The gist of the incident has already been reported here but until now we've been stuck for the detail - until, that is, a couple of angry BNP members got in touch to put this situation right. These kind people both pointed out that discussion on this subject has been censored dramatically on the BNP's own forum, with threads being closed as soon as they were started. We have also observed severe censorship over at the Stormfront nazi forum - the BNP member's favourite alternative to its own despite it having been proscribed by the control-freaks at BNP HQ. When will the BNP learn that the membership at least, deserve honesty and openness?
Anyway, back to Saturday night. This is the story as we have it...
Allegedly, after a bad row on the Friday night of the Red White and Blue, BNP Head of Publicity and chief dork Mark Collett spent twenty minutes on Saturday night goading and picking at Andrew Spence about money that was promised to him by the party over some damage that occurred to his car during the recent by-election campaign. Party Treasurer John Walker refused point blank to hand over the cash (shades of the Sharon Ebanks' fiasco there) and even refused to accept that the party was in any way liable, telling Spence to go see his insurance company about it. Eventually, we're told, tempers got frayed and Spence pushed (rather than punched) Walker. Collett, ever the coward, slapped Spence around the back of the head then did a runner pushing people aside, including the Norfolk Organiser and her young daughter.
This all took place after the row on Friday where, during a meeting to rehash the Sedgefield by-election, Collett made some stupid remarks about the campaign and Spence stormed out of the meeting in a huff, cursing Collett as he did so and promising that he would get even with him. This anger has been inspired, we're told, by Collett's inability to get the Sedgefield leaflets out on time on three separate occasions during that single campaign. Collett (naturally) blamed Spence for being picky while Spence blamed Collett for being a lazy useless bastard.
Spence, as you already know, has resigned from the party while Collett - who appears to have played a key role in provoking the incident - faces no action, as usual, despite having himself assaulted another party member.
This incident has caused fury in the ranks, so much so that Scott McLean, Griffin's Deputy Chairman and the person responsible for maintaining discipline in the party, has clearly stated that he is resigning, having told all his long-time pals in the party that his position has been undermined again and again by Griffin's constant refusal to take action against Collett. We're informed that McLean gave Griffin an ultimatum a few days ago - him or Collett - and Griffin is sticking to Collett. So much for loyalty then.
Griffin has been anxious to gain more control over the party for a while now and has already indicated that he personally will take over the role of party disciplinarian, stepping into McLean's shoes while his feet are still in them. One would have expected the party leader to have enough on his plate already but that's not, as we know, how dictatorships work.
One wonders precisely what hold Collett has over Nick Griffin. Clearly a liability, he has managed to act the buffoon on numerous occasions, causing numerous problems for the BNP's doomed attempts to appear to present itself as a 'normal' political party, praising the Nazis, verbally attacking gays and generally talking crap whenever a camera is stuck in his face. The fact that everyone knows him to be an outstanding idiot who is also lousy at his job, makes our correspondents believe that whatever he has on Griffin must be of enormous interest both to the membership of the party and, of course, us. If anyone has any information that might help us to discover what his secret hold over Griffin might be, please email us and give us a laugh.
In the meantime, we look forward to reading that Scott McLean is to be expelled because he's a) a Searchlight mole, b) an MI5 mole, c) a secret Red or d) he's moving to Croatia.
Talking of Croatia, Sadie and Matt left for Croatia on Sunday right after the RWB. Just a holiday or a look at the Nick Griffin Holiday Camp from Hell?
So the BNP refused to cough up after promising to pay for damage to Spencers car? Its the Sharon Ebanks High court case all over again isn't it.
This really pisses me off. We hear more from you lot than we do from our lot.
Great stuff - another disaster for the BNP. Just what they need!
According to a report on this very blog, the attack on Mr Spencer's car didn't happen, so either your wrong it that assertion, or this report is made up rubbish, which is it?
If an attack on his car did occur, then surely it is the perpetrators who should be paying for the repairs, not BNP members.
