September 05, 2007

The BNP purge continues: Griffin to discipline/expel Mike Easter?

In a move that is so full of irony that the BNP had better check it for rust, news is emerging that Mike Easter, election agent to leadership-challenger Chris Jackson, is to be disciplined for late submission of the challenger's election expenses to the party treasurer.

One would expect a party that is a couple of months late with its own accounts submission to the Electoral Commission to have had more sense that to make itself a target for ridicule in this way but Nick Griffin is presumably so anxious to punish those who assisted the challenger that he is prepared to ignore the laughs to get his revenge.

Regular readers will no doubt recall his description of Chris Jackson's supporters as cranks, Hollywood Nazis, congenital losers, thieves and vermin - and all this in a single blog post - despite the fact that they included five founder-members, two advisory council members, three councillors, eight branch organisers and 20 election candidates. Not a great deal of respect there then.

The response from other 'nationalists' is predictably angry though as usual the nazi Stormfront forum (run by Griffin's friend, ex-Klansman Don Black and ably assisted by the forum's pro-Griffin UK moderators) is keeping a lid on any discussion by disabling the accounts of anyone who shows any sign of having a go at the BNP leader under any pretext. A couple of other sites are displaying their anger though, one of them with this classic comment posted to it;

'...this comes from a party of THEIVING BASTARDS and INEBRIATE LOSERS who can't even get their accounts IN ON TIME. WHERE ARE THE BNP ACCOUNTS AND WHY ARE BNP MEMBERS SUCH A BUNCH OF BRAIN-DEAD IDIOTS? WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY SCARED OF, EH? Surely they cannot be scared of the one eyed wonder of a sheep farmer and his pervert security chief?'

along with the omnipresent Sharon Ebanks, a former supporter of Griffin, sticking it to him thus;

'Do you think it ok to allow a jumped up twat with a 3rd rate degree and an insecurity complex larger than Snowdonia national park to just go around chopping people willy nilly? When you cease kissing Griffins arse you'll be next. The very idea that such a man even dreams of running this country makes me want to take up shooting practice.'

One angry contributor asks the same two questions that many others have asked;

'What I can't get my head around is why the BNP election process (that's to say the terms imposed by Griffin, etc) weren't challenged legally. It still can be. Likewise all the trumped up expulsions.'

These are reasonable questions though the first one is really only answerable by Mike Easter himself and the challenger Chris Jackson. When Nick Griffin dictated the terms of the election, it was suggested that a legal challenge to the terms was likely. Sadly this never materialised (though it certainly should have). To have completely ignored the ludicrous restrictions placed on campaigning was tantamount to agreeing to lose, and lose Jackson subsequently did.

The second part of the question is far more dangerous to Griffin - that those expelled from the party could legally question their expulsions. This is not only true but has happened a couple of times before, following Griffin's repeated expulsions of the late founder of the British National Party John Tyndall for being a 'disruptive influence'. Tyndall was reinstated by the courts, the embarrassment caused to Griffin was profound and it cost the party a small fortune, also having the distinct advantage of showing Nick Griffin up as the pompous buffoon that he is.

Of course, disciplinary action isn't necessarily the same thing as expulsion and it may be that Easter will just take what's coming and carry on doing whatever he does but judging by Griffin's words above, he's determined to force all of his opposition out of the party by using any means that are available to him. Simon Smith and Jonathan Bowden have already been forced out, Easter's turn has come and we confidentally expect Jackson-supporter Richard Edmonds (another one to have been expelled then reinstated) to be in the firing line before long. One only wonders how long it will take for Griffin to expel all 337 party members who supported Chris Jackson.


Anonymous said...

another gripping tale of sex, violence and corruption, no not the telly, the bnp.

Anonymous said...

Sharon Ebanks is offering BNP membership lists for free. Isn't that a breach of the Data Protection Act?

Anonymous said...

The BNP spends more time and energy on infighting than anything else. If Griffin left, the party would collapse.

Anonymous said...

Sharon Ebanks is offering BNP membership lists for free. Isn't that a breach of the Data Protection Act?

well spotted this is so true and to anyone else thinking the same. data protection act 1974.look it up. ebanks is playing on very rocky ground

Lancaster UAD said...

A quality site, you'll boys will love it!

Anonymous said...

Check out my dedicated sites below...

Just in case any copycat organisations wanted to mock us at Lancaster Unite Against Freedom!

Antifascist said...

Simon Bennett seems to be enjoying himself, the saddo.

Anonymous said...

'Simon Bennett seems to be enjoying himself, the saddo.'
Is that who is setting up all these stupid sites?

Anonymous said...

Antifascist said...
Simon Bennett seems to be enjoying himself, the saddo.

