May 01, 2008

Lancaster Unity "live" election coverage

Lancaster Unity is updating live from 10.00, with virtually instant comment moderation. Keep refreshing this post for the latest updates and comments.

Anybody attending a count can send us results by email from mobile or regular email to Even if you aren't attending a count, but know somebody you can trust who is and who can transmit results to you, that's fine.

Television and radio

Local television and radio coverage will continue for much of the night in most regions and will give more detailed coverage of BNP results than the national programmes. We'd like you to keep an eye on what the media are saying in your locality and get the news - no matter how trivial - to us.


Some local council websites and forums devoted to politics will be updating throughout the night. As we at Lancaster Unity are going to be very busy, we need supporters to keep an eye on them - including BNP websites and Stormfront.

Websites to watch

We can't watch them all, so we're calling on you to help us keep an eye on these: (Friday -
1 BNP)

There will be more - please check your local council and/or newspaper website, and send all news and results to

Let's all pull together to make this a successful collective effort for the Lancaster Unity community!



YouGov's latest poll puts the BNP's Barnbrook on 2%, equal with the Greens' Sian Berry in the Mayoral race. We're also hearing that in the GLA race early exit polls are showing the BNP on 3% (unconfirmed - bear in mind also that the polls are open for several hours to come, and that not all BNP voters will admit to voting for the party. Good news is that turnout appears to be high).

Birmingham Sheldon:
Liberal Democrats 3224 60.51%
British National Party 789 14.81%
The Conservative Party 586 11.00%

BBC's political correspondent reports "huge" London turnout

Redhill Ward, Sunderland
Tory 279
Lib Dem 185
Lab 1315
Ind Leadbitter (former bnp organiser)359 13.5%
John Martin bnp (Searchlight mole and last year a NS9 candidate)517 19.4%

31% turnout (2655 votes)

Worcester Gorse Hill (unconfirmed)
Lab 515 47.33%
Con 243 22.33%
BNP 232 21.32%
Green 98 9.01%

B'ham King's Norton
Con 2345 47.34%
Lab 1492 30.12%
BNP 534 10.78%

B'ham Longbridge
Con 1997 39.36%%
Lab 1720 33.90%
BNP 716 14.11%

(BNP expectations better than this here)

B'ham Northfield
Con 2804 47.13%%
Lab 1496 25.14%
BNP 1003 16.86%

Nuneaton and Bedworth Abbey
Lab 1016 45.79%
Con 608 27.40%
BNP 391 17.62%
Green 204 9.19%

How the mighty are fallen! As LU predicted :-)

And the rough with the smooth - Nick Lowles reports: "The BNP has gained Camp Hill ward with 675 votes. Labour came second with 562."

Sunderland Barnes Ward
Con 1712 51.60%
Lab 809 24.38%
LibDem 489 14.74%
BNP 308 9.28%

Sunderland Castle Ward
Lab 1376 54.71%
BNP 350 13.92%
Con 343 13.64%
Ind 264 10.50%
LibDem 182 7.24%
Left 90 3.58%

Sunderland Fulwell
Con 2092 53.16%
Lab 1032 26.23%
LibDem 459 11.66%
BNP 352 8.95%

Sefton Crosby Ford ward
Owen Francis Brady - Labour - 1,330
Michael McDermott - British National Party - 301
Jessamine Hounslea - Conservative - 287
Philip James Wordley - UK Independence Party - 265

Merseyside Whitefield
BNP 72
Lab 629
14K(?) 613
Lib Dem 150

Sour grapes from BNP Thurrock loser:

LABOUR regained the Tilbury St Chads ward in the evening's first declared result.

The ward had been previously held by Val Liddiard, who left the Labour group to stand as an Independent Socialist.

BNP candidate Angela Daly came second, 61 votes behind the winner, Lynne Worrall.

Lynne said: "I want to say a big, big thank you to all the people who have helped me with my campaign. I would also like to thank my family. we are going to keep Tilbury Labour."

Beaten Conservative Kay Mangion said: "I'm pleased for Lynn, she has worked extremely hard and I always say the best people win."

Angela Daly said: "I will stand again. This year we are going to see what Labour have done to us and I'll be prepared for next time. The postal vote should be banned because I think they are all rigged."

Hastings Tressel
Peter Chowney - Labour, 372
Evelyn Modlinger - Liberal Democrat, 208
Nick Prince - BNP, 147
Kate Walsgrove - Conservative, 279

2 BNP gains in Rotherham, 1 in Thurrock

Thurrock Belhus
Sue Gray (Lab) 786
Georgette Polly (Con) 549
Lauren Kay (BNP) 387
John Biddell (Lib Dem) 115

Dudley failure. Nick Lowles says: "The BNP failed to pick up any seats in Dudley, with its vote down on last year. This appears to mirror the decline in the BNP across the Black Country, particularly in Sandwell."

Stourbridge Brockmoor and Pensnett
Conservatives 846
Labour 777
British National Party 508
Independent 313
Liberal Democrats 204

Stourbridge Norton
Conservatives 2,445
Labour 603
Liberal Democrats 530
British National Party 285
UK Independence Party 210

Stourbridge Quarry Bank and Dudley Wood
Labour 1,376
Conservatives 1,119
British National Party 437
UK Independence Party 192
Liberal Democrats 136

Carlisle results. Much crowed about gains failed to materialise.

