In a statement issued today, Murad said: "I have agreed, with some reluctance, to withdraw from the Hearing Sub-Committee of the London Assembly Standards Committee that is considering a complaint against BNP London Assembly Member and Barking & Dagenham councillor Richard Barnbrook.
"This is the result of an objection to my membership of the Sub-Committee by Mr Barnbrook, on the grounds that I am 'a consistent, forthright and bitter critic of the BNP' and have attacked him personally on my blog. He implies that I am not able to hear the case without prejudging its outcome.
"The complaint against Mr Barnbrook does not however concern his membership of a fascist party or its racist politics, both of which I have publicly condemned. It arises from his statement in September 2008 that two people had been murdered on the streets of Barking & Dagenham, when this was not in fact true. I am of course capable of judging this case on its merits, regardless of his or my other views.
"However, I have received legal advice that because of comments I have previously made about Mr Barnbrook, there may be legal grounds for an appeal if the Sub-Committee were to uphold the complaint against Mr Barnbrook. For that reason I have decided to stand down from the Sub-Committee."
London Assembly
Better to stand down than to give Barnes and Bumbrook a peg to hang thier appeal on.
Old Sailor
Agree, it's probably for the best. He's bang to rights anyway.
Murad has balls Barnbrook will never know what having balls actaully feels like
The pompus tosser
They should drag it out until December, then suspend mummies boy for six mouths, so that he can't stand in the elections on May 6th?
I am really sorry that Murad has been put in this position. He is quite correct in his statement, this complaint has got absolutely nothing to do with Dickys party, or his racist views.
The complaint has and always will be that he LIED. No argument. He has even admitted he lied.
But of course Murad has resigned for the right reasons, I just hope that the rest of the Board have the courage to uphold the recommendations that came out of the investigation.
Let's hope Bumbrook is treated without any sympathy since he publically anounced he was suffering from a mental illness.
The mental illness is called racism.
"Barnbrook will never know what having balls actaully feels like"
Cough! Er... sorry... jag har en tupp i halsen.
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