May 02, 2008

Election coverage: London Assembly

The results are soon to arrive re' the London Assembly vote. Please check the comments to see the current state of play.


Antifascist said...

Just repreating a comment from the previous post...

'News coming out from London, turn out 35% and BNP are just under the 5%


Anonymous said...

best leave my obsession with the residents association and the BNP until later heh?

More pressing issues here methinks

God this is a great day

BNP achieve .0045% of elected councillors

Anonymous said...

Is that news from the last election? The BBC reports turnout is estimated at 45% - up from 36.95% in 2004.

Anonymous said...

The BNP have averaged an increase of 5 new councillors per year (taking a random sample of those I can remember: this year and last) which should see them hit 1000 councillors around the year 2198. Even to get to 100 councillors would take them another decade at the rate they're growing.

Not sure about a quiet revolution but it's a hell of a slow one.

Anonymous said...

'BNP achieve .0045% of elected councillors'

a great victory !

Antifascist said...

'Is that news from the last election? The BBC reports turnout is estimated at 45% - up from 36.95% in 2004.'

Sounds about right - though this turnout figure keeps changing dramatically.

Anonymous said...

in response to green gordon, no thats the figure i was given on phone approx 10 mins ago, by a man who knows....


Anonymous said...

I know its childish but what the hell

there are only 2 undeclared councils left
carmerthenshire and newport

I don't think the residents association are standing in either but the question is, are the BNP?

Its not quite neck and neck

the residents association have 43 elected councillors the BNP have only 47

God this is feckin tense!!!

Anonymous said...

Bloody hell. The waiting's killing me.

Anonymous said...

From the Guardian diary:

Wednesday April 30 2008

And it is not just the prospect of a Johnson mayoralty that has us all excited. It is the concurrent joy there would be if the BNP, which has bequeathed the Tory its second-preference votes, burgled its way on to the London assembly. Second on the party's list is Robert Bailey, a councillor in Barking, east London, who last week rang his local paper, the Barking & Dagenham Recorder, to discuss its election coverage. He made powerful points to the paper's news editor, but on sensing that she had failed to take them on board, unleashed a tirade of four-letter words, pausing only to draw breath and to call her a "Nazi", a "shit" and a "fucking jobsworth". Half an hour later, Bailey and associates parked their car outside the paper's offices from which they shouted slogans via a loud-hailer. It took a community support officer to move them on. Could this say much about the party's attitude to antisocial behaviour? The high-ups obviously thought so, for the next day Bailey was back on the phone, making a grovelling apology. "I'm not a yob ... I'm sorry for some of the things I said," he told the editor. "We all have our moments sometimes." Some more than others.

Anonymous said...

Final results are in

159 of 159 councils have officially declared

Total number of councillors elected = 8424

Total number of BNP councillors elected = 37

that equates to the BNP managing .0043% of councillors elected



Wheres my Jameson !!!

John P said...

Well done the Residents Association.

Looks like the London results wont be until about 10 pm according to BBC Radio 5

Anonymous said...

London Elects says:

2.4million voters turn out at the polls

Early indications show turnout in this year's London elections is 45%. This is equivalent to approximately 2.4 million voters.

The accurate figure will not be known until the whole count is complete later this evening.

This is the first time more than 2 million people have turned out to vote in the London elections.

Turnout in 2004 was 37% (1.9 million voters). This means the number of people voting increased by 20% this year compared to 2004.

Anonymous said...

well done irish tony, just goes to show the residents really do have the power, the choccy biscuits are on their way.


ps tentative news.....City and East London John Biggs is holding but Respect party are in 3rd place, this is not confirmed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

your all very quiet

Anonymous said...

The spin the BNP is using to try and hide this disaster is comical.

they are claiming to have 100 councilors!!!!!!

I wonder will they ever list them and show how many are unelected parish councillors?

now we all know that a lot of BNP people visit this site and I have a question for them.

