNP, said: “I think he should be put in the stocks, and tarred and feathered and driven out of town.”



Anonymous said...

Yes, he should be investigated. And once the investigation is over, given a knighthood or whatever bollocks it is that Tories like.

Anonymous said...

And Mr Fister should go back to sticking his hand up farm animals arses....

The cunt.

Antifascist said...

And that is one of the reasons we stop most fascist posts on here - because they're nearly all like that.

Anonymous said...

I've obviously upset someone.

Let's see.....

Oh yes, Sidney Pee Pee is a farm animal.

The most amazing reach around I've ever had. Nutzis like that.

Kirklees Unity said...

People should contact Nick Bourne and offer their support.

Its not often a Tory tells the truth.

Anonymous said...

pity you don't have the bottle to face the nazis face to face though you bunch of wimps. ketlan I'll batter you like I battered Mark Barnsley.

Anonymous said...

'pity you don't have the bottle to face the nazis face to face though you bunch of wimps. ketlan I'll batter you like I battered Mark Barnsley.'

What a pity you don't have the bottle to put your name to your post.

Anonymous said...

I've faced Nazis.

My most favourite time was over JT's grave.

Best dump I ever had.

I'll fight any Nazi that wants to, but not ones with black children like super tough-Nazi Ken of Brutal Attack fame, that would be racist........

Anonymous said...

People should contact Nick Bourne and offer their support.

Their condolescences the Standards Board has just found him guilty

Anonymous said...

I've faced Nazis.

My most favourite time was over JT's grave.

Best dump I ever had.

As LUAF need to raise funds, apparently, you should get in touch with the libdems - they'll pay for that sort of action and as someone on here has admitted they dont care how LUAF raises funds you'll all be happy

Anonymous said...

"sub-human"? That sounds like nasty Nazi language to me. What a hypocrite.