Nick Griffin has long-protected the worst elements in the party - Tony Lecomber and Mark Collett spring immediately to mind - leaving the membership both bewildered and angry at his apparent contempt for ordinary members who lack the extremely subtle charm that some, these two in particular, seem to exert on him.
While protecting the least-deserving, Griffin withdraws support apparently randomly as people move on and off his list of current favourites. Lecomber lasted for years despite being a liabilty to the BNP in every way, while the Hitler-worshipping Collett, although an arrogant imbecile, manages to avoid censure despite his numerous gaffes.
Having lost Jonathan Bowden, Andrew Spence and Scott McLean, the last two thanks solely to Collett, in a mere fortnight, one would have expected Nick Griffin to have taken care not to lose any more prominent personnel but, we are told, this is not the case because the pornmeister of Barking and Dagenham, Richard Barnbrook, suddenly seems to have found himself in the firing-line.
Information reaches us, as it usually does one way or another, that Barnbrook's fake flat (the one he uses to pretend he lives in Barking and Dagenham but which is only actually used as a very expensive storeroom) is packed to the rafters with thirty thousand undelivered and unlikely to ever be delivered leaflets setting out the BNP's housing policies - strange little documents that carry the maximum possible number of permutations of the words 'indigenous', 'asylum-seekers', 'Africans' and 'Muslims' on each and every one of them.
Poor old Dicky (which we're told is what he bizarrely prefers to be called), his troubles are only just beginning. Sadie Graham, who took over the Group Development Officer role in the BNP after Lecomber got the boot, has been ordered to keep an eye on him after word began to spread about both his performance in the council chamber (which can charitably be described as erratic) and his poor and shabby appearance, which we're told his colleagues have tended to put down to a drink problem which seems to have developed over the past year or two.
The Barking and Dagenham BNP contingent - once the darlings of the far-right - have famously failed to deliver on pretty much everything in the council chamber. Attendance is so bad now that other council members tend to be surprised if more than four of them turn up at the same time (out of twelve) and, it has been noted, Barnbrook is hardly ever able to string together a coherent sentence, preferring to sit and rub his eyes to keep awake, except apparently one day last week when someone shouted 'Remember Stalingrad' at him in a meeting (again) and he totally lost the plot and began screaming and spluttering until he was threatened with being thrown out of the chamber.
Sadie Graham's intervention and watchful eye is putting the pressure on Barnbrook. Recent remarks made over on Stormfront about his lifestyle are believed to have been made by a fellow BNP councillor in Barking and he has no-one who is prepared to co-operate with him to fend off Graham's interest in his performance. In fact, from all we hear he has been more or less deserted by his comrades on the council. Those who actually bother to go to meetings regularly tried to get him to clean up his act but have now washed their hands of him and finally it was they who asked Graham to get to London to sort him out.
Dicky seems to have been in quite a lot of trouble recently. Last month saw the demo that never happened at the Dagenham Show that caused huge embarrassment for the BNP, then there was the toe-curlingly awful St George stunt (one of many such stunts that simply haven't worked) then, just recently, Nick Eriksen was appointed to 'assist' him in his job as Councillor Liaison Officer to ensure that Barnbrook actually does the job he's meant to be doing within the party. Despite these indications that he has his act far from together, Barnbrook was recently selected as the BNP candidate for the London Mayoral election which prompted a number of pithy responses over at Stormfront, neatly encapsulated in the following sentence;
'Most people in the party know that the choice of Richard Barnbrook to take on Red Ken in the London Mayoral election next year is a disaster in the offing...'
We believe this is Nick Griffin's way of saying goodbye to Barnbrook. Nobody in their right mind would consider the BNP had any chance of even a reasonable vote when standing against Ken Livingstone and any attempt to do so is inevitably bound to end in dismal and deeply embarrassing failure. Given Barnbrook's condition and behaviour of late, Griffin seems to be placing him in such a position that he will be resoundingly beaten and thus left a spent force within the party.
