September 19, 2007

BNP conference to be in Blackpool again - at great expense to the membership

Once again our contacts inside the BNP have come up trumps with the information that the British National Party's 'Annual' Conference (its weak attempt to act in some way similar to a normal political party) will again be held at the ghastly New Kimberley Hotel at Blackpool.

The New Kimberley, a fast-decaying hotel at 585-589 New South Promenade, Blackpool FY4 1NQ - is run by Peter and Susie Metcalfe and can be reached at 01253 341184.

The conference is to be held on the weekend of 16th/17th/18th November and we are calling for a demonstration right in front of it at midday on Saturday November 17th.

Regular readers will recall that we got over two hundred protestors and loads of speakers up to the very successful demo last November. Maps and more details to follow as we get nearer the date.

Naturally, nothing the BNP does would be complete without an example of its startling financial ineptitude, and this conference, two months before it's even due to take place, provides us with a little classic that should have a few BNP members seething.

A number of telephone enquiries to the New Kimberley and a chat with a couple of highly-disgruntled ex-guests reveals that the current average cost of a room (B and B) for the night is £22.50 - or £27.50 if they throw in an evening meal. Given that the maximum number of guests the hotel can accomodate is 100 (it's a bit less but we're being generous to the incompetent BNP treasurer and rounding up) that means the cost of hiring the entire hotel for the two nights of the conference is either £4500 or £5500 if the attendees demand their evening meal of meat and potato pie.

Sadly for the party's membership, the treasurer, or whatever idiot was responsible for the booking, never bothered to do the maths and has forked out £7000 for the weekend, effectively giving away the nice round figure of either £1500 or £2500, a waste of 50-80 membership fees, a pretty good example of the contempt Nick Griffin and co have for the member's money.

The words 'piss-up' and 'brewery' spring to mind.

Talking of which - according to one of our correspondents who keeps tabs on this sort of thing from inside the party, the BNP managed to splash out around £10000 in the bar over that single weekend, an average of £50 per head per night assuming there were a hundred members stuffed into the bar. They'd have done better to have spent the money on booking into a better hotel.

Watch this space for more information as we get it...


Anonymous said...

Here we go again. I'd better find my scarf and gloves - it was freezing last year!

Anonymous said...

The hotel cost the BNP nothing.

Members pay for their own room and pay seperately for their own food. The going rate for a cheese roll was £3 last year and the catering was also done by the BNP.
The owners of the hotel are good friends of the ex Blackpool organiser, Roy Goodwin, so I'd like to know where you get the figure of £7,000 from. It costs the members and not the BNP.

Anonymous said...

We laughed our arses off watching you pile of shit last year standing outside. We're pleased you'll be doing it again; maybe we'll have a few surprises in store for you this time.

Anonymous said...

"We laughed our arses off watching you pile of shit last year standing outside. We're pleased you'll be doing it again; maybe we'll have a few surprises in store for you this time."

You gutless fuckers wouldn't dare do anything if you werent at least four on one. Your so full of crap. If your so fucking tough put a name to your post.

Anonymous said...

"maybe we'll have a few surprises in store for you this time"
What, like another attack on a couple of defenceless students by half a dozen of you morons or perhaps you'll get your security lunks to push a woman around again?

Anonymous said...

Threats - and they wonder why we hate them!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to it. Lets hope we get twice as many this year!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Nick Griffin will be spending any time explaining why the accounts are so late.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there and I'll spread the word.

Anonymous said...

Why is this article different from the part-article that's on Indymedia?

Antifascist said...

'Why is this article different from the part-article that's on Indymedia?'

Because we needed to check something. It's checked now so the original article will be back up in a couple of minutes...

Antifascist said...

...and it's back!

'Members pay for their own room and pay seperately for their own food. The going rate for a cheese roll was £3 last year and the catering was also done by the BNP.'

And you idiots can't see what's right under your noses. You're being ripped off again. The BNP effectively buys the exclusive use of the hotel for the two nights and sells it on to you suckers. How much does the party charge you for each bedspace? We're assuming you're charged the going rate but it wouldn't surprise us to learn that you're paying considerably more.

Anonymous said...

£3 for a cheese roll that costs about 10p to make. It's no wonder the BNP likes to do the catering. You people are a joke.

Anonymous said...

"The going rate for a cheese roll was £3 last year"

Fucking 'ell. Maybe I should sett up a stall outside. I couild retire on the money I' d make from you lot.

Anonymous said...

Still keeping busy, Ketlan?

