On the 2nd of April, the drunken nobodies of the EDL will be marching up and down the streets of Blackburn chanting racist abuse willy-nilly at any passing Asian man, woman and child. The best way to beat these pissed-up fascist losers is to take the bloody piss.

While the moronic EDL thugs beat up the police trying to break through their lines to assault the anti-racist protestors, we suggest that anti-fascist protestors follow our fine heroic science-fiction example, and dress up as characters from B-movie sci-fi space invasion movies, sporting the most outlandish of legal weapons, "
Muslamic Ray Guns".
Turn up in Blackburn wearing your most colourful items of fancy dress, ready to impose "Iraqi Infadel Law" upon the EDL's "Space Invaders", blasting the racist losers back to infinity and beyond (or the nearest solar system that has a run-down Wetherspoons).
Suitable sci-fi music played from loudspeakers with a space-style launch countdown before the rayguns are fired, would be most fitting.
Tell your friends!!!
Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers & Buzz Lightyear at
IndymediaThanks to NewsHound for the heads-up
LOL Fucking brilliant!
Time for a remix.
Welcome to this years Kersal Massive
Ahhh. I'm loving this..........
...... I hope it goes proper viral..... Its all over google.
We need to start a campaign, a bit like "where's Wally" but called
"Where's Minger the Merciless"
Where is he folks?
Is this our Andy's work? Whether it is or not, it's superb and deserves the Lancaster Unity crown for piss-take of the year.
Be careful about taking the piss, our friend (he of the Muslamic Infidels and the Iraqi Law) could easily achieve national celebrity status if you carry on this way.
He will be in the newspapers, everyone will want to interview him, he could end up on TV being interviewed by Jonathan Ross.
He could even write a book. Well on second thoughts perhaps not, but you know what I mean...
this is awesome
although part of me wonders what the Blackburn police's response will be to people pointing toy guns
Chuffin excellent! lol
I almost lost control of my bladder, then suddenly remembered it's the sort of thing that the EDL do over historic castles, so I eat an orange instead.
Take me to your leader, Minger The Merciless!
With no girlfriend, disowned by even his own mummy, his only friends, the space aliens who abduct his brain each night and return it (almost) intact, Minger The Merciless is leading the EDL's crusade to root out the secret stash of atomising anti-Aryan weapons, the infamous Muslamic Ray Guns...
The EDL guy is Sloth from The Gonnies:
Don't forget to sport are troops with you're muslamic ray guns!
Is Iliacus going to do an EDL yearbook for us?.... muslamic rayguns and sport are troops must be the tip of a very dense iceberg!
Has minger the merciless been identified yet?
My two Muslim kids (8 & 11) thought Ming The Merciless was absolutely hillarious - they've been singing "I want British to be about British" all day long and have begged for me to buy them a Muslamic Ray Gun!!
Please somebody somewhere start producing them - you've got a customer right here!
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