Following an attack on the BNP's 'election guru' Eddie Butler earlier this year, Lecomber was finally half-heartedly proscribed by the party.
At the time there was all kinds of speculation about exactly why Lecomber attacked Butler but up until now not many people know the truth. It has now been revealed in a widely-circulated letter from former Griffin-ally (and more, if you believe the rumours) Martin Webster that Lecomber, after a period of job-hunting but being able to find one thanks to his appalling criminal background, had approached one of the BNP councillors at Dagenham for a reference. This was to be made out to a false name and written on Barking and Dagenham Council official notepaper. According to Webster, Butler got to hear about this and put his foot down, absolutely forbidding any such thing to be done in the knowledge that, if it ever got out, there would be outrage flying at the BNP from all directions.
Lecomber, furious at Butler's intervention, launched the attack on him as he left Loughton Underground station and during the struggle, had his balaclava pulled off, thus revealing his identity. Following this astonishing event, Lecomber was promptly proscribed and cast into the wilderness.
Or so the members of the party were led to believe...
Never one to take any notice of the rules of his own party, Nick Griffin ignored the proscription notice (something that would have earned any mere member immediate dismissal) and contacted Lecomber shortly after the resignation of Jonathan Bowden in an attempt to get him to persuade Bowden to come back to the party following his angry decision to leave after the appalling accusations made against him by the Griffin attack dogs over at the Covert site.
Bowden, who already believed that the smears against him were inspired and encouraged by Griffin in revenge for his signing Chris Jackson's nomination papers in the recent leadership challenge, ignored the plea to return, publishing a resignation letter showed his anger at his mistreatment in no uncertain terms:
'I am sick and tired of the human scum and vermin which proliferate in such shallows waters. To be accused of being a child abuser is amongst the lowest thing that can possibly be imagined. To even refute such allegations from criminal psychopaths like these is beneath one’s dignity...I will seek to have police action carried out against this vile Internet site [Covert], but I also intend to resign as cultural officer, advisory council member and member of the BNP. I do not wish to associate - even tangentially - with such low-grade lycanthropes and psychotic criminals. Williams [Griffin-ally Tommy Williams], I gather, is a convicted drug dealer and career criminal with a string of convictions.'
Indeed, and the guy Griffin sent to try to persuade Bowden to come back to the BNP was a convicted terrorist and violent criminal with a string of convictions who shouldn't be anywhere near the BNP or any of its members. Once again we see the double-standards that the BNP leader lives by - one rule for him, one rule for everyone else.
And we wonder again - what precisely has Lecomber got on Griffin? It must be something good because he's always been kept close. If anyone knows, do tell.
He's harder to get rid of than rising damp!
Why the hell would Nick Griffin send Tony Lecomber after Jonathon Bowden? Does he really thing THAT would persuade him to come back to the party???
"what precisely has Lecomber got on Griffin?"
I wish I knew
Well this is news. I thought that silly bastard had disappeared off the face of the earth after the Joe Owens thing then the Butler attack and now here he is popping his head up again.
Fuck me. here we go again. More scandal at the BNP. What a party.
the civil war in keighley yesterday was a disaster
6 BNP members showed up and ate all the indigenous bacon butties .
However all was not lost We had a collection box for Nick and gathered a tiny sum By all accounts it was a successful BNP meeting
mark Collett
What nonsense you do talk.
Do you have one iota of evidence to support these ridicules allegations?
Blimey, a blast from the not so distant past.
I know what Le bomber has over Griffin.
But as usual I will just brag about it and do nothing because I am a no-mark who craves attention for myself and the Neo Numpty Party.
'Do you have one iota of evidence to support these ridicules allegations?'
Which ones did you have in mind? The Lecomber criminal record perhaps? Yes, we do. The assassination plot? Yes, we do. The attack on Eddie Butler? Yes, we do.
Your turn...
Interesting piece Lecomber is a well known face in barking & dagenham, popping up every now and then to support the muppets in the council chamber. would be very interested to know if you have the evidence of the letter written on headed notepaper though.
'would be very interested to know if you have the evidence of the letter written on headed notepaper though.'
Read the third paragraph again. :-)
"Once again we see the double-standards that the BNP leader lives by - one rule for him, one rule for everyone else."
That's true.
thanks anti facist, must get new glasses missed that bit.
"Bowden, who already believed that the smears against him were inspired and encouraged by Griffin in revenge for his signing Chris Jackson's nomination papers in the recent leadership challenge"
They were, i know that for a fact.
'thanks anti facist, must get new glasses missed that bit.'
No probs. ;-)
Its a pity Jonathan Bowden left. Next year he could have stood against Nick Griffin and he might have actually won. Maybe that's what this is all about. Nick got rid of him thinking he was the most likely future opposition then regretted it following all the fuss that was made both inside the party and on various blogs including here. God knows why he asked Tony Lecomber to go after him though.
This is Ebanks over at NWN
"I understand that Mike Easter has indeed been expelled from the BNP and given two weeks to appeal.
He is taking legal advice and this certainly will not be the end of the matter.
One of the many ironies of the situation is that Scott McLean, who used to be responsible for the BNP's internal disciplinary procedures, has resigned - so poor Tina Wingfield is now in charge of the expulsion/tribunal process.
Older readers will remember that Tina and her husband Martin described Nick Griffin as insane after his typically paranoid rants during an earlier nationalist split.
9:59 PM "
Ah, but at the last AC, Martin Wingfield DEMANDED the expulsion of Bowden for daring to sign the challenge. He called Bowden a "TRAITOR". This coming from a man who dares to edit something called 'THE VOICE OF FREEDOM' is now't but a sick joke.
THE BNP IS CORRUPT AND FINISHED. All Griffin has to do now to put it where the Zionists want it is to get rid of Butler and rumour has it that will happen very soon.
