It follows three women – and we soon realise Sky chiefs are taking liberties with their title. It implies we're following the wives of active BNP members, looking at Nazi love-ins, indoctrinated spouses and cowering nod-a-long wifeys.
But of the three, only one (fitness instructor Susie Cass) has a husband who's a fully paid-up member of the BNP. The others – Marlene Guest, busy giving idiocy a bad name in Rotherham; and Lynne Mozar (above), the BNP's Southeast regional secretary, proving you can be a Southeast regional idiot as well as a village one – are out on their own. Just BNP Women, then.
As Marlene explains her theory of exaggerated Holocaust deaths ("Um, to put the Germans on a guilt trip? I never really thought about it...") and Lynne campaigns against a mosque being built, perhaps the most telling moment comes from Susie. Would it be that bad if we were all interbreeding, asks the interviewer? "Don't you think it would be?" she asks rhetorically. But then rhetoric is all you have when you've never thought further than it.
So, standard BNP docu-stuff then. And yet, watching women explain their race-hate feels more shocking.
We're told the BNP is using women to escape its image of boots-and-braces thuggery. But then, at least in that context, the BNP almost makes sense – like football hooliganism, it gives bonding and purpose to the IQ-lite and violence-happy.
Yet these women seem to use it as displacement: race hate as a "thing to do". If we had more on that, we might have had a real documentary on our hands. As it is, we've only got half of one.
The London Paper
Documentary exposes BNP nazi morons

The Sky One programme featured three BNP women. There was Marlene Guest in Rotherham who thought the number of deaths in the Holocaust had been exaggerated and that Jews were putting Germany on a guilt trip, but felt some good had come out of it. "Well apparently didn't they get a lot of dentistry and plastic surgery", she said, referring to the Nazis' barbaric "medical experiments".
Then there was the Southeast regional secretary Lyn Moser who admitted to referring to black people as niggers "in private sometimes" and called a woman objecting to a BNP anti-mosque campaign a "fat slag".
Suzy Cass, whose husband Nick Cass was smarting from his sudden sacking as party manager, was busy adding to the "white race". The couple, who both stood as BNP local election candidates last May, had requested a white Anglo-Saxon midwife. She did not seem too upset when an Afro-Caribbean midwife turned up, indicating that it had really been the idea of her husband, who sported a Nazi SS-style "tree of life" tattoo on his right arm.
Nick Cass was also shown at the lock-up where the BNP keeps its merchandise carrying a large pile of books by the convicted Holocaust denier David Irving.
A commenter on the BNP rebels' blog summed the programme up nicely, "what a total and utter bunch of morons those people have just made us look", accusing Griffin of being "so stupid let alone so arrogant" for allowing people like Guest to talk to camera crews and walking away when he was being talked to at the BNP's Red White and Blue festival.
Stop the BNP
Looks like the same intelligence that persuaded a bnp member to argue the bnp's non-nazi electability by calling himself Rommell: -
Beware the bnp's multiple fake identities online.
Lynne Mozar is such a twat: she set up on online petition petitioning the Prime Minister to petition the Queen not to sign the 6th EU Treaty. By the time it was closed it had only received a colossal 80 signatures! The EU project has been permanently undermined by BNP warrior Lynne Mozar LOL! Both the Prime Minister and the Queen must be thinking, ‘Shit, BNP country hick Lynne Mozar has set up an online petition against the EU Treaty, we better take notice of this pondlife’s views, she’s a mover and a shaker’. How stupid: the petition for a petition. What is even more incredulous is the crazy far right language and rhetoric (it’s so embarrassing to read). This is what Lynne Mozar states:
“If signed it means the British people have decided (by proxy) to fully adopt the EU Constitution. There will be no need for a General Election in May 2010 - as British political parties will be abolished - all of them. We will have to be prepared to hand over all our weapons (including Nuclear) and Armed Forces to this new Police State. The signing of this Treaty will force the Queen to commit Treason, as she is signing away her Monarchy over Britain. The Frankfurt School of Indoctrination will have won and a Leftist State will rule over us!” (http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/D-Day2009/)
Well guys, it looks like we have our very own rural wacko Survivalist on our hands in the form of Lynne Mozar. It will not be long before Lynne Mozar and her fellow BNP inbreds be telling us about the black helicopters of the United Nations swooping down and taking over the world (or, they may prefer to substitute ‘United Nations’ with ‘non-white immigrants’, ‘ethnics’, ‘Muslims’, ‘European Union’, etc. you get the point).
