October 09, 2009

Demonstrate in Manchester against the racist hooligans of the EDL

Sat October 10th, 12 noon, Piccadilly Gardens

The racist hooligans of the English Defence League are planning a series of anti-Muslim demonstrations at towns and cities across the country in coming weeks. Previous EDL demonstrations have seen their thugs attack Asian people, chant "Muslims out" and worse at passers-by and make "seig heil" Nazi salutes.

It is vital that we do not sit back and allow a small minority of racist thugs with links to the fascist BNP to terrorise and intimidate Muslims in Britain. All communities need to stand up and link arms with Muslims against the EDL. That's why there was a counter demonstration against the EDL in Birmingham in August. That's why thousands of people were mobilised in Harrow last month to defend the local mosque against the EDL and its affiliates.

We need to turn out and tell the EDL that they are not wanted in Manchester or anywhere else. We must not let these thugs turn the clock back to the 1970s when they ran round the streets terrorising black and Asian people -- or back to the 1930s when Oswald Mosley's Blackshirts targeted Jews in the East End of London.

Saturday 10 October: say NO to the racist EDL in Manchester!


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Blackpool Bill said...

(let's all chant to the tune of "Maggie Out" from the 80s to let the press and media know that despite all their protestations, the EDL are the new National Front)


jackshit said...

Knew it was Wetherspoons all along. Don't know why those lying bastards tried to pretend they had changed the bloody venue.

Anonymous said...

Trevor Kellway

fuck the EDL! said...

I've just discovered what the most racist football fan website is on the net. It is called North Stand Chat, and it is linked to Brighton FC.


The thread with one person starts off attacking the EDL, but degenerates into some of the most sickening racism ever linked to a football team.

Reading the racism on here makes me physically sick. I hope Show Racism The Red Card and Kick It Out can get "North Stand Chat" closed down.

The racist remarks and pictures stoop low.

Most strangely the EDL neo-Nazis discuss "the smell of Bangladesh nappies" (fascists paedos), twisted conspiracy theories about Searchlight (anti-Semites), and worst of all, open threats of extreme violence against Asian people, which go unchallenged.

If anybody doesnt know how racist EDL supporters are, I would suggest you visit NORTH STAND CHAT on the link given above.

It's ghastly and appalling, and the site should be forced to close for its violent EDL racist content.

Anonymous said...

Brighton FC must be a hotbed of racists. Wander if one of them is the Stormfront user known as "Brighton Rock?"

Lock Up Kelway! said...


After this particular Kelway video (Saudi Britain the ugly old fool calls it), comes the most vile of YouTube extreme racist comments ever viewed, including remarks from EDL supporters to "exterminate Muslims like Nazi Germany should" (Maxiboy666), and others talk about nuking Muslims off the planet.

Just reading the dispicable comments after Kelway's video, shows what your average EDL supporter intends to do if the EDL ever won power with a Hitler-like military coup.

Yes, folks, there would most certainly be concentration camps set up to wipe Muslims from the planet like Jewish people in a second Holocaust.

No wonder Kelway's Facebook friends feature Waffen SS logos.

Anonymous said...

The EDL want to exterminate all Muslims - thanks Kelway for choosing to keep these most sickening extreme neo-Nazi posts online after your video, when you could have so easily had them deleted.

You've confirmed the supposition in many of our minds that the EDL and its followers admire Adolf Hitler and seek not only to instigate racial conflict in the UK, but Europe-wide, hope to exterminate all Muslims in Europe.

Anonymous said...

The fuck's wrong with YouTube?

If they banned Kelway's neo-nazi video once, how come it's back up there?????????????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

So Kelway's EDL supporters on YouTube think Adolf Hitler should have murdered Muslims as well as Jews in the Holocaust?

Brummie said...

A tadge ironic that Labour here in Brum said it would have used whatever means necessary to get last month's EDL/BNP protest here in the Second City rightfully banned. When Sir Albert Bore was Labour leader of the Council, he always came down hard upon any attempts by the nazi NF to turn our national saint's day into a day of 'celebration' for racism and fascism, especially as at that time they were pushing their luck in some of the city's northern WWC suburbs.

Which is why I cannot understand the reasoning behind Gordon Brown and Alan Johnson's laxness on this matter.

Brummie said...

Message to all of today's UAFfers. Behave like gentlemen and ladies and leave the EDL to behave like shits! Which shouldn't be that hard for them!

Get them as psychologically riled as is possible to do - the human race of Britain expects....

eric the fish said...

Update to FrangyPam's point:

Kelway eventually got rid of some of the more unsavoury friends once it was publicised. Not stopped him showing true colours at other times though and the evidence is still ou there.

Anonymous said...



here is pix of adam everitt of Hull NF with nick walsh (dwarf on left holding banner) do his friends on facebook know about this?

Anton Du Berk said...

Adam Everitt, as 'Hull BNP' wrote a devils advocate letter to the NME after the music paper cane out ardently in support of LMHR.

Reading this has reminded me.

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