
The Evening Standard has revealed that Nick Eriksen, the BNP's London organiser and the second-highest candidate on its list for the Assembly, is the author of "Sir John Bull," a notorious far-Right blog which has regularly advocated hatred and abuse against women. The disclosure will be a serious blow to the BNP's hopes of London electoral success.
In August 2005, Mr Eriksen wrote: "I've never understood why so many men have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the feminazi myth machine into believing that rape is such a serious crime ... Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal.
"To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that force-feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence. A woman would be more inconvenienced by having her handbag snatched. The demonisation of rape is all part of the feminazi desire to obtain power and mastery over men. Men who go along with the rape myth are either morons or traitors."
In November 2005, in an item entitled "Give her a slap!," Mr Eriksen approvingly quoted Noel Coward as saying: "Some women are like gongs - they need to be struck regularly." He later claimed that "the vast majority of domestic [assaults] are initiated by the woman."
Mr Eriksen also wrote that mothers "should never go out to work" and described career women as "unnatural and vile... it is a strange kind of woman who would want to invest [her] energies into her job rather than into a man."
Eleven of the 25 Assembly members are elected on a London-wide basis using a form of proportional representation. The BNP is likely to win at least one of these seats, for which it needs around five per cent of the vote, and has strong hopes of winning a second, for which it needs around seven to eight per cent. If the BNP does win two seats, one of them will go to Mr Eriksen and one to London party leader Richard Barnbrook.
Gerry Gable, publisher of the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, said: "It is horrifying, and an amazing indictment of the BNP, that someone with these views could be elected to the London Assembly. What is his attitude going to be to his women constituents?"
The author of the Sir John Bull blog, which stopped publication last autumn, is not identified on the website itself. But the Standard established that it is Mr Eriksen by posing as a BNP sympathiser and sending a message to the site's contact email address, johnbull@englandmail.com.
Within two days, Mr Eriksen replied, signing his name, giving Mr Barnbrook's contact number and saying: "As for your kind comments about the blog, I may well restart this after the elections - we shall see what happens! All the best, Nick."
Mr Eriksen admitted the blog postings were written by him, but said they were "deliberately provocative" in order to stimulate debate.
"I was trying to make the point that there are two kinds of rape," he said. "There is stranger rape and there is so-called rape by somebody the woman knows. I was raising an important issue in a provocative way to allow people to make up their own minds."
Mr Eriksen insisted that he "did not condone violence in any way," but was "trying to highlight the fact that violence against men is unacceptable."
He said: "It's typical of the media to distort what the BNP say."
Mr Eriksen, a former Tory councillor and ex-civil servant at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport who lives in Richmond, says he will not resign. If he and Mr Barnbrook are elected, BNP leader Nick Griffin says the party will be invited on the BBC's Question Time.
Daily Mail
I used to think that the first sign of madness would be seeing Suggs walk up my driveway!!
But I firmly believe the first sign would be anyone voting for this idiot or the BNP
Nick Eriksen is a fucking moron and what's more he's a dangerous moron coming out with crap like this.
"Men who go along with the rape myth are either morons or traitors"
Arsehole. And doesnt the BNP love throwing the word "traitors" around!
I bet he's not asked to resign.
Nick Eriksen - BNP troll exposed!!! Nice one Lancaster Unity, nice one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nick Eriksen: woman hater, black hater, BNP scum.
Who the hell could vote for vermin like this. This piece of shit should lose them the female vote at the VERY least!
Just in case it goes.
osted by John Bull | 2:17 PM | 16 comments
24 August 2005
As usual, history has proven me right. Some time ago I derided all the fashionable claims put about by the usual feminazi troublemakers that men were drugging women with drugs such as Rohypnol and then raping them. As usual, I was criticised as being 'misogynistic'. As usual I was right and my critics were wrong. An analysis was recently conducted by the Forensic Science Service of over 1,000 cases where women had complained that their drinks had been spiked. Not one showed any trace of Rohypnol. NOT ONE.
