Effective anti-fascist campaigning must encourage genuine non-racist action for working class interests on housing, employment and welfare rights; and promote non-racist democratic working class organisations, such as trade unions, to organise around such issues.
“Only one thing could have stopped our movement — if our adversaries had understood its principle and intentions and from the first day had smashed with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement.” Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
“To bar the road to fascism, to bar it once and for all, it does not suffice that workers oppose it physically at demonstrations; it does not suffice to denounce its infamies … Today we defend ourselves against the rise of reaction, but … to be efficacious this resistance must transform itself into a struggle for power.” Leon Trotsky, ‘Conversations with a Dissident from Saint-Denis’
In the 2005 general election 192,746 people voted for the British National Party. Each of the BNP’s 119 candidates received an average of 1620 votes. On local election polling day, 3 May 2007, the BNP received 292,911 votes — a ninety-seven fold increase since the year 2000. Over the last four years the BNP has doubled the number of councils where it contests seats and has quadrupled the number of candidates. As of the last local elections, the BNP held fifty council seats.
Election results can tell us some things. On the surface these figures show an increasing return on an ever increasing number of BNP candidates. They stand as evidence that given the choice between a Labour candidate, a Tory or whoever else, large numbers of people are prepared to tick the box for a fascist. Election results act as a warning to working class organisations that something is going on. They do not tell us what that is or how to combat it.
British fascists have made great efforts to transform themselves from a group oriented to street agitation, outright racism and anti-Semitism, threat and intimidation into a “legitimate” political operation. Though they still lurk in the shadows, the shaven headed, jack-booted, monosyllabic thugs have all but vanished from the limelight. They have been replaced by slicker, populist political operators — people like Sadie Graham and newly “media-friendly” Nick Griffin. But a new suit and toned-down rhetoric do not make for a complete transformation. The still rumbling crisis in the BNP has publicly exposed the true nature of the group. With each side in the dispute calling the other “Nazis” and “extremists” the liberal media and anti-fascist news sources have had a field day. Few have paused to ask how such an organisation has built a base of support and grown so rapidly in so short a space of time.
The relative success of the BNP cannot be isolated to a parting of ways with past fascist political methodology. In previous periods of right-wing resurgence where fascist groups rose from the sewers, subjective as much as objective circumstances played a part in flushing them away. In the 1930s and 40s Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists faced stubborn, heroic resistance from working class and Jewish organisations. In the mid-to-late Seventies, when the National Front could claim a membership of 20,000 and managed to circulate five million leaflets in one year, mass political, community and cultural mobilisations — not exclusively called by the Anti Nazi League — drove fascists from the streets. Today’s anti-fascist groups are a pale imitation of the past and the absence of militant working class opposition to fascism is a pressing concern.
The working class, Labour and the BNP
“The enemies of British Nationalism continue to parrot the claim that the BNP is a ‘racist party.’ This claim is most often repeated because the BNP unashamedly addresses itself to the issues and concerns of the indigenous British population, and because it seeks to ensure that British people remain the majority population in this country.” (Is the BNP Racist? from the BNP website)
The BNP no longer appeals to working class voters on the basis of outspoken race-hate alone. A change in social and cultural attitudes means that crude racism is not acceptable to a majority of people. The fact that the labour movement has never tackled racism in a consistent and wholesale way means that residual — but deeply held — racist attitudes are there to be exploited.
The BNP does this by conflating very real working class concerns with the presence of minority and immigrant populations. They claim to be defending the interests of an “indigenous population” who suffer from unemployment, poor housing, health and education services because “immigrants” are either given preferential treatment or “flood” an area in overwhelming numbers. Gordon Brown recently jumped on this band-wagon when he shamefully promised the following to a meeting with the GMB union:
“It is time to train British workers for the British jobs that will be available over the coming few years and to make sure that people who are inactive and unemployed are able to get the new jobs on offer in our country.”
Had this statement appeared without credit most people would assume it spilled forth from the mouth of Nick Griffin, not a Labour Prime Minister. Since 1997 this Labour government has pursued a hard-line policy of attacking asylum seekers and immigrants. They are scapegoated by the right wing press and the government reacts by issuing ever more draconian policy statements. Rather than tackle head-on the racist myths spread by the Daily Mail and BNP, the Labour Party of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown has pandered to them.
This strategy has a duel effect: it gives political cover for the very real failings of the Labour Party over the past ten years and legitimises the political message of extreme right-wingers and the fascist BNP.
The BNP has built a base and made electoral advances in predominantly working class areas where the wilful neglect and attacks of this government find concrete material expression. Child poverty, inadequate housing, homelessness, insufficient public services – from health through to education provision – remain everyday realities in British society. Those in work face poor conditions and pay. In the absence of a combative trade union movement and the presence of a legal framework that militates against the emergence of class-wide solidarity, workers are effectively abandoned. Add to this the emasculated local structures of the Labour Party and wider labour movement — the traditional means by which working people expressed their concerns and fought for change — and we have a situation ripe for fascist agitation.
Recent BNP propaganda — both locally produced and in national publications – focuses upon “explaining” the crisis in jobs, housing and public services. For instance, in an article headlined “NHS at Breaking Point” the BNP blamed the crisis in the NHS not on under funding but on Polish immigrants who have “poured” into Britain. Are the BNP lying when they point out problems in public services? No, but the spin they put upon such problems is political poison. An anti-fascist campaign that either ignores such issues or focuses upon the “positive aspects” of society fails to address the real questions and concerns of the working class.
