New concerns over BNP finances
At first glance the Trafalgar Club - with its annual dinner commemorating the famous sea battle - sounds like a heritage society wanting to honour one of Britain's national heroes.
For just £15 a month minimum donation, members receive a newsletter and a free ticket to its annual dinner. Men get a tie with "England Expects" - the first two words of Nelson's rallying signal at the battle - emblazoned on it while women receive a personal organiser.
The club could be a gathering of naval historical enthusiasts - the reality is different. Those who attend the annual dinner are addressed by Nick Griffin, chairman and leading light of the British National Party.
Billed on the party's website as its "elite fund raising group", the club is a channel for well-heeled BNP supporters to give financial aid to the party without having to be listed as an official donor.
The website tells would-be members: "You do not need to be a member of the British National Party to join the Trafalgar Club. The government currently bans many civil servants from joining the BNP so the Trafalgar Club is a great way of demonstrating your patriotism and making sure you keep your job."
It adds: "After many years of running on shoe-string budgets, the BNP has learned how to stretch a pound as far as it will go!"
However, a BBC File On 4 investigation has heard other claims about the party's finances.
Former party treasurer John Brayshaw refused to sign off the party's accounts because he claims he was not given the access to all the records he needed to see. In 2005 he wrote to the Electoral Commission, the body which oversees political party finances, saying that he resigned as BNP treasurer. He alleged a number of irregularities had come to light including missing invoices and receipts from the Trafalgar Club.
In his letter, Mr Brayshaw said current party treasurer John Walker and his deputy David Hannam visited his home for a week to complete the accounts. He said he did not help them but claimed he witnessed some unusual activities, namely the shredding of a large number of documents and invoices. Mr Brayshaw said he was told to burn the shredded documents, but kept them because he felt something improper had taken place.
A black bin bag containing the documents has been handed to File On 4. It contains fragments of cheques, train tickets, receipts and invoices. Some of the fragments carry the names of Nick Griffin, his parents and even the Trafalgar Club. One unshredded item is a petrol receipt with the name Excalibur - the title of the party's merchandising arm.
Under tax regulations all financial records should be kept for six years.
The Electoral Commission said it had no reason to believe a breach of the party funding law had taken place.
Current BNP treasurer John Walker dismissed Mr Brayshaw's allegations as pure fantasy. He said Mr Brayshaw had failed to make the books balance and had left the party's accounts in a mess. Mr Walker said the shredded material included material such as "draft accounts that may have errors in dates and things like that. Because you are trying to reconcile the accounts, of course you shred documents."
Confronted by the BBC with some of the shredded material, Mr Walker said they contained working copies of printouts of the BNP accounts and bounced cheques.
He added: "What you've got in front of me here is clearly very weak evidence and the BBC is clutching at straws."
Among other questions raised by File On 4 are whether the BNP breached party funding rules by not declaring the name of a donor who gave £20,000 to the party. The rules say all donors who give more than £5,000 should be identified. When leader Nick Griffin was cleared of race hate charges in November 2006, he claimed the party had just received its largest ever donation.
[Former] BNP member Sharon Ebanks told the BBC she was personally thanked by a party official for collecting the £20,000 donation via her internet fund-raising. Ms Ebanks told File On 4 that the party informed her the donor's cheque was genuine and he should be made an honorary life member.
The BNP strenuously denies that it has broken any rules. It claims that the cheque in fact bounced and therefore did not need to be declared.
Labour MP for Dagenham Jon Cruddas has already raised the issue of BNP finances in Parliament, and presented the Electoral Commission with a 20-page dossier just before Christmas.
He said: "What this investigation for File On 4 is identifying is much more significant than any of the charges I was laying before the parliament - namely a systematic series of financial irregularities. And this cannot be laid to rest without the most thorough of investigations by the Electoral Commission."
Hear the full story on BBC Radio 4: File On 4 Tuesday 12 February at 2000 GMT, repeated Sunday 17 February at 1700 GMT or online at File on 4 website.