It turns out that these stupid tarts are simply getting blind drunk, taking 'recreational' drugs themselves, and then having sex. Next day they wake up with an almighty hangover and a deep feeling of shame and regret. So what do they do then? Why cry rape of course, and try to get a poor innocent man sent to prison in order to save their 'reputation' - as if they had one!
Given that only 6% of rape allegations are upheld by the courts, we can see that 94% of rape allegations are lies. Remember that next time you hear a man has been accused of rape. More than 9 out of 10 men accused are entirely innocent. I always knew modern feminazi women were nasty, devious, lying, man-hating creatures, but to seek to ruin a man's life simply in order to disguise the fact that you are a slapper, or because he broke up with you and you want to get 'even', or because he rebuffed your advances, well that's about as vile as you can get.
The feminazis argue, of course, that guilty men are getting off, but the truth is that a sniffling, doe-eyed lying woman in the witness box is more likely to win the hearts and minds of a jury than an innocent but big burly bloke in the dock. It is inevitable therefore that far more innocent men will be found guilty than the other way round. And that is why, of course, we regularly get stories of men who have spent years in prison finally being found to be innocent. By then their lives have been ruined.
“Assault with a friendly weapon” [quote from the film 'Waterhole Three']
In any case, I've never really understood why so many men have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the feminazi myth machine into believing that rape is necessarily such a serious crime. Obviously violent stranger-rape will be traumatic, but feminazis have stretched the definition of rape to include 'date-rape' and even 'husband-rape'!
Rape is simply sex (I am talking about 'husband-rape' here, for those who deliberately seek to misunderstand me). Women enjoy sex, so this type of 'rape' cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal. To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that force feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence. A woman would be more inconvenienced by having her handbag snatched.
So why have the feminazis built 'rape' up as such a serious offence? Because it is the one offence they can accuse a man of without any evidence whatsoever. Even years after the supposed offence took place they can waltz into a police station and destroy a man's life without a shred of evidence. In other words the demonisation of rape is all part of the feminazi desire to obtain power and mastery over men. Again, for those who are seeking to cause trouble by deliberately misunderstanding me: yes, violent rape by a stranger in the street is a terrible crime, but I am not talking about that - I am talking about 'husband-rape'. Men who go along with the rape myth (for all types of rape - including 'husband-rape') are either morons or traitors.
The fact that anyone can say this shit in this day and age, and still get away with it, is unbelievable. Isn't there some type of incitement law (such as incitement to commit sexual violence or general violence) that Nick Eriksen, this pure BNP scum, can be charged with???
You read this stuff and you think: ‘Who are this people, are they this insane, are they so detached from reality and humanity that they write and publish such stuff, and think that not only is it ok and acceptable, but that they can get away with?’
Any woman who votes for Nick Eriksen/BNP needs to get her head checked – it’s like turkeys voting for Christmas.
for the entire post. The comments are as repugnant as the vile crap that pours out of this idiots mouth.
Below is an extract from the letter Nick Erisksen and the BNP sent to the English Democrats’ mayoral candidate, Matt O’Connor, in an attempt to get O’Connor to join the BNP:
the modern BNP is a sensible, democratic and non-racist party
(‘BNP attempts to poach English Democrat's Mayoral candidate’)
Nick Eriksen can’t claim that the BNP is not racist as he himself has been recorded making racist statements in his official capacity as BNP London organiser. Here are (some) of Nick Eriksen’s racist views:
“South Africans will never stage a proper World Cup, how could they? It's a black country”
“Nick [Eriksen] has a few tips about how to make the work easier. I should take a copy of the local electoral register, he says, to avoid wasting time knocking on the doors of black or minority ethnic people. "You want to have the register in front of you, and you say 'Oh, we'll skip this door, it's Mr Omonga Bonga', or whatever. It's more efficient that way."
This is a description of nazi BNP troll Nick Eriksen:
He is 47 and he once served as a Tory councillor in Southwark, south London. An intense man, with bitten nails and a permanent frown, he appears forever to be on the brink of losing his temper. His complaints that night were endless: the sale of a local real-ale brewery, the iniquity of Britain's divorce laws, interference from Brussels and, of course, immigration
If this is yet another nail in Griffin's coffin, which I hope it is, then fucking good job!