Unite Against Fascism and Searchlight
Unite Against Fascism (UAF) and the Searchlight organisation — a group that produces a monthly anti-fascist magazine and runs some local campaign groups — have major political faults. UAF is essentially a political coalition of the Socialist Workers Party and Socialist Action — a small Stalinist sect close to Ken Livingstone. It claims the support of most major trade unions and a variety of religious organisations. The political foundations of UAF are built upon the SWP’s interpretation of the United Front tactic. Leon Trotsky outlined the basis and need for a united front as follows:
“So long as it does not hold this majority [of the working class], the [revolutionary] party must fight to win it. The party can achieve this only by remaining an absolutely independent organisation with a clear program and strict internal discipline. That is the reason why the party was bound to break ideologically and organisationally with the reformists and the centrists who do not strive for the proletarian revolution, who possess neither the capacity nor the desire to prepare the masses for revolution, and who by their entire conduct thwart this work … But it is perfectly self-evident that the class life of the proletariat is not suspended during this period preparatory to the revolution. Clashes with industrialists, with the bourgeoisie, with the state power, on the initiative of one side or the other, run their due course. In these clashes — insofar as they involve the vital interests of the entire working class, or its majority, or this or that section — the working masses sense the need of unity in action, of unity in resisting the onslaught of capitalism or unity in taking the offensive against it. Any party which mechanically counterposes itself to this need of the working class for unity in action will unfailingly be condemned in the minds of the workers” (my emphasis).
Revolutionary socialists advocate the formation of a united front to fight for working class interests on the basis of unity between established working-class organisations. Trotsky advocated such a tactic to counter the rise of fascism in Germany in the 1930s. In practice the SWP denudes the united front of its essential working class orientation. For example:
Q. Does UAF practically unite working class organisations?
A. If all Trotsky means by unity is getting trade union general secretaries to sign a piece of paper, then yes – but this is not what Trotsky meant. For socialists, “unity” means a unified and purposeful action. UAF “appears” when the SWP thinks it politically expedient to roll it out. This means either turning SWP branches to anti-fascist activity at election times or turning out leading members for protests and conferences. There is no evidence of work towards major mobilisations of trade union members. No joint initiatives above the printing of T-Shirts and balloons. No practical unity.
Q. Are socialists “politically independent” inside UAF?
A. It is not possible for the SWP to be politically independent without tearing UAF apart. Sir Iqbal Sacranie — chair of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) — was invited as a headline speaker to UAF’s 2006 national conference. Bad enough that the MCB has reactionary Islamist politics. Add to this Sir Iqbal’s appearance on Radio Four where he labeled LGBT people as immoral, harmful and responsible for spreading disease and you see just how far the SWP will go to “unite” people. For them, the united front has no class content.
Q. But the SWP has a record of working hard against fascism.
A. This is true but the “work” they do is politically bankrupt. The following appeared on a recent UAF election leaflet: “Far right extremist groups are seeking to exploit the traditional low turnout at local elections to make inroads on 4 May and have provocatively described the elections as a ‘Referendum Day on Islam’. The MCB urges all people of goodwill to vote in the 4 May elections to ensure that fascist groups are comprehensively defeated at the ballot box.” Nothing much wrong with this statement: it’s right to point out the racist politics of the BNP and urge people to vote against them — no problems here. Except that this is all the leaflet has to say, and the man saying it is an outspoken homophobe — Sir Iqbal Sacranie. If anti-fascist propaganda fails to take up working class concerns, then it fails the working class.
Searchlight originates in a magazine published by Labour MPs Reg Freeson and Joan Lestor in the 1960s. After the magazine folded in 1967, Gerry Gable — who remains a central figure in the group — maintained a small organisation. It eventually began publishing again in 1975, when the National Front became a significant presence.
The main activity of the group remains collecting and exposing information on the far right with a focus on Britain. In addition to this important work — which seems to involve maintaining a network of infiltrators — Searchlight runs the “Stop the BNP” campaign group.
Stop the BNP has a much healthier approach to building local groups and relating to local issues than UAF. For example, the “Keighley Together” group ran a very successful, grass-roots response to BNP activity in their town.
But the campaign materials produced by Searchlight leave a great deal to be desired. Where UAF has a rabid homophobe, Stop the BNP has Alan Sugar, who appeared in material produced for the 2007 local elections. Alan Sugar has nothing to say about poorly funded public services and attacks on the working class. “Hope Not Hate” is the main political message of Stop the BNP materials — rather than relating to real issues and offering working class solutions, there is a preference for accentuating the positive. It is an inadequate response to the opportunism of the BNP in its current phase.
A rational response to the current phase of BNP activity must combine the sort of work carried out by Stop the BNP — the creation of grass-roots groups that campaign on local issues — together with a serious work in the trade unions.
Working class anti-fascism in the 1940s and 1970s
The history of working class anti-fascism in Britain is often hidden behind stories of mass street protests and rock concerts. But the organised working class has played a central role in disabling fascist political initiatives in the past. In the two periods where British fascist organisations gained some prominence – in the mid-to-late 1940s and 1970s — trade unions lobbied, organised and mobilised their memberships against them.
The immediate post-war period saw the emergence of small fascist propaganda groups. In spite of Hitler’s defeat and a growing public appreciation of the horrors of Nazi Germany, these groups held street meetings, mass leaflet drops and agitated their politics at every opportunity. The release of Oswald Mosley from wartime internment in 1943 encouraged the remnants of his British Union of Fascists on the offensive.
An indication of the level of trade union involvement comes from a collection of 302 letters sent to the Home Office between January 1945 and December 1948. According to Dave Renton (a semi-official historian of anti-fascist campaigning), of the 302 letters asking the Labour government to act against the Mosleyites, one third came from trade union branches. “If we were to add the letters from groups of workers and socialist organisations, from tenants’ associations and from individuals rooted in working-class campaigns, the proletarian aspect would represent a clear majority” (Renton).