Full Thurrock results. Beacon last in his ward.

Basildon full results:

Billericay East
Con 1932 66%
LibDem 428 15%
BNP 220 7%
Lab 206 7%
UKIP 152 5%

Billericay West
Con 2145 71%
LibDem 332 11%
Lab 239 8%
BNP 200 7%
UKIP 99 3%

Con 1967 65%
BNP 407 13%
LibDem 384 13%
Lab 275 9%

Con 1311 68%
BNP 251 13%
Lab 218 11%
LibDem135 7%

Lab 1013 40%
Con 636 25%
BNP 628 25%
LibDem 250 10%

Laindon Park
Con 1020 45%
Lab 661 29%
BNP 387 17%
LibDem 193 9%

Langdon Hills
Con 1176 58%
Lab 283 14%
BNP 197 10%
UKIP 152 7%
LibDem 130 6%
Green 104 5%

Lee Chapel North
Lab 972 44%
Con 604 27%
BNP 358 16%
LibDem 160 7%
Green 126 6%

LibDem 1247 43%
Con 697 24%
Lab 495 17%
BNP 459 16%

Pitsea North West
Con 945 41%
Lab 739 32%
BNP 370 16%
UKIP 266 11%

Pitsea South East
Con 1255 52%
Lab 604 25%
BNP 383 16%
LibDem 171 7%

St. Martin's
Lab 539 38%
Con 408 29%
BNP 305 22%
LibDem 163 12%

Con 590 36%
Lab 508 31%
BNP 289 18%
LibDem 104 6%
Ind 72 4%
Ind 47 3%
Green 36 2%

Coventry Westwood
LibDem 277
Lab 1389
Con 1713
BNP 425
Green 165

BNP now have 2 seats in Amber Valley, miss a third by one vote.

Southport Norwood
Con 744
LibDem 1709
BNP 184
Lab 290
UKIP 243

Full Coventry results

That wraps it up for tonight - thanks for your support.

Before signing off, let's just reflect that 8 BNP gains isn't the end of the world and hardly represents a great leap forward for them. So far as we have been able to make out, the average BNP vote has fallen when a comparison with 2004 can be made, but - as last year - the results are pretty mixed.

As our friend Irish Tony puts it: "3588 councillors elected so far. The BNP have 8."

The "quiet revolution"?

They don't come much quieter.

We've still got the Friday counts to go, and the GLA and London Mayoral results to come - see you later!


Anonymous said...

BNP are planning provocative confrontation Friday night - "Finally, we hear that the far-left are planning a demonstration outside City Hall on Friday evening, in order to provide their friends in the media with images suggesting that ‘ordinary Londoners oppose the BNP’. In order to counter this, and to have a crowd of our own to celebrate what are certain to be record British National Party results, we’re asking members and supporters from all across Greater London to come - smartly and warmly dressed, and carrying Union Flags and Crosses of St. George - along to City Hall from 5.30 pm and right through the evening. All the signs are that this will be an historic occasion - don’t miss it!"

C.U.N.T. Tommy Williams: "Good thread. All nationalists should be out even if its just fer a spot of red baiting. Ofcourse I would never condone illegal or violent confrontation nor suggest in any shape or form to use that kind of action. Just the intimidation of poxy poofy UAF is enough."

Anonymous said...

Good idea! I'll stock up with booze and ciggies now.

Anonymous said...

It'll probably be a night of mixed fortunes. What's important is how they perform where they've stood before. Don't get carried away with the London results. They're unique with the stupid 5% threshold.

Anonymous said...

Could be better than we think --

**Meanwhile British National Party (BNP) candidate, Richard Barnbrook, lagged behind with just over one per cent. The remaining five candidates received no votes and eight percent of people had still not made up their mind when we held our poll on Tuesday.**

Exclusive Times poll story

Anonymous said...

Brilliant news keeping the blog live. Everybody can pitch in with this. Respect to all at Lancaster Unity.

Anonymous said...

They think they're on the way if they get 5% in the GLA electiond and pick up a couple of councillors outside London.


It'll be surprising if they don't take on or two seats outside London in some northern towns where Labour are going downhill and the working class won't vote Tory, but it won't be anything to write home about.

Full marks for keeping the blog going tonight. Should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hi, will feed through as i get any info through the day and evening, Bailey has just driven past the house with that bloody tape recording of Dicky blaring out.

I suggest you all have a nap this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Much ado about nothing

Imagine the worst case scenario that the BNP get either one or two elected members onto the GLA.

Let the cheesedicks ( sorry for the profanity) have their moment in the sun. They will be an irrelevant political entity , 99% of the population wont give a toss about them and all the BNP will do is expose themselves as the incompetent idiots that they really are.

Gri££in will feel insecure about Bumbrooks popularity within the BNP ranks and the whole thing will start to go tits up.

I wonder how many people in the UK could name a single member of the GLA excluding the mayor??