These are the type of morons that I wanted to get rid of. Besides, why slag off fundamental Islam and campaign against Islamification, then say things like that which is in fact totally supportive of it? Talk about destroying freedoms, women’s human rights, let alone the utter hypocrisy of it all.
I know a women that was raped by a piece of shit that walked her home from a nightclub some years ago. Once he got inside she was pushed to the floor and raped in her own living room, he then ran away. She never reported it; it has scared her life. Does this then mean according to Eriksen that this was not a crime? I’d like to stamp on his head.
Maybe he should call up Collett and go out for a few beers, the pair of them could then try a little underage rape; maybe even have a bet on who gets the younger girl?
This is so typical of the modern BNP, a party designed by that fat one-eyed corrupt bastard Griffin. A total waste of time.
It has been alleged that Nick Eriksen attended a fascist dinner in honour of the Spanish fascist tyrant General Franco at the Morpeth Arms on Millbank during the mid-1990s.
At a recent "Right Now!" 'conference' he [Nick Eriksen] was evidently seen hitting someone he didn't agree with across the head with a roller-up newspaper!”.
Source: http://www.lvl9.org/forum/viewtopic.php?=&p=8141
Anybody got any more info on this??
Jesus Christ - is this bloke mad??? What an appaling thing to say!
Nick Eriksen endorses racism in his article, A rose by any other name ... (Right Now!, 28 September 2006):
This is clearly ludicrous [that ‘Paki’ is a racist term]. 'Paki' is simply an abbreviation of 'Pakistani'. Obviously we prefer to use a two-syllable word rather than a four-syllable word ... the notion that 'Paki' is offensive can be put to bed once and for all.
The words 'queer', 'poof', 'coloured', 'Paki', and 'pom' are all perfectly OK. I could go on.
This tells us all we need to know about this candidate.
How it reacts (or doesn't react) to these revelations will tell us all we need to know about the BNP.
Nick Eriksen supports French fascist National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen (a convicted Holocaust denier and self-admitted torturer of civilians during the Algerian war of independence, filmed on camera attacking a female Socialist candidate):
Clearly my favoured candidate was Le Pen
Nick Eriksen in The Le Pen result: an analysis (Right Now!, 28 April 2007)
Fookin ell, the comments are coming in thick and fast.
Signs of desperation on Stormfront
"Please tell me he never wrote that"
Tough luck. He did.
Nick Eriksen once sent out an email stating that BNP female canvassers should wear a skirt! What a BNP twat Eriksen is!!! I wonder what his email to BNP male members said - that when canvassing they should wear a bowler!!
Here's that comment from Queer Youth you deleted a week ago, presumably because you were waiting for this to break
"BNP organiser says it’s ok to rape and beat women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The BNP’s London organiser, Nick Eriksen (also a presenter on the BNP’s television channel, BNPtv), writing under the pseudonym of ‘Sir John Bull’, has stated that it is ok to rape and beat women! In one article (‘RAPE: LIES, LIES, LIES’, 24th August 2005), Nick Eriksen says:
“Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal. To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that force feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence. A woman would be more inconvenienced by having her handbag snatched”.
In the same article, BNP organiser Nick Eriksen goes to say:
“So why have the feminazis built 'rape' up as such a serious offence? Because it is the one offence they can accuse a man of without any evidence whatsoever. Even years after the supposed offence took place they can waltz into a police station and destroy a man's life without a shred of evidence. In other words the demonisation of rape is all part of the feminazi desire to obtain power and mastery over men. Men who go along with the rape myth are either morons or traitors”.
In another article entitled, ‘Give her a slap!’ (5th November 2005), BNP organiser Nick Eriksen calls upon ex-Eastenders star Ross Kemp to beat his female partner:
“Come on Ross, let's see if you're as tough as your on-screen persona - give your wife a good slap!”
In that same article Nick Eriksen claims:
“Very few men have any inkling of the hatred and contempt which most women have for them”.