The knock on effect will be one of removing the BNP from the political arena and turning it into a pseudo cult/pressure group with Griffin making LOADS'A MONEY similar to the old NA."
A violent bomber conspiring to assassinate someone in government? Why isn't this loony in prison?
Why isn't this looney in prison, indeed. A similar question to what has he got over Fingers, and the answer is probably the same.
It is a widely-held opinion by nationalists, especially us older ones who have been here before, that TLC was 'turned' during his last stay in prison, and is now a state informer. Certainly, his entire attitude changed when he came out, and he has done very little other than forment splits and attack other nationalists since.
As there is a large and growing opinion that Fingers, if not actually being an informer is, at least, 'cosy' with certain parts of the state (which would explain the lack of interest in looking at his finances too closely, in return for him turning the BNP into a pyramid sales operation which causes no trouble and certainly no violence, bar the odd member who hasn't got the message yet), then it is quite possible that TLC would have enough knowledge of this to discredit, if not topple, Fingers - and he will not tolerate being removed from the cash register.
Fingers probably needs to keep TLC sweet, as he is unstable and unpredictable, and if he feels he has been offended he may well swan off to the News of the World or where-ever and cry his poor little heart out.
I'm convinced that Lecomber IS NOT state. I believe that he does what he's always done and that is to act on whatever Griffin tells him to do. That would include assassination of government ministers.
Griffin wants to be a martyr or someone who rallies people in a disaster but what those people don't expect is that Griffin is quite capable of causing that disaster and if you study his body language when he's on stage and his use of eye contact you will see that he's willing someone or anyone to be the one to go out and kick it all off. He would then enter as the voice of reason and supposed saviour of the masses.
Griffin is an awkward bi-sexual with few redeeeming features, perhaps the only redeeming feature is that his sheep are stunned before slaughter as opposed to just slitting their throats.
"It is a widely-held opinion by nationalists, especially us older ones who have been here before, that TLC was 'turned' during his last stay in prison, and is now a state informer."
I'd heard he was turned years before that, which is why he got such ridiculously low sentences for his crimes - particularly the attempted bombings.
It was one of the UAF blogs, this one or Kirklees or Denise's which said LeBomber's proscription was a sham. Can't find the post but this tells BNP folks who visit this blog something - LUAF, first for the truth about the BNP. So what does the future have in store for Eddy Butler?
Ketlan, this probably just counts as mindless personal abuse and it has nothing whatsoever to do with this particular posting. However I have noticed your picture on the 'Redwatch' site. You really are the ugliest little piece of excrement I have ever laid eyes on.
LOL Ah well, at least as insults go, it's pretty funny.
It won't stop me doing what I do though.
'So what does the future have in store for Eddy Butler?'
He's well on his way out. The last elections were a disaster for the BNP - it hoped to double its seats and came out exactly the same. In fact the last thing we heard re' Butler (via a comment a week or two ago) was that Griffin was describing Butler as a 'useless twat'. Doesn't bode well for a bright future. :-D
"LOL Ah well, at least as insults go, it's pretty funny."
I' ll saythis for you Ketlan, you're good at brushing the insults from these idots aside.
"You really are the ugliest little piece of excrement I have ever laid eyes on."
An article like this that shames the BNP and all they can respond with is that rubbish. Tossers.
Mark Collett is the ugliest guy on the planet, not Ketlan.
Just to add, LeComber escaped justice 'cos the government wanted him to stick with the BNP.
Still here havent been beaten up yet lol.
{Ex bnp member} I shocked alot of people when they realised I'm the real John Wright.
Thankfully all my bnp buddies have now ditched the the bnp and their stupid ideology.
I've been let down by alot of guys on the far right they have promised to come round and sort me out for talking on here. But they never turn up lol.
Not John Wright of Lambeth?
Is John Wright a sadist, does he want to be beaten up?
Or is he living proof that the bnp are all talk and no action?
Interesting use of the word 'yet' in that last posting.
Who is lol anyway? Another anti-fascist?
"An article like this that shames the BNP and all they can respond with is that rubbish. Tossers."
Well, one should always dispose of one's rubbish in appropriate places ..
The article which (according to the young lady) ought to be causing the BNP shame was lifted, in places word for word, from Martin Webster's latest missive, now doing the rounds.
Why should he write thus? In the 1970s & 80s (perhaps before the young lady was born) MW was National Activities Organiser for the National Front - and a good one too, by all accounts.
He ultimately ceased to have this role thanks in great measure to the efforts of one NG.
Unsurprisingly, MW still bears something of a grudge. The source of AF's article, then, wasn't exactly disinterested. (Please do not confuse this word with 'uninterested', by the way.)
If it weren't for 'insiders' and former insiders feeding AF information, he would have precious little to write about. (Goodness knows why they do it.)
Even more of a puzzle is why you folks should require a daily feed of the tedious, boring, day-to-day gossip of the BNP.
It would be tempting but perhaps far too easy to say: you lot ought to get out more.
"Even more of a puzzle is why you folks should require a daily feed of the tedious, boring, day-to-day gossip of the BNP."
Let's face it - it's a lot more interesting than Corrie, East Enders and Emmerdale put together.
in response to dinosaur senior, gossip can be fun, enlightening, and always with a small glimmer of truth.
You must enjoy it yourself otherwise you wouldnt have started putting your two penny worth on this site.
"The article which (according to the young lady) ought to be causing the BNP shame was lifted, in places word for word, from Martin Webster's latest missive, now doing the rounds."
LUAF fucking said that already. Why can't you thick buggers learn to read.
Bowden was a ex Tory, Lecomber a true nationalist welcome back' :Tony
as for you lot of vermin, the BNP certainly have you worried.
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