The signing of a letter is hardly an indication of militant anti-fascism — especially when the letters in question called upon the Home Secretary to impose state bans on fascist groups — but post-war anti-fascism was not a letter writing campaign. Fascism became a central concern of trades council and shop steward groups. They politically educated members on the dangers of fascism, encouraged them to keep watch for activity and in Birmingham formed an “anti-fascist league”.
The Anti-Nazi League (ANL) of the 1970s claimed the support of “30 branches of the AUEW engineers union, 25 trades councils, 13 shop stewards committees, 11 NUM lodges, and similar numbers of branches from the TGWU, CPSA, TASS, NUJ, NUT and NUPE” (Renton). Some unions set up their own campaign groups, for instance the NUM held a “Miners Against the Nazis” conference in 1979.
What these two examples show is the latent potential of trade unions to mobilise anti-fascist sentiment — to engage in working-class politics. In both cases the relationship between different wings of the Labour Party and the far-left (the CPGB in the 1940s and SWP in the 1970s) produced some very uneven outcomes. On the one hand the Labour right wing took a naturally conservative approach to such a campaign. Inside the unions they attempted to stem the influence of Communists and Trotskyists by restricting access to young members’ conferences, for example. The political methods of postwar Stalinism and the Socialist Workers Party alienated a good many activists.
The current tactics of the BNP make a labour movement based campaign all the more important. It is not just a case of mobilising large numbers of people to protest against fascists but of providing political ideas and organisational structures to address working class concerns.
The anti-fascist campaign we need
The BNP characterises the current period as the start of a “quiet revolution”. They claim to speak for a “silent majority” of people abandoned by the major political parties and excluded from the gains of wider society. As “Proud Nationalists” they defend the “indigenous” people of this country against the threat posed by “ethnics” and “reds”.
Through hard work and a tactical change of direction the BNP has built serious local organisations that work hard to relate to local, working class concerns. In areas where the Labour Party has all but collapsed and where trade unions have few organic links in communities, BNP branches can be the only political operations relating to people’s concerns. In many areas the situation is desperate.
We who oppose fascism do so primarily because we value freedom: freedom of speech, the freedom to organise and the freedom to protest. The BNP’s freedom to operate is freedom to organise intimidation, as well as to spread violence and race hate. We defend the free speech of those who fight for positive non-racist changes to society as well as the freedom of traditionally victimised sections of our communities against the threat of fascist organisations such as the BNP. The BNP attempts to penetrate social movements and trade unions; and to take elected positions as councillors. They do this in order to foment division and racism as well as to identify their opponents and look for ways of intimidating them. We therefore advocate
• That the BNP should not be given any recognition as deserving a place in any genuine democratic debate.
• That all community organisations — but particularly trade unions and councils — do their utmost to isolate and remove them from their midst; thus preventing them from using any democratic façade behind which to organise.
• That as far as possible BNP activities should be blocked by mass pickets and mobilisations of local communities backed by the radical and trade union movement.
The BNP pretend to be a party of working class protest; at times even to be left wing critics of the Labour government. What is worse is that many people vote for them believing this to be true. We cannot allow the BNP to continue to peddle this monstrous lie.
It is an essential aspect of effective anti-fascist campaigning therefore that we
• encourage genuine non-racist action for working class interests on housing, employment and welfare rights as well as
• promoting non-racist democratic working class organisations, such as trade unions, to organise around such issues.
We need a united anti-fascist campaign in which a diversity of views are welcome but we need to build a campaign that does not compromise the work of our constituent organisations and campaigns in taking up such issues.
Such a campaign — mobilising the labour movement with consistent working class politics — will not only challenge the threats and lies of the fascist BNP but go some way to re-educating our class with socialist ideas.
Author: Charlie Salmon
Worker's Liberty
January 14, 2008
For a working class campaign against fascism
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Interesting article tho it's a bit different from your normal stuff. Good to see another view tho.
A mistake to bring these politics in I think. What have they got to do with this blog? Antifascism needs to broaden out not retreat into its Marxist roots.
'What have they got to do with this blog?'
Nothing at all except that they are discussing anti-fascism and how to fight the far-right which is, after all, what this blog is all about.
'Antifascism needs to broaden out not retreat into its Marxist roots.'
No retreating to any roots here, merely looking at other ideas and debate. I'd rather be prepared to open-minded about anti-fascism than be blinkered by remaining exclusively with one approach to it.
Why? If there was debate going on elsewhere, we would publicise that too.
'Good to see another view tho.'
What, is working class?
"Nothing at all except that they are discussing anti-fascism and how to fight the far-right which is, after all, what this blog is all about."
Ear ear!
great article,
lancaster u.a.f are doing great work, but an examination is needed of how u.a.f opereate nationally, in area's of yorkshire, i firmly believe that their work, has been very conterproductive, and fits into the b.n.p's agenda of appearing to be the radicals.
i believe more debate is needed on the way forward for our movement, to take back the agenda from the fascists!
I agree with "anonymous" that antifascism must be a broad movement but also agree with antifascist that, within this broad movement, we should listen to different ideas about antifascism. This blog will not be taken over by any one view but we should heed Marxists, Christians, Muslims etc when they explain why and how they think we should oppose fascism.
Anonymous said "antifascism needs to broaden out not retreat into its Marxist roots" - what do you mean by "broaden out"?