I just found out that nazi troll Andy McLorie, the BNP’s organiser in northern Ireland, was jailed for firebombing the home of a policeman. Read the article (‘NAZI HATEMONGER HAD FIREBOMBED RUC MAN’, Sunday Mirror, May 5, 2002):
Of course, whatever File on Four finds the nutzis will simply shrug it aside as BBC bias.
'Cos if the world's all a conspiracy then anything can be shrugged off !!!!
Simon Darby already has said the programme will be an attack, even though he hasn't heard it yet.
What he means is that the BNP's finances won't stand up to scrutiny, so the BNP sheeple have got to be innoculated.
I ask on other forums, "If the BNP's finances are found wanting and this programme says so, how is that an attack on the BNP and not open and honest reporting?"
Answers NOT forthcoming.
In passing, it would be nice to see somebody investigate Darby's odd finances.
A UK Google search for his "UK Rubber Company" turns up nothing, but a regular Google websearch turns up three entries: one on LUAF, one on Northwest Nationalists (both in comments) and only one in a web directory, listing this telephone number 01384-832288.
Even the one man and a dog company I work for gets more than thirty entries and the boss has never been near the internet!
The podcast will be useful for antifascist sites to upload and link to permanently.
The date's in my diary, ta.
"Even the one man and a dog company I work for gets more than thirty entries and the boss has never been near the internet!"
Funny you should say that. Darby was first introduced to the BNP members as the BNP Internet guru. You would have thought he'd have a website for his company being such an early Internet whizz, wouldn't you? But, apart from the BNP, not a trace exists of him.
I will be surprised if the police and crown prosecution service act on any information, as the "forces that be" are in on the act, griffin being a state nark.
Interesting statement from the founder and former leader of the nazi BNP, John Tyndall:
"Mein Kampf is my bible".
Wow, if that is not an affirmative statement of nazism and anti-Semitism, then I don't what is. In many nazi BNP quarters, Old Führer Tyndall is revered as a fascist demagogue.
I got the above from:
I'm SO looking forward to this. I hope it's worth listening to.
But isn't the problem that it's all supposition and innuendo? Since an auditor has signed off on the accounts, even with the provisos of relying upon information given by officers etc, who’s going to investigate? If the programme can unearth facts to challenge what’s in the accounts, then it may be different.
Nick Griffins success in perspective
The BNP members have for a number of years sang the praises of their Chairman, leader and ruler of their political party. The blind almost cult like following of their leader defies belief. But on closer examination is it the fault of Nick Griffin, the fault of their own ignorance or their inability to question the party propaganda machine.
The party faithful constantly laud the success of the party, the genius of their leader and how they are growing from strength to strength.
The absurdity of these beliefs would be comical if it was, not so tragic.
Party members get excited at the prospect of running a potential candidate in a parish council election. They leaflet the parish and attempt to elevate the importance of such an insignificant position as a parish councillor. Lets look a little closer look at the role of a parish councillor.
According to local government statistics there are approximately 10,000 local parish community and town councils with an estimated 100,000 councillors.
Not wishing to play down the importance of the role of a parish councillor but when put into perspective in the greater scheme of things in the narrow minds of BNP members it is hardly a “save the country from non whites” position.
BNP members get excited at coming third in a parish election , an election that is designed to choose someone who will help maintain street lighting , bus shelters and the local allotments. Hardly the dizzy heights of nationalistic success so valued by the ill informed racist bigots
So where exactly is all this success? Where exactly are the party growing from strength to strength? Where is the phenomenal success generated by Nick griffin?
22,350 city councillors the BNP have managed 49 now decreased to less than 42
78,000 parish and town councillors the BNP have managed less than 10
Now for the wake up call for all BNP members and supporters. In the nasty skinhead and Nazi salute days of the National Front , the NF managed a membership in excess of 15,000 members .BNP membership is in decline according to their annual accounts now at less than 7,600.
When the BNP managed their first ever councillors many many years ago they assumed they were on a platform for unimaginable success.
The BNP have no elected members of parliament, even their leader , despite standing in different geographical regions in two general elections only managed an insignificant level of support.