5% of a proportional representation vote on a low turnout and the BNP will think they are going to run the country!

lets hope they fail dismally so we can have a laugh at them but if they manage their TINY success it will still spell disaster for them.

I for one suspect I will be enjoying a glass or two of Jameson whatever the outcome

Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea. I may zizz off occasionally but I'll try to stay up with you. :)

Anonymous said...

Griffin sees success (by BNP standards) in the GLA elections as his best defence against growing criticism from fellow nazis.

Some of the anti-Griffin types understand this which is why they've been doing their level best to undermine him, while publicly offering the election effort their support.

Griffin is thankfully light years from running the country, and two seats on the GLA ain't gonna change that one iota. At the moment he's more interested to know that he'll still be running the party this time next week.

Anonymous said...

My council's not counting until tomorrow but I'll check out other places. Is there a list of places anywhere?

Anonymous said...

Final polls in London Mayoral race:

Ipsos MORI
Livingstone 41% Johnson 38% Paddick 12% - 91%

Mruk Cello
Livingstone 44% Johnson 43% Paddick 9% - 96%

Johnson 43% Livingstone 36% Paddick 13% - 92%

@Chris B

Yes. The post will be re-edited later and links to live updating newspaper and local council sites that we know about added.

Anybody who knows of others, please let us know.

Anonymous said...

Those final polls don't leave Barnbook much room. He'd need 8% even to be credible but it's obvious he's not going to come anywhere close.

Interesting night ahead.

Anonymous said...

BNP trolls are certainly using their limited imaginations today.

Got to try harder, boys ;-)

Anonymous said...

8% to be credible 10% to say not too bad. He'll be lucky to scrape 5%.

I keep reading the knucklebrains saying everybody they know is voting for Bumbrook but I work in a large place and it's all about Ken and Boris.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Barnbrook does get elected to the GLA. Why? Because his inarticulacy and lack of intellect are highly embarrassing to behold. He would get eaten alive by the other members in debate. Listen to the following interview and ask yourself: is this the best the BNP can do?

Anonymous said...

The following is the Mayoral Voting Intention - First preference, charting the BNP support from November 2007 till yesterday (

As you'll see the BNP is put at 2%. This may seem low, but three things:

1) The realistic possibility that the BNP may hit the 5% barrier and get one to three London Assembly seats as these figures don't include second preference votes.

2) Prior to late April 2008, the BNP were only registering 1% support. They seem to have doubled their support recently in terms of first preference votes.

3) If they do hit the 5% barrier, a good indication of their support would be if they surpass the 5.3% of the vote that the National Front once got in London.

YouGov/Evening Standard 30/04/08 - BNP 2%

YouGov/Evening Standard 25/04/08 - BNP 2%

Ipsos MORI/Unison 24/04/08 - BNP 2%

mruk/Sunday Times ??/04/08 - BNP ?%

YouGov/Evening Standard 18/04/08 - BNP 1%

mruk Cello/Sunday Times 14/04/08 - BNP 1%

YouGov/Evening Standard 11/04/08 - BNP 1%

Ipsos MORI/Observer 09/04/08 - BNP 0%

Ipsos MORI/Unison 07/04/08 - BNP ?%

YouGov/Evening Standard 04/04/08 - BNP 1%

ICM/Guardian 01/04/08 - BNP 1%

YouGov/Evening Standard 25/03/08 - BNP 1%

YouGov/Evening Standard 14/03/08 - BNP 1%

YouGov/ITN 21/02/08 - BNP 1%

Ipsos MORI/Labour Party 12/02/08 - BNP 1%

YouGov/ITN 24/01/08 - BNP 1%

YouGov/ITN 21/12/07 - BNP ?%

YouGov/London Policy Institute 09/11/07 - BNP ?%

Anonymous said...

The looney legal louse predicts:

If the plans we have in place to prevent electoral fraud via the spoiling of ballot boxes works then I expect three BNP officials to be elected in London. If their is fraud then only Richard will get elected.

Around the country I expect 40 new councillors to be elected and us to come second in about 120 other places.

So it should be a great night - no more Red Ken so the Maoist Republic of London will no longer be under red control, the BNP will hold the balance of power in the assembly, UKIP wiped out, the Lib Dem Paddick annihilated and Boris the Bonker in power in London to misrule the place and who will be busy ravishing any females that come near him and thereby destroy any tory credibility in the lead up to the next election.

Superstrong spiff anyone?

Anonymous said...

There are 3,920 council seats are up for grabs tonight. Join me from 10pm for live coverage of the results.

Three councils - all Conservative strongholds - will be battling it out for the first declaration at about 11.30pm: Broxbourne in Hertfordshire, Plymouth and Tamworth in Staffordshire. Fifteen minutes later, results are expected from safe Labour authority Salford.

At midnight, results should be coming in from Barnsley, Brentwood, Conservative target Bury, Castle Point, Great Yarmouth, Ipswich, Kingston-upon-Hull, Maidstone, Manchester, Mole Valley, North East Lincolnshire, Norwich, Southend-on-Sea, Stevenage, Swale, Tunbridge Wells, West Lindsey, West Oxfordshire and Worcester, where the Conservatives are expected to take power.