Lancaster UAF itself should feel in someway responsible, because although it never advocates direct violence, its comments may well encourage such attacks by the less intelligent readers (ie UAF supporters).
Perhaps UAF should send Mr Spencer a cheque to cover the repairs.
Another one bites the dust. Good riddance!!!
'According to a report on this very blog, the attack on Mr Spencer's car didn't happen, so either your wrong it that assertion, or this report is made up rubbish, which is it?'
Neither - and again, your attempted diversion will not work. There was NO attack on Spence's car. If there was, don't you think the BNP would be screaming the fact from the rooftops twice a day. Obviously he's sustained some damage while campaigning - which is why the BNP promised to pay the bill that they have now reneged on (yet again). Pathetic.
Bowden, Spence and McLean all in around a week. Keep going at this rate and there will only be Nick Griffin and Mark Collett left.
Any damage to Mr Spencer’s car caused by an accident, should be covered by his insurance. Damage caused by criminal vandals should be paid for by either the criminals themselves, or the people encouraging such vandalism.
Either way I don’t see it’s the responsibility of BNP members to pay for the damage. I pay my £30 a year membership fee to support a legitimate political party, not as a supplement anyone’s private car insurance.
"Bowden, Spence and McLean all in around a week. Keep going at this rate and there will only be Nick Griffin and Mark Collett left."
Well at least they will have each other to cuddle up to, nudge-nudge.
If he wants a new car, perhaps Nick will give him one as a parting gift?
And then a car, maybe?
All in all it's been a terrible year for the bnp up to now. Lets hope it continues
We should take bets on who will be next to leave or be kicked out.
"If he wants a new car, perhaps Nick will give him one as a parting gift?
And then a car, maybe?"
LOL Dear me.
I hear Barnbrooke might be next ...
Griffin will never boot Collett out of the party. Collett's parents give thousands to the party each year AND pay their son's wages (he works for the BNP full time now).
'I hear Barnbrooke might be next ...'
Funny you should mention that. We've heard that little rumour too.
What, Griffin's going to give Barnbook one?
He won't even have to ply him with cheap house double vodkas first.
The BNP and the rate payer already do that for him.
"Collett's parents give thousands to the party each year AND pay their son's wages"
They'd have to - nobody else would pay the silly fucker to work for them.
Some might say Collett is the kosher choice for leader?
His sister's cute, though.
I get paid for being the tuffest nutzi in town.
Im asking for extra luncheon vouchers after getting bitch slapped down on Brighton sea front.
More total nonsense on the Lancaster UAF site. The electoral commission’s registered donation list, shows no donation to the British National Party from anyone with the Surname Collett. This list is for all donations above £1000 total (single or accumulative over a year) up until April 2007.
I do however understand your need to manufacture these lies, the BNP is now so squeaky clean, making them up is the only way you can produce stories for your blog.
Collett is a total twat, a liability and an embarassment to the party. It is he not Spence or Mclean that should go. Griffin shouldnt worry about anything Collett may have on Griffin as no one pays any attention to what Collett says anyway. Besides everyone said Lecomber had stuff on Griffin too but it has yet to do Griffin any harm. Collett is less likely to be listened to than Lecomber. no one likes Collett, BNP and anti BNP alike.
He should have got an award at the RWB for being annoying.
Here we go again. More idiocy from the BNP.
I am offering 3-1 on Eddy Butler being next.
Any takers?
'One wonders precisely what hold Collett has over Nick Griffin. '
This is quite clear. Collett has an arse and Griffin is frequently up it.
Funny thing that, most legitimate political parties have insurance policies to cover accidental and/or malicious damage to supporters vehicles during an election campaign.
Surely a "legitamate" party, such as the BNP, has the same facility ?
Or did their underwriters make a settlement for dammage to Spence's Car, and the settlement got diverted to the NG fund ?
