April 29, 2008

'Duty to vote' says Bishop

Bishop of Barking, the Right Reverend David Hawkins, has urged all church members and people of goodwill to vote in tomorrow's London elections as "a Christian duty" not least where as little as 5 per cent for the British National Party (BNP) could give them a seat at City Hall.

"Whoever else we vote for we must stop racist politics making gains in London and elsewhere," he said.

A joint paper between the Bishop and the Churches Racial Justice Network claims to articulate a "strong and informed" response to racist politics, based on the Christian belief that all people are created as ONE race, the human race.

His call is joined by other London clergy including Parish priests in Bethnal Green. Fr Alan Green Vicar of St John's Bethnal Green said he rejoiced in the rich cultural diversity of East London's community.

"I hope people of faith will vote for those who are committed to London remaining a city where many cultures work together for the common good."

The Bishop's appeal was read out in churches across the dioceses yesterday. His statement said: "Each vote for the BNP will put into reverse the patient, strategic work of healthy, race relations and social integration that is developing in our London Boroughs, Essex and else where in the country.

Newham Recorder

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