BNP organiser Nick Eriksen perhaps justifies his take on rape and violence against women by what he calls taking advantage of the fact that men are more intelligent than women. Thus, in an article entitled, ‘Men are more intelligent than women – official’ (25th August 2005), Nick Eriksen argues:
“Men are more intelligent than women – it's a fact. Let's be proud of it, let's celebrate it, let's take advantage of it, and let's not tolerate women who seek to deny it”.
By now the reader has probably guessed that BNP organiser Nick Eriksen: a) hates women and b) is completely insane. Nevertheless, Nick Eriksen has found a home with fellow fascist travellers in the nazi BNP. This aside, Nick Eriksen carries on his misogynistic anti-women tirades with the call that women return to the home and full-time motherhood, and endure domestic servitude to men:
“Women have changed. Although there are, of course, a few rare exceptions, women in general are no longer the lovable, sweet, docile, feminine, submissive, domesticated, caring, fun, loyal, decent, creatures of yore. All that was good in women has now been destroyed and instead of being happy to be the helpmeets of men they want to their competitors”.
(‘Bachelor is Best!’, 30th June 2005)
“If women stayed at home and looked after, and supervised, their children, we would have fewer broken homes, fewer latchkey kids, fewer pregnant teenagers, fewer teenage criminals and a better, happier and healthier society all round”
(‘The mother of all failures’, 29th August 2007)
Lastly, BNP organiser Nick Eriksen reminds us in his article, ‘You read is here first – Part I’ (24th November 2005) that:
“As the foremost political commentator of my time I am used to being proved right by history, and to seeing my ideas – ridiculed and criticised at first – eventually taken up by others and eventually accepted as the established wisdom of the age”.
To be honest Mr Nick Eriksen we neither can understand why people ridicule you and the BNP. It’s political correctness gone mad!"
I'm shocked.That any aspiring politician could come out with this rubbish and any party could support such views is beyond me and any decent-minded person.
BNP organiser Nick Eriksen in his article, ‘Give her a slap! (Right Now!, 5th November 2005):
“Very few men have any inkling of the hatred and contempt which most women have for them”.
“Come on Ross, let's see if you're as tough as your on-screen persona - give your wife a good slap!”
BNP organiser Nick Eriksen perhaps justifies his take on rape and violence against women by what he calls taking advantage of the fact that men are more intelligent than women.
In one of his 'articles', Men are more intelligent than women – official (25th August 2005), Nick Eriksen states:
“Men are more intelligent than women – it's a fact. Let's be proud of it, let's celebrate it, let's take advantage of it, and let's not tolerate women who seek to deny it”.
"I used to think that the first sign of madness would be seeing Suggs walk up my driveway!!"
LOL Very good.
Seriously though, are the BNP a throwback to the dark Ages or what?
BNP dickhead Nick Eriksen argues that women should return to the home and full-time motherhood, and endure domestic servitude to men in his article, Bachelor is Best!’ (30th June 2005):
“Women have changed. Although there are, of course, a few rare exceptions, women in general are no longer the lovable, sweet, docile, feminine, submissive, domesticated, caring, fun, loyal, decent, creatures of yore. All that was good in women has now been destroyed and instead of being happy to be the helpmeets of men they want to their competitors”.
Then in another article, The mother of all failures (29th August 2007), Eriksen says:
“If women stayed at home and looked after, and supervised, their children, we would have fewer broken homes, fewer latchkey kids, fewer pregnant teenagers, fewer teenage criminals and a better, happier and healthier society all round”
“Men are more intelligent than women – it's a fact. Let's be proud of it, let's celebrate it, let's take advantage of it, and let's not tolerate women who seek to deny it”.
What does he plan to do - smack em one?
If anyone has a better picture of this freak, please sling it over by email. Thanks.
Freak is right.
Lancaster Unity and the other anti-fascist sites should do one article (and turn it into a leaflet) on Nick Eriksen that gathers all his articles and comments, not just the quotes from the Evening Standard article. The comments in reaction to this article are a good starting point.
Anti-fascists need to capitalise on this for the London mayoral elections - a lot of fuss should be made about Nick Eriksen's hatred for women, and his advocation of rape and domestic violence against women. No surrender to the BNP!!!