I think we should be told !
good forum tonight,it seems more bnp members/supporters are hitting this sight and why ? there has been some good truth in the last few days,one said earlier i here more here than from the party itself,isnt it a wonder that griffin has denied his members for so long "the truth"i know pals that are not paying there £30 membership after this year and say all the party is after is their money,as for what collett has over griffin ?? i hear nicky boy likes the blue eyed members ??
Collett ought to be given an honourary anti bnp award; He's lost the BNP the old security team, at least one councillor, Angie Clark, and now Andrew Spence.
The BNP ought to get rid of Collett.
Perhaps LUAF could make use of his 'talents'???
"Besides everyone said Lecomber had stuff on Griffin too but it has yet to do Griffin any harm."
Perhaps that is because Lecomber has only been nominally distanced from the BNP. He wasn't proscribed and is still quite close to Griffin behind the scenes.
Lecomber acted as Griffin's intermediary with one of the people who recently resigned (or threatened to resign) from the party.
BNP members should ask themselves why they have to come to a forum like this to hear and discuss the truth.
If the BNP was a normal political party,debate like this wouldn't be stifled in such a way.
Ask yourself what is being hidden from the ordinary rank and file members
"i know pals that are not paying there £30 membership after this year and say all the party is after is their money,as for what collett has over griffin ??? "
Im not joining till Collett goes. Collett cant be a candidates due to his well publicised Hilter worship yet he has lost those who could be like Spence and even those that won like Angie. He relies on Security yet lost the BNP its security team.
What a loser Collett is
"I am offering 3-1 on Eddy Butler being next.
Any takers?"
I'll give you evens on Barnbrook and Butler and 2-1 on Steve Blake.
I�ve heard the story about Collett�s parents being big donators to the party before. This is quite credible since I�ve also personally heard Griffin say he doesn�t think Collett will ever be electable, (I quote �due to both his history and his bad attitude�) and therefore will almost certainly never be a future party leader. So why else does Griffin keep siding with this waste of space?
But from what I can gather it�s not Collett�s electability that prevents him ever being a future leader, it�s the fact that I don�t know a single party member who likes him. He is an embarrassment to the party, not just because of the ridiculous, juvenile comments he�s made on TV, but also because of the appalling garbage he churns out for the party as the so-called publicity director.
As a BNP member, I don�t particularly like the UAF and I take the stories on this website with a large dose of salt. But I find information from the BNP leadership equally, if not more, dubious. I�m sure that somewhere between the two versions of events lies the truth, but it has to be said, unfortunately, that if the UAF were not so committed to bringing down Griffin�s regime, we probably wouldn�t have any hint of half the corrupt and hypocritical dealings of Griffin and his clique of arse-lickers.
As for that fucking maggot Collett, I personally will smack him very hard when I see him next. I just missed the scuffle the other night and I would have loved to put him right on his arse. He had already wound me up with his arrogant strutting around the field with his creased old suit (perhaps his parents will buy him an iron)
and his smug, very punchable rat-boy face.
I, and a good few others, will not be renewing membership until this useless, trouble-causing little cunt has either been booted out of the party for good or given a bloody good kicking. I suspect the latter will come first, and in the not too distant future.
it's pretty lame though when one has to go on the UAF site to get information and find out what other BNP members are thinking!
the money was for election expenses i believe,there was no official police report on the tyres,so membership monet was not being wasted.
"'I hear Barnbrooke might be next ...'
Funny you should mention that. We've heard that little rumour too."
Yes, getting drunk and blurting out the truth about NG and his cronies isn't a good way to endear oneself to the party top brass.
For some reason Eddie was given an award at RWB (why?)
I'm sure he felt the long knife of Lecomber as he collected it.
Eddie is also trying to unsettle Barnbrook. This fight has more legs than Jackie Griffin has had car-park bunk ups.
That means at least 5 legs to our knowledge.