Half an hour later, due to declare are Harlow, Hart and Pendle.

Then it gets really busy with 1am results due from Basildon, Cannock Chase, Carlisle, Carmarthenshire, Chorley, Derby, Eastleigh, Elmbridge, Halton, Hartlepool, Havant, Huntingdonshire, Knowsley, Liverpool, which is held by the Lib Dems but vulnerable, Newport, which Labour could easily lose, North Hertfordshire, Nuneaton & Bedworth, which Labour holds but the Tories hope to win, Oxford, Peterborough, Rochford, Rotherham, Rushmoor, Sandwell, Southampton, Stratford-on-Avon, Swansea, a hung council which Labour is expecting to win, Tameside, Tandridge, Trafford, Weymouth & Portland, Wigan, Wirral and Woking.

At 1.30am, watch out for Doncaster, Exeter, Gosport, Isle of Anglesey, Oldham, Portsmouth, where a Tory win would be a big breakthrough, Runnymede, South Tyneside, Stockport, Stoke-on-Trent, Walsall and West Lancashire.

At 2am, declarations are due from Amber Valley, Basingstoke & Deane, Ceredigion, Daventry, Dudley, Durham, Fareham, Hyndburn, Kirklees, Merthyr Tydfil, Neath Port Talbot, Preston, Rochdale, St Albans, St Helens, Sefton, Swindon, Thurrock, which Labour will be hoping to regain from the Conservatives, Torfaen, Waveney, Winchester and Wyre Forest.

Bolton and Cambridge results are due by 2.30am.

At 3am, the counts should be complete in Birmingham, Bridgend, Colchester, Coventry, which is Tory held but vulnerable to Labour, Flintshire, Hastings, Lincoln, where Tory control is under threat, and Northumberland, followed at 3.30am by Monmouthshire.

And extra strong coffee will be required if you want to stay up for the declarations in Blaenau Gwent, a vulnerable Labour council, Cardiff, Warrington, Welwyn Hatfield, Barrow-in-Furness, where Labour and Conservatives are vying to win control, and Rugby which are not expected until after 4am.

The rest of the councils declare during daylight, with the last councils likely to produce results being Conwy and Denbighshire at 5pm.

Anonymous said...

Irish tony as much as i enjoy your company my weary old bones wont last that late, having been up since this morning.

Anyway just a quick sweep through Barking & Dagenham for you......looks like Dicky has gone all camera shy and not willing to leave his comfy blanket he has been in the borough pretty much the whole day.

The turn out in both constituencys has been good, Dagenham being the strongest which is Dickys achilles heel.

Hodge has been trying, yes we know she can be very trying, to get the voter out but she is only focussing on 1 ward.....silly woman, its a good job there are still old and willing knowledgeable activists who are pulling out all the stops across Barking and getting the vote out in the areas that Hodge has ignored.

On the early evening figures its believed the turn out will be in line with the last local elections.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you till I keel over! Not much will happen before 11 though.

Wonder if Boris has booted Ken?

Anonymous said...

Bumbrook must be reaching for the bottle as we speak.

If he fails to get elected to the london assembly, the knives will be out for old Dicky.

Perhaps he'll sneak out of the back entrance dressed in his fiancé's tutu.

Anonymous said...

The BNP's Coventry campaign wasn't up to much. They don't have the bodies to support 13 candidates (down 3 from last time). Paper and unsupported candidacies trying to give the impression of size is asking for bad votes.

That's the good news.

Bad news is that a poll says Cov girls are the ugliest in the UK.

My girlfreind is very upset.

John P said...

Beer, check
Rizlas, check
Baccy, check
Cheese and pickle tosties, check
Right I'm sorted.
Going to be a long night.

Anonymous said...

Thanx Newsnight for hyping up the BNP in Bury, Lancs.

What's with the BBC lovin' Nick Griffin?

Anonymous said...

From the Green Bigot's blog:

"So today then guys, one more leaflet, one more knock on a door and one more push across Our Country..."

Which just so happens to be something the Green Bigot has never done.

Kirklees Unity said...

The campaign from Kirklees BNP has been invisible.

They can't get leaflet teams together.

No placards up

Hardly any work or leaflets delivered.

Anonymous said...

Overstretched in Birmingham too.

Anonymous said...

Cadbury Fingers are now available in dark chocolate. they work wonderfully well with a glass of neat Jameson will hopefully help me to stay awake , I have a full box in front of me!

Wife has gone to bed , the kids are asleep and I'm looking forward to the next few hours.

Lets all hope for a great night/morning

Antifascist said...

'Cadbury Fingers are now available in dark chocolate. they work wonderfully well with a glass of neat Jameson'

Sounds disgusting (except for the Jamesons)

Anonymous said...

feck off !!!!

Anonymous said...

feck off !!!!


Anonymous said...

Been up since 5AM so I'm gonna grab a couple of hours kip, Liverpool BNP have been non-existant so not expecting much support for them here...
See you in a couple of hours:)

Anonymous said...