This story deserves as much prominence as it can get. Link to it wherever you go, people!
Even before the article exposing Nick Eriksen, Havering BNP councillor Mark Logan confided to Gerry Gable, former editor of anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, that he thought Eriksen was a “prat” (Logan’s own words). Here’s an extract from the article, ‘Giving the BNP the runaround – part 2’:
“Logan at first looked puzzled when Gerry mentioned he had heard that Logan also did not like the BNP’s London organiser Nick Eriksen, who is number two on the BNP’s slate for the London Assembly election, but concurred when Gerry pointed out that him calling Eriksen a “prat” would not exactly endear him to the party hierarchy. Gerry concluded with the suggestion that Logan should take a step back and rejoin the real world.”
I'm still amazed that it was the Daily mail that printed this. It's not exactly noted for its liberalism is it.
He said: "It's typical of the media to distort what the BNP say."
Er, how is anything distorted here? He said these things.
Misogynist shit!
Does Nick Erisksen have a problem with the BNP’s London mayoral candidate Richard Barnbrook? Reading between the lines, the below quote from a BNP rebel blog, “Britain Forwards” (which I nicked from the Voice of Reason site), kinda suggests so:
Nick Eriksen, our London organiser, says diplomatically that he will work “in addition to, not replacing, Richard Barnbrook
(‘BNP “staggers towards disaster” - more allegations surface on anti-Griffin site’ -
Anyone who describes ANY type of rape as a myth deserves shooting.
You can just imagine Nick Eriksen on his first date:
‘Bitch, is you into rape? If so, then vote BNP. If you don’t, then I is gonna beat you – like BNP stylie’
I haven't seen this many comments since Sadie and her gang got booted out.
I see Simon Darby is claiming this is just a smear campaign and that Eriksons blog was 'satirical'. Satirical my arse.
You can imagine him as the type who won't take no for an answer.
He looks a real sleazebag. The only surprise is that he isn't wearing a gold medallion.
Why does the BNP have female candidates, when Nick Erisksen, as the London BNP organiser, says:
Frankly, I don't believe women, generally, are suited to politics, as they are far too emotional, less intelligent than men, and lack the focus required.
Nick Eriksen in Law gets election justice (May 2005)
Ahhh ... some more Nick Eriksen racism from his article, The bottomless pit (8 June 2005):
Africa’s problem is that it is run by Africans..
What is Nick Eriksen suggesting? That Africa be run by BNP tosser like him???
I don’t think we should be taking parenting lessons from Nick Eriksen. He has a decidedly Victorian approach to the ‘problem’ of children. In his article, And now for something completely different … (27 July 2005), Nick Eriksen says:
Children who misbehave need to be beaten, they need to be beaten hard and they need to be beaten regularly.
So, Nick Eriksen not only advocates rape and domestic violence against women, but that children should be ‘beaten regularly’ just for the sake of it. Seems Eriksen has an obsession with committing violence against those who are weaker (and smaller) than him. I think I’ll be reporting Eriksen to Child Line.
Lets just put this bastard in a room full of women and see who gets gonged.
I hear that Nick Eriksen will be running a workshop on pimping at the BNP’s upcoming RWB festival.
The Jewish Chronicle covered Nick Erickson’s views on rape in its article, ‘The fight to kill the BNP vote’, about 10 days ago:
Here’s the part from the article on Erickson:
Nick Erickson
The BNP’s London Regional Organiser is second on the party’s top-up candidate list.
A former Conservative councillor in Southwark, he is understood to be linked to the Sir John Bull blog (sirjohn bull.blogspot.com).
In August 2005, an entry on the blog on date-rape drug Rohypnol read:
“It turns out that these stupid tarts are simply getting blind drunk, taking ‘recreational’ drugs themselves, and then having sex. Next day they wake up with an almighty hangover and a deep feeling of shame and regret. So what do they do then? Why, cry rape of course, and try to get a poor innocent man sent to prison in order to save their ‘reputation’ —as if they had one!”