It's confirmed that McLean has resigned as Deputy Chairman and as a member of the BNP's Advisory Council (the executive body of the party) but not yet as a member, though that will come. What a disaster for the BNP - not that we care! :-D
"i hear nicky boy likes the blue eyed members ??"
Shouldn't that be:
"i hear nicky boy likes the blued eyed's members//"
One of the many anons on this excellent site said -
More total nonsense on the Lancaster UAF site. The electoral commission’s registered donation list, shows no donation to the British National Party from anyone with the Surname Collett. This list is for all donations above £1000 total (single or accumulative over a year) up until April 2007.
Now given the reluctance of the BNP to conform to the Law is "anon" stupid enough to believe that any statement of financial matters is correct, 0r accurate ?
I think the time has come to examine the bank accounts of NG and his chums.
http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/features/letters/display.var.1609755.0.bnp_punchup.phpBNP punch-up
AS a BNP member I wish to apologise to The Northern Echo for the BNP press officer's description of your newspaper as "disgusting", if that is what he said, in your report of a punch-up between former parliamentary candidate Andrew Spence and two party officials (Echo, Aug 8).
Compared to some newspapers, yours is relatively broad-minded and willing to entertain a range of opinions from far right to far left.
The punch-up at the BNP meeting was unacceptable, but it did no harm to anyone outside the BNP.
The latter is infinitely preferable to the tradition in Westminster, whereby slick Oxbridge educated politicians undermine our democratic process by offering places in Parliament to sleazy millionaires. The latter does real harm.
Ralph Musgrave, Durham.
I wonder if Ralph has Old Nick in mind when referring to "Oxbridge educated politicians"!
"the money was for election expenses i believe,there was no official police report on the tyres,so membership monet was not being wasted."
Makes you wonder why they raise money every month in their paper for leafleting campaigns.
"Now given the reluctance of the BNP to conform to the Law is "anon" stupid enough to believe that any statement of financial matters is correct, 0r accurate ?"
Colletts parents donate £15,000 a year and you're right, it doesn't show up on the EC site.
"I hear Nicky boy likes the blue eyed members"
Well that rules out Lawrence Rustem,Abdel Gawad Sharif,Barry Bennett and Patricia Richardson then.
"Barnbrook next?"
Well maybe considering he spent the entire RWB cosying up to and kissing ballet dancer Simone Clarke. What an ineresting development that relationship is. Barnbrook once stated Simone and her former partner, Yat-sen Chang should never have kids even though they already had one. (obviously one to keep up with events is Richard). Now how can he play dad to a step daughter he believes shouldnt even exist? Talk about hypcocrisy!
Were Sadie and Matt really in Croatia at the weekend? A couple of people asked me where they were at the RWB.
Barnbrook and the Ballet dancer Simone Clarke.
Christ,that takes the brain cells up to double figures
"Were Sadie and Matt really in Croatia at the weekend? A couple of people asked me where they were at the RWB."
I heard Sadie Graham is distancing herself from Griffin and has become disillusioned.
"Were Sadie and Matt really in Croatia at the weekend? A couple of people asked me where they were at the RWB."
I heard Sadie Graham is distancing herself from Griffin and has become disillusioned.
Maybe you heard wrong cos Sadie not only attended RWB she also spoke on the Sunday on the main stage just prior to Griffins speech.
"Maybe you heard wrong cos Sadie not only attended RWB she also spoke on the Sunday on the main stage just prior to Griffins speech."
I was there for Nick griffins speech and I don't remember Sadie speaking nor di i remember seeing her at all the whole weekend.
I heard Sadie Graham is distancing herself from Griffin and has become disillusioned.
She's starting to see Griffin for the liability that he is. She's still into the BNP though.
Of the images from the RWB festival on the main BNP website page 5 shows Sadie Graham in attendance and another shows Richard Barnook wearing the only suite he owns (apart from the birthday one he wears in his art films of course) sticking out like a saw thumb next to a posh looking bird. They look like they're spending more time taking the piss out the working class rank and file rather then listening to the speeches.