What the hell is going on?
i go back to Ireland for a few weeks holidays and return to find that there has been a major split in the BNP. There seems to be crisis after crisis and last night I had to look at the sheer stupidity of three BNP women.
I had to endure listening to Nick Cass's wife explaining about how she insisted on a white mid wife for the birth of her child.
I had to endure listening to a stupid BNP woman telling us that good had come from the holocost such as improved dentistry????
Good heavens, the streets od dublin, the warmth of jameson and the smoothness of Guinness are calling me back
Interestingly, the Bishop of Wakefield, the Very Rev Stephen Platten, was very vocal in his opposition to Susie Cass when she stood as the nazi BNP candidate in Ossett. This is what the Bishop of Wakefield has to say about the BNP and Suzy Cass:
"The policies of the BNP are not policies that would work towards equality between people of different races and backgrounds. At the heart of the Christian gospel is an appreciation of the one-ness of our humanity. If that is the case then as Christian people we must work for the one-ness and we may find ourselves in conflict with those who would do otherwise".
BNP troll Nick Cass is very, very touchy about his wife, Susie Cass (she also seems to be called Suzy Bastow). You should see the hilarious exchange of posts on Indymedia between the ever so touchy and irredeemably moronic Nick Cass and anti-fascists on the topic of Susie Cass. Here’s the link:
Suzy Cass is a creep, just like her Redwatch-contributing partner.
Marlene Guest is an idiot. She wrote a poem, ‘Goodbye my England’, in which she attempts to valorise George Bernard Shaw as a great English writer (the exact line is, ‘Writers like Shakespeare, Milton or Shaw, Do pupils not learn about them anymore?’). Marlene Guest is so stupid: Shaw was Irish (and, a socialist to boot! Further, Shaw once stated in a newspaper interview, ‘I can take an objective view of England, which no Englishman can’). Yet, in second stanza of her ‘poem’, Marlene Guest states, ‘To be Scottish or Irish or Welsh that's just fine, But don't say you're English that's way out of line!’ Well, two things have to be said. Firstly, she’ll have problems with Shaw being Irish. Secondly, that statement is offensive to Scottish, Irish and Welsh people (further, it makes a mockery of the nazi BNP claim that they represent the ‘races’ of the British Isles, when Marlene Guest, a nazi BNP candidate, seemingly takes the opposite view in her poem. The BNP have endorsed Marlene Guest’s poem: they turned it into a song via their Great White Records).
Marlene Guest is all over the political shop. One day she’s an Independent candidate, then a Liberal Democrat, now a BNP candidate! What is her next political party going to be?
Lastly, Marlene Guest is a self-proclaimed ‘nationalist’. This is what Shaw had to say about ‘nationalism’:
“Nationalism is nothing but a mode of self-consciousness, and a very aggressive one at that”.
“You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race”.
“Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it”.
No surrender to the BNP! No surrender to fascism!
From The Times:
Wives, Sky One (and HD), 9pm
Tonight’s episode focuses on the female side of the BNP, but the programme-makers seem to have had problems recruiting actual wives to be interviewed. The only true BNP family on show is that of Nick Cass, the political manager of the party. His wife Suzy looks after their three children – her contribution to what she sees as a necessary rise in the white birth rate – and toes the party line, spouting fearful predictions of Britain becoming an Islamic state. It’s hardly Louis Theroux, though.
Suzy Cass: Aryan breeding machine. It seems that BNP women love submitting to patriarchy. After all, isn’t the 'nation' the ultimate embodiment of patriarchy, male virility and female fertility (or more accurately, the male appropriation of female fertility)? The BNP obsession with racial purity centres on controlling female sexuality and reproduction. Now, there's an essay topic for you BNP geniuses out there!
Sounds like compulsive, riveting viewing to me, Denise. Prime slot, I hope.
Makes you wonder what sort of perverted mind came up with the idea. But, thinking about it, it’s a natural. After all, reality shows are all about exploiting the participants. I met somebody once who was so upset because she had been turned down by that iconic series, “Fat Families”. Why was that? Well, she wasn’t quite fat enough. I did ask if she felt that she would be humiliated by the programme. Yes, she knew she would be but,”It’s my chance to be on the telly”. So, there you have it. Bring on the BNP wives. There’s still something distasteful about airing sub-normals for "entertainment", though.
According to The Daily Telegraph, nazi BNP candidate Marlene Guest has a parrot “which likes wolf-whistling at blondes”: weird. Can we now safely say that Marlene Guest is the Bird Lady of the BNP?
