Labour and the British National Party are to fight for a seat on Dalton Town Council. Dan Martin, for Labour, and Mike Ashburner (pictured left, in the sexy T-shirt), Furness and South Lakeland BNP organiser, were the only two nominations received by last Friday’s closing date. The by-election is set to take place on December 10. The vacancy arose when former Dalton mayor Dermot O’Connor left the town to be nearer his family in Wigan.
Dalton town councillor Bill Bleasdale – who represents the Tories on the borough and county councils – says the town council is usually apolitical. He said: “Normally someone is co-opted straight onto the town council but ten voters can declare a by-election. Anybody from any political party can stand in a democracy. It is disappointing that there aren’t any more candidates showing an interest. The public has got disillusioned with politics nationally which is why the BNP got representation on the European Parliament. They are a protest party.”
Mr Martin, who lives in Dalton and teaches at George Hastwell School on Walney, urged voters to send a message to the BNP that “their nasty brand of politics is not welcome in this town.”
The Ulverston-born 33-year-old, whose father was a Liberal Democrat councillor in Cartmel, said: “Like everyone here, I am very proud of Dalton – and I want to fight for a fair deal for the residents here. Dalton needs a hardworking town councillor who lives here and cares about the issues that matter to families. I think the last thing we need is someone coming here and trying to use our town council to stir up trouble.
“The British National Party care nothing about the concerns of people here – they just want to whip up tension and division. Huge damage would be done to our community if we elected a member of a party that judges people because of what they are and not who they are. I believe that I can represent your interests, and send a message that says Dalton is still a welcoming town.”
Mr Ashburner, from Barrow, who admitted he has no links with Dalton, said it was the BNP’s policy to go for any vacancies that come up. He denied the party was out to cause trouble. Mr Ashburner said: “My main aims are to tackle anti-social behaviour and clean up the streets. I noticed walking around just how much rubbish there was. My other main problem I aim to tackle is the Islamification of Dalton. There are proposals to build a mosque in the area and they are currently looking for plots. I am going to make sure there is not a mosque built in Dalton.”
Cumbria County Council spokesman Gareth Cosslett said the council knows of no current plans to build a new place of worship in Dalton. He said : “Nothing is being built locally. The only thing that happens every Friday afternoon is one room in the Multicultural Centre in Barrow is used by Muslims as a prayer room. The rest of the week it’s used to teach English and a variety of other things. The whole point of the centre is to connect people and help them with social issues.
“The county council isn’t aware of anyone wanting to build a mosque in Dalton or anywhere nearby – but we’re not the planning authority. Our view would be that if they did, they would have as much right to build it as anyone would to build a church.”
North-West Evening Mail
I quote from last year's Fugly Competition
"Mike Ashburner: his main claim to fame is that he's stood for the BNP in Barrow about four hundred times and failed dismally every time. Give it up, Mike, you're only embarrassing yourself."
Oh well, soon to be 401 times then.
Its only a poxy town/parish election. Who cares?
The danger is that this becomes a fight between the Labour Party candidate and the Not-The-Labour-Party candidate.
Labour needs to fight a sympathetic, broad church campaign so that it turns into a fight between the BNP candidate and the Not-The-BNP candidate, appealing to voters who might have been inclined to vote Conservative or Liberal Democrat. I am sure anti-racist Labour voters would understand.
They also need to major on the fact that this slob is a carpetbagger with no obvious interest in Dalton.
I am no friend whatsoever of the Labour Party, but on this occasion I wish them all the very best of luck.
Are they beer stains on the gut of his BNP t-shirt?
Or is he just pleased to see us?
Why only one brace and whats he doing with that hand?
Not quite Edward Cullin, is he.
What a fine figure of a man.
Fat Bastard is fighting on the regular BNP "mosque lie ticket".
That man has kept Frey Bentos in the upper echelons of culinary appreciation.
and what IS he doing - or about to do - with his right hand ?
He really IS an ugly minger.
Hope you can have another BNP Fugly mingometer contest this Xmas, as a present for anti-fascists Ketlan.
He has been fucking kev clarke the new cumbria organiser , Must be scratchin the NF rash on his balls
Please take the picture off you are frightening the children.
It's a shame to see Mike Ashburner hasn't found himself a new hobby. This man's lost more elections than most people have had hot dinners.
He has not, however, lost more elections than he's had hot dinners, as shown by the above picture.
The troll in Harry Potter looked more respectable and friendly than this specimen
Ashburner has prtobably been pleasuring himself at the thought of bumping into Mark Collett, conveniently forgetting that "Paedo Boy" Collett has a small penis.
What a fat piece of racist crap this cretin is. Why do so many neo-nazis look so sick-inducing? Is it because no proper political party would have them?
If this many hostile comments were posted on YOU TUBE then people the BNP are trying to win over might actually read them
If you've not done so already, register a You Tube account and USE IT to rate pro-BNP videos down to 1 star and leave hostile comments on BNP videos. It might sound a bit trivial but even Barack Obama acknowledged the importance of You Tube in his victory, and You Tube is (not disrespect, but) unlike Lancaster Unity, a medium in which both the BNP and Anti-Fascists can preach to the unconverted
These comments are all very well but most visitors to Lancaster Unity are Anti-Fascist already, so posting here to point out that a BNP candidate is fat and ugly does precious little to advance the cause of the BNP's political demise
You Tube is however a place where the BNP preach to the unconverted on a sometimes massive scale, and we need to do much more in places like that
Please register a You Tube account ad USE IT to rate their videos down to 1 star and to post hostile comments - Barack Obama acknowledged the importance of You Tube in helping secure his victory and it's crucial we ALL get active in undermining the BNP there
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