If by "broaden out" you mean bringing Tory politicians, right wing clerics, homophobes and anti-Semites who happen not to like the BNP into the anti-fascist movement then I think you're mistaken.
If by "broaden out" you mean not demanding that everyone involved is a self-declared Marxist, then you're probably right.
If we are to seriously challenge the BNP then anti-fascists have to take up the political arguments on public services ... we have to engage with and meaningfully mobilise the labour movement.
How do you challenge the BNP with spokespeople like Sacranie and Sugar? What political sense does this make? Sometimes "broadness" can go too far.
Good article, poses some interesting questions and it has told me a few things I didn't know about certain organisations.
What is bothering me is all the stuff about the 'working class'. I consider myself to be working class even though I'm not so sure that the whole class thing is complex enough to deal with the reality. I've had people insult me by calling me middle class, I come from a brewery town in the Midlands, most of my family drove lorries, my Grandad (who died in a co-op meeting) was a member of the Transport & General Worker's Union and I think a local Labour councillor at one point. The reason for my parent's migration to the South East was because for work and I ended up living in a council house with my Mum who stills lives there now. Someone how I managed to get myself a reasonably paid job after many years of just being a musician, now I have mortgages and like eating cous-cous with sundried tomatos.
Er.. anyway, my long and rambling point is getting a bit lost... where am I?
Yes. Where am I? I don't think other working class people see me as being working class, I don't think middle class people (if they do see themselves as middle class) don't see me as being particularly middle class either.
Ah well, see there's another problem, is there one commonly accepted definition for "Working Class" and "Middle Class"?
Maybe the problem is having these labels, maybe these labels help keep us divided when in reality with have enough in common to all stand together simply through what we believe in. Do we really need stick labels on ourselves?
I say 'help' keep us divided, because one of the things that I really don't like about some anti-fascists and anti-fascist organisations is the open willingness to use violence and not even as a last resort. This seems to me to be both morally wrong but also stupid and counter-productive.
I'm not sure about the idea of not engaging in debate, as advocated in this article.
Sorry for the long post, I'm still fairly new to all of this politics business.
'If by "broaden out" you mean bringing Tory politicians, right wing clerics, homophobes and anti-Semites who happen not to like the BNP into the anti-fascist movement then I think you're mistaken.'
If a Tory politician is prepared to speak out against the likes of the BNP and/or fascism in general I have no problem with reporting that here.
On the point about having outspoken homophobes on your side:
This doesn't seem right to me, I feel that part of being an 'anti-fascist' is also being against racists, homophobes and the like. These kinds of people are not actually anti-fascists, they fascists jumping on the anti-fascist bandwagon.
Or have I got that wrong, can you be an anti-fascist and be a racist or pro-active homophobe at the same time?
There are a number of reasons why the BNP has made headway. Some of this is indeed careful manipulation of image. The Internet has been an important factor in this as it provides an unhindered platform from which anybody can access their ‘message’. I feel also, you need to recognise the newer type of BNP voter and, I presume, member. In doing so, you might like to move away from the typical label of nazi, fascist and so on. Whilst there is no doubt that many of the old stalwarts (and some of the younger cretins) probably welcome those labels, this is not the typical profile of the newer member.
The BNP have increased their vote in part because there are genuine issues that the main parties do not address. For many, large-scale immigration is an issue which affects their lives. Generally, people do not like change. Margaret Hodge was being honest when she said that areas of her constituency had changed beyond all recognition over the past ten years. However, in the bizarre politically correct, thought control era in which we now apparently live, to even discuss immigration seems to be beyond the pale. The simple fact is, immigration is not an issue of race so why is legitimate discussion taboo? The issue is fundamental to the rise of the BNP.
My own insight into the new thrust of support for the BNP came when a number of my friends stated that they could well vote for them for the first time. Lest you immediately shout nazi and fascist, understand that these are all well-established professionals who have been Tory voters all their lives. Their motivation is exactly the one I mention; the sharp rise in immigration, apparently from all over. A sub-plot is also the very visible rise of militant Islam in this country. I myself saw the demonstration in London following the publication of the Mohammed cartoons. Suffice to say, I never thought I would see such scenes in my own country. Moreover, the behaviour of the police was shameful that day. More concerned with diverting traffic to ease the passage of the clearly threatening protesters, I witnessed how the police tried to prevent photographers from taking images of the scenes and also how they (the police) threatened to arrest one man who vehemently complained at their lack of action against the baying crowd inciting violence. With a government and even the police apparently cowering in the face of militancy, is it really any wonder why some might turn in desperation to the BNP.
Here then is the crux, in my view. Many of the newer BNP voters act out of a sense of despair. I think it is now something other than a protest vote. These people know little of the BNP’s policies and, probably, do not care that much. They perceive a greater threat. That, I think is the challenge which you face. The BNP are currently helping by revealing some of their base core. The real issues behind their rise have not gone away, however, and they are real.
"i firmly believe that their work, has been very conterproductive"
How? Or do I mean why?
Just a few points
Spotty, it's ere, ere.
Tory members are further right than the BNP, you should listen to them in private.
Working class is anyone who has to work for a living.
You are all Marxists and that is why you will fail. He was a lazy useless sod too. Never did a days work in his life. RIP I don't know that, just guessing
If there's going to be a debate about antifascism it should be held in the backroom not in front of shop. This sends out the wrong message.
The article uses the language of 1930's Trotskyism. It's anachronistic and politically sectarian. Did I mention it was a fantasy as well?
How is ths going to go down with non Marxist antifascists?
I know it's your blog and you can put on what ever you like but it'a bad editorial decision that's only going to lead to arguments at a time when the BNP is on the run.
