Poor old Lee Barnes. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for him. He clearly has a lot of problems, not the least of which are an unhealthy obsession with our Denise and a constant need to tell lies in a vain attempt to attack Lancaster Unity, which he obviously perceives as being quite a threat to him.
His latest fantasy comes under his not terribly good disguise of 'Walk towards the light' over at the Stormfront nazi forum, where he states that;
'The LU bragged on their state paid for blog, that they had forced the BNP to cancel a meeting in Sheffield. In fact the meeting went ahead...'
There are, in that single sentence, three deliberately misleading statements.
Lee Barnes runs his own blog - a mishmash of anti-semitism and general lunacy - in the same place as us; Google Blogspot. He must then be aware that blogspot blogs are free to set up and free to use, so how would the Lancaster Unity blog be 'state paid for'? Does that mean that Barnes' own blog is 'state paid for'?
We didn't brag about 'forcing the BNP to cancel a meeting', we simply posted a short report from the South Yorkshire Star that itself reported that, following a number of phone calls from members of the public unhappy that the club was allowing the BNP to use the venue. It also stated that;
'...following talks with police, licensing officials, MPs and city councillors, the club has agreed to cancel the event.'
Nobody forced the club to do anything at all, certainly not Lancaster Unity. It seems though that the management of the club were prepared to listen to those who find the BNP abhorrent and this, I suspect, is what really irritates the deeply troubled Barnes.
Barnes claims that 'the meeting went ahead', which is a lie designed to give the impression that the meeting went ahead at the same location in the same way as originally planned. This isn't true either. Simon Darby rants against 'Labour supporters [who] intimidated and blackmailed the owner of a large social club into backing out of hosting a BNP event last night'. He then goes on to moan about the meeting having to be held in another venue at short notice.
I was one of the people who rang up and I'm no Labour supporter. Nor did I intimidate or blackmail anyone in the course of the call and I find it hard to believe that anyone who opposed the BNP meeting would make such a call. On the other hand, I occasionally get calls from Barnes' and Darby's side threatening to burn down my house with me in it.
Barnes' increasingly strident and insane attacks on Lancaster Unity are a clear sign that we have him rattled. He's close enough to the leadership of the BNP to know that the party is well on its way to bankruptcy and that it has no cohesive force apart from its built-in racism to hold it together. Like everyone else in the BNP's leadership, he can see the collapse coming and his growing desperation to destroy the opposition is a pretty decent sign that he is powerless to stop it.
My advice to Lee Barnes? Give up the lies, Lee. You're no good at them and people are just laughing at you as you are patently losing your grip on reality. Oh, and get out of the BNP while there's still a party left to get out of. With the membership plummeting and the money fast drying up, it's on the slippery slope to nowhere.
July 17, 2008
Oh dear, it's that Lee Barnes again...
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"Barnes' increasingly strident and insane attacks on Lancaster Unity are a clear sign that we have him rattled."
Keep up the good work!!!
Lee Barnes is state paid. He's on benefits. Probably for being a nutter.
He's on benefits.
Isn't he on benefits only when he isn't banged up in a secure mental facility? If that's not the case, it should be.
"On the other hand, I occasionally get calls from Barnes' and Darby's side threatening to burn down my house with me in it."
Thats nice. And people vote for these bastards?
One of todays Lee specials is this
"Below are links about the Stephenville sighting - AN OBJECT NEARLY A MILE WIDE !"
Lee Barnes head perhaps?
"Below are links about the Stephenville sighting - AN OBJECT NEARLY A MILE WIDE "
I won't bore you with the issues of receiprocal space which is a factor in the real world of radar anomalies.
- just let us accept that Barnes has his own issues both a belief in conspirathy theories and I guess those of mental health.
OK I know I can't spell!
So how is it that Lee Barnes gets away with posting on Stormfront several times a day for years and (was it) Keith Axon gets chucked out of the party for doing the same thing?
Double standards, BNP? Surely not.
He makes it up as he goes along. Do you think he really believes all his nonsense? This is his latest addition.
"Apparently there was an emergency meeting by phone conference, because of police involvement regarding the phone calls.
Garside was hysterical and laid into Ketlan, screaming 'she was not going down for anyone'."
I'm starting to be terrified of ever meeting Lee Barnes in case he kills and eats me.
I dont know why you bother with lee barnes. Hes a mad cunt.
"Apparently there was an emergency meeting by phone conference, because of police involvement regarding the phone calls."
He's used that one before. He's running out of ideas.
NEWSFLASH - Green Arrow, Britain's most boring blogger, gives up.
Looks like Barnbrook's "Mothers Against Knives" is another rip off of a genuine campaign:
The guy is a big zero, a nobody. He is even thought of as a joke by his own party!
The only reason Gri££in puts up with him is because he does some dirty work for him like attacking BNP members that have been 'purged'. He is truly pathetic; it would be best just to ignore him and let him slowly rot away in his stinking bed-sit with his pot-noodle and a pile of crusty Razzle mags.
I see the BNP are selling new pin badges through Excalibur, one stating NO IMMIGRANTS NO BOMBS! I hope they are investigated for these very soon.
"Eye Opening Pin Badges
Choose from Excalibur’s wide range of pin badges for conversation starters!
Ranging from the ever-popular ”Enoch Powell was Right” to the new “Nick Griffin is Right” and the winner “No immigrants no bombs”, Excalibur’s badges are priced to suit your pocket and to cause a sensation whereever they are seen!
£2.00 each, Click here to buy"
Two quid for a badge?!
Looks like the thick are getting thicker.
Anything racist and populist to keep Gri££in's palms greased.
Mark Collett's palms are always greased with a different sort of grease, lol
Perhaps there is a method in Barnes's madness.
First, given his long series of libels against me, I can and will say almost anything I want about the cretin and know that this particular coward won't risk taking action.
Second, he's now also libelled Ketlan.
Could it be that what he's really doing is to place a large obstacle in his own way that would prevent him from suing Lancaster Unity, as he promised when drunk or drugged or both recently? "Oh, I can't sue them because I said this, this and this.."
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