action in the UK highlighting the continuing dangers of racism, anti-semitism and all forms of discrimination.
HMD is commemorated on or around 27th January each year. This is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in 1945.
The atrocities of Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur and ongoing hate crimes show that the international community, and each of us as citizens, has not truly understood or learnt the lessons of the Holocaust.
Ultimately the aim of HMD is to motivate people – individually and collectively – to ensure that the horrendous crimes, racism and victimisations of the Holocaust and more recent genocides are neither forgotten nor repeated, whether in Europe or elsewhere in the world.
Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration in Lancaster
A candlelight ceremony to remember all those targeted by the Holocaust and a procession to the Town Hall for performances by young people.
Attending this event
Where is the event being held?
The Town Hall, Lancaster
When is the event being held?
Thursday 24th January 2008 starting at 18:30
How can I attend this event?
Turn up on the evening
What will it cost?
Organiser details
Name: Liz Neat NCBI Lancashire
Phone: 01524 383899
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Well, don’t expect the nazi BNP to support Holocaust Memorial Day! As Bob Piper (Labour councillor for Abbey Ward, Sandwell) recalls on his blog:
“Tonight at Full Council Sandwell Councillors were asked to support a resolution asking the Council to commemorate annually those victims of the nazi holocaust. The motion also recognised the sacrifices of the British forces who died fighting to liberate the nazi death camps. There were emotional speeches on the resolution including one from a Labour councillor whose grandmother was killed at Auschwitz - Birkenau, and a Conservative who broke down whilst recalling her visit to the camp.
We then had a fiasco of an amendment put forward by BNP holocaust denier Simon Smith (aka Steve Freedom) whose amendment, had it been carried would also have blamed the nazis for the deaths of Armenians, Iraqis, Iranians, White Christians and, most obscurely "the indigenous people of these islands". When the amendment only got the support of the three BNP members, they decided to abstain on the main resolution on Holocaust Memorial Day.
It will be interesting to see if the media, in particular the Express and Star newspaper, actually report this story because they appear to have a strange policy of not writing anything negative about the BNP.”
Classic statement on the Holocaust from nazi BNP councillor Simon Smith:
"The "Holocaust" is the biggest lie of all time…"
Here's a letter Simon Smith sent to the Daily Telegraph, then owned by Conrad Black, about an article over Nike dropping their "Zyklon" shoe:
Umbro drops its Zyklon shoe after Jewish protests…numbro29 .xml
I sent this email to the Telegraph in response
"Dear Sir,
With regard to the “Zyklon” trainers article…
After doing quite a bit of reading on the "Holocaust" , I must say I don’t believe in the "Received Version" that is put out by the mainstream media. I believe we are living in a "Pre Copernican" era on this subject, and whilst it may be painful for vested interests to get to grips with this subject and call me an "Holocaust Denier", "Nazi" etc the truth will eventually stand by itself.
I believe that people who promote the "Orthodox" version of the "Holocaust" i.e. 6 million and mass executions by gas either believe in it as an article of faith or actually know they are propagating a myth whose demise would have consequences for Jewish interests.
I’m not stupid, I know that the Daily Telegraph is controlled by a Zionist lobby and I know that there is no way you would publish this letter in your newspaper. My hope is that this email may be seen by at least one truthfully minded individual before it’s consigned to the trash folder.
The six million figure is not even believed by Jewish “Holocaust” researchers. They do keep quiet on the matter so as not to dispel the myth. In fact the six million is in mathematical terms 6 times 10 to the power 6, a significant mystical Jewish number. The six million was being predicted way before 1945. It doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
The 1988 Zundel trial allowed independent execution expert Fred Leuchter to demonstrate that the crematoria at Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II could not have been used for execution purposes.
Zyklon “B” is not a fast acting gas. You are wrong. Even the article you link to refers to half an hour. The amount of Zyklon “B” used at the so-called “extermination” camps was no more or less than the other concentration camps. Cremation in 20 minutes is impossible. Germany wouldn’t be able to provide the coke for the crematoria for the number claimed.
The pictures of the emaciated corpses we see are of starvation and typhus victims and were taken in the western camps of the Reich. The tragic events occurred towards the end of the war when supplies were being cut off. British autopsies showed that none of the victims died of cyanide. In fact it was still claimed until the early sixties that gassings took place at Dachau and Belsen etc where the witness testimony (which has been debunked) was in no ways different to the witness testimony put forward at the IMT trials with respect to the eastern concentration camps….
I could go, but what’s the point ? You either believe the “received version” or you might have a slight doubt. If you have a slight doubt then research the topic…"
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