This article was submitted by one of our readers, Iliacus. We welcome any contributions from our supporters (as long as those contributions conform to the law and are in reasonably good taste). Please send your articles to us via email.
Since it consistently claims to be a "growing" party, even "Britain's fastest/only growing political movement" one might expect to see some evidence of the BNP increasing its tally of elected councillors or - at the very least - improving its electoral performance.
However, to the great delight of your author, the evidence of 17th July is that, far from advancing, the BNP's stock is falling.
There were four by-elections this week, and the BNP did at least manage to field candidates in three contests. However, this 75% candidature rate only represented one extra candidate since two seats had a past record of BNP involvement.
A Wealden Council contest in deepest Sussex went uncontested, the Lib Dems hanging on by a whisker against a strong Tory challenge. UKIP provided a third candidate, who polled under 10%.
In Redditch and in the Arrow Valley area of Worcestershire the BNP were hoping to build on support from past elections. They failed. Their vote fell in both areas.
In Hillingdon their intervention was rather spoilt when the National Front insisted on also fielding a candidate. The two nutzi factions polled just 8.2% (BNP) and 3.3% (NF). Knowing the factionalism that infests the far right both parties will probably be gloating:
BNP - "once again we thrashed the NF, and proved we are the only electable nationalist party"
NF - "once again we offered true nationalists a true nationalist option, and despite all the efforts of Griffin's party machine over a quarter of nationalist voters backed us".
The reality, of course, is that on a low turnout they managed between them a share of the vote that would have been "lost deposit territory" under the old parliamentary election rules. It certainly doesn't point to success in next year's Euro elections.
At some point surely even the intellectually-challenged dullards who support and fund the BNP are going to start asking some relevant questions. Along the lines of "Mr Griffin, with all the effort and money we - the members - are putting into the party, and the splendid leadership you keep telling us that you are providing, why are we not only failing to win by-elections, but why are we actually going backwards in so many areas?"
July 19, 2008
Another Thursday, another bad night for the BNP!
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It's nice to see Iliacus back. :)
Lee Barnes caught telling more porkies on Stormfront
Originally Posted by Walk towards the light
The LU bragged on their state paid for blog, that they had forced the BNP to cancel a meeting in Sheffield.
In fact the meeting went ahead with over 150 attending, with Nick giving a great speech.
Plenty of money raised along with new members signed up.
I am sure some UAF/ANTIFA supporters are finding it a little tiresome that they have been lied to again by their own side.
The BNP going from strength to strength in Sheffield, with growing support from the people of Sheffield.
The resonse to that was-
Really? if you look at the percentage of the votes they have not increased their share of the vote in any of the wards they have contested.
They have always come second in Southey and brightside and the total votes they got at the last council election was down on previous elections.
So if this is how you measure increasing progress I'm just glad your not the chancellor of the Exchequer.
LOL Nice to see him embarassed again!
"However, to the great delight of your author, the evidence of 17th July is that, far from advancing, the BNP's stock is falling."
Ha-ha. Good job too.
"It's nice to see Iliacus back. :)"
I agree with that.
"At some point surely even the intellectually-challenged dullards who support and fund the BNP are going to start asking some relevant questions. Along the lines of "Mr Griffin, with all the effort and money we - the members - are putting into the party, and the splendid leadership you keep telling us that you are providing, why are we not only failing to win by-elections, but why are we actually going backwards in so many areas?"
A bloody good point and one that should be repeated until those idiots finally get it.
Thank you jillz and anon; nice that my notes are appreciated.
But I've never really been away - always like to use LU to monitor the despicable wretches of the far right !!
By the way - has anybody worked out the significance of my name? Iliacus ?
Two clues. It's a true nom-de-plume; and Simon Darby should spot the significance.
I'll let you ponder.
On the theme of by-elections, and Darby's "Quiet Revolution".
Six byelections coming up this week (24th July) - 3 District/ Borough, 2 Unitary Councils, and 1 London Borough.
Unable to find details of candidates standing in Derby (Darley Ward) but rumours are Lib Dem/ Tory/ Labour.
In the other five :
Conservative - 5
Labour - 4
Lib Dem - 4
UKIP - 2
Independents - 2
Boston By Pass Campaign - 1
BNP - 1
The very quiet revolution !
IF the Derby details are correct, then the top three become 6, 5 & 5.
BNP candidates by Region :
East Midlands 1/3 (Boston Coastal Ward, Boston District Council)
West Midlands 0/1
East Anglia 0/1
London 0/1
Hardly evidence of growth. Oh, and where are the accounts ???
Didn't you explain this ages ago? It's Latin for "Simon Darby is an arsehole".
No, I just remember it was something to do with birds. Or was that something else?
I'll go get my coat...
iliacus you said:
"and where are the accounts ???"
I hesitate to suggest you sound like a small child in a car saying "Are we there yet?" :-)
The accounts will appear when they have been invented!
Seriously though does anybody know whether the accounts for ABEX, Trafalgar Club etc etc are publicaly presented? They all appear, to my gut feeling to be BNP and NOT separate organisations.
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