Apparently, one of the BNP wives (ahhh, reduced to the secondary, appendage 'wife') when asked on why she would not accept a non-white midwife to deliver her baby, she replied "because I’m bloody white". Well, this being the case, the following came to mind:
What would the BNP wife in question do if there were no white midwifes available at the time of delivery? (perhaps get Enoch Powell to import some more Black Caribbean nurses - you know Enoch was right - LOL).
Marlene Guest does appear to be a deeply troubled lady, and it's difficult not to agree with the observation made by the OOV producer that if she had a little love in her life things might be different.
Her errant ex-husband's behaviour still troubled her enough that she read out a scathing poem about him at the RWB (to an audience of none).
Suzie Cass did admit that her midwife comments were actually the views of her husband, and I felt that deep down she would be very glad to be shot of the BNP.
Lynne Mozar had to be seen and heard to be believed. "You get halal meat in the Navy" she said, her equally unprepossessing friend adding, "And McDonalds'."
At first I thought she was exactly the kind of bigot I sometimes encountered in Conservative circles, until we were shown footage of her addressing a bored-looking BNP meeting - something about Germanic/Nordic motherhood, delivered in a send-you-to-sleep monotone.
Other highlights were Mozar's friend Andy McBride earnestly assuring viewers that the perfectly ordinary lady who took exception to a comment made to her had been "sent" along to cause trouble; Nick Cass stuffing piles of votes for the BNP leadership election into black bin-bags; and the crestfallen look on his face as he explained his sacking by Griffin - you could almost see the tears welling up.
A shame this wasn't on BBC1 primetime, when everybody could have shared Lynne Mozar's assertion that "That's a legal term for them", in relation to the derogatory term for Pakistanis, or that she "sometimes" uses the derogatory term for black people in private - "and why not?"
I see Martin Wingfield has a slightly different take on the programme on the main BNP site
"Suzy, Marlene and Lynne - fine ambassadors for the BNP"
Erm, Denise, what an "OOV producer"?
Wingfeild is a creepy twat, and now I know he's stupid too.
And a wife snatcher!!
'And a wife snatcher!!'
LOL Still holding a grudge after all this time. ;-)
Smook said...
I see Martin Wingfield has a slightly different take on the programme on the main BNP site
"Suzy, Marlene and Lynne - fine ambassadors for the BNP"
No wonder Martin Wingfield thinks the BNP wives programme was good PR for the nazi BNP. After all, fascist troll Martin Wingfield is a good advert for the BNP himself considering that he:
•Has a criminal conviction for inciting racial hatred under the Race Relations Act in 1985 and, after refusing to pay a fine, was imprisoned;
•Emigrated to France in 1995 (great British patriot is Martin Wingfield);
•Was expelled from the loony National Front by John Tyndall (who later founded and led the nazi BNP) after attempting to take control of the Sussex branch of the party from Tyndall's father-in-law Charles Parker by publishing a dissident paper the Sussex Front; and
•Is alleged to have written a nazi BNP article during the 2002 World Cup in which he supported Denmark against England because England had some black players and Denmark had an all-white team.
Martin Wingfield is just another nazi fantasist who has been part of nearly every fringe post-war fascist/racist party. I’m surprised that Nick Griffin tolerates Martin Wingfield in the BNP given that Nick ‘The One Eyed Pig Farmer from Wales’ Griffin, when he was a member of the Official National Front faction, openly criticised Martin Wingfield for being in the rival National Front faction, the Flag Group. To hell with them all! No surrender to the BNP! No surrender to fascism!
Hmmm... doesn't sound like an indigenous white anglo saxon name to me.
Anyone notice in the EiE blog that Nicholla Smith says the porn Mark Collett left on the PC he gave her was animal porn? This would be the same porn about which Mark Collett said "So fucking what! It's for my own personal viewing." I wonder what these "BNP ladies" make of their future fuehrer's (alleged) interest in bestiality porn.
Note: I'm not making any allegations - just reporting what has been said on the EiE blog.
The bestiality story seems a bit confused. Did it involve "Anglie" or some other BNP lady? Was it Collett or some other (alleged) pervert. Can someone in the know enlighten us?
I think her wishes not to be seen to by a non-white in Hospital should have been met. Of course no special treatment (it is the NHS and not private) so if there is non available in time then tough: her husband can deliver the baby.
@ Anon:
Sorry. That abbreviation is seared into my psyche.