Since the unremarkable , for the BNP may 2007 local elections how many times have they contested a local council election? How many new council seats have they won? This question doesn’t need answering.
Why has membership fallen so dramatically? Why has attendance for the RWB boozy car boot sales with flags fallen so dramatically?
Could it be that the BNP is run by a bunch of redundant internet radicals who are more likely to change their software than change the country.
Even looking closer at the cesspool of bigotry and hatred we are all aware of the split within the party. So where do the BNP go from here?
Will the same 15 idiots on stormfront “save” the country?
Will HMS Dickie save the party by getting elected to the GLA?
Lets be honest the BNP are a washed up cult, digging their hate filled paws into the world of the disillusioned the uneducated and the ill informed.
Keep up the good work UAF, LAUF, searchlight, stop the BNP and all the wonderful contributors on here
Looking at the BNP and Darby's site this I hope will be and interesting programme rather suggested allegations that are not beyond resonable doubt.
I'm still looking or rather trying to confirm some issues in West Wales and I'd agree with the comments about UK Rubber on this site, I suspect a number of disperse companies/people.
I'm still waiting for adequate confirmation to join everything up.If it holds together then I think it points as a senior member of the BNP, rather than Griffin as the bank roller/real head (rather the king maker than the king!!).
I'll be back to Ketlan & co as soon as I am certain beyond reasonable doubt.
The nazi BNP and its members are a bunch of sick, twisted fucks. This is what I found out his morning:
In 1991, the BNP newspaper gloated after several BNP supporters stabbed an African man at London Bridge station. The BNP newspaper boasted that the victim had his "kidney surgically removed".
In the TV documentary, ‘The Secret Agent’, one BNP member described how he beat up an Asian man saying “I'm kicking away ... It was fantastic”. Another BNP member told how he put dog faeces through an Asian shop's letterbox. And, a third BNP member expressed his wish to blow up mosques with a rocket launcher and to machine-gun worshippers with "about a million bullets".
This is what makes me fight the nazi BNP. No surrender to the BNP, no surrender to fascism.
Here's the BBC News article on the nazi BNP's finances:
New concerns over BNP finances
By Fran Abrams
File On 4
At first glance the Trafalgar Club - with its annual dinner commemorating the famous sea battle - sounds like a heritage society wanting to honour one of Britain's national heroes.
For just £15 a month minimum donation, members receive a newsletter and a free ticket to its annual dinner.
Men get a tie with "England Expects" - the first two words of Nelson's rallying signal at the battle - emblazoned on it while women receive a personal organiser.
The club could be a gathering of naval historical enthusiasts - the reality is different.
Those who attend the annual dinner are addressed by Nick Griffin, chairman and leading light of the British National Party.
'Elite fund-raisers'
Billed on the party's website as its "elite fund raising group", the club is a channel for well-heeled BNP supporters to give financial aid to the party without having to be listed as an official donor.
The website tells would-be members: "You do not need to be a member of the British National Party to join the Trafalgar Club.
"The government currently bans many civil servants from joining the BNP so the Trafalgar Club is a great way of demonstrating your patriotism and making sure you keep your job."
It adds: "After many years of running on shoe-string budgets, the BNP has learned how to stretch a pound as far as it will go!"
However, a BBC File On 4 investigation has heard other claims about the party's finances.
Former party treasurer John Brayshaw refused to sign off the party's accounts because he claims he was not given the access to all the records he needed to see.
In 2005 he wrote to the Electoral Commission, the body which oversees political party finances, saying that he resigned as BNP treasurer. He alleged a number of irregularities had come to light including missing invoices and receipts from the Trafalgar Club.
In his letter, Mr Brayshaw said current party treasurer John Walker and his deputy David Hannam visited his home for a week to complete the accounts.
He said he did not help them but claimed he witnessed some unusual activities, namely the shredding of a large number of documents and invoices.
Mr Brayshaw said he was told to burn the shredded documents, but kept them because he felt something improper had taken place.
A black bin bag containing the documents has been handed to File On 4.
It contains fragments of cheques, train tickets, receipts and invoices.