Redhill Ward, Sunderland
Tory 279
Lib Dem 185
Lab 1315
Ind Leadbitter (former bnp organiser)359
John Martin bnp (Searchlight mole and last year a NS9 candidate)517

31% turnout

Anonymous said...

Election '08: Labour hold Gorse Hill

Roger Berry Labour515
David Nolan Conservatives243
Lee Hancock British National Party 232
Linda Smith Green Party 98

The "feck off" comment as made in jest

Kirklees Unity said...

Gorse Hill Worcester

Roger Berry Labour515
David Nolan Conservatives243
Lee Hancock British National Party 232
Linda Smith Green Party 98

Antifascist said...

'The "feck off" comment as made in jest'

I know that ;-)

Anonymous said...

Worcester - ARBORETUM
Joy Squires Labour 728
David Wilkinson Conservatives 700
Ken Carpenter Liberal Democrats 157
Martin Sullivan Green Party 138
Jack Amos British National Party 134

Worcester - ST CLEMENT
Simon Gerraghty Conservatives876
Richard Bird Labour451
John Butterfield UK Independence Party146
Peter Beechley British National Party130
Olaf Twiehaus Green Party84

Cannot confirm accuracy, details from stormfront

Anonymous said...

SF poster reporting 60-70% turnout in London

Antifascist said...

'SF poster reporting 60-70% turnout in London'

That really would surprise me.

Anonymous said...

From BBC site

00-01am Initial results from key wards where the BNP are standing (mostly in Sunderland so far) suggest that the party is not running as strongly as it did in 2004. Nevertheless, they still managed to average 14% in wards declared so far in wards where they are standing.

Anonymous said...

Darby says BNP win two seats in Nuneaton and Bedworth

Anonymous said...

Griffin's scumbags win 2 seats in Bedworth in London.

Shame on Bedworth!!!

Anonymous said...

BNP gain 2 seats in Nuneton & Bedworth

Anonymous said...

John Martin bnp (Searchlight mole and last year a NS9 candidate)517

This is weird - why did John Martin re-join the BNP and why did the BNP let him re-join? Here's what John Martin said about the BNP:


“I joined the BNP because I was
a patriot and was worried about
what was happening to our country,”
he has told friends. “I thought
the BNP was something new but
how wrong I was.”

“I believed their propaganda
that they had changed. I thought
that they were now respectable. But
in private they are still obsessed
with Jews and are diehard racists.”

The article goes on to say:

Martin fell out with the party after witnessing a BNP member sexually harass a woman. He
disciplined the man but his party
bosses overruled him and told
him to stay silent.

Martin refused to turn a blind
eye to sexual harassment and left
the BNP in disgust. Several other
Sunderland BNP members have
followed him out.

“There is no way you can accept
that sort of behaviour,” he has also told friends. “What does that say about the party?”

Since leaving he has been threatened with physical violence but is determined not to be intimidated.

Martin joined the BNP because he was disillusioned with politics and wanted change. Sadly he has had to learn the hard way about the BNP’s true nature.

“I suddenly realised what these
people stood for and I wanted no
part in it.”

Martin will not be voting BNP in

Anonymous said...

Anon said>
"Griffin's scumbags win 2 seats in Bedworth in London. "

Bedworth isnt in London its Nuneaton & Bedworth where the BNP has won seats.

Anonymous said...

Jack Amos British National Party 134

His brother, Tom Amos, is also standing for the BNP in Worcester. Both Jack Amos and Tom Amos seem to have the BNP monopoly over sending pro-BNP letters to the local Worchester News. Another BNP member sends in a letter the next week supporting whatever Tom Amos or Jack Amos have had published the previous week, with the old lines 'it's not racist ...'

Antifascist said...

Doing well people. Keep up the good work. :-)

Anonymous said...

Stromfront poster says

"BNP only 16 votes short" of taking a 3rd seat in Nuneaton & bedworth

Anonymous said...

BNP performance down from 2004 according to the BBC

BNP averaging 14% on wards fought

Exceptionally high turn out reported in London

I'm not celebrating yet but the cadbury dark chocolate fingers are all gone and the Jemmy is starting to taste a lot better

Anonymous said...

Stromfront again
BNP last of 3 in some parish council in Wales - no offence meant

Anonymous said...

Birmingham Springfield.

EVANS, Jerry* Liberal Democrats 2,496 33.34
AHMED, Akhlaq The Labour Party 2,358 31.5
IQBAL, Salma Respect 1,881 25.13
PEARCE, Sam The Conservative Party 441 5.89
JONES, Michael British National Party 149 1.99
TAYLOR, Sandra Ann The Green Party 140 1.87

Respect 2092 25.90%
Labour 2283 28.20%
LibDem 2602 32.20%
Tory 561 6.90%
BNP 254 3.10%
Green 300 3.70%

Kirklees Unity said...

Nothing for BNP in Barnsley with about three wards left to declare.

Quite a few second places mind.

Anonymous said...

Co Durham

Labour hold Chilton, BNP target ward

Lab 1508/1501
BNP 853/839
Tory 517

Anonymous said...

Is Nuneaton a hotbed of racism?

I don't understand why they picked up seats there???

Antifascist said...