Does anyone know if there is any evidence from a trusted source in the party to back up Griffins claims that his RWB can attract 3,000 people, I know more people who stayed away then went and of the biggest crowd shots I can only count 200 odd people.
Strange there are no shots from the stage showing the masses listening to Griffin sell out his party and his people.
There seems to be reasonable doubt about the comment re' Sadie Graham so we've removed that bit in the post. A pity because a link between the potential BNP paramilitary training camp in Croatia (which we'll be coming back to) and the rifle-totin' Sadie could have been extremely interesting. :-)
'Does anyone know if there is any evidence from a trusted source in the party to back up Griffins claims that his RWB can attract 3,000 people...'
One of the local papers reported that the maximum allowable attendance stipulated by the council was 2,500. I thought Griffin or someone close claimed at one point that up to 10,000 were expected to attend.
"There seems to be reasonable doubt about the comment re' Sadie Graham so we've removed that bit in the post."
Fair enough.
"A pity because a link between the potential BNP paramilitary training camp in Croatia (which we'll be coming back to) and the rifle-totin' Sadie could have been extremely interesting. :-)"
That's an article to look forward to. :)
"another shows Richard Barnook wearing the only suite he owns (apart from the birthday one he wears in his art films of course) sticking out like a saw thumb next to a posh looking bird."
That "bird", if you mean the one next to him in green, is ballerina Simone Clarke - they are close. In more ways than one
How long are you lot going to keep this charade up?
It's bollocks.
The RWB dog show contestants have more political insight and nous than Lancaster UAF.
It's laughable.
Last one out turn off the light!
observer said "How long are you lot going to keep this charade up? It's bollocks."
What charade? The charade about Andrew Spence and the fight that your party was so desperate to hide or the charade about McLean resigning that um your party tried to hide - even from its members? The only thing that's bollocks around here are your stupid and pointless comments and the party you support.
"The only thing that's bollocks around here are your stupid and pointless comments and the party you support."
Here here.
What charade? The charade about Andrew Spence and the fight that your party was so desperate to hide or the charade about McLean resigning that um your party tried to hide - even from its members? The only thing that's bollocks around here are your stupid and pointless comments and the party you support.
Well said John C.
"'Does anyone know if there is any evidence from a trusted source in the party to back up Griffins claims that his RWB can attract 3,000 people...'"
I think it only fair we should trust the BNP on this one and allow that figure to mean 2,500 adults and aprox 500 children.
Next year of course we want to see 2,500 x £25 for entry fee
2,500 x £2 for a can of lager but naturally more than that was drunk given Walkers and Colletts shitty behaviour.
3,000 x £2.50 for a burger and possibly more, not to mention Bacon butties and hog roasts at £4 a plate reflected in the party accounts under the heading 'FUNDRAISING' or there will be even more trouble :)
As always, the accounts for the RWB will be an anti-climax (no reference to Barnbrook/Simone Clarke meant), for the simple reason that, as before, they will never appear - apart from a few crocodile tears from Griffin about it losing money, but being worth it (to his family fortune, no doubt it is) and maybe a few hints about how much he funds it himself.
3,000 attendees, in a field given either free or at minimal cost, and a captive audience for food and drink. A definate money-loser that one, even before the collection is counted!
Only one thing, though. If it is run like the ones I used to attend (not been a member for four years now) then the burger concession would not make a profit for the BNP, as it always used to be two vans, both owned by members who did concert catering as a profession, who were allowed to keep the profit for themselves. It meant that the BNP had hot food on site without having to risk any outlay, a couple of members were grateful, and, talking to one of them, he gave a £200 donation out of the profits anyway, so everyone was a winner.
Of course, as it gets bigger, and Griffin sees the chance to make a few quid more, no doubt it is at least possible that he now runs the burgers and chips as well.