'Magazines such as Searchlight, and websites such as those run by Marxist thugs such as UAF, used to be mainly designed to mobilise leftists into organising against us with pickets, demonstrations and leaflet drops.
Increasingly, however, this part of their operation is handicapped by their sheer lack of numbers.
As a result they are spending more and more time churning out increasingly hysterical propaganda aimed not at their activists, but at ours.'

From 'Chairman's Article', Identity, September 2007.

Sadly for you we are heading for the political mainstream. You won't win.

GR said...

Yet again you lie, lie and lie!!
Most members stay in different hotels and B&Bs for a start, there was only about 50 of you idiots stood in the cold last year, and we don't need to result to threats that pleasure is yours as you stand by watching the BNP grow larger and more acceptable to the vast majority of British people day by day. look forward to laughing at you twats in the rain.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Nick Griffin will be spending any time explaining why the accounts are so late.

Some hope.

Anonymous said...

"You won't win."

We've already won, dickbrain senior. How many councillors have you gained in the last year?

Anonymous said...

there was only about 50 of you idiots stood in the cold last year

Funny, every report including from the police who notoriously underestimate numbers, said around 200

Anonymous said...

"Yet again you lie, lie and lie!!"

Get a grip dear.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder if Nick Griffin will be spending any time explaining why the accounts are so late."

These morons don't care that the accounts are late, they don't care that theyre being ripped off and they don't care that there leader is getting fat on the money he rips off from them. Fuck them, they deserve each other. (I'll be at the demo though).

Anonymous said...

"The going rate for a cheese roll was £3"
They could walk up the road and get a reasonable meal and a cup of tea for that. Thick bastards.

Anonymous said...

"there was only about 50 of you idiots stood in the cold last year"
There's more than 50 people in that picture, you putz.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the demo, LUAF. Let's hope it's a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Big man are we eh Pete Jackson?

Making child-like threats hiding behind a keyboard; very impressive.

I bet you're the type that wanks off to the BNP website arn't you, just wishing you had been born with a pair of bollocks.

Pete Jackson of Blackpool, you are a piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there. It's just a pity we have to stand and look at the tatty hotel full of riff-raff.

Antifascist said...

'Pete Jackson of Blackpool, you are a piece of shit.'

You're not looking too hot yourself, Larrs.

Anonymous said...

We should have a demo at the hotel every week just to annoy them.

Anonymous said...

The nutzis claim they have changed, they claim 'no more bully boys' 'no more agression' we must appeal to the voters'''''we send our people out in suits, look at dicky a shining example of their con on the british public.

Then you come onto this site and you get the truth, the sheer naked agression of the nazi postings on this site shows the real picture, no matter what the likes of griffin and his posse say they have not changed, they are thugs and bullys.

Anonymous said...

We need to encourage EVERYONE we know to come to this demo. No excuses - just get there and shout, maybe visit the other hotels along there to tell them what we're doing and enlist their support.

Anonymous said...

'maybe visit the other hotels along there to tell them what we're doing and enlist their support'

Already done and I can tell you that the hotels to either side are furious at the Crap Kimberley for bringing the BNP in.

Anonymous said...

I count approx 30 in that picture.

Not including the copper!

Griffin is spot on in his article, BTW.

Worth reading Ketlan (if you bother, as an 'expert', reading the BNP periodicals).

Looks like they have you sussed.

Anonymous said...

"Then you come onto this site and you get the truth, the sheer naked agression of the nazi postings on this site shows the real picture, no matter what the likes of griffin and his posse say they have not changed, they are thugs and bullys."

That's spot on. Thank God there are people around who are prepared to put themselves at risk to fight these lunatics.

Anonymous said...

"We've already won, dickbrain senior. How many councillors have you gained in the last year?"

Yeah, that's right - keep fighting yesterday's battles, dickbrain junior.. Anyway, how many councillors did you gain in the last year?

Antifascist said...

'I count approx 30 in that picture.'

Big deal. A small picture of a small part of the demo. We still had a damn sight more outside braving the elements than you had inside drinking yourselves into oblivion and listening to Griffin telling you lies.

'Worth reading Ketlan (if you bother, as an 'expert', reading the BNP periodicals).'

Fine. Stick it in the post. You'll find my address on Redwatch. Feel free to sign me up for a subscription.

Antifascist said...

'Yeah, that's right - keep fighting yesterday's battles, dickbrain junior'

Yesterdays? What are you on about? You were asked how many more councillors you had NOW than you had this time last year. Do try to concentrate.