This article is talking a language I don't understand, and I consider myself as antifascist as anybody else.
Sorry, this gets my vote as the worst article ever to appear here.
John Saunders
good article ketlan,no strings attached,plenty a bow left in my fiddle,guess what ive found word spell
A good article and thanks for posting it. After the Searchlight/UAF fallout a while back it's been a while since anyone's had a constructive look at the anti-Fascist movement.
I too am very uncomfortable with certain groups that oppose the BNP but seem happy to excuse/promote/wholeheartedly support other extremist viewpoints.
Surely a united front against fascism is what we all need, not the politics of religious communalism and various pissing contests between rival socialists.
Very interesting debate which is refreshing.
Britain is no longer like the 30's or even the 70's. Class structures have broken down and the 'working class' smaller and more isolated than ever.
Whether the BNP leaders like it or not their main support is in WC areas and, through recruitment and the need to maintain their appeal in their strongholds, their party is becoming a primarily WC group.
The writer is therefore correct to point out the need to combat fascism from a WC perspective. Where i differ however is his choice of 'class warrior'. Socalist political parties and Trade Union leaderships are as far removed socially from the WC as one can be. By and large their BNP opponents will be socially more WC and thus more entrenched within those communities than they. They will simply be seen as an outside 'enemy' telling them whats good for them. That form of patrionising is no longer effective.
The article did however point out the benefits of localised 'alternative solutions' to the BNP myths. I think the IWCA activties represent the closest and most effective and active alternatives. The problem is few politicos or unionists want to carry out essentially 'boring' grassroots work let alone have to live near the 'proles'!
The problem of the Alan Sugars and the MCB is not their alleged 'homophobia' (which is actually more prominent in WC areas than elsewhere) but their 'Middle-Class'/ethnic appeal which will cut little ice amongst the target audience.
Fighting Fascism pre-80's was easier, we can recognise and highlight the 'Authoritarian Personality'. Rascism, which works quite independently of the former, is far harder to combat. Only by higlighting what groups have in common, whilst excepting differences, will 'hearts and minds' be won. Simply shouting abuse is losing its effectiveness. Hoping for splits in the BNP is fools gold because most of the pubic don't care and as long as there is an active BNP presence they will pull out the votes. Without grassroots alternatives they will eventually begin to win big-time and then it will be too late.
I'm not easy with this article. I thought we'd grown out of all that Trot rhetoric. How does this sit with contributors like Denise?
'If there's going to be a debate about antifascism it should be held in the backroom not in front of shop.'
How can there be an debate if it's held in the backroom?
'How is ths going to go down with non Marxist antifascists?'
I'm a non-Marxist anti-fascist.
You've lost me LUAF.
This article is just unrealistic old style Marxist polemic. Only recently you said you focussed on antifascism and left politics out of it.
I agree with the comment that antifascism needs to broaden out but obviously some of your posters think there should be a Marxian political objective.
Not for me there shouldn't and I won't give that any support.
You've just given publicity to an article that's definitely minority and sees the SWP as getting in its way. It gives the BNP ammunition where it claims the UAF is an SWP puppet. It's not.
Sorry but this has stuck in my throat.
LUAF was always politically impartial, which is what makes it attractive to anybody interested in opposing fascism. I'm not saying you're not impartial or that you didn't use the article with good intentions, but I think politics of any sort should be kept out of it. They always cause disagreement.
Hope the moderators watch out for the nazi trolls who are starting to make themselves known with less stealthily on this blog.
Funny how there was no fuss at all when we published the Methodist Church's notes on how they thought the BNP should be dealt with.;-)
"Funny how there was no fuss at all when we published the Methodist Church's notes on how they thought the BNP should be dealt with.;-)"
Knee-jerk reaction to anything that comes from the left. Some anti-fascists are as blinkered as the bloody fascists. And before anyone says it, I'm no leftie.
I must say this article has released more trolls from their cages than a medaeval saga. The comments about true anti-fascism only being a leftwing thing is more than likely to be the workings of Grffinite trolls trying to inflict a similar split in the anti-racism ranks as has been witnessed in the bnp.
Whatever their political allegance, to deliberately try to inflict suspicion and mistrust between the different supporters of the UAF is surely a tactic of the Griffinite propaganda machine.
Whether a retro trot or David Cameron supporter, true antifascists don't give a fig who is giving backing to the UAF and Searchlight, if they are effectively crushing racism and fascism.
Please Ketlan and Denise, do not rise to the bait of the (undercover and anomymous) bnp trolls flocking to lemmings to this thread.
Looks like there's not really any argument amongst us then.
It doesn't matter what our political views on economics etc are or what group we belong to, what matter is that we all stand together in our belief against fascism, racism, homophobia and all the other connected prejudices. What also matters is that we are not fascists in anyway ourselves.
Saying "whether you're a Trot or a David Cameron supporter doesn't matter - we can all muck in together" is a bit dumb, in all honesty.
25 years of Tory/Tory-lite policies on things like housing, transport, services, education and so on are the reason white working-class people think that the fascists are the only real alternative/opposition to the political establishment. Building a movement in which Tories and Blairites are welcome and seen as potentially effective fighters against fascism is hardly going to help us out.
I'm sure some individual Tories are probably sincere anti-fascists on some level but as a political force parties of big business don't have solutions for these problems.
I happen to agree entirely with the politics of the article but even if I didn't I think the people who are saying it shouldn't have been posted because it's "too political" or "sectarian" or whatever are way off; if the anti-fascist movement isn't allowed to openly debate different strategies and ideas then how will we arrive at a conclusion about the best way to fight fascism? I'm glad whoever runs this blog seems to have a slightly healthier attitude to debate/discussion than some others in UAF.
