Hope not Hate Daily Mirror anti-racism bus is back on the road

Following last year's successful celeb-backed campaign (check out the pictures from 2007 on the right), today we're revving up our bus for another 14-day national tour aimed at celebrating modern Britain. And where better to start than Liverpool, the European Capital of Culture?
This year's campaign has the backing of an array of big names, including Jamie Oliver, Joe Cole, Sir Alan Sugar, Sir Trevor McDonald and Amir Khan. As Sir Alan says: "Racism is bad for business and bad for Britain and that's that's why I'm supporting the Daily Mirror's Hope Not Hate campaign."
Over the next two weeks, our open-top Bristol Lodekker will visit many towns and cities, ending up in London on the day before the council elections on May 1. Along the way we'll drop in on soap stars, sporting heroes and politicians. And there will be exciting events to celebrate our country's rich culture - every thing from carnival dancers to brass bands, tikka masala to Lancashire hotpot.
We will carry the same message as last year - that modern Britain is a place of tolerance and diversity, where people of all races and religions can live and work together peacefully. As TV presenter Paul O'Grady says: "Support the Mirror's Hope Not Hate campaign - diversity is what makes this country special."
Every day a three-minute film will appear on the Mirror's website and on YouTube showing what we've been up to the previous day. You can also join our Facebook group to register your support. Never has that been more important than in the run up to the council elections. The far-right wants to divide us, spreading suspicion, fear and violence. The BNP - which doesn't even support the England football team because it has black players - wants to persuade people it is the patriotic party!
If you're proud to be British and to live in a diverse country that is the envy of other nations, come along and support our bus.
Daily Mirror
BNP leader blasts top London cops as ‘Lying Bastards’, ‘arseholes’ and ‘spies’ over BNP infiltrator
Unemployed BNP legal officer, Lee Barnes, launched a blistering attack on three top London cops after it was revealed in March that BNP member Ellis Hammond had infiltrated the police as a serving officer in the Police Community Safety unit in southeast London. Hammond was sacked from his job after a police raid on his home uncovered a deactivated machine gun, neo-nazi literature, obscene material, combat knives and knuckle dusters.
At the time Superintendent Martin Mitchell of Greenwich police where Ellis Hammond was serving said, “Individuals like Hammond have no place within the Metropolitan police service. Where we identify those who are involved in criminality, or who have opinions that conflict with our intention to provide the best quality service to all communities, we will act quickly”.
In response to this, in an article on his personal blog entitled, ‘Cops Lie Again’ (http://leejohnbarnes.blogspot.com/2008/03/cops-lie-again.html), Mr Barnes attacked Supt. Mitchell as ‘you lieing bastard’ and accused Supt. Mitchell of speaking ‘utter bullshit’.
In the same article Mr Barnes also attacked Sir Ian Blair, the head of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), as an ‘arsehole’ and accused another senior MPS officer, Borough Commander of Hammersmith and Fulham Ali Dezai, of being an Iranian spy.
I think that may qualify for the 3 strikes your out rule. perhaps now the men in white coats will knock on barnes door.
just found out,BNP opening a operation white vote
Lee Barnes is an absolute embarrassment, not only to the BNP but to the human race.
He is a poisonous and vile gob-shite that disserves to be locked up for life heavily medicated; the world would certainly be a better place without him.
He is so typical of the kind of scum that Griffin likes kissing his flabby arse.
By the way, the bus is a Bristol Lodekka - not a Lowdecker
(iliacus is a bus nut as well as an anti-racist !)
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