Some of the fragments carry the names of Nick Griffin, his parents and even the Trafalgar Club.
What you've got in front of me here is clearly very weak evidence and the BBC is clutching at straws
John Walker, BNP Treasurer
One unshredded item is a petrol receipt with the name Excalibur - the title of the party's merchandising arm.
Under tax regulations all financial records should be kept for six years.
The Electoral Commission said it had no reason to believe a breach of the party funding law had taken place.
Current BNP treasurer John Walker dismissed Mr Brayshaw's allegations as pure fantasy.
He said Mr Brayshaw had failed to make the books balance and had left the party's accounts in a mess.
Mr Walker said the shredded material included material such as "draft accounts that may have errors in dates and things like that. Because you are trying to reconcile the accounts, of course you shred documents."
Confronted by the BBC with some of the shredded material, Mr Walker said they contained working copies of printouts of the BNP accounts and bounced cheques.
He added: "What you've got in front of me here is clearly very weak evidence and the BBC is clutching at straws."
Among other questions raised by File On 4 are whether the BNP breached party funding rules by not declaring the name of a donor who gave £20,000 to the party. The rules say all donors who give more than £5,000 should be identified.
When leader Nick Griffin was cleared of race hate charges in November 2006, he claimed the party had just received its largest ever donation.
BNP member Sharon Ebanks told the BBC she was personally thanked by a party official for collecting the £20,000 donation via her internet fund-raising.
What this investigation for File On 4 is identifying is much more significant that any of the charges I was laying before the Parliament, namely a systematic series of financial irregularities
Jon Cruddas, MP
Ms Ebanks told File On 4 that the party informed her the donor's cheque was genuine and he should be made an honorary life member.
The BNP strenuously denies that it has broken any rules. It claims that the cheque in fact bounced and therefore did not need to be declared.
Labour MP for Dagenham Jon Cruddas has already raised the issue of BNP finances in Parliament, and presented the Electoral Commission with a 20-page dossier just before Christmas.
He said: "What this investigation for File On 4 is identifying is much more significant than any of the charges I was laying before the parliament - namely a systematic series of financial irregularities.
"And this cannot be laid to rest without the most thorough of investigations by the Electoral Commission."
Hear the full story on BBC Radio 4: File On 4 Tuesday 12 February at 2000 GMT, repeated Sunday 17 February at 1700 GMT or online at File on 4 website .
When the BNP managed their first ever councillors many many years ago they assumed they were on a platform for unimaginable success.
When Derek Beacon was elected I remember a BNP supporter snarling into the TV camera "We are the coming storm".
Turned out to be a bit of drizzle.
When the BNP managed their first ever councillors many many years ago they assumed they were on a platform for unimaginable success.
When Derek Beacon was elected I remember a BNP supporter snarling into the TV camera "We are the coming storm".
Turned out to be a bit of drizzle.
LOL: when Mr Magoo-lookalike Derek Beacon got elected back in 1993 as the nazi BNP's first ever councillor, this is what the Führer Nick Griffin wrote about Beacon's election:
"The electors of Millwall did not back a postmodernist rightist party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan "Defend Rights for Whites" with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate".
'Boots and fists'? Says it all doesn't it! Good old BNP, playing it safe with the insanity card.
btw ... does anyone have the picture of Derek Beacon giving a nazi saluate a BNP meeting? It was printed in a national newspaper back in the 1990s? I also remember seeing Derek Beacon on a documentary at a Holocaust denial meeting given by David Irving. Half way during the meeting Beacon and other BNP pondlife came out to face-off anti-fascist activists outside. I guess it was the BNP attempting to put their
'Boots and fists' theory into practice. But, alas the police were there.
Some BNP history for you anti-fascist fans out there:
1) 2 BNP members and 2 BNP supporters (who admitted to regularly attending BNP gigs and rallies) were jailed in July 1993 for an attack on staff from an Indian restaurant in Buntingford, Hertfordshire.
2) In October 1990, BNP was described by the European Parliament's committee on racism and xenophobia as an "openly Nazi party... whose leadership have serious criminal convictions".
