'...we can not bow down to the traitor in power, if they get their way unchallenged they will delete the British people out of our country, and we will become the minority.'There's so much wrong with that sentence, I can't even be bothered to dissect it. Feel free to do so in the comments.
Ms Pollitt's partner and father to her impending sprog, the BNP's Salford organiser Gary Tumulty, is almost as coherent:
'...every time we have visited Eccles Precinct, there has been scores of support directed to us, we have a first time candidate, and a first time ward times are exciting and changing.'Times are certainly exciting for Tumulty - he is known to be one of the main contributors to Redwatch, a site set up to supply the violent far-right with names, details and photographs of anyone who opposes the BNP, the EDL or any of the nazi or racist groups that are dotted around all over the damn place.
We should include an image of Tumulty here but he looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp so here's a pic of his arse instead. Believe me, it's a lot better-looking. His is the one in the middle - and the picture was taken at a recent BNP piss-up (or family event, as they describe it). Wouldn't you love to be confronted with that sight while walking around with your family?

Images courtesy of Hope not hate and Manchester AFA
Thanks to Mr Smith for the heads-up
Well at least that placard she is holding tells the truth for once.
Look at the clutter, the filthy hovel and the alcohol - and the ugly woman. Sums up the BNP.
We have a term describing birds like this where I’m from, we call them ‘Dirty old stinkers’
The three fat arses lined up is actually an initiation into the BNP’s security department.
Martin Reynolds walks up and down choosing which one he likes the most, then ‘pop goes the weasel’ so to speak. Gri££in gets second choice with the last placer sent down the offie and pie shop.
The things you se when you havent got aa red hot poker handy. don't worry lsds its only a traditional
English means of disposing of unwanted animals.
old Sailor
This is the area where the Tameside group used to be the best group.
Someone's done a good job!
Oh my god what a wreck.
So much for her winning the by election then.
They like this article on the British Democracy Forum
although its strange how the usual pro BNP riff-raff are staying out of it this time.
"The BNP's Kay Pollitt - a great ad for the evils of drink"
A nasty line but true. I hope the voters of Eccles see this article before polling day.
Guns, bums and drinking. What else is Saint George's Day for?
That top picture is one of the worst adverts for a political party (sic) I've ever seen. She should be used at every election. If she was, the BNP's vote would plummet.
I've got a theory about where the BNP's money has disappeared to. Nick Griffin isn't stealing it, he's spending it all on Grecian 2000. Have you noticed how suspiciously brown his hair is nowdays? He's the only 50 year old I've ever seen who doesn't have any grey in it.
"what the connection is between St George, rifles and arses is beyond me"
Thats because you're a fucking degenerate leftie race-mixing foreign bastard. It's obvious what the connection is to any decent English chap what has a cup of Rosie Lee tattooed on his face. If you were an Englishman, you'd just KNOW. So there.
'...we can not bow down to the traitor in power, if they get their way unchallenged they will delete the British people out of our country, and we will become the minority.'
We'll become a minority AFTER we're deleted? How would that happen then?
"Have you noticed how suspiciously brown his hair is nowdays?"
A lot of people have noticed that and are having a good snigger about it.
Trailer trash!
only the BNP would endorse alcohol consumption whilst pregnant!
...just how a boozy old chavette can represent 'traditional Daily Mail-ish British Christian values' is yet another chapter in the BNP's demise
Kay Pollitt, someone whomakes you proud tobe British or not?? You decide. Personally speaking, she makes me wish I was Australian!!!
Jaysus !!!
Thanks for putting me off my dinner LU !
@ 7:05 pm
In this rare instance fetal alcohol syndrome would amount to an improvement on this unfortunate infants genetic heritage.
the walker bros Adam and Mark shared her at the last rwb. OMG
A blonde bomb site.
'Thanks for putting me off my dinner LU !'
I know. Sorry.
'A blonde bomb site.'
LOL Classic. :-)
Look at the clutter, the filthy hovel and the alcohol...
Dont talk about Ketlans gaff like that!
'Dont talk about Ketlans gaff like that!'
LOL Whatever you say about my gaff, at least it's vermin-free.
I'd also heard that Danny Cooke has had a go on her, along side her body being used the venue for a brotherly swordfight between the Walker bros.
I'd heard the kid isn't even Gary Tumulty's, that any of the above (and potentially Keith Fairhurst) could be the father too.
Bleeuurgh. Delightful looking woman.
"the walker bros Adam and Mark shared her at the last rwb. OMG"
I thought Adam Walker wasn't into women?
Are sexist comments and comments about "trailer trash," helpful in fighting fascism ?
A good read about the BNP MK 2
Just saw this "announced" on the BNP website - after this expose here, I really wondered why they bothered! Other parties may have some dubious candidates from time to time, but this minger? There is barrel-scrapping and there is barrel-scrapping. Talk about unelectable...
misogyny should not be part of a serious anti-fascism. grow the fuck up, it's not a game.
BNP = BRITAINS NATIONAL PROSTITUTE: That's what she looks like anyway
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