Even the larger parties aren't stupid enough to spend what amounts to a small fortune if they know damn well that they're not going to win, and simply put up a token resistance by standing and either not campaigning at all or just doing the minimum amount to avoid accusations of indifference.
In politics, as in life itself, these lessons are learned through experience and by observing what is done by others. Although not by everybody.
Julian Leppert, who stood in the London Mayoral Election in 2004, managed to get only a paltry 3% of the vote, being beaten by the Respect candidate and only missing out on being beaten by the Greens too by around a thousand votes, coming sixth out of ten candidates. This time around, the British National Party has put up the leader of the party's disastrous group on Barking and Dagenham Borough Council, pornmeister Richard Barnbrook.
We discussed the possible reasons behind this peculiar choice here, where we also speculated on which address he will be using from which to launch his campaign - his real one in Lewisham or the fake one the BNP use as a storeroom for the many thousands of undelivered leaflets they have laying around.
Dicky, who has Sadie Graham looking over his shoulder whenever she isn't buggering about in Croatia, is obviously under a great deal of pressure. His Dagenham Show disaster and the complete lack of support for his mayoral campaign neatly illustrated by a recent post on Stormfront which stated; ''Most people in the party know that the choice of Richard Barnbrook to take on Red Ken in the London Mayoral election next year is a disaster in the offing...' show both his ineptitude and the level of support he's likely to get from his colleagues in the party, particularly in the Barking and Dagenham group where he's now firmly regarded as a loser.
The most recent revelations about the BNP's troubles make it plain that nothing is working out financially or in any other way for the party. A much-reported fall in membership and the likelihood of having to bail out such disasters as the fast-collapsing Great White Records are causing havoc with the already late accounts and Nick Griffin's casual dismissal of problems with the finances in a recent blog post hasn't apparently inspired the membership with confidence - or not the many BNP members who communicate with us, at any rate.
No surpise then that Barnbrook himself, rather than the Leader of the party, is handing round the begging bowl to raise funds for his campaign. Dressed in his smartest suit though looking a bit ragged around the edges (Barnbrook, not the suit), he clumsily and with apparent difficulty reads off the idiot board the outrageous call for £200,000 to be donated for a campaign that the BNP is clearly and easily going to lose. This video, obviously made by a bunch of third-years at the local comprehensive, is about as bland as it's possible for a video to be, but if you really feel the need to inflict it upon yourself (you masochist) you can download it from here (20MB).
One wonders (again) precisely what the membership fees are meant to pay for. Last year's accounts showed a membership of 6502 - the £200,000 represents membership fees for nearly 6700 and there are still the General and European elections to come - each of which will cost considerably more than a fifth of a million quid. Griffin's ambition to conquer the world and make himself rich in the process may not actually achieve anything except to bankrupt the entire BNP membership. It certainly isn't going to win the London Mayoral Election for the BNP.
[Just to cheer you up in case you're a member of the BNP, here's Mr Fister's presentation of Dicky on a night out. I'm not quite sure how but Dicky looks like he's really enjoying himself]
That's 71,428 pints of his favourite lager.
Or 48,780 of his favourite house double with his accompanying mineral.
He really must be planning a huge drinking binge.
£200,000??? The BNP could hardly raise £2. As usual the members are the suckers.
Richard barnbrook has more chance of becoming Queen than he does of being made Mayor of London.
He'd probably rather be Queen.
anon says...dicky barnbrook has more chance of becoming queen...get real he is a queen, and the leading diva in barking & dagenham.
in the photo he is actually pointing to his favorite wateringhole, and the plonker behind him is Bailey, a different kettle of fish altogether, bnp with a hint of menance he claims to be an ex marine...oh dicky likes that.....and it was bailey that dicky was shacked up with in the caravan parked illegally in barking town centre, the video you can bet was made by no.3 in the line up rustem these are joined at the hip, nicknamed, curly,larry and mo.
well if dickys got to raise £200,000 he has either got to go dry for the next year, or earn his money another way, and i for one wouldnt pay you sixpence for it.
I bet the fall in the membership doesn't appear in the accounts. Everyone I've spoken to in the party agrees that there has been and that Nicks at his wits end wondering what the fuck to do about it. Prhaps stop treating the members like dicks eh. I just let my membership laps and never bothered renewing it and I know a couple of others in my area who did the same.The BNP is fucked big style until they get rid of Nick Griffin.
I watched the video and it's not too hot.
"Dicky, who has Sadie Graham looking over his shoulder whenever she isn't buggering about in Croatia..."
I always told Collett, turn them over and they're just like a little boy.
Just watched the video.
My word, does anybody check this rubbish before it goes to air?
Bumbling Dicky Barnbrook in the same old suit looking and sounding as if he's just left the pub.
"Aloe Vera said...
Just watched the video.
Bumbling Dicky Barnbrook in the same old suit looking and sounding as if he's just left the pub."