Just a short while ago, Stormfronters were talking up Barnbrook as a possible eventual heir to Griffin - a dangerous game to play, particularly as Griffin seems to be trying to wangle his foul daughter into taking over from him when he finally stands down a la his old buddy Jean-Marie Le Pen. Even though still unaccountably popular with the rank and file, Barnbrook will find it difficult to come back from a major defeat, particularly if Barking and Dagenham BNP councillors continue with their consistently lacklustre performance, and there currently seems to be little possibility of improvement from the BNP's former flagship council indifferently led by the man in the shabby white suit with a vodka in each hand.
A sad but true story.
Instead of shouting "Remember Stalingrad" at him, they should shout "don't forget to wash and shave" or perhaps "riding a motorcycle when pissed is illegal."
Or better still, "Don't forget where you parked your bike. You can't keep cslling the police everytime you 'lose' it."
Yeah if hes seen as any kind of threat to Nick Griffin it looks like it's his lot.
"Information reaches us, as it usually does one way or another..."
Translates :
Cherie Bagel has told me to say this and he has *promised* that if I do what he says he might print one of my stories in Searchlies.
Then I'll be able to call myself a *real* journalist. Wouldn't that be just great, comrades ?!?
More from the Fantasy island that is Lancaster UAF.
Which one of you is the butler, BTW?
One would assume that a party the size of the BNP would have an experienced person at the helm to help the newly and none political, elected councillors.
The fake flat was for two of the now elected councillors and was given at a knock down rate if they did the internal repairs. The BNP said they would reimburse Barnbrook for the work he carried out but as yet...
Talking of flats and repairs. Griffin instructed a BNP member to carry out £5,000 worth of double glazing on their base in London last year. The BNP member has still not been paid.
The BNP gets more like a bloody joke every day.
Actually this - as is becomming ever more common - comes direct from someone fairly high up the BNP ladder. No need for Searchlight or anyone else when Nick Griffin's causing havoc and infuriating everyone in sight.
You'll never see the truth anywhere in the BNP - that's why you fascists all have to come here to see what's going on.
'Which one of you is the butler, BTW?'
I have no idea what you're droning on about.
"Cherie Bagel has told me to say this and he has *promised* that if I do what he says he might print one of my stories in Searchlies."
I'm sticking my fingers in my ears and ignoring the fact that these stories are coming directly out of the BNP.
"Which one of you is the Butler?"
Do they mean Eddie?
I see Nick Griffin is lying about McLeans resignation over on his own blog now, and trying to bullshit the membership about why the Deputy Leader role is going. These people must be morons to be taken in by all this crap, especially after the truth was already printed here days ago.
And dont forget the caravan that was parked in Barking town centre, when council officers went to get it moved they discovered a bnp councillor living in was moved pretty sharpish.
still posting to yourself I see
oooh aaah cantona,i hear your paying bnp members for any kind of info ? i just saw shah ebanks driving a nice bmw in handsworth it must be from you or a griffin rebate ? and if you know your reggae music she was playing a classic song from hansworths very own steele pulse (jah no dead)but singing "shah no dead"...from black nationalist
'still posting to yourself I see'
Yeah sure. Gawd.
Sounds like little Kev is back.
Showing your age (or lack of it) 'antifascist'!
Dickie spent all day today in pubs in Barking.
He went "casual" (not in his white suit) and made a total tit of himself by getting locked in a certain pub's toilet.
I don't like Searchlight much but I have to admit when we have to go one on one you absolutely murder us.
We have begged Grifin and Sadie to save us from this idiot and why they never have I can only guess.
We can save loads of Londoners from hell but the potential shame from this complete tit is now obvious to all.
How very sad.
Dicky went casual.......who was he locked in the toilet with?
Everyone who knows anyone in the B&D area BNP knows that Richard Barnbrooks days are numberd. His reputation has taken a huge knock since he hit the booze and he's always been crap in the council. He doesn't look such a pretty boy anymore thats for sure.
Doomed Dicky Barnbrook. Sad, but you can't help laughing.
i read with interest the very lengthy treasurery excuse on the bnp website today, the powers to be in that mob must really believe that their members are totally gullible.
but the published list with it does explain why Dicky has been passing his hat round in the pubs in Barking & Dagenham, we all thought it was to buy a replacement pussycat for Rustem, shows how wrong you can be.
having just taken 10mins out of busy life have read griffins speech to the millions, if it hadnt been for the lambing bit in the middle i could well have believed i was reading one of Uncles Joes.