'Anyway, how many councillors did you gain in the last year?'

It's obviously escaped your notice that UAF is not a political party. You people really need to pay attention.

Anonymous said...

antifascist, you're like a very wordy Rottwieller.

Anonymous said...

They happily cough up £3 for a cheese roll that cost a few pennies to make and these people want to run the country???

Antifascist said...

'antifascist, you're like a very wordy Rottwieller.'

Is that good or bad?

Anonymous said...

"if you bother, as an 'expert', reading the BNP periodicals"

Who the hell would bother reading the continual lies of Nick Griffin and the BNP?

Anonymous said...

"The New Kimberley, a fast-decaying hotel at 585-589 New South Promenade, Blackpool FY4 1NQ - is run by Peter and Susie Metcalfe and can be reached at 01253 341184."

A number of points come to mind

1/. Is this fast decaying hotel any form of health or fire hazard.

2/. I wonder what the position is over VAT on this event

Now with the "catering" subcontracted to the BNP I think questions aught to be asked of Pubilc Health and HM Revenue and Customs about suitability and proper record keeping on the VAT side, and on food storage.

Perhaps some kind AFA working in public health might formulate the questions to ask.

With Griffins involvement some kind of VAT fiddle is a racing certainty. I can think of a few byself - It would be a pity if a VAT rumage was to occour, and the VAT man don't like late VAT returns.

Perhaps the appropriate information should be laid. Petty harresment, but very effective especially if it removes any chance of profit in the future

Anonymous said...

'Now with the "catering" subcontracted to the BNP I think questions aught to be asked of Pubilc Health...'

That on its own could be a killer. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

"Anyway, how many councillors did you gain in the last year?"

Are these BNP-supporters stunningly stupid or what?

I'll be on the demo too!

Anonymous said...

I was pointed to this site just a couple of days ago and I'm addicted. It's excellent. I live a long way away from Blackpool but I'll see if I can get a carload together to come to the demo.

Anonymous said...

"startling financial ineptitude"

That's a really good phrase and it fits right in with the BNP. :)

Anonymous said...

Commie scum

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Lancasteruaf,

On behalf my client, Mr Fingers, I must object to a couple of issues aired in your webthing.

1. VAT liability. My client does not have a liability re VAT. Case law - Regina v Albion Life, R. v Avocado Mortgages, R. v "wanna buy a cheap horse", R. v "need a skip mate" - shows clearly that VAT liability does not occur on stupid, useless scams that don't raise £50!

2. Cheese rolls. Some of your contributors allege sharp practice in selling cheese rolls for £3. Can I explain that the steep mark-up is to allow my client's party to raise funds for its valuable campaigning work, and its members are happy to contribute in this way. Any "profit" is devoted entirely to party campaigning. If anyone doubts this they need only study the party's audited accounts which . . . .

Oh shit, I've just spotted the flaw in that argument!


Nicholas Barely-Numerate
Chief Bean Counter
British Nutzi Party

Anonymous said...

Oh well, another demo, another cold. Bloody BNP. ;)

Anonymous said...

@Nicholas Barely-Numerate

Excellent! :D

Anonymous said...

great to see how many numpty protesters are turning up,but they better start walking now as their giro cheques will not cover the fare.mind you if i am driving my tractor up the M1 and see a few of you hitch hiking i will gladly give you a lift,you will feel right at home with the sheep and cow shit

Anonymous said...

"you will feel right at home with the sheep and cow shit"

That's no way to speak about your tosser of a leader. He's been feeling at home in shit since he was turned at UNI

Antifascist said...

'That's no way to speak about your tosser of a leader.'

Pig shit though, surely.

Anonymous said...

"It's obviously escaped your notice that UAF is not a political party."

'Obviously', I suppose, if you've an irony by-pass. My point was actually that you don't do anything constructive.

Nope, not a political party and not a great many other things either. A thorn in the side, perhaps, except you'd probably be flattered by the description. How about 'waste of space'? Would that do?

"Oh well, another demo, another cold. Bloody BNP."

Go back to bed then, Berkhamstead Hunt. You won't be missed.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Mrs G isn't doing her usual trick of trying to shag any drunken member she can find.

I hear the wife swapper in charge of security got very nervous last year.

Anonymous said...

"Magazines such as Searchlight, and websites such as those run by Marxist thugs such as UAF, used to be mainly designed to mobilise leftists into organising against us with pickets, demonstrations and leaflet drops."

Yeah that's what used to happen, way back long ago in December of last year:

and May of this year:

Memory not your strong point?

