As earlier reported, Mrs and Mrs Patrick Harrington turned up at the hearing in what can only be described as a foul mood. I can only guess that they were a little perturbed to see the front page of the Belfast Telegraph this morning.
First up to give evidence was Angus Matthys, son in law of Nick Griffin and married to Griffin's eldest daughter Jennifer.
Angus sounds like he struggled to get dressed on his own, never mind give evidence in a complicated employment tribunal. To say he struggled would perhaps be an understatement. How he keeps his job must be a mystery to even himself.
Matthys claimed his wife refused to attend the tribunal as she felt intimidated due to the fact the couple had been run off the road in Cumbria and blackmailed. The intimation is of course that this is the work of alleged Northern Irish "Loyalists".
Next up was the rather odd Ian Kitchen. The former Yorkshire organiser who had to stand down after we revealed his wife Linda was a "Granny Porn" star cut an angry witness before the tribunal panel, reacting rather badly under cross examination when he was labelled a liar.
Adam Walker was next to give evidence. Walker seemed to struggle with filling in the gaping holes in the BNP's story.
One question everyone seems to be asking is where is James Dowson?
Dowson, the one time consigliere to Nick Griffin would lend weight to his sister in law Marion Thomas's case against the BNP.
Has Dowson and Griffin agreed before the tribunal not to have a "face off" ?
The case should conclude tomorrow.

"How he (Angus Matthys) keeps his job must be a mystery to even himself."
Because he's the stuntcock porking the boss's daughter, of course! A dirty job, but...
Is this not the first pic of P'rick Harrington in something like ten years?
Yer Dickhead Harrington and pervy Walker bros, King Porn Kitchen. The set of liars, I hope the police come in on this for the kidnap offence.
Is this not the first pic of P'rick Harrington in something like ten years?
There are some photos of him giving a speech outside a "Squalidarity" meeting a few years back surrounded by BNP members.
Pat hangs out with the BNP a lot which is odd as he claims not to support the Party.
Of course, there is that photo of him posing in front of an IRA memorial off the Falls Road.
Good to see the International Brigades Flag displayed.
Congrats to the anti-fascists who demonstrated.
Laugh but you have to at some of the comments going on griffin watch.
Why does the writer refer to "Mr and Mrs Patrick Harrington"? Is Mrs Harrington's given name really Patrick or is the writer being sexist? She may be a fascist but she is not her husband's chattel.
Anonymous said...
Why does the writer refer to "Mr and Mrs Patrick Harrington"? Is Mrs Harrington's given name really Patrick or is the writer being sexist? She may be a fascist but she is not her husband's chattel.
I suspect it should be Mrs and Mr Mish Harrington. I'm surprised that Pat didn't use his married name like he did a few years ago.
Anonymous said
Why does the writer refer to "Mr and Mrs Patrick Harrington"? Is Mrs Harrington's given name really Patrick or is the writer being sexist? She may be a fascist but she is not her husband's chattel.
Who gives a fuck? Haven't you got something more constructive to do with your time?
Isn't that Eamonn Holmes on the left?
Anonymous said
"Why does the writer refer to "Mr and Mrs Patrick Harrington"? Is Mrs Harrington's given name really Patrick or is the writer being sexist? She may be a fascist but she is not her husband's chattel.
Who gives a fuck? Haven't you got something more constructive to do with your time?"
So sexism is OK? Sexism and racism are both discrimination.
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