They probably just dragged him out of the bar and into the 'back room' for a quick 5 min's video session......poor bloke, he must have been gaggin' for a drink by then
Ex said... I just let my membership laps and never bothered renewing it and I know a couple of others in my area who did the same.
good comment i know quite a few doing the same this year, they are fed up of promises and regional organisers talking bullshit.It will be interesting just to see the response towards year end when the cheques are landing few and far between on griffins mink carpet
Thats a good point - I wonder if there is going to be a campaing at all or if the money is just desparatly needed to cover holes in the budget.
The BNP are cleverly trying to get the anti-gau vote within there own party by pretending that Richard Barnbrook is going out with Simone Clarke, the so-called BNP ballerina.
The racism will always out though, as someone on stormfront pointed out "I don't mind defending Richard from allegations of homosexuality, but this Simone has negroid child? Richard should have chosen wiser, perhaps. Anyone prepared to breed with an ethnic cannot be a nationalist or allowed near one of its brighter hopes.;
Bloody disgraceful.
Sorry, I meant "anti-gay".
If you tolerate this, then your children will be next.
good comments.. as a matter of interest it is common knowledge that you only pay a deposit for a GENERAL election ? does anyone know of anyone who has even been asked by griffins so called underhands to cough up large amounts of cash for a LOCAL election ? (bearing in mind all you need is 10 signatures to vearify you for a local election)
I'm no expert on elections but the Mayoral Elections cost a fair bit to enter (at least initially). Ten thousand up front (returned if you get 5% of the vote) and another ten thousand for your election leaflet to be included in the batch that goes out to every voter (again returnable on 5%). It would seem foolish for the cash-strapped BNP to spend more than the minimum £20,000. But perhaps they're not intending to.
'griffins mink carpet'
LOL Somehow I can just imagine it. :-D
The 200k is not to enter the election, it is for the production of 2,000,000 leaflets. Try watching the video!
"Try watching the video!"
I did but I fell asleep it was so fucking dreary.
"The 200k is not to enter the election, it is for the production of 2,000,000 leaflets. "
For £10000 the BNP gets a leaflet into every house. Why bother spending mor in an election that can't be won anyway? It looks like the biggest waste of members money since Nicks barn renovation.
as anon suggested...i did try watching the video but as usual dicky was slurring his words again so it was hard to follow, i got the gist thou dicky wants bnp members to part with £200,000 just like griffin permanent hand out, no change there then.
There are lots of smaller groups standing this time too, which'll take votes from the BNP. Money down the drain.
Just spotted this on the Barnbrook thread at Stormfront
"Right now I think the biggest danger to nationalism is the BNP leadership. NG has done a great job getting the party into shape, but it's clearly time for a change. We need new leaders who don't have the image problems - you know, like the kind of people we have a tendency to lose just recently. The last thing we can afford is self-inflicted poor image. Why, for example, is Mark Collett still even in the party, let alone in leadership? Here is a person who clearly has very poor judgement and is likely to confirm in the minds of the public people's worst fears about the BNP's views on Hitler and the Nazis; there are weird videos on the net with him talking to some strange leftist; he is clearly incompetent and seems to have played a role in prominent and gifted individuals leaving the party; and he calls a marxist girl a slag and boasts how better us whites are then the blacks who are barely savages. Is this the kind of image that will get the BNP anywhere? We have a battle to win, and there are lots of things we are best off simply not saying, if we ever want to win the country back. I'm sorry, but the failure of the leadership to address this make-or-break issue of image (not to mention incompetency) has left me very disillusioned with them. I don't even expect I'll be renewing membership, until either it sorts itself out or self-destructs and allows the way for something else. We are at a critical stage and we simply cannot afford this kind of thing."
Things just keep on getting worse.
Oooops More Anon Crap
"as a matter of interest it is common knowledge that you only pay a deposit for a GENERAL election "
Bollocks ! Deposits are payable on Scots Parliament and Welsh Senate Elections.
The BNP allies of the SNP and the WNP ran candidates lst may, even if most of thier candidates used "monkey" names, as Lancaster UAF have pointed out.
Question - Where did the money come from, and where did it go.
"Old Sailor" is also "anon crap."
As a BNP councillor you should know that.
Stormfront is excelling itself over the supposed Barnbrook/Clarke relationship tonight. Here's two posts.
"Nigger meat is nigger meat. End of!!
I'd rather Richard went back to men than date a woman with ehnic kids. What has become of us?
We would not accept it from Mr Griffin so why from his underling?
I cannot believe what I'm reading/seeing.
Any man that shags a race mixer is not worth my vote.
I cannot believe it.
Does he actually communicte with her worm off spring?
I give up."
"I will drink to that. That goes for anyone else who has none white children/stepchildren and then calls themselves pro-white.
In this case here we have the female, Simone, who has helped bring about the destruction of our race by bearing mulatto offspring. Her new fella and Closet bisexual Mr R Barnbrook is not only a senior member of the BNP, but also running for Mayor of London. Dont any of you feel at all embarrassed by this?
How much was he asking for again?"
anon posting @6.49 from Stormfront, really sets out the nazi message from bnp members, why the national press are not picking up on comments like this is beyond me.