Do you really believe this spin?
Do you really believe that parish councillors will make a difference?
Will you continue to fund the leaders of this vile party with their lies?

Anonymous said...

cheers for the biccys tulip

Anonymous said...

anon linked to>>>>>>>>>>>>>

WHY link to that?
It says, at just gone 7, theres a rumour going round that the BNP is close to winning two seats on the constituent assembly.

R U a Troll?

Anonymous said...

@ Flakey

Probably. Trouble is that Blogger doesn't let you copy and paste hyperlinks posted as text to see exactly where they lead.

Anonymous said...

A statement by Searchlight

Anonymous said...

London Assembly results for Bexley and Bromley announced:
Conservative member elected.

UKIP trounced from 2004 result and big gain to Conservatives...

National Front came 4th...

Anonymous said...

IrishTony there may well be spin I don't know but at the end of the day none of the people you associate with have stood for election and never likely to and Red Ken is out so it seems.

So why do you persist in denying a voice to people that obviously want to be heard?

Anonymous said...

Bexley and Bromley results.

No BNP candidate, but the NF came fourth with 5.56%

Anonymous said...

"IrishTony there may well be spin I don't know but at the end of the day none of the people you associate with have stood for election and never likely to and Red Ken is out so it seems".

And you know who I associate with do you?

Have I touched a nerve?

Anonymous said...

"Denise G said...
Bexley and Bromley results.

No BNP candidate, but the NF came fourth with 5.56%"

Could be a flash in the pan. Blackham was from Beckenham which is part of Bromley, they held a march there and they fought the By Election there. BUT..... If the NF polled as high, relatively as that, dos it mean the BNP are on course for a LA seat

Anonymous said...

I thought I'd let you have a pop at him, Irish Tony.

Brent and Harrow

For info, no BNP there

Anonymous said...

North East

Again, no BNP, but nice to see Jennette Arnold in.

Anonymous said...

London Assembly results for City and East:

BNP: 18,020 votes or 9.62%

NF: 2,350 votes or 1.25%

Anonymous said...

BNP fourth in City and East

Anonymous said...

'Anonymous said...
IrishTony there may well be spin I don't know'

There is none so blind...

Anonymous said...

City and East

BNP's Robert Bailey 4th (9.62%), behind Respect's Hanif Abdulmuhit (14.28%)

Anonymous said...

Mayoral results for City and East:

Richard Barnbrook (BNP):

10,214 votes or 5.45%

Anonymous said...

The neo-nazi trolls are busy trolling this website with misinfo.

Anonymous said...

Mayoral results City and East

Barnbrook 4th, 5.45%

Anonymous said...

Mayoral results for North East:

BNP: 3,776 votes or 1.90%

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result North East

Barnbrook 5th, 1.9% :-)

Anonymous said...

Mayoral results for Bexley and Bromley

BNP: 8,950 votes or 4.41%

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result Bexley and Bromley

Barnbrook 4th, 4.41%

Anonymous said...

Penny is dropping on Scumfront

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result Havering and Redbridge

Barnbrook 4th, 5.69%

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result Brent and Harrow

Barnbrook 5th, 1.65%

Anonymous said...

1.65%. No end to the BNP's triumphs


Anonymous said...

Mayoral result Greenwich and Lewisham

Barnbrook 5th, 3.46%

Anonymous said...

'Scuse me...

Sod off Barnes

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result Enfield and Haringay

Barnbrook 5th, 3.29%

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result South West

Barnbrook 5th, 4.49%

Anonymous said...

I think you mean 2.34% ??

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result West Central

Barnbrook 5th, 1.88%

Anonymous said...

Denise G said...
Mayoral result South West

Barnbrook 5th, 4.49%

This one is not correct, it's actually 2.34%

Anonymous said...


Barnes tonight:-








Anonymous said...

You're quite right - glad you're keeping an eye on me.

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result Lambeth and Southwark

Barnbrook 6th, 1.47% (behind Christian Peoples Alliance and Christian Party)

Anonymous said...