OOV = Out of vision.
Suzie Cass isn't beyond redemption. It was obvious she was just parroting hubbie's views and she said at the end she'd like a normal life. I've met other nazi wives like that. If their hubbies were Liberal Democrats that's what they'd be.
That Mozar woman is just a blot on the landscape. Someone with her build saying an overweight woman should wear a burka. A disgusting bigot. Plenty of stuff to use against her when she stands for election.
Marlene was just sad and bitter.
Anybody know how Mozar and Marlene stand on the split?
"Anybody know how Mozar and Marlene stand on the split?"
One leg either side?
Were the leadership votes in two piles, a small one labelled Griffin and a larger one labelled Jackson (standing next to a shredder)?
Comments on the Enough is Enough blog praise Marlene's supposed honesty and also say that Nick Cass came across pretty well even though rebel scumbag Cass wears an SS tattoo.
So much for the rebel losers claiming to be whiter than white when in fact they are far more nazi fixated than members of the civilised proper bnp.
As far as I know, Marlene Guest is as far up Griffin's arse as it is posilbe to get, without blocking Collett and Cromie's access.
I hope the UAF will be campaigning hard in Marlene Guest's Rotherham ward by letting the people there know what Marlene thinks of the Holocaust i.e. it was good because we learnt a lot about dentistry and plastic surgery and that she read a leaflet downloaded from the internet without questioning its author or its sources and now thinks the 6 million figure is a lie, because Griffin said so.
Poisonous bitch. Just another one of Griffin's Holocaust-denying stooges.
Here's the picture of troll Nick Cass's nazi tatoo revealed on the show:
Here's the info on his nazi tatoo (taken from Kirkless Unity website):
We did a little research on the meaning of Nick Cass' tattoo.
Using his very own words "Tree of life"here is the real meaning behind the sacked BNP managers poorly done tattoo.
Symbol Type: Neo Nazi Symbol,General Racist Symbol
Symbol Description: Vertical line branching at top into three smaller lines
Also Known As: Elhaz rune, Algis rune
Traditional Use/Origins: Literally "elk," the elhaz rune in pre-Christian Europe had meanings related to stags or hunting, as well as honor, nobility, or protection.
Hate Group/Extremist Organization: Neo-Nazis, Racist Skinheads
Extremist Meaning or Representation: Often called the "life rune" (from the German lebenrune), it was the symbol of the SS's Lebensborn project (see below). To white supremacists, it signifies the future of the white race.
Background/History: The ancient runic symbol was adopted in the 1930s by the SS's Lebensborn project, which encouraged SS troopers to have children out of wedlock with "Aryan" mothers and which kidnapped children of Aryan appearance from the countries of occupied Europe to raise as Germans. The neo-Nazi National Alliance adopted this symbol as part of their logo.
Another member of this new BNP break away group, Steve Blake is just another weirdo nazi fantasist.
In the 1980s Steve Blake used to import hardline paramilitary and Nazi material from the USA. Freak.
If the rebels paint a picture they are not as racist and nazi as the proper bnp, think again.
The rebellion will fade into insignificance after the London elections, in a few months time, I reckon.
Nick Griffin has done some stupid and regretable things in his time, but at least you know where you stand with Nick Griffin.
Nick Cass reads Irvings books. Remember that!
What is quite disturbing about nazi troll Nick Cass is that he has admitted to taking photos for the nazi website Redwatch, which aims to harass and intimidate people who do not like the BNP. Quite a people who have appeared on Redwatch have been attacked, including the anti-fascist trade unionist from Liverpool who was stab and slashed in his home by a nazi after his details were posted on Redwatch:
Even more on Nick Cass and his Redwatch connection: he supplied many of the photos on the Kirklees section. When initially questioned by a local paper he claimed that he was taking them for his own safety. A few days later they appeared on Redwatch.
The following link details the nazi BNP thugs supplying Redwatch with photographs of 'enemies of the BNP':
There’s an interesting academic book that examines aspects of political organization and cultural production on the Internet. One of the themes it covers is the use of the Internet by fascist groups such as the BNP.
It’s called, ‘An Alternative Internet: Radical Media, Politics and Creativity’. It’s by Dr Chris Atton (School of Communication Arts, Napier University).
It covers the BNP’s use of the Internet in the third chapter, ‘Far-right Media on the Internet: Culture, Discourse and Power’. On p.78 is quotes our good friend Nick Cass!