If so, if the attendance was anywhere near 2,500 adults (BNP claiming 3,000, but not all on site at any one time), then, with collections, booze, food, sales, costs of rides and so forth, it is not possible for the income to have been les than £100,000. If the 3,000 figure is correct, then income could quite easily reach £200,000 or more.
Hire of the ferris wheel, toilets and so forth would not be much. Security, First Aid, creche, marquee, PA, stage and field hire are all free (owned by BNP) or got at very discounted rates. Insurance is probably a no-no (I questioned this twice, following the third and fourth RWB's, and was told it was 'not necessary for a private gathering').
Total outlay - say £25,000, and that is being very generous. I suspect that the real figure would be half of that.
If RWB makes a loss, either the BNP attendance figures are way out (I think that they may be 'rounded up', but are probably pretty accurate), or else Mr Griffin charges the kind of appearance money that is usually associated with Cherie Blair!
This is all we in the BNP are talking about since RWB (although not on the BNP forum of course but not for want of trying) yet Griffin doesn't touch on it in his latest BNP blog.
He also fails to offer any reassurances as to what is happening about the late acounts. The state will not be as kind to us as they were UKIP.
Why do with have to rely upon filthy reds (offense fully intended) to find out the truth about what is happening with our membership fees
"filthy reds"
or anti-white racist blacks in the case of this website.
Dicky and Simone, wont last, he will not want anyone to steal his spotlight, too much of a diva.
i do ask though did he keep his boots on?
anon says...dicky and simone wont last....its not just cos hes a diva have you ever seen him dance, hes like Andy Pandy on speedy, thats if any of you are old enough to remember andy pandy.
It's coming to something when our
political opponents. Are feeling sorry for the ran and file members.
Let's take the current Wigan BNP organiser. He is a geek, drinks large ammounts of whiskey and thinks his group is a success!
What with the Abram ward vote down by 52.2% in three years. His former
fund holder Dickie Close an other dork has pissed of to Swindon With his Russian mail order bride Slaplarna and her two children, Korlof and Boris. The new fund holder is a bigger prat than Close.
A former soft drugs user. and a crap speaker. In Leigh the group has just been named and shamed on the BNP website for not getting it's accounts in on time . Again it's run by a dork, Gareth Chadwick. The BNP is in a state of
disaster. When will Griffin go to Croatia with his special friend.
And leave Jackie and the kids in Welshpool? my bet is very soon.
Regards to you lads as your site
tells the truth.
Ex Wigan BNP.
Yes that Charles Mather is a twat.
He was pissed at the 2004 local election's count. He had a hip flask on him and was seen to be taking regular swigs of the hard stuff. He also turned up to a supporters wedding reception in 2005 tanked up at 3pm. He had the nerve to tell the ex organiser that he was an infiltrater.
When the real one is a guy named Bob Kynston, A under cover reporter or a special branch officer. We set this geek up and he fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.
Wigan BNP member. Rodger, the dodger. Come on guy's Charles is not that bad. He want's to secure the Gay vote in next year's local elections. He was spotted by a friend of mine, cruseing around Orrell at 1am in the morning, chatting up Gay men to see if they whould vote for him!
Charles as well as Griffin.
He should get together with Branbrook and make a new movie!
Croatia is an excellent country for paramilitary training, and isn’t that Matt ex-special forces anyway? One little piece of information that we aren’t supposed to know about, eh?
That Collett is the lowest form of life I have ever stumbled across.
He is the total package, arrogant, rude, manipulative, ignorant, lazy, selfish and without a single shred of moral fibre whatsoever.
He is utter scum that causes bad feeling and nagativity wherever he crawls; I have never met a person so universaly hated.
Far-left or far-right, apart from Iraq, this is the one factor WE ALL agree on regardless of ideology.
The sooner he is history, closely followed by being just a bad memory, even more closely followed by being forgotten about completely, the better for everyone.
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