Denise G said...
You're quite right - glad you're keeping an eye on me.

LOL, It's not looking good for the Nutzis so far...
Barnes must be squeaking as he walks!

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result Barnet and Camden

Barnbrook 5th, 1.54%

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result Croydon and Sutton

Barnbrook 4th, 5.84%

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result Merton and Wandsworth

Barnbrook 5th, 2.88%

Anonymous said...

Correction - Croydon and Sutton

Barnbrook 4th, 3.31%

Thanks to my guardian angel :-)

Anonymous said...

Mayoral result Ealing and Hillingdon

Barnbrook 4th, 3.27%

Anonymous said...

Please don't post
Denise G said...
Mayoral result Merton and Wandsworth

Barnbrook 5th, 2.88%

Am I looking at the wrong figures cos I see it as 1.69%

Anonymous said...

Posting it to explain - it's me, RAH, getting wordblind.

You are right.

Anonymous said...

Denise G said...
Posting it to explain - it's me, RAH, getting wordblind.

You are right.

LOL No worries D, your'e entitled, I'm no good with figures but this certainly looks like the Nutzies have failed (Again)
Can you give us the average?

Anonymous said...

Maybe later, RAH - I'm very tired after last night.

Somebody is telling me that Griffin has been seen at City Hall.

Anonymous said...

Boris just crowned Mayor.

Barnbrook 69,710 1st prefs

Anonymous said...

Nice work Denise and Ketlan. I think we're all jigged after last night. I think there's a long wait for speeches before GLA results start again. Have yourselves a tot of something strong ;-)

Anonymous said...

Barnbrook was beaten into 5th.

The rest below him did very poorly.

Anonymous said...

GLA result Croydon and Sutton

For info, no BNP involvement

Anonymous said...

Barnbrook gave a speech just now

Anonymous said...

GLA result South West

NF 5th, 2.48%

Anonymous said...

...and nobody listened.

Anonymous said...

BNP/Barnbrooke only 2.9% in Mayoral vote - so cant see him/them getting on the GLA. Twice as many people would have to vote for them in the top up as they did in the Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Unrelated but of note: Appalling votes for Ukip

Anonymous said...

GLA result Barnet and Camden

For info, no BNP involvement

Anonymous said...

Trolls are quiet tonight Neezles. Crying in their Tesco lager?

Anonymous said...

A lot of the Top-up vote percentages are available on the london elects site under 'Download Results'

Anonymous said...

There have been a few.

Do Tesco do lager?

Anonymous said...

Here's a link for that

Anonymous said...


London assembly results

Con 8, Lab 6

So this means no GLA for the BNP?

Anonymous said...

That's not a link for Tesco lager


Anonymous said...

Bumbrook gets 2.88 percent of first preference votes

Anonymous said...

GLA result The Guardian/Comment if Free

"Second, there is at least a smattering of good news about the British National party: having aimed at up to three seats on the London Assembly, they reportedly look set to win only one, while they've lost two councillors in Epping, and made no breakthrough in their target area of Thurrock. On an otherwise bleak day, such little things mean a lot."

Anonymous said...

Or "is Free", even...

Anonymous said...

GLA result Enfield and Haringey

For info, no BNP involvement

Anonymous said...

GLA result YWest Central

For info, no BNP involvement

Anonymous said...

Vote 2007 Site

Poster claims "BNP OVER 5%Barnbrook on GLA"

How'd that happen?

Anonymous said...

GLA result Lambeth and Southwark

For info, no BNP involvement

Anonymous said...

GLA result Merton and Wandsworth

For info, no BNP involvement

Anonymous said...

GLA result Ealing and Hillingdon

NF 5th, 4.49%

Anonymous said...

GLA result Havering and Redbridge

For info, no BNP involvement, but UKIP 7.27% and Eng Dems 3.86%

Anonymous said...

