A senior BNP member has caused outrage - by driving a car with a number plate that looks like "Nazi". British National Party councillor Julian Leppert has angered political rivals by turning up for meetings in his black Ford Focus, registration NA51 ZCY. And they are now demanding that Leppert, 41, a councillor in Hainault, East London, removes it at once.
Opposition councillor Veronica Cole said`: "When I first saw the number plate on his car I couldn't believe my eyes. It is sickening and appalling. It beggars belief that even a BNP councillor could think this kind of behaviour is acceptable."
Leppert's bizarre decision to drive a car with such a provocative numberplate comes as BNP top brass try to rebrand it as a "serious party". The postman from Loughton, Essex, is seen as a rising star in the far-right organisation. He once won party support after sneering in a speech: "I don't care about being called names or being called politically incorrect. I have to stand up and tell the truth because my country is at stake."
In June he was asked by party leader Nick Griffin to act as a henchman to shield him from eggs and antifascist taunts during a visit to London. And in 2004 he was chosen to stand against Ken Livingstone in the London mayoral elections. He used it as a platform to spout his far-right views on the number of asylum seekers allowed to live in the capital.
He said: "We don't want to be in a minority in our own city, let alone our own country. This is what we are going to have by 2055 if current trends continue. All our cities will be like Leicester. The crime situation will get so bad people won't want to live in London any more."
Yesterday Leppert said he had decided to sell the car but denied choosing the registration deliberately. He said: "This isn't a personalised number plate. I needed to buy a car in a hurry a couple of years ago and found one for sale online. The number plate was blacked out so it wasn't until I arrived to pay that I saw it. Had I known I would probably never have bought it. I am planning to sell the car now as the other councillors seem to want to make a political point. I find that pretty cheap."
Down the years I have seen licence plates with combinations of letters like IRA, KKK, ETA and BNP. I'm not sure if their owners had the rspective political sympathies but the owner of NA51 can be assumed to be wearing his politics on his registration plate. I congratulate him. It shows the BNP up for what they are and undermines their argument about being anti-crime and pro-British when they allign themselves with Hitler. Well done, dickhead.
I advised him to buy it in honour of the Nutzi pansy division tank corps.
What a fucking loser.
Yes, far from being scathing, I wholeheartedly congratulate senior BNP Councillor Leppert for publically displaying his party policy on his car number plate. Patriotism and Britishness, eh! My arse.
Why complain ?
One, it shows the real politics of the BNP,
Two makes it far more easy to remember should the police need to start making enquiries about anything.
Old Sailor
"The number plate was blacked out so it wasn't until I arrived to pay that I saw it. Had I known I would probably never have bought it."
So he arrived to pay for it, saw the number plate and still bought it. So he's bullshitting.
"Yes, far from being scathing, I wholeheartedly congratulate senior BNP Councillor Leppert for publically displaying his party policy on his car number plate. Patriotism and Britishness, eh! My arse."
LOL Well said.
Coincidence my arse.
To the many neo-nazi BNP loser twats who frequent Stormponce, the nazi tag is one that most if not all are secretly proud of.
Love Adolf Hitler, regard yourself as a nazi.
If "Lepper" says he has to sell the car, that's complete and absolute bullshit. You can buy another registration plate for £50 on the internet.
He's a liar like all BNPers.
From Hope not hate
"In January 2007 Leppert attended a conference in London where he sat through anti-Jewish tirades from a close confidante of the Holocaust denier David Irving..."
Nazi? Almost certainly.
Don't go much on the shorts either...
We are playing the numbers game.
#Postman twat, postman twat...
Not just the Nazi number plate, but the bovver boots too, well he's twice a Nazi then. I'd find it laughable if he wasn't a democratically elected councillor in Redbridge.
Hope the boots are as well directed as the fists as your Fuhrer instructed!
Hopefully this will make the public see "The Lepper" in his true colours!
Having a car with the word "NA5I" is as cheap as they come, you cheap and nasty Lepper!
Why do the fascist BNP insist on playing the victim all the time?
Surely they can't continue to play the victim card time after time without the public waking up to the fact that they are full of racist bullshit and no policies.
Quite clearly this has been fed to the papers as there is an internal fight going on in the BNP.
"but the bovver boots too,"
To be fair they look more like reebok hi top trainers, they're not DMs.
"The number plate was blacked out so it wasn't until I arrived to pay that I saw it. Had I known I would probably never have bought it."
So he arrived to pay for it, saw the number plate and still bought it. So he's bullshitting.
I hate to be seen to defend these types but it could be true. I bought a car once with BNP in the reg. It was a polar white Sierra that would only turn right
Would someone please blank out those legs! There are children reading this blog!
"Would someone please blank out those legs! There are children reading this blog!"
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