Whose he? I thought it was Chris Hill behind all those 'sites' shame he doesnt put the money he's used to buy the domain names and doing the site into better leaflets.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Sharon Ebanks is offering BNP membership lists for free. Isn't that a breach of the Data Protection Act?

well spotted this is so true and to anyone else thinking the same. data protection act 1974.look it up. ebanks is playing on very rocky ground"

Sue me but I think you'll find I HAVE NEVER SIGNED ANY DOCUMENT WITH THE BNP REGARDING THE DATA PROTECTION ACT. NOR HAVE THEY EVER REQUESTED I DO SO. Lee Barnes'arse did try to get heavy handed regarding internal emails but I'm saving those for a rainy day to show the BNP idiots just what they've joined and the shit they worship.

Zero Regards

Sharon Ebanks

Anonymous said...

"Sharon Ebanks is offering BNP membership lists for free. Isn't that a breach of the Data Protection Act?"

I was thinking of joining her party. No way now. She is willing to put her own grievances ahead of the privacy of individuals. I think she has discredited herself.

Antifascist said...

'Whose he?'

Some BNP dumbass from down North Cornwall way. He stood for them in Poughill and Standon and obviously thinks he's a clever boy.

Anonymous said...

"I was thinking of joining her party. No way now. She is willing to put her own grievances ahead of the privacy of individuals. I think she has discredited herself."

If you don't believe in defending the innocent I wouldn't want you anywhere near the NNP. We believe in building communities not pissing on peoples heads because they ain't Christians you tosser.

Zero Regards

Anonymous said...

So why don't you send the membership list to Lancaster UAF? I'm sure they'd appreciate it. That's assuming you've actually got one.....

Anonymous said...

Griffin won't expell everyone who challenges him. Well, not until he has emptied their bank accounts and credit cards!

Unknown said...

Well, I certainly wouldn't buy a used car from - or join a New Nationalist party connected to - Shar'on Ebanks.

And I am extremely relieved not to be a BNP member living in Shar'on West Bank's former area.

As far as I am concerned, this puts her on a par with the likes of Ian Cobain and Jason Gwynne.

But she lacks the excuse these guys had that they were really working for the other side.

With nationalist friends like Shar'on Gaza Strip, who the hell needs enemies?

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear,

Ebanks forgets reality, and breaches the Data Protection Acts

There is no need to sign anything, perhaps Ebanks is confusied with the strictures of the Data protection Acts, the Official Secrets Act, the release agreements of the full Electorial Register to candidates, and her own lack of basic knowledge of Data Protection and Election Law.

Incidently could I ask why Ms Ebanks seems to be familliar with the Official Secrets Act ? Could it be she made a deal with the police ?

It would be illeagal for UAF to publish a list of BNP/NF/NNP members. It would equally be an offense for Lancaster UAF to transmit data to an overseas data base.

There is F^^K A** the Data Protection Lads and Lasses could do if an overseas "Unit" was to index and publish details as to the Nutzies membership after destroying the origins.

Don't Storm Front/Redwatch/Nonce Watch work in that same way ?

Just my thoughts !

Old Sailor

John P said...

If you don't believe in defending the innocent I wouldn't want you anywhere near the NNP. We believe in building communities not pissing on peoples heads because they ain't Christians you tosser.

No need to be abusive is there Sharon?

Why don't you just fade away like that little party you have set up, you have had your chance and missed it. With every post you post on here and NWN blog you make yourself look more stupid and more desperate to a player but you are not and all the crap about all the evidence you say you have about Grasping Griffin has come to nothing.
Give it up and walk away. Everybody on the left laughs at you but we have humored you because we thought you may have potentially damaging info about Griffin and the rest. All the info you have put up over the last few weeks has come to nothing and anything else you may have won't either.
You are a joke and have been for many years, you were the biggest griffin arselicker for years and now you are acting like a petulant child who has been kicked out of one gang and has set their own up as revenge.
People on here seem quite happy to give you time and every possibily to get Griffin with your so called info but I think whatever you have you are a bit too thick to know what to do with it
I'm quite happy to see the back of the BNP, god knows I've fought against them long enough but the NNP are still on the list of other organisations that I will stand and fight against. No matter how you try and sugarcoat the NNP we know who you are, what your views were before you set up the NNP and you are a joke.
Slide away and get your dignity back

Anonymous said...

in response to lancaster uad....."imitation is the greatest form of flattery".

Anonymous said...

"If you don't believe in defending the innocent I wouldn't want you anywhere near the NNP."

You don't need to worry about that. Your bile has discredited you.

Anonymous said...

"I'm quite happy to see the back of the BNP, god knows I've fought against them long enough but the NNP are still on the list of other organisations that I will stand and fight against."

Well. just as long as it ain't physical fighting you'll be ok :-)

I believe in freedom of speech, you respect mine and I'll respect yours. At the end of the day, Special Branch hates and manipulates you just as it does other organisations but I don't think you like to admit it.


Anonymous said...

You must be very "flattered" then lol.