Those are very nice percentages for the BNP there, Scott. :-D

John P said...

All the results are in from Barnsley where the BNP were standing nearly a full slate of candidates and I'm happy to report that they have all lost.

Anonymous said...

1300 councillors voted in so far
the BNP have managed 4

that's 4 out of 1,300

lets hope this trend is indicative of the national results

Anonymous said...

Birmingham Aston

KHAN, Ayoub* Liberal Democrats 2,769 38.6
HUSSAIN, Amjad The Labour Party 2,417 33.7
AZIZ, Abdul Respect 1,406 19.6
NYEKO OLAM, Tom The Conservative Party 206 2.87
GOLEY, David Paul The Green Party 118 1.65
AZAD, Abdul Kalam U K Independence Party 113 1.58
CHAMBERLAIN, Alan John British National Party 105 1.46

Respect 2018 28.0%
Labour 2684 37.2%
LibDem 2005 27.8%
Tory 209 2.9%
BNP 136 1.9%
Green 165 2.3%

Anonymous said...

you wankers were in with two seats .no stopping us now,confirmed you gov and bbc . read and weap you fuck wits

John P said...

Bollocks, the BNP have won a seat in Rotherham.

Antifascist said...

Dumbass said

'no stopping us now'

Yeah, sure. LOL

Duncan said...

Cumbria BNP told us it would be a question of how many seats they won, not if they would win in Carlisle.

Well the results speak for themselves:

They stood in nine wards and lost in nine wards.

Only Barrow to declare now so it's looking like Cumbria remains fascist free.

Anonymous said...

Where's Garside then muppets. Crying in her champane hahahaha

Antifascist said...

'Cumbria BNP told us it would be a question of how many seats they won, not if they would win in Carlisle.

Well the results speak for themselves:

They stood in nine wards and lost in nine wards.

Only Barrow to declare now so it's looking like Cumbria remains fascist free.'

Thanks Duncan. Let us know about Barrow. Fingers crossed.

John P said...

Brinsworth and Catcliffe Ward

Jacki Brown The Conservative Party Candidate

John Eric Gamble
British National Party

Allan Jackson
The Labour Party Candidate

Anonymous said...

Co Durham

Labour hold Tudhoe, BNP target ward

Lab 1105/1062
BNP Adam Walker& Foster 933/842

Anonymous said...

Elected so far

Conservative 720
Labour 437
Liberal Democrat 272
Residents Association 27
Independent Kidderminster Hospital and Health Concern 10
Liberal 6
British National Party 2
Others 73

32 of 159 councils have officially declared

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the stupid remarks, nazi trolls.

It's worth remembering that some people reading this blog have shit for brains.

When there are members in the bnp willing to turn a blind eye to nick griffin's hands in the till, mark collet's paedophilia, and lee Barnes's brainstorms, it shows how thick you idiots are.

And to think, you call non nazi voters "sheeple" lol

Antifascist said...

'Where's Garside then muppets.'

Busy, twat.

Anonymous said...

Must be quite a few fans of Mark Collett and Nick Griffin in Rotherham.

Anyone got some spare brains to lend these fools?

Anonymous said...

Any guesses what Mark Collett is getting up to, tonight, folks?

That is, after he has finished flirting with fourteen year old girls on FaceParty?

Anonymous said...

Rotherham is a racist place full of thickoes. Once saw this documentary about an ugly BNP woman who denied the Holocaust happened.

Anonymous said...

"Where's Garside then muppets. Crying in her champane hahahaha"

2023 councillors elected so far
The BNP have managed 4.

If Denise and the team are not drinking champagne yet I WILL SEND THEM A FEW BOTTLES

Anonymous said...

There was a major upset in Rotherham when BNP candidate John Gamble unseated the mayor Allan Jackson in the Brinsworth and Catcliffe ward.

Anonymous said...

Anyone guessing who the nazi bnp troll is?

(the latest odds from Wilhelm Zeig Heil's)

1-2 Lee Barnes
6-4 Mark Collett
8-1 Simon Darby
1000-1 Derek Beac(k)on

Anonymous said...

I've heard the bookies have stopped accepting bets. The only loser in the world who still uses the expression "muppets" to describe anti-racists is Lee Barnes.

Anonymous said...

BNP believed to have won at least one seat in Thurrock Essex, thiunk they have retaken Riverside ward - maybe one or two others

Anonymous said...

Rotherham is a backward hillbilly place.

Anonymous said...

Rotherham is a backward hillbilly place.

You make it sound like the Ozarks. It aint that bad.

Anonymous said...

BNP holds two Sandwell seats.

Emma Colegate was elected in Thurrock according to SF

Anonymous said...

Darby claiming "Marsden ward Pendle now confirmed as BNP gain."

Anonymous said...

Anybody remember who that racist woman was in Rotherham in that documentary?

Anonymous said...

Another Darby claim:

"Thurrock-Tilbury Riverside & Thurrock Park
Emma ColgateBritish National Party
530 Elected (40%)
Paul MartinLabour 463
June Ann BrownIndependent 192
Lee DoveConservative 144"

But they'll be struggling to meet Barnes' predicted 40 gains natianally and "balance of power" on GLA.