The blog entry goes on: “I’ve never really understood why so many men have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the feminazi myth machine into believing that rape is such a serious crime.
“Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal. To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that force feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence.”
You can just imagine Nick Eriksen on his first date:
‘Bitch, is you into rape? If so, then vote BNP. If you don’t, then I is gonna beat you – like BNP stylie’
ohhh Nick you old romantic - you BNP boys do know how to charm a woman!
From Searchlight magazine:
BNP candidate in rape shame
Nick Lowles and David Williams
“Rape is simply sex." That is the appalling view of the BNP London election candidate Nick Eriksen. Writing on his own blog, under the name John Bull, Eriksen claims “men have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the feminazi myth machine into believing that rape is such a serious crime”.
He goes on to say: “Men who go along with the rape myth are either morons or traitors”.
Eriksen is not only number two on the BNP’s London-wide list, and so stands a chance of getting elected to the London Assembly, but is also the party’s London organiser. This means he is in charge of the whole London BNP campaign.
Eriksen is a recent recruit to the BNP but has been a controversial political figure for some time. As a former Conservative councillor in Southwark, his views were so extreme and divisive that his surgeries were regularly picketed.
He went on to be a founding activist with Right Now, a magazine aimed at the far right of the Conservative Party. Its first editor was Ralph Harrison, a close collaborator of one of Britain’s most important postwar racist and antisemitic activists, the Dowager Lady Jane Birdwood. Harrison was followed in 1995 by Derek Turner, a former activist in the Social Action Initiative, a small fascist group active in the Irish Republic.
In some early issues Eriksen wrote openly under his own name but he later submerged his identity in the deeply odious John Bull column, in which he raged against multiculturalism, women’s equality and political correctness.
Eriksen also voiced his obnoxious views on his John Bull blog, which he started in April 2005 just before the general election. In August of that year he turned his attention to the date-rape drug Rohypnol.
“It turns out that these stupid tarts are simply getting blind drunk, taking ‘recreational’ drugs themselves, and then having sex,” spouted Eriksen. “Next day they wake up with an almighty hangover and a deep feeling of shame and regret. So what do they do then? Why, cry rape of course, and try to get a poor innocent man sent to prison in order to save their ‘reputation’ – as if they had one!”
Under the heading “Assault with a friendly weapon”, he continued in similar vein.
“Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal. To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that force feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence. A woman would be more inconvenienced by having her handbag snatched.”
Eriksen obviously hates women. In another article the following day he wrote: “Men are more intelligent than women – it’s a fact. Let’s be proud of it, let’s celebrate it, let’s take advantage of it, and let’s not tolerate women who seek to deny it.”
But his violent misogyny does not stop there. Eriksen believes that figures that show women are the victim in nearly four fifths of domestic violence incidents are a lie and that men are the real victims. In an article in November 2005 entitled “Give her a slap”, Eriksen attacked campaigns that try to heighten awareness of the domestic violence and abuse as an attempt “to vilify men”. Eriksen believes that “Very few men have any inkling of the hatred and contempt which most women have for them” and that “Feminist talk about ‘equality’ is just a pretext – their real agenda is to try to gain superiority over men”.
Concluding this particularly odious piece of twaddle, Eriksen endorsed physical violence against women. Commenting upon a very public fracas in which Rebekah Wade, editor of The Sun, was arrested following a fight with her husband, the actor Ross Kemp, in 2005, Eriksen advanced his own solution. “Come on Ross,” urged Eriksen, “let’s see if you’re as tough as your on-screen persona – give your wife a good slap!”
With statements such as these it is not surprising that his blog profile states that he takes a “‘right-wing’, nationalist, patriotic, traditional viewpoint, pro-moting men’s rights and the national interest of the British people. Opposed to all forms of political correctness.”
In Eriksen’s mind, when not being raped or beaten women have one role in life. “Let’s be honest,” he wrote on 16 September 2005, “for a woman to consider a job or career more important than having children is, quite literally, unnatural. Of course having children usually leads to women’s careers being disrupted, but so what? … Instead of complaining that nature prevents women from having successful careers women should embrace the career nature has ascribed to them – motherhood.”