The hate is there for everyone to see it is sickening.
mind you the knuckledraggers are so easily fooled if they believe the Dicky and his dancer have a relationship.....leopards do not change their spots, it just means that at any function where dicky needs to take a partner he can save buying his £5.0 per night arm candy.
I do wish UAF members on here would stop pretending troll postings on Stormfront are indicative of what ordinary BNP members think. Ordinary BNP members don't post on that shithole. Lots of UAF do though!
Ketlan has already been exposed as a regular SF poster.
It is quite scary that leftists have to do that. The press are not that stupid either.
Also, the BNP hold in Epping Forrest last night shows you are pissing into the wind on here!
'I do wish UAF members on here would stop pretending troll postings on Stormfront are indicative of what ordinary BNP members think. Ordinary BNP members don't post on that shithole. Lots of UAF do though!
Ketlan has already been exposed as a regular SF poster.
It is quite scary that leftists have to do that. The press are not that stupid either.
Also, the BNP hold in Epping Forrest last night shows you are pissing into the wind on here!'
Wrong on all counts I'm afraid.
As you know full well many, many BNP members post on Stormfront, along with some of the leadership (Lee Barnes for one).
I don't know of a single UAF member who posts on Stormfront and I can tell you that I certainly don't, never have and never will. Why should I? It's for nazi morons.
And the hold in Epping Forest? Big deal. You're still a seat down compared to before the May elections.
It just isn't working out for the BNP, is it.
You nazi idiots (observer) are amazing. Yesterday the claim was all over UK Stormfront that Ketlan was Gary W and his account was instantly disabled because he chose to slag off the BNP (freedom of speech, oh yeah) and now you're claiming others in UAF are responsible for these other filthy nazi rants. You people are fucking idiots.
Keep pissing Ketlan!
"Keep pissing Ketlan!"
Wow - great comeback.
He should stop pissing into wind then.
Aloe Vera said:
"Just watched the video.
My word, does anybody check this rubbish before it goes to air?"
Dunno, dont look like it but to be sure better ask the Head of BNP Publicity? The boy with the biggest printing playset in Yorkshire and a box of crayons. He can use the crayons but aint got a clue how to switch on the printer press. Hes also the same boy who calls British people fat lazy scroungers and would not bother with the BNP once he has got his BMW and a Penthouse apartment in Leeds and a fit eastern european in his bed. I dont know whay UAF want him kicked out, he is the best assett they have in the BNP without them even knowing it.
observer says....what ordinary bnp members think...question do they?
"The 200k is not to enter the election, it is for the production of 2,000,000 leaflets. "
What cobblers, you can get 2 million full colour flyers for £20,000 or is the BNP quoting for the printing? The BNP has always ripped members off with their prices and profitted from every election.
I've just watched the video, and two thorght.
1) Doesn't he belive in doing more than one shot?
2) Has he been watching V for Vendeta? "This is Londoner calling"?
Barnbrook will make the BNP a laughing stock at the mayoral elections.
The press will have a field day, BNP, so be warned...
That was without doubt one of the worst election broadcasts I've ever seen, in fact I switched it off part way through.
When is the BNP going to stop telling people what they will do and instead explain how they will achieve and do it?
How much will it cost to make the transport system safer 24hrs a day and who will pay?
How do you propose getting single mothers back into work when there is failing nursery care and lack of nursery education facilities? Also, I thought the BNP prefered stay at home mothers? Griffin has ALWAYS claimed children should be raised by their mothers in a home environment and not raised by the state or anyone else. All in all more embarrassing BNP bullshit from pretenders who have never walked in the shoes of others before opening their mouths.
Zero regards
Sharon Ebanks
I see from one of todays national newspapers that dickys old squeeze Tilda has got her hands on George Clooney, nice picture to, dicky will be furious, he has always fancied George.
I see Sharon Ebanks could not resist coming back and posting, im pretty sure at the begining of the week she said she would never darken our doorstep again, cant keep away eh Sharon, hows Lydia?
As a matter of fact, using, say. a Risograph RP3700 with 2 colour passes per side I can produce 2000 leaflets per hour.
The cost is about £ 4.50 per thousand. Exclusive of Labour.
So - is Dickless Barnbrook, or Sadistic Graham in a position to argue against these costs ?
For an all London campaign you will need (17M/2.1) leaflets (A4 both sides)
Pop= 17 mil (2001 Census)
Bodies per dwelling = 2.1 (2001 census)
Thus leaflets for a London campaign = 17M/2.1 = (Say) 80955239
Say 8,955,239 leaflets @ £ 4.5 plus VAT / thousand.
Rather than strain the Nutzies minds lets call that 89 K @ £4.5
Yes thats near enuf £396,000 , not £200K double wot Barnbrook is whinging for!
"Yes thats near enuf £396,000 , not £200K double wot Barnbrook is whinging for!"
Don't be silly.
Such a large order would go to a printers and probably the one they allegedly own in Slovenia. The more you print the cheaper it gets and if Dave Hannam and Mark Collett are in charge you don't need to print any. Collett never does anything on time and Hannam would make sure they stayed stockpiled in someones home undelivered.
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