Anonymous said...

Rotherham IS that bad. I used to live there until I moved to Hull five years ago.

Anonymous said...

Will the last human being in Rotherham please turn the lights out........ !

Antifascist said...

Now now.

John P said...

They have won another seat in Rotherham.

Anonymous said...

BNP candidate Angela Daly came second, 61 votes behind the winner

Why does Angela Daly stand for the BNP when we read the following:

"Ken and Angela said they did not share the BNP's racist views but wanted to make a stand against what they see as a soft judicial system".

Again, if Angela Daly claims she does not share the racist views of the BNP why does she and her husband keep standing as BNP candidates?

And, if they aren't racist, then why did Angela Daly, along with her husband, Ken Daly, sign a racist anti-gyspy on-line petition that lied about the potential number of gsypies who would settle in Thurrock, Essex?

Anonymous said...

"But they'll be struggling to meet Barnes' predicted 40 gains natianally and "balance of power" on GLA."

BNP will be lucky to get a seat on the GLA if turnout is as high as predicted.

The local results will save their bacon but not Barnes blushes.

Does anyone take him seriously, in the BNP I mean

Anonymous said...

3255 councillors elected so far
The BNP are now up to 6

thats 6 out of 3255

John P said...

Anybody remember who that racist woman was in Rotherham in that documentary?'

That was the ever delightful Marlene Guest, she came 2nd in the Wingfield ward

Anonymous said...

It's Sheffield's poorer cousin, seperated by the wealth of the Meadowhall Centre, and has no soul since the steel industry has closed down.

It's a shame that there are no meaningful anti-racist groups operating there.

Anonymous said...

Few people in Rotherham can spell Holocaust.

Anonymous said...

irishtony said...

3255 councillors elected so far
The BNP are now up to 6

thats 6 out of 3255

A good way of keeping things in perspective. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I've heard they burn crosses in ROTHERHAM on Bonfire Night

Anonymous said...

Geoof Mulhoon just said the BNP won a seat in Amber Velley

Antifascist said...

Fucking hell, enough about Rotherham already.

Anonymous said...

Yes, enough about that godforsaken racist south yorkshire hellhole. If the fascists lose in London they will be left with a series of useless one-horse northern and southern towns that will hardly lead to a neo-nazi revolution.

Anonymous said...

Re my post about BNP Sandwell Holds....

Sandwell MBC site doesnt show the BNP were defending any seats this election.

So why are the BNP claiming on forums and SF they held 2 seats there?

And why did I report it here and just take their word for it?

Anyone got any confirmation about the BNP in Sandwell

Anonymous said...

72 of 159 councils have officially declared

3588 councillors lected so far

The BNP have 8

Anonymous said...

South Tyneside

All results in. No bnp breakthrough.

Anonymous said...

Ind Leadbitter (former bnp organiser)359 13.5%

Wasn’t Ian Leadbiter arrested for beating up someone outside a polling station when he stood as a BNP candidate in Sunderland?

Anonymous said...

The neo-nazi BNP wouldnt have been able to afford their deposits if dictator griffin had been fined by the electoral commission.

But the powers that be want the BNP to remain in business.

Anonymous said...

Re: Sandwell
The BNP had two councilors on the 30th and will have 2 after the elections... however neither of throes councilors where standing this time.

Antifascist said...

According to Nick on the HNH blog, 'For the second year running the BNP has failed to win a seat in Sandwell.'

Anonymous said...

Sorry for returning to the issue of roth*rh*m, but I do know all-white rotherham is immensely jealous of the economic success of multicultural sheffield which is a sporting centre of excellence and has the meadowhall centre.

It's true that it's about time that governments help regenerate such areas, while educating people about Anne Frank, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandella, and the Holocaust.

Anonymous said...

Well we have passed the half way mark and here are the official results so far

Conservative 1704
Labour 1226
Liberal Democrat 919
Residents Association 28
Liberal 12
Independent Kidderminster Hospital and Health Concern 10
Green 9
British National Party 8
UK Independence Party 4
Respect 4
Others 187

80 of 159 councils have officially declared

The BNP have managed 8

feckin hell!!!!

Antifascist said...

From Nick L

'The BNP has taken seven seats so far. These include two each in Nuneaton & Bedworth and Rotherham, and one in Pendle, Thurrock and Amber Valley.

However, this is still short of what they would need to met their own prediction if 40 gains and in many years they failed to win seats they expected.

The BBC is also reporting that the BNP's average vote is down on 2004, with it now being 11% in the wards they contested in both years.

Tomorrow they will be counting in Stoke-on-Trent, Burnley, Epping and across West Yorkshire so while they are bound to win several more seats they will probably still fall well short of their target of 40.'

Anonymous said...

Derek Beacon/Beackon/Beakon/whatever last in his ward (Thurrock)

Anonymous said...

Rock Against Racism is good, but it's about time the nations favourite pop artists write lyrics poking fun at the bnp. Ridicule is an excellent tool to crush racism and fascism.

Even the regulars on Stormfront know that in the long run, no matter how many bombs are planted by Bin Ladens in fifty years time, racism won't exist in any significance across the planet.