The book is available on:
Hopefully the next "nazidoc" will cover fascist alcoholics, including Sid Williamson. Just read this at the Northwest Nationalists blog: -
Sofa Soaker said...
Whats happened to Pete(SID)Williamson SOD 18 Blog.
Why as Eddy left the BPP
Sid Must Go
He pissed on John Woods special chair names after Oswald Mosley.
It was named so because Oswald sat in it on his many visits.
Sid is a true CUNT
18 January 2008 17:14
Kind of funny that Sid likes pissing on the memory of Oswald Mosley.
The video has been uploaded to google video http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6145793487676011977&hl=en
A great posting on A Very Public Sociologist blog on the nazi BNP wives:
If there was ever a case of suspending no platform in favour of giving the BNP enough rope, this was it. I cannot think of one occasion where a BNP member has come across well in the media. It tends to reinforce the impression they're either easily-led, pompous, spiteful, bitter, or clueless. Or all of those things. Back when I was a bigoted young Tory teenager I have to thank such a programme for helping make sure I never went anywhere near the fash. Then fuhrer, the late and very much unlamented John Tyndall, gave an interview that was so hate filled and condescendingly arrogant that most watching who were predisposed toward casual racism would have been put off. Unfortunately, since that time the BNP have learned unreconstructed Nazism and race hate tends not to go down well with even the most ignorant and backward of Britons. Hence the suits, the emphasis on "alien" cultures (i.e. Islam), the posing as the champion of the white working class, etc. So when its activists go on the record and make complete numpties of themselves and their vile organisation, it should be welcomed.
Of the three women featured in Sky One's BNP Wives, it was hard to tell who was taking the most stupid pills, as all three had clearly been overdosing. If one of them was at all redeemable, it was Suzy Cass, the wife of Nick Cass, a former full timer who was unceremoniously dumped by Griffin's clique last Autumn. Cass is clearly not Mastermind (never mind master race) material. She spoke of how she started to think about race when a few items from her late father's body were stolen after he died in Jamaica. This, she said, sat in the back of her mind until she met Nick, who then converted her to, if you forgive the pun, the black and white benefits of a racialist world view. Cass spoke of how she insisted on having a white midwife present during the birth of one of her children ... on the instigation of her husband. And toward the end of the show, asked what it was like being a BNP wife, she quipped "BNP wife? More like BNP widow!" She knew the party was his first love: her lot was to to bring up his kids and play second fiddle. Her longing for him to tone down his activity was plain and was quite pleased when Nick was sacked: for the first time in years, the chance of a normal life presented itself.
Marlene Guest, the organiser for Rotherham BNP, certainly fell into the stupid and bitter category. It was very quickly established this was a woman full of rage and constantly dogged by feelings of abandonment, and had only joined the BNP after her marriage had collapsed. One of the most difficult moments of the programme was her poetry reading at last summer's Red, White, and Blue festival. Guest should be thankful her bitter words of betrayal and adultery rumbled over a near-deserted field, as she succeeded in making herself look like a complete fool. And this wasn't the only time. Prodded about Nazi mass murder, she declared "Don't tell me I don't believe in the Holocaust. I do. I'm just not sure about the numbers". And she was unclear whether Britain should have gone to war with Germany too.
But most unpleasant by far was Lynne Mozar, the Southeast regional secretary. We saw her in action with her fellow fash degenerates on a stall opposing the building of a mosque in Fareham. When one woman came up and began asking questions you'd expect anyone to ask about any kind of political stall (why are you here, why are you opposing this, etc.) Mozar moved away and muttered to herself how this woman "would benefit from having a burqa". When asked by the reporter why she didn't use it as an opportunity to explain her view and try and convince her, she replied she "couldn't be bothered" and "isn't really interested in converting people". Given such an attitude it's unsurprising their paper sales were so low, and off they moved their stall to the town centre. This afforded us a keen insight into the BNP mindset when, confronted with someone who accused them of lying (they were telling passersby that the navy only served up halal meat), Andy, another organiser, claimed all critics were "leftwing operatives". Yes, and we're also transdimensional lizards who telepathically guided the planes into the Twin Towers.
BNP Wives is now available to view online here. Perhaps the funniest thing about the documentary has been the BNP's reaction to it. They hail the women as "fine ambassadors for the BNP" and believed it "helped promote the BNP to the public". Incredibly, most of the fash believe it too! Like I said, give them enough rope ...
Lynne Mozar comes into a store I work at, and I've served...shes every inch venomous customer as well as the venmous withc she portrayed herself as on tv.
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