I’m not sure the social class issue is particularly relevant. It may well be the case that the majority of support continues to come from what we might think of as the working class. Does that matter? If that’s the base, so be it. For further growth, they need to spread beyond that and, as I said earlier, the Internet is a primary tool for them to reach a much broader audience.
What I find more interesting are the on-going comments that recognise the ‘shiftability’ of voter support but which do not really follow through in terms of the implications. For example, in the piece on this blog about the recent by-election in Ibstock and Heather, it is stated quite clearly that without a UKIP candidate standing, the BNP would benefit by sweeping up their vote. Does that mean we are now equating UKIP voters with the BNP and all that entails? If so, presumably you are set to launch an equally vehement campaign against UKIP.
Whether a retro trot or David Cameron supporter, true antifascists don't give a fig who is giving backing to the UAF and Searchlight
The point of the article is that some obviously do. I'm not traditional socialist but I can see the point the writer is making. You can't have a unified fight against fascism if some of your backers/organisers/members/supporters are displaying similar intolerance and bigotry towards others.
I refuse to accept that we need homophobes like Iqbal Sacranie and others like him, as anti-Fascists and believers in equality he should be on the other side.
As for keeping politics out of anti-Fascism, that's admirable, but when you embrace others in your cause that believe in similar things to your targets you open yourself up to cries of hypocrisy.
As a far right extremist "Troll" I enjoy reading this site because just ocassionally you post something by anti-marxists like me.
If you want exclusive use to ban me, then it is no longer a blog.
Of course it doesn't matter what I say, you will cherry pick it and only use the bits you allow which makes you as bad as me, a fascist!
Incidentally, I am not a racist and don't hate anyone but as one of your earlier posters said, there are issues in this country regarding immigration, wages, the welfare state, and left wing interference in everyday life. When that stops I will go back to normal whatever that means.
I'm not based anywhere near Lancaster (I live in Brixton in south London, not exactly a BNP bastion), but I found this discussion because the article was originally printed in the newspaper of my organisation, Workers' Liberty.
Three comments.
Firstly, while I appreciate the sentiment, I don't think it's a case of opposing "all extremist views". Shouldn't it be a case of opposing all *reactionary* views? What religious groups (of various religions) who oppose the BNP but are opposed to eg women's liberation, gay liberation have in common with the far right is that their views on these issues are reactionary. Which isn't to say that all alliances with such people are excluded, just that it's important that socialists don't drop our political criticisms and think these issues through when we work out what alliances we want to make.
Secondly, class. For me, woorking-class doesn't mean having a whippet and wearing flatcap; it means having to sell your labour power to an employer in order to live (or being dependent on someone who does, or previously having done so and now living on a crap pension etc etc). Factory workers are working class; so are railworkers; so are local government workers and teachers. What this highlights, however, is that there are many divisions of income, privilege, culture within the w/c - divisions which the capitalist market constantly regenerates and exacerbates and which capitalist politicians including the BNP play on. And it's certainly true that the BNP has a much stronger base among less well off, more "proletarian" sections of the w/c than the the left - which is predominantly based among relatively privileged "middle class" workers. This is a real problem that has to be overcome.
Lastly, someone argued: "Whether a retro trot or David Cameron supporter, true antifascists don't give a fig who is giving backing to the UAF and Searchlight, if they are effectively crushing racism and fascism."
But our whole argument - which you are free to disagree with, but you have to justify it - is that we cannot effectively crush racism and fascism by the kind of alliances UAF nationally, at least, makes. The BNP presents itself as and has grown as a party of working-class protest against the neoliberal Labour-Tory-Liberal consensus on housing, the NHS, services, jobs etc. A coalition stretching from Trotskyists to Tories on the sole basis of "anti-fascism" allows them to say "Look: we are right; all these parties are united in wanting to keep you down. We are the only radical alternative."
We cannot defeat the far right unless our fight against racism and fascism is tied into working-class demands on issues such as services and housing. That doesn't mean that everyone in the campaign has to be a Marxist, or even call themselves a socialist; but it does mean a political bottom line. (Eg, individual Tories are welcome on demos; but no Tory MPs, councillors etc on platforms - not that they'd come anyway if the campaign raised the necessary demands!)
Sacha Ismail
Gosh - have I woken up in 1977?
Thought I was back in my old Students Union.
I'm sure articles like this have a place - perhaps in the Journal of Archaic Marxist Dialectic? Not sure it adds much to LUAF though!
LOL – I just found a couple of postings on two sites by BNP trolls attempting to assert their racial superiority by virtue of their supposedly high IQ scores. The responses to the BNP troll postings are quite funny. It exposes the stupidity of the BNP nutzis.
i) Dr Stuart Russell, Grantham on 10:33am Thu 6 Dec 07:
The average IQ of BNP members is higher than that of the general population ... astute and politically analytical, unlike the sheeplike general population.
ii) The response: Prof. Pat Pending, Herts. on 3:25pm Thu 6 Dec 07
"The sheeplike general population" - Baaa! A quote brimming with the condescension and arrogance of any of the main parties except the BNP don't get any votes. Thank God.
B)http://brackenworld.blogspot.com/2007/10/dr-watson-racist.html, a BNP twat states:
i) British National Party member said...
What is certain however is that a randomly selected cross section of BNP voters are likely to be considerably less intelligent on average than a random cross section of Black people.
Im a BNP member, and I have an IQ, rated by mensa, of 137.
ii) The responses by three posters:
(1) Henry Crun said...
BNP member wrote:
"Im a BNP member, and I have an IQ, rated by mensa, of 137."