Anonymous said...

Just as well Beacon hadn't stood in Rotherham, or else the voters would have been too confused by his ever-changing surname to know who he was.

Anonymous said...

Conservative 1704
Labour 1226
Liberal Democrat 919
Residents Association 28
Liberal 12
Independent Kidderminster Hospital and Health Concern 10
Green 9
British National Party 8
UK Independence Party 4
Respect 4
Others 187

Pretty good going. Shame about the Greens though. Where's the BNP's predicted 40 seats?

Anonymous said...

According to Searchlight

The BNP has won no seats in Southend, Carlisle, Tameside and Broxbourne, where the party once had a seat.

The target of 40 still appears a long way off

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the BNP magnanimous in its moment of victory

"BNP winner slams 'corrupt' council
By Gazette election team: Lucy Cramer and Alex Ellis
Comment | Read Comments (4)
BNP WINNER: Emma Colgate, right, with beaten candidate Angela Daly.

THE British National Party won its first seat in Thurrock since 2004 when former parliamentary candidate Emma Colgate won in Tilbury Riverside, a by-election called by the resignation of Labour councillor Paul Attah.

The Labour vote for new candidate Paul Martin was split by former labour councillor June Brown, deselected for last year's elections, who picked up 192 votes. Mr martin polled 463 votes.

In her victory speech Emma Colgate said: "I'd like to thank all the voters and my campaign team who were out on the streets for 12 hours a day.

"The other councillors say they don't want to work with me, well I don't want to work with them. They'd better be in at the weekend cleaning out because I'm going to put a stop to the corruption.

"This vote is also a message to the Labour government."

Antifascist said...

Last post from Nick at HNH

'The story so far

The BNP has taken eight seats so far. These include two each in Nuneaton & Bedworth, Amber Valley and Rotherham, and one in Pendle and Thurrock. However, this is still short of what they would need to meet their own prediction of 40 gains and in many years they failed to win seats they expected.

They failed to win any seats in the Black Country boroughs of Dudley, Walsall and Sandwell. There were also no gains across the entire North East, Oldham and Broxbourne, a council where they held a seat until last year.

The BBC is also reporting that the BNP's average vote is down on 2004, with it now being 11% in the wards they contested in both years.

Tomorrow they will be counting in Stoke-on-Trent, Burnley, Epping and across West Yorkshire and while they are bound to win several more seats they will probably still fall well short of their target of 40. Counting will also take place in London and BNP gains here will not only usurp the small gains made across the country tonight but also act as a guide for next year's European Elections.

I think that's it for me for tonight. There is going to be a long day ahead of us so it's best to get some rest. Thanks to everyone who has sent me results, gossip and, in some cases, just kept me amused during these early hours.'

Anonymous said...

I wander if "Miss Emma Toothpaste" will clean out the whiter than white Nick Griffin, and his Croatia cash siphon?

Kirklees Unity said...

Prediction for Kirklees tomorrow.

No wins

David Exley in Heckmondwike to lose to Labour.

BNP leave count before all results called

Antifascist said...

'David Exley in Heckmondwike to lose to Labour.'

Bloody good riddance.

Well, that's me done, folks. Thanks to all our contributors for your useful, interesting and sometimes bizarre comments (particularly about Rotherham), and thanks to the nazis for repeatedly showing us exactly how dim they can be.

Back later today to watch the next batch of results roll in and of course to see the Assembly results.

Cheers y'all. :-)

Anonymous said...

The quiet revolution was so feckin quiet I fell asleep

Good Morning everyone

hopefully more good results due today

Anonymous said...

Good morning irish tony, good morning Ketlan and a fantastic crew who have given me the best half an hours reading this morning.

Its surprising what a good nights sleep can do, and waking up to read they only struggled to get 8 is fantastic. I really cannot see them improving on that figure during today.....they are done for a spent force, they overstretched and fell apart.

London of course is a worry, and if Dicky were to get a place then i would bet you would end up with a separate London BNP party led by Dicky cos we all know that Dicky will not share the limelight with anyone. Still thats for this evening...
thank you so much for all of your hard work overnight, will send a contribution over today, but can i ask that you take 60p out of it to buy irish tony a new packet of cadbury dark fingers.


Anonymous said...

Birmingham Aston

KHAN, Ayoub* Liberal Democrats 2,769 38.6
HUSSAIN, Amjad The Labour Party 2,417 33.7
AZIZ, Abdul Respect 1,406 19.6
NYEKO OLAM, Tom The Conservative Party 206 2.87
GOLEY, David Paul The Green Party 118 1.65
AZAD, Abdul Kalam U K Independence Party 113 1.58
CHAMBERLAIN, Alan John British National Party 105 1.46

Anonymous said...

100 of 159 councils have officially declared

So far the official count is 5140 councillors
The BNP have 11 councillors

Anonymous said...


Where do you feckin shop??

Good idea though

Antifascist said...

Thank God we don't have to buy the Jamesons. ;-)

Anonymous said...

tsk!! tsk!!

Anonymous said...

60p costcutters...choccy biscuits
