Up to 1,000 people have signed a campaign group's petition urging authorities to ban a proposed march by the English Defence League.
The petition was launched earlier this week by Hope Not Hate in response to the controversial group's bid to stage a march in Leicester city centre on Saturday, October 9. People can sign the document online or print copies from the group's website.
Last night, Leicester Unite Against Fascism launched its campaign against the EDL's plans at a public meeting in the African Caribbean Centre, Highfields. About 200 members of the public and activists discussed plans for a counter-protest on the morning of the proposed EDL march.
Meanwhile, Leicester City Council's ruling cabinet was due to meet today to discuss the protest and the anticipated counter demonstration by Unite Against Fascism. The meeting was due to take place at Leicester Town Hall at 10am.
Council leader Veejay Patel said: "We have called this special meeting to enable members of the cabinet to discuss the proposal, and to consider advice from the police on the impact these marches could have on the city."
The city council is continuing to measure local opinion on the protest.
Up to 400 people have also sent their views to the council via an e-mail address set up earlier this week. To take part in the consultation send messages to: consultationEDL@leicester.gov. uk. The petition can be found at: www.hopenothate.org.uk
This is Leicestershire
I have just been told by an employee of leicester council that any council employee who attends any anti-edl protests will face disciplinary action.
Leicester has a large Hindu community too but they too will have abuse directed at them. And the media will completely ignore this as usual and keep up the pretence that is is just an anti Islam group
Thats bollocks Flea!
We'll still be there.... ya big EDL ponce
The claim that Leicester City Council has promised disciplinary action for any employee attending an anti-EDL demonstration is complete nonsense.
However, we are asking people in Leicester who wish to register their opposition to the EDL march to attend one of the events on the day before or the day after the EDL demonstration rather than coming into the city to confront the EDL.
right, check your facts first 'leicester lad' before you open your mouth. i've signed with my blogger id so you can see who I am so take your fucking ridiculous paranoia elsewhere.
As for what i posted I'm telling you now that someone who works for the council has been told they will be facing disciplinary action if they are found to be attending anti-edl events.
At first I couldn't believe it, I thought the council had banned people from supporting the edl demo (which although still not the best line to take would have been somewhat more understandable)but no, anti-edl demos were being proscribed.
I'm not from Leicester or anywhere near it so I've no idea what the council has said officially. all i know is what i've been told by someone who would have no reason to lie to me. they don't even know i've mentioned it here.
Flea, there is a post there from Mark Bentley, Head of Communications, Leicester City Council.
Before most posts appear on this site they are moderated and we take a personal judgment about letting them appear or not.
Mike Bentley posted his comment and before I let it through moderation I contacted him to confirm that he had posted his comment. As head of communication he isn't a difficult person to find and very pleasant to talk to when I explained the situation.
He confirmed that he had posted it and I let it through.
I'm sure you will appreciate some of the lies, bullshit and propaganda that we sent to us on a daily basis hoping we will publish. The current favorite is that Griffin has been arrested in Paris (yesterday, involved in a murder plot) or Spain (a couple of weeks ago, no reason given but general hints of fraud) and god knows how many unsubstantiated rumours.
If somebody has been told they face action for attending an anti EDL march they really need to get in touch with their union and I pretty sure if a union rep contacted Mark Bentley the entire matter would be cleared up in no time.
Thanks for replying John. I wasn't aiming anything at you or this blog just the poster 'leics lad'. I really appreciate you getting in touch and I understand your position entirely. Like I say, I wasn't pissed off at this blog at all just the anonymous poster calling me edl without any good reason. Cheers.
Before I forget, the person involved has been getting advice from their union so hopefully it will not be an issue on the day.
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