I think that was smudge from the printer roller and should be 37.
For someone who claims an IQ of 137 you haven't yet grasped the concept of apostrophes.
(2) Matthew said...
... "Im a BNP member, and I have an IQ, rated by mensa, of 137."
Congratulations, you just attempted to defame an AVERAGE by citing an ANOMALY. There are always exceptions, that is why averages exist. If the average height of a male in the U.S. is 5'9" and you point out a basketball player at 7'0" you have not successfully voided the validity of the point. In fact, that tall guy is already factored in. Without him the average would be even lower. So basically, your presence at 137 in the BNP means that the average for everyone else is actually a bit lower than the current numbers indicate.
(3) vincent said...
BNP member with IQ of 137,well I am black,African,lived and schooled in Africa and my IQ is 150.sucker
"Saying "whether you're a Trot or a David Cameron supporter doesn't matter - we can all muck in together" is a bit dumb, in all honesty."
Who are you to say it is dumb? You may well be right about the polices of the Tories etc but surely the issue is that if someone is a decent enough person, an anti-fascist and not a fascist themself then their support should be welcomed. This is not about politics in that way and I for one are prepared to put differences aside. Letting a Tory support anti-fascism isn't supporting the Tories it's simply supporting anti-fascism.
Sacha Ismail,
I agree on one point, that Anti-fascism should not be used as political platform for a particular political party. You seem to single out the Tories (who as a party am I not fond of) but much of what you say smacks of political and class posturing. Actually to me it's sounding a little bit like you are trying to dictate what anti-fascism should be. I am trying to be fair and reasonable and all this class stuff seems to me to be doing is helping divide anti-fascism.
What I think is really going on as far as the BNP are concerned is that they are tapping into this blame culture we seem to be creating in this country. It's like everything that appears to go wrong in life is someone else's fault, normally the government or foreigners. Take the rubbish collection issue for example, where I live there are loads of people complaining about not having 1 rubbish collection per week and how bins are over spilling and rats are everywhere etc.
In reality there is 1 collection a week, yes some bins are overflowing but that appears to be because people are filling their non-recyclable bins with recyclable waste or wasting too much food. Instead of looking at what people can do themselves to sort their rubbish problems out they spend their time bitching at the local council.
Personally I have no problems with the rubbish collection, but that is because I take the responsibility of doing the best that I can.
Whilst this article has stimulated a lot of debate basically the long term supporters of this blog fight the facists, we dont talk politics per se, we dont slag off Brown,Cameron, Karl Marx, Lenin, perhaps Stalin now and then, and most definately we slag off Hitler. But the important thing is the community of this blog fights facists and nazis, no matter where you put your cross in the polling booth.
Over the time i have been contributing on here i feel i have made a lot of friends even though i would not recognise them in the street. And i see no reason whatsover to ask how they vote.
Charlie Salmon forgets the fact Lenin was a despot who believed in a dictatorship of the proletariat.
Doesn't say much for his credibility, quoting a totalitarian despot, maybe Charlie too needs to reconcile his darkerside too.
uaf = UNITE against fascism.
It says it all.
Trolls go back to your Hitler-loving caves.
If the antifascist agenda is going to be dictated by extreme left dinosaurs then I'll do my own thing. There have been some insensitive comments here. Don't the people making them know that our own Denise is antifascist gay and Tory (or ex-Tory, not sure). She's carried her weight and takes a lot of crap. Are some of these dinosaurs saying there's no room for people like her and that antifascism is just a part of THEIR sectarian dreaming for socialist utopia?
If Ketlan is non Marxist as he says it means this blog is being run by two people with no extreme left agenda but who have been big enough to publicise a Marxist viewpoint neither of them agree with.
All I care about is that K & D are good honest antifascists who put themselves out for all of us (Marxist or not) and the Marxists should respect that.
Speaking out,
BNP - labelled incompetent, Nazi or red
UAF - labelled a 'troll'
whats the difference?
It is interesting that neither the original article or Sascha Ismail actually get to to an integral question of whether AWL members should support UAF. If they don't, what, in the short term, do they propose for effective anti-fascist campaigning? A lot of trade unions support, on paper at least, UAF, as well as various leftist organisations, such as the SWP (but this does not mean it controls the UAF). The criticisms that the AWL are making sound very similar to the far left griping that the WRP, Militant and the RCP put towards the Anti-Nazi League in the 1970s. The ANL did not stop individual leftist organisations from campaigning against the socio-economic issues that allow fascism to thrive, but for immediate moves against fascist agitation, the ANL did mobilise many people on a united basis much more than an individual leftist group could. At least the IMG and the CPGB, although bitter sectarian enemies of the SWP, understood that it was better to support the ANL than to gripe from the sidelines. Supporting UAF and being involved in the coalition is much more effective than opting out. The correctness of the united front 'line' is far outweighed by actual mobilisation that involves people being active against fascism. By involving people and getting them to feel positive about being part of a "movement" makes them much more receptive to other progressive ideas, like being aware of the class basis of fascism. Total opposition and sectraian criticism is hardly conducive to any idea of "unity".
Yes, we do support UAF - very, very critically. That policy was reaffirmed by our conference last year.
Lots of people have said things to the effect of "Bugger all this political hair-splitting, we need to fight the fascists". Is it really that difficult to see that politics dictates how to effectively fight them, that this is a political fight and that without clear political ideas we will not do what needs to be done?
Eg look at Germany '32-3, in which two mass working-class parties (Social Democrat and Communist) who combined were as strong or stronger than the Nazis, who both had hundreds of thousands of members, millions of voters and their own armed militias, rolled over and let the Nazis come to power without a shot being fired - why? Because of politics. Because the politics of those two parties led them down the road to destruction.