Griffin really should pay royalties to Stalins surviving family.
"I don't like Searchlight much but I have to admit when we have to go one on one you absolutely murder us."
Don't make me laugh. You *are* Searchlies.
O'Hara was right about this and I'm beginning to suspect that Ossowski is the new gimp that Cherie Bagel is grooming...
Is is the lure of your journalistic pretensions that has made you such a compliant little stooge, Ketlan ?
You state-controlled little muppet.
'You state-controlled little muppet.'
You've said that before, Kev. Numerous times.
Seems the BNP are in love with O'Hara alright.
Could be that they both attacks the left instead of doing any work.
Nice to see that the Nutzies are happy to hand it out, but cant take it.
Keep up the good work !
Anonymous said...
Dickie spent all day today in pubs in Barking.
He went "casual" (not in his white suit) and made a total tit of himself by getting locked in a certain pub's toilet.
If his hands were as big as his mouth, he'd give Big Ben a handjob!!
Just a note, the Griffinite nazi troll who calls himself "Observer", happens to be non other than Mark "I-am-such-a-loser-I-cannot-get-a-girlfriend" Collett.
Looks like his inflatable doll must be punctured, so he's trolling Lancaster UAF to defend his bosom-pal Griffin.
Collett can't even get it on (or is it get it up) with the next BNP leader Griffin's "Addams Family" daughter.
Stix said...
Collett can't even get it on (or is it get it up) with the next BNP leader Griffin's "Addams Family" daughter.
I hear the dueling banjo's as we speak!
Collett, if you are reading this, please do Britain and the British National Party a great service, which will no doubt be hailed by thousands - Resign! You are a pratt, and a disgrace to nationalism!
How can you ask Collett to resign when us party members have no evidence that hes even paid his membership?
Simon Smith Resigns.
If it's true (does anyone on here know for sure?), they've driven yet another stalwort out!
Anonymous said...
"How can you ask Collett to resign when us party members have no evidence that hes even paid his membership?"
He might not have paid his membership in cash......but in kind!!
[Collett stands up, wipes mouth, and crawls away]!!!
[Griffin zips up and carries on counting his money]!!
"Anonymous said...
Collett, if you are reading this, please do Britain and the British National Party a great service, which will no doubt be hailed by thousands - Resign! You are a pratt, and a disgrace to nationalism!"
Don't be silly, Griffin needs his signature to get at most of the offshore BNP money.
Anonymous said...
Seems the BNP are in love with O'Hara alright.
Could be that they both attacks the left instead of doing any work.
They seem to subscribe to the same 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' philosophy as LUAF! Both are mistaken! O'Hara is just a different type of enemy!
Nick Eriksen, London organiser for the nazi BNP, is little more than a backward fascist and racist. Here is stupid (quite typical BNP) quote from Nick Eriksen:
“South Africans will never stage a proper World Cup, how could they? It's a black country”
The above quote is from:,,1976613,00.html
It gets better. This is what a poster on the Level 9 Community forum states about Nick Eriksen:
“Eriksen wrote for "Right Now!" under the preposterus pseudonym of "John Bull", where his articles became increasingly offensive and deranged (full of misogynism and anti-Anglo/American hysteria), and is believed to have been a member of the CDA. At a recent "Right Now!" 'conference' he was evidently seen hitting someone he didn't agree with across the head with a roller-up newspaper!”.
Further, this is how nazi troll Nick Eriksen is described as in the article that exposed some the darker aspects of the nazi BNP:
“He is 47 and he once served as a Tory councillor in Southwark, south London. An intense man, with bitten nails and a permanent frown, he appears forever to be on the brink of losing his temper. His complaints that night were endless: the sale of a local real-ale brewery, the iniquity of Britain's divorce laws, interference from Brussels and, of course, immigration”.
Also, is has been stated that Nick Eriksen attended a dinner in honour of the Spanish fascist tyrant General Franco at the Morpeth Arms on Millbank during the mid-1990s.
Nick Eriksen borders on the preposterous. He once sent out an email stating that BNP female canvassers should wear a skirt. Seems Eriksen adds sexism to his lethargic BNP racism.
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