In this view he fits neatly in the BNP. The racist party has long argued that women should not work but stay at home and bring up children.
Errr ! I am confused here.
Lets see, one gang of Nutzies is blaming the blacks and other minorities for rape, and another Nutzie is saying that rape is very much exagerated.
Old Sailor
Firstly, welcome back Old Sailor, you seem to have been gone a long time.
Secondly, im really waiting to see now how Dicky is going to dig his way out of this.......Simon Barmy has tried on his blog, but not managed to pull it off. Dicky will not be able to ignore the chance of wading in, and if as usual he has spent the afternoon in the Lord Denman at the Heathway if the press situate themselves right and catch him when he comes out looking for his moped im pretty sure they will get the quote of the election campaign that will set the seal on the bnp hopes for once and for all, stone dead.
This guy needs to be struck regularly. With an axe preferably.
Just spotted this posted on a feminist blog
"This is the kind of man who should have his views challenged by someone sticking a painfully large dildo up his arse a good number of times. You know, so he can see how "painless" rape can be."
Bloody right.
This man should be jailed. His views are disgusting.
By the number of justifibly irate comments on this article alone it is clear that this man has done the BNP far more damage than anything that anti-fascists could have done.
Of course, the man ultimately to blam for this is Nick Griffin himslf. Another own goal by the fuhrer himslf. Well done Nick, you'll make a good anti-fascist yet!
PS This is evidence that the so-called 'vermin' who were sacked by Griffin are in fact the reforming tendency, opposed to the Nazi and bigotted Griffinite BNP.
So, let me see if I have this right. The BNP’s two main candidates for the London mayoral elections are:
1) Richard Barnbrook - a man who makes gay Marxist porn and rumoured to an alcoholic; and
2) Nick Larsen - a man who advocates raping and beating women
I see that the London electorate are spoilt for choice when it comes to these two BNP candidates.
"There is stranger rape and there is so-called rape by somebody the woman knows. I was raising an important issue in a provocative way to allow people to make up their own minds."
A nicely sarcastic comment from Stormshite
"So, it was only a satirical blog, Simon? That's ok, then. An electoral candidate that only writes satirical articles about rape being virtually meaningless is totally different from an electoral candidate that writes serious articles about rape being virtually meaningless. Isn't he?"
I wonder if he would feel the same way if it was him being raped.
I've just been to the BNP site to see if there's any condemnation of Eriksens comments (there isn't) but it took nearly three minutes to get on. Presumably all their bandwidth is being taken up by people like me.
Another fine faux pas by Mr Griffin. :)
From East London Anti-Fascist blog aka No Platfrom For Nazi Scum:
Mr Fister Says: Slap Up This Bitch!
We do not endorse all of Mr Fister's views, but he has asked to comment on a particular story that has arisen today.
A few years ago, an old friend of mine was travelling the Far East and came across an Englishman posing as an "artist" who kept photographing young boys and girls in compromising positions.
He tried to get close to the bloke with the intent of giving him a "Chelsea smile" but was held back by the knowledge that this kiddy fiddling fecker was protected by lots and lots of local coppers who were armed and constantly in this guy's company and who would harm and dispose of anyone for a few quid.
One night he managed to give the guy a slap in the back of the head in a toilet cubicle, but the offending little squirt did a runner into the night, screaming for help as he went before said "Stanley" could be run across his Aryan face.
Anyway, back to the original story in hand:
Nick Eriksen (I know, no wonder the BNP prefer to support Denmark rather than England) is obviously a sordid little shitehawke who is standing for the "Law and Order" party in the London elections. That's right; the Nazi BNP.
Old Nick, true to his Tory roots has jumped shit recently and joined the BNP. I believe the analogy is that he was previously a "small turd in a large toilet", so you get the reasons why he has jumped ship.
Now, I do not know much about the good Aryan Goddess that spawned this evil little monkey, but it would seem that Nick Eriksen has not forgiven her for her sins as he has a right cob-on for the ladies of your fair city.
In most BNP Nutzis, this sickness prevails itself in paedophilia (attempted or otherwise,) having sex toys inserted in one's anus (for security reasons) or plain old alcoholism under the pretence of community activism.