It is very unfortunate that this particular piece has highlighted the fact that, essentially, there is one group of extremists fighting another. It seems that some are so desperate to recreate the 1930’s in which the National Socialists fought the communists. Ironic indeed that it was their violent opposition to the threat of communism that was instrumental in the National Socialists actually assuming power! Many of the comments here portray the same hatred and ignorance as the alleged far right fascists. Those who do not share the fanatical rants or are deemed no radical enough, even apparently the owners of the blog, are attacked or called into question. Quite extraordinary.
People, this type of rhetoric does nothing to combat the BNP. It is fortunate for you that the BNP cannot help themselves, they simply cannot conceal the true identity of their leadership. This will ultimately do more to bring them down that the rabid elements seen here.
But, more constructively, can anyone explain to me why UKIP and the BNP are seen as interchangeable vote allocations (I’m referring to the earlier post about the Ibstock by-election in which, it is claimed, the BNP picked up UKIP votes as the latter had no candidate)? Are we meant to accept that this is normal. If so, then this type of opposition to the BNP is clearly failing. If not, then why the hell aren’t the UAF campaigning against UKIP?
"Is it really that difficult to see that politics dictates how to effectively fight them, that this is a political fight and that without clear political ideas we will not do what needs to be done?" - Anon
This seems like an ideal rather than a reality though. I reality I don't think that all anti-fascists are going to agree politically, therefore if we attempt to go down the road you seem to be suggesting, which is try to agree politically, then we will fail because our time will be taken up by trying to do something which ultimately is unlikely to work.
Are we assuming that all fascists are united by one set of politics? I'm not sure. I'm not sure that all BNP supporters have the same politics, many BNP supporters don't even know what the politics of the BNP really are, they just hear the spin and react.
I suppose it really depends on what is meant by "politics" though.
I think that yes, there should be some level of understanding of how best to fight the fascists (for example I don't think the use of violence is a good idea, it is counter-productive and can be seen as fascistic in it's nature) but do we really need to completely agree on matters of economics and the like? I understand that many aspects of politics play a part but ultimately we are all agreed on one thing, which is that fascism is unacceptable.
The UKIP/BNP point made is interesting, the way I see it is that UKIP are more of an extreme element of the Conversative Party, I don't know if anyone else here has checked out the Quicktopic CDA forums where you will find Monday Club people and UKIP people plus there are BNP elements in there but it looks like there have been political battles between UKIP and BNP supporters, they all seem to be quite racist or prejudiced towards Muslims and Communists for example but they don't get on politically so they never really stand together, oh! that brings us back to the politics bit again, maybe if UKIP and the BNP joined forces all of those people involved would be strengthened? Mayeb that is what happened in the recent Ibstock & Heather by-election? The former UKIP supporters could have put aside their political differences with the BNP and backed the side they though would most likely achieve their ultimate goal. Bypass all the other politics (leave that for later) and go for the throat.
Reply to Joe Chapman:
In this context, "working class" means not thinking you are working class but having to sell your manual or mental labour power to someone else for a wage or salary in order to survive economically. Workers in this sense are divided by racism and therefore have a common interest in uniting against it.
At least 3 groups should unite against fascism: workers, as explained earlier; victims of fascism; those who believe, on religious or philosophical grounds, that humanity is one and should not be divided.
"In this context, 'working class' means not thinking you are working class but having to sell your manual or mental labour power to someone else for a wage or salary in order to survive economically. Workers in this sense are divided by racism and therefore have a common interest in uniting against it." - a marxist antifascist
So that's basically everyone on the planet then, since most people have to sell their manual or mental labour power for a wage or salary in order to survive.
I don't get the "not thinking you are working class" bit, you seem to be saying that anyone who thinks they are working class is not working class!
How are workers in that sense, divided by racism?
Your whole definition of "working class" seems a bit strange. Are you sure you are what you claim to be?
Yes, most people are workers. Workers have a collective interest in working together to improve their pay and conditions. Racist divisions prevent this.
Thinking you are a worker doesn't make you one but selling you labour power does. Some people know they are workers but others have different ideas like it matters what part of town they live in, what their parents did etc. (To newcomers, these comments are in the context of who workers are and why they should oppose racism so they are relevant on a UAF blog.)
Thank you for your response. I'm going to make an assumption about your other comment regarding not thinking that you are working class, I'm going to assume that you meant not just thinking that you are working class, meaning that simply thinking that you are working class doesn't make you working class.
So, we've established that most people on the planet are working class and that racism divides us. Agreed?
Maybe not, because those BNP voters or potential voters who may consider themselves to be working class may not consider people like me to be working class and therefore are more likely to listen to a racist organisation such as the BNP than listen to someone like me, even though I'm from a very poor working class family. So I guess what this article is trying to do is address this working class issue. Unfortunatley I think the whole class thing is counter productive, all it seems to do is cause more division. Sorry for not having a real answer to the problem!
To Joe Chapman:
That is what I meant. The Marxist definition of class is based in economics, not in subjective ideas or social attitudes. Ideas in people's heads can completely contradict their economic status. Thus, BNP-influenced workers believe that the main social division is not between employers and workers but between blacks and whites.
On how the worker-employer relationship affects anti-racism: If my boss makes anti-racist statements, sacks a racist and operates an equal opportunities recruitment policy, then I support him. If he tries to keep wages below inflation, sacks a trade union activist or operates a racially discriminatory recruitment policy, then I oppose him. We can support on some issues and oppose on others.
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