3) Richard Edmonds, former deputy leader of the BNP and currently a leading member of the Croydon branch of the BNP, stated that German SS Stormtroopers were "fine, brave men who fought the whole world for five years".
4) Richard Edmonds proudly stated, when asked if the BNP was racist, “We are 100 per cent racist, yes”.
Gotta love the nazi BNP, they are quite a unique bunch of chaps.
'btw ... does anyone have the picture of Derek Beacon giving a nazi saluate a BNP meeting? It was printed in a national newspaper back in the 1990s?'
Yes. This is a small copy of the famous picture. The one in the papers at the time was loads bigger but I can't find it archived anywhere. This one's about halfway down the page.
I have just found out why Mark Collett has been so quiet lately.
Rumour has it in certain BNP circles that Nick gave him a small piece of paper with P.T.O. written on both sides.
This has kept little nazi boy amused and bemused for the last few weeks.
In the meantime, we're still waiting for our libel writs from Lee Barnes.
Lost in the post?
Or hot air?
The great legal brain of the BNP can't take it, but loves to give it out:
The collection of saddos, freaks and congenital liars on this show are ;
The Hag Ebanks ( a delusional and hideous freak who lies even about her own ethnicity )
Adrian Davis ( The Mekon - sad, inadequate dwarf who has had a decade long sulk about the BNP not understanding his 'genius')
Kenny Smith ( Thief )
Steve Blake ( Data Thief )
John Brayshaw ( idiot )
Sadie Graham ( ringleader of the thieves )
More ravings from the madhouse here:
"You do not need to be a member of the British National Party to join the Trafalgar Club. The government currently bans many civil servants from joining the BNP so the Trafalgar Club is a great way of demonstrating your patriotism and making sure you keep your job."
Surely the club IS part of the BNP so, in belonging to the Trafalgar Club you ARE a member of the BNP.
Just heard the programme.
Happy with the way the BBC handled it, but I couldn't trust the rest!
An excellent programme and the BNP came out of it looking like criminal scum as usual. We'll have the transcript and podcast up as soon as they become available.
This scored goals, sure, but it wasn't as hard hitting as it could have been and should have been. There was enough to force the Electoral Commission to get off its backend though, and maybe the interest of one or two national dailies may have been piqued.
Brilliant radio programme, had to pull car over and stop. Surely the electoral commision cannot ignore this programme.
Is there anyway we can mass lobby the commision on its website to act?
Strangly Darby is very late in posting tonight, i do wonder what fairy story he is going to come up with, bound to star Diva Dicky.
Oh Barnes has gone all out hasnt he, he has been quiet restrained and off the wall with his so called scientific blog postings since he made threats against this site.
Obviously he has got over his rip van winkle stage and woke up.
Do wish he would just nod off again.
No come on, really, be honest...
That was about as hard hitting as a sponge ball being hit with a feather. It was pathetically weak.
And I actually support Lancaster Unity!
Darby already made his claim yesterday with this nonsense:
'Let’s be honest as well, a £20,000 donation not being put through the books, siphoned off into another account or invested in the 13:30 at Newmarket, in the current political climate, would be a story worth broadcasting. Unfortunately for the beeb and the BNP alike the cheque in fact bounced like a basketball.'
So the party announced this donation, then it dissolved and the didn't say anything? Rubbish. Either they got it and it was hidden or they would have shouted to the rooftops about being let down in the hope that it would have generated more donations.
Walker came out of the programme looking very bad I thought. :-D
BNP Finance Supremo (ha ha) came out of the R4 programme looking like the sheep shit he is. His voice and words were so obviously theose of a man who was caught in the lights of a car heading his way, stunned and not knowing which way to go. Clearly though he and his accomplice, King Griffin, had thought about likely questionsa nd came up with some stock-in trade answers to throw back.
John Brayshaw's explosive testimoney and evidence needs answering by the corrupt cabal within the BNP. Walker's pathetic showing as Treasury Spokesman failed dismally and reavealed him to be a Crook, asided and abetted by his boss Griffin. I mean, honestly, would you buy a used car from this man?