But dear old Nick "can't get a [legal] shag" Erikson has been writing lately about the naughty of all naughties; rape! You know the score; it's a hangable offence, unless a BNP member does it..... In such a case it means "she was asking for it"
Now, potential BNP GLA member Nick Erikson reckons that a woman who has had a man force himself upon her should not complain! Indeed, "rape is simply rape" according to him. He is right, after all. It's not car theft, is it?
But it gets better: "To suggest that rape, when conducted without violence, is a serious crime is like suggesting that force feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence"
Great stuff. I'm sure plenty of BNP members have been force fed chocolate while puckering up to BNP leader Nick ("I only wanked people off to get ahead in the party") Griffin.
Indeed, Griffin is as yet to defend Erikson, so I can assume that he will be defended in some way like the BNP's rapist in Oldham was:
Take a pic from:
a) The Jews did it.
b) We may have only 5000 members but there is a convicted rapist in one of the other, larger parties.
c) There are 0.8 of a billion Muslims in this world; one of them must be a rapist.
d) The Jews did it.
e) He was "having a larf."
It really makes you wonder, doesn't it? That the BNP would trawl far and wide for pond life "good" enough to present to the public for scrutiny.
And obviously, alongside the drug dealers, paedophiles, bank robbers etc, etc the most presentable thing they could present was someone who only advocated rape, purely as way to get back at all the women in this world that would not shag him.
Good luck London on May 1st: You're gonna need it.
Just heard on BBC London News that the BNP have ordered Nick Eriksen to stand down as one of their candidates for the upcoming London elections.
Congratulations to all anti-fascists out there!!!
One of the BNP loyualists posting on Stormfront
"The BNP have denouced his views and Barnbrook is going to be on(already has been on) BBC radio London Drivetime to denouce it."
Traitors to what exactly?
These people are scum!
I wonder if this wanker has a girlfriend...
Here, here to Sian Berry (Green party's mayoral candidate):
"Eriksen's comments are a timely reminder of the true values of the BNP - destructive, hateful, and violent. The disgust that he feels towards women is unmistakeable, and characteristic of his organisation's attitude to so many other people in London".
Griffins troubles continue with this attack by the "rebellious Young Turks".
If I was Griffin I'd stay in Spain!
Sooo said...
Just spotted this posted on a feminist blog
"This is the kind of man who should have his views challenged by someone sticking a painfully large dildo up his arse a good number of times. You know, so he can see how "painless" rape can be."
There's no need: Martin Reynolds has had enough things shoved up his arse to fill Erikson's tiny brain three times over.
Siân Berry responds to BNP candidate
Eriksen's hatred of women is characteristic of the BNP
Green Mayor candidate Siân Berry has responded to the comments of BNP candidate for the London Assembly, Nick Eriksen.
Second on the BNP's list, Eriksen wrote that the seriousness of rape is a "myth," that women who work are "unnatural and vile," and that "some women are like gongs - they need to be struck regularly."
Siân said:
"Eriksen's comments are a timely reminder of the true values of the BNP - destructive, hateful, and violent. The disgust that he feels towards women is unmistakeable, and characteristic of his organisation's attitude to so many other people in London.
"The BNP makes no apology for demonising Londoners from other countries or of other skin colours than their own. Nor does it hide its contempt for women, gay people, socialists, capitalists, the poor or the rich. There appears to be scarcely anyone in London that they do not loathe, but somehow they expect those Londoners to vote for them.
"All politicians are not the same. Voters must turn out to stop the BNP. Voting for me in the first round gives you the best chance of denying them the fourth party status they covet. More Green Assembly members means a more strongly anti-racist Assembly, but any vote for anyone that is not the BNP will help keep them out of City Hall.
"Whatever you think of the Ken and Boris show, use your vote to make a difference: stop the BNP."
This obviously goes against the well considered BNP position on the spread of Islam by using rape as a primary means of conversion. (The details of how this works escapes me). The entire blog would never have got past the censor back when they had electable Female Councillors.
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