Barnbrook on GLA - Maybe not:-
Now on Stormfront posted by Leicester Minority - Poster on Vote 2007 was Leicester. He, or she, hasnt waited for the results. Derr.

Would Leciester Minority be Mark Collett

Always knew he'd be premature

Anonymous said...

GLA result Greenwich and Lewisham

NF (Tess Culnane) 5.7%

Anonymous said...

Let's wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Barnbrook elected on to London Assembly with 5.4%.

Oh dear, now the fun really begins, how much does Griffin want from his wages?

Anonymous said...

Leicester on Vote 2007 and Leicester Minority on Stormfront are the same. Not sure who it is but it's not Collett.

Anonymous said...


"Barnbrook elected"

How the hell did that happen?

under 2.9 in Mayoral to over 5% in top up.

Have they done it?

Anonymous said...

Was it 'cos some of the racist minority voters attracted to vote for Boris Johnson's London Conservatives first over the "piccaninnies" racial slur voters, were also BNP supporters, but their hatred of Ken Livingstone was greater than their love of the BNP, because the far right are obcessed with hating socialism to the detriment of their white supremacist "racial pride".

Anonymous said...

Is that confirmed?

They didn't get three or even two and if it's true Bumbrook only just scraped it.

I don't think anybody's worried about Bumbrook being on the GLA.

Anonymous said...

It's probably true but not confirmed yet.

Anonymous said...

Here's the results I calculated with 13 of 14 districts:
Party Votes Cast Percent
Conservative Party 783824 34.7205937137185
The Labour Party 611986 27.108786238344
Liberal Democrats 258597 11.454920202222
Green Party 193973 8.59230863616209
British National Party 126138 5.58746127939566
Abolish the Congestion Charge 58519 2.59218194841328
The Christian Choice 65727 2.91147051254054
Respect (George Galloway) 56208 2.489812931807
UK Independence Party 44629 1.97690473479957
Left List 21431 0.949316484158051
English Democrats 24223 1.07299207670013
Unity for Peace & Socialism 5870 0.2600199599649
One London (Leader Damian Hockney) 3166 0.140242452001511
Independent 3228 0.142988829772861
total 2257519 100

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I don't think anybody's worried about Bumbrook being on the GLA.

The wally is out of his depth, it's going to be fun watching him make an 'arse' of himself...
If anyone should be worried it should be the BNP.

Anonymous said...

If it's true, hopefully somebody can dig up more of the dirt on bumbrook to make him a laughing stock.

Just hope parliament never has proportional representation so these scumbags can never become parliamentary members.

If bumbrook is partial to cottaging as rumours said hopefully cameraphones will be on hand to post said videos on youtube, as the homophobia of the bnp would soon cause the party to drop this drunken prick.

Anonymous said...

"It's probably true but not confirmed yet."

Dont worry denise, it's only one seat.

Could have been a lot lot worse

Anonymous said...

It's true - at least Stopthebnp are reporting it.

Anonymous said...

Here's the results I calculated with al 14 constituencies reporting (not guaranteed error free)

Party Votes Cast Percent
Conservative Party 835535 34.6320391178505
The Labour Party 665443 27.5819062118281
Liberal Democrats 275272 11.4097322937387
Green Party 203465 8.43340834209633
British National Party 130714 5.41795659218431
Abolish the Congestion Charge 63596 2.63598671478612
The Christian Choice 70294 2.91361170716988
Respect (George Galloway) 59721 2.47537207676178
UK Independence Party 46617 1.932225182137
Left List 22583 0.936041385936458
English Democrats 25569 1.0598079173276
Unity for Peace & Socialism 6394 0.26502451497488
One London (Leader Damian Hockney) 3430 0.142169860238323
Independent 3974 0.164718082969999
total 2412607 100

Anonymous said...

There's no way the fash can call this or the local election results a victory.

They didn't meet targets, went into decline, only just got over 5% to bag a GLA seat.

If I was BNP I'd want my money back.

Thanks for this tonight Denise. You've been a star.