But the other main question that needs addressing is why did the Electoral Commission refuse to deal with Brayshaw's claims? This smacks of elements within the Commission and the State who are supportive of Griffin. They seem quite happy to turn a blind eye (no pun intended Griffin)and to cover up for Griffin so long as his policies are in line with certain elements of the State and its powerful supporters.
Come on Griffin, come out of the closet now and reveal who your REAL backers are. What are your goals and which interests do you serve?
I deeply suspect that the excuses on Darby's site contain significant porkies!
My immediate thought is 'up a creek without a paddle' :-D
"Antifascist said...
Darby already made his claim yesterday with this nonsense:
'Let’s be honest as well, a £20,000 donation not being put through the books, siphoned off into another account or invested in the 13:30 at Newmarket, in the current political climate, would be a story worth broadcasting. Unfortunately for the beeb and the BNP alike the cheque in fact bounced like a basketball.'
So the party announced this donation, then it dissolved and the didn't say anything? Rubbish. Either they got it and it was hidden or they would have shouted to the rooftops about being let down in the hope that it would have generated more donations.
Walker came out of the programme looking very bad I thought. :-D
9:08 PM, February 12, 2008"
I am Sharon Ebanks, and I can tell you that, Dave Hannam, and Kevin Scott told me personally with a witness seated at my side, that they thought it was a hoax, but that the cheque had gone through and cleared, they said, they "EXPRESSED THE CHEQUE", and the donator would be made an honoury life time member. Kevin Scott stated that some of the money would be used for glossy colour publications. Those first publications were handed out at AMREN, and Civil Liberty have been publishing glossy publications ever since. Some of them can be found on Ebay being sold by, Patrick Harrington.
If the BNP wishes to take it to court, I'M READY, and if. Mr INSANE Barnes, wishes to pay for DNA testing, I'M READY.
And, I don't give a shit what other people say about me posting on here. I CAN'T STAND THIEVES LIARS AND CORRUPT BASTARDS, NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL.
Below, is an email produced in full of an internal arguement as to how that money would be spent.
Lee Barnes response to Kenny Smith after he asked for some of the £20,000
you willstick to doing the accounting, Kev will stick to doing the management , steve will stick to running the website and I will run the campaigns of CL and fight the legal cases.
Seeing as Civil Libery will be relying ON MY expertise in law and civil rights procedure, i dont need lessons from you or anyone on what i should be doing or how i should be running the campaigns.
I dont like being told by anyone what I should be doing and how to do my job - nor do you. Therefore take note , you do your job and i will do mine.
I and Kev will decide what issues CL will run with - not anyone else.
CL is an organisation set up to defend NATIONALISTS and NATIONALIST principles - the last thing this country needs is another civil rights organisation that represents left wing / populist causes or any other vague issues. The only group in this country that does not have specific representaion as per their rights are nationalists and thats why I set up civil liberty as part of that strategic goal. This is a specialised group with limited resources, limited staff, limited skills and limited funds.
The remit of Civil Libery is dictated by me in communication with Kevin as I will be doing the majority of legal work.
Just as i will not interefe with you doing your job in CL , then butt out from interfering in my job of running the camapigns of CL.
If you think CLs role is to raise funds for campaigns then you have NO idea of the role of CL - a single campaign such as the penalty charges campaign would cost about
£ 200,000 to get it into the House of Lords and then there are costs implications as well.
Civil Liberty has a role but to pretend its to bank roll legal cases for the party , or anyone , is simply pie in the sky and demonstrates a woeful lack of insight into the way the British legal system works.
CL is not a funding pot for people to take cases on as it will NEVER have the money to do that - for just one example the Arthur Redfearn case has so far cost arthur about forty- forty five grand so far and will cost him another ten to twenty when it goes to the court of appeal and then if it goes to the house of lords it will cost another fifty to hundred grand with costs implications of the level of 2-250 grand for arthur on top of that.
Therefore CL cannot, by the nature of the costs involved, ever pretend it can take on such cases - and therefore your entire statement is predicated on a total lack of knowledge of the true situation fo the reality of such an organisation as CL.