Anonymous said...

Dinosaur Senior sounds a real sweetheart. Ih that's the type of person the demo's all about opposing, you can count me in.

Anonymous said...

"great to see how many numpty protesters are turning up,but they better start walking now as their giro cheques will not cover the fare.mind you if i am driving my tractor up the M1 and see a few of you hitch hiking i will gladly give you a lift,you will feel right at home with the sheep and cow shit

Well, I was faced with temptation every time we came ashore after run around the Horn from South Australia - But, I mean. Tupping the Sheep and Cattle- We left that to the Griffins, and other perverts from Powys.

I do hope that the BNP are not into bestiality. I mean the thought of encouraging a drunken Ewe upstairs in a run down hotel in Blackpool makes one wonder !!!!

Anonymous said...

I mean the thought of encouraging a drunken Ewe upstairs in a run down hotel in Blackpool makes one wonder !!!!

Do you think anybody in the BNP could pull a drunken ewe? Listen, mate, our girls have got standards, you know, so less of the sheepist comments.

Anonymous said...

I would guess it would be Chris Vanns the Burnley organiser who would be organising the catering.

Vanns did the catering at the RWB at got slagged to pieces because of his crap food and inability to have enough of it.

Anonymous said...

"The Burnley Organiser" ??

Given the recent performance of the Burnley BNP isn't "Burnley Organiser" a contradiction in terms?

Anonymous said...

l met you, say give me one pound and l'll do my little magic thing and give you 3 pounds back then l've roped you the convicer l say give me 500 and l'll turn it into a million and when you give me the money.l do a runner and don't come back
not that snr ac council member would ever you give a little bit of sound info so he's trusted then send you the big story on a meat hook what you post it lose all cred when it turns out to be fasle and get done for libal

never will never happen

ketlan is all powerfull

how's stacy she back from manchester yet or have you kept that quiet maybe time l informed the others Anti facist?

god bless stigger

Anonymous said...

anon said...i met you, i give you one pound, sorry can someone please translate?

Anonymous said...

£50 a night each over the bar - what the hell were they drinking? Even at my watering holes that would be just under 10 pints - then if you have their sympathies you need 25 pints a night to live with yourself!

Anonymous said...

"how's stacy she back from manchester yet or have you kept that quiet"

Stacy? Who or what is stacy?

Anonymous said...

At the last election 192850 people actually voted for BNP candidates.
200,000 is a few more than turn up at AFL rallies.

Anonymous said...

"anon said...i met you, i give you one pound, sorry can someone please translate?

Its a variation on the "long firm fraud".


Players: Con man and Mark (and Con Mans dupes)

Con man starts borrowing/obtaining credit for small amounts, These are paid promptly. The Cons credir history is marked as good.
Eventually and just as a "one off" the Mark lends/gives credit for iarge sums. If the conman works it properly many various marks have granted credit etc.

When enouhg goods/money is in the bag the conman runs away, leaving the mark, and his dupes to carry the can.

Sound familliar ?

Any bets that either this year or next the owners of a decayed Blackpool hotel will give credit to the BNP for a block booking.

The BNP will on charge thier members an inflated price. This inflated price will include VAT at 17.5% despite the "agency" not being VAT registered.

The block booking invoice from the hotel will include VAT.

The BNP will not pay this invoice sighting technical inaccuracies.

The hotel will "write this account off" and recover the VAT element as part of their VAT input. (That means that Customs and Revenue will pay the money out)

Neat little fraud ?

Could I respctfully suggest that Lancaster UAF and/or Gerry Gable try and obtain any receipts given amd publish exact photocopies.

Give us a copy of an alledged VAT reciept, and I doubt if any commrade will fail to test its authenticity in a few seconds.

Or to miss quote Rudyard Kipling

If you should meet King Georges men,
Dressed in Red and Gold,
Oh you be careful what is said ...."

Hear the words of an Old Sailor, one who was born to the Sea

Antifascist said...

'At the last election 192850 people actually voted for BNP candidates.'

More fool them.

'200,000 is a few more than turn up at AFL rallies.'

I've no idea what the AFL is but anti-racist events pull in a good deal more than 200,000 people annually.

Anonymous said...

All you have to do is obtain a copy of the hotels accounts. I think you will find the BNP were not charged at all for the hotel, the BNP OVERCHARGED the members.

Where are the BNP accounts?

Anonymous said...

Thank you old sailor for the explanation, much appreciated, what a murky world they operate in.