As for the expenses / accounts issue - i will work with you and kev on this issue kas , but please dont ever wave your dick in my face and tell me how to run CL , this is not your organisation to tell anyone what to do with it.
I run the campaigns side, plan the strategy and run the cases whilst you control the finances and kev controls the management and operation of the CL itself. Do not think that you have any operational input as per how CL is run or what we should be doing - you stick with what i know you are good at, and i will do what i am good at.
What campaigns i decide CL will run is my and kevs joint decision only.
The money raised from CL will not be going into a black hole to support legal cases for BNP activists - it will assist them when it can but the remit of CL extends beyond just throwing money down drains for no good reason.
The strategic role of CL is a lot more complex that you know kas , so i suggest that you call me before you decide to start telling me what you think CL should be doing in future.
As for the accounts issue, if you think that by controlling the purse strings you can tell me what to do and how to run the operations of CL then think again.
If you have a problem with the fact that I have joint authority with kev on what camapigns we run and what happens with the money then youd better ring me and we can discuss it.
And never the twain shall meet.
If you have a problem with any of what i have written then call me on 07766224926 and we can talk about it on the phone.
Barnes, if you're looking in, you're an evil sick TWAT.
"Walker came out of the programme looking very bad I thought. :-D"
I thought he came out of it looking like a man about to be fined, or jailed. I bet he's having a bonfire in his garden right now
You'll note when they discussed the Trafalgar do, that they never mentioned the members only got sandwiches and were ripped off.
Having listened to the conversation between Sick and Simon I can't help feeling the car noise in the background was contrived. It didn't seem to change in note and certainly wouldn't reflect any car I've been in!
How would we or should we frame a petition on No.10 website requesting the PM intervene and demand that the electoral commision now fully investigate the bnp finances?
Being labelled as corrupt scum, I feel well qualified now for my seat in the Commons.
Has anyone bothered to look at the Walker rebuff, and bank statement? Notice anything strange about the statement? Or, that the money was actually donated to 'Civil Liberty'?
The BNP bank statement on offer, states the cheque was deposited Jan 30th and declined on the 2nd Feb 2006.
Why did Hannam and Scott state it had cleared?
Griffin announced having the money on the 3rd Feb 2006. How can he have £20,000 on the 3rd Feb when it was declined according to the bank statement on the 2nd feb?
'Griffin announced having the money on the 3rd Feb 2006. How can he have £20,000 on the 3rd Feb when it was declined according to the bank statement on the 2nd feb?'
They wouldn't have received the cheque back as soon as it bounced. It would have been a couple of days later at least until they knew about it.
I believe there are two cheques involved. The REAL cheque, is with Civil Liberty, why else would Lee Barnes and Kenny Smith be arguing in March 2006 as to how the £20,000 would be spent, if it bounced the month before? Remember, Griffin, is a conman, and would want the £20,000 virtually for himself, but once he'd announced it to the press, he would have to make it disapear.
"They wouldn't have received the cheque back as soon as it bounced. It would have been a couple of days later at least until they knew about it."
Trust me, with that amount of cash involved they wouldn't have slept till it cleared. I believe there is either another cheque, or the bank statement, is false.
What the heck are griffin and darby doing in spain anyway?
If the mainstream press don't report the stories about didgy dealing and tax evasion and hte police and the electoral commision don't act on the damning info, one must indeed ask awkward questions about the bnp's relationship with MI5. Whether it's Griffo or Collett, or Hannam, there are definately plenty of state narks within the bnp.
Possibly, Barnbrook is going to be granted a seat by the authorities as a present to his friend Nick Griffin for destroying the BNP. It's a shame the dissidents like Sadie, and Chris Hill cannot see the danger of helping to deliver Grifinite election leaflets in London.
Griffin's probably lying nude on a Spanish beach with Darby giving him an intimate massage.
How Collett must be jealous he isn't the one with the bottle of baby oil in his hand.
comment made at 1.54 today has just put me off...spain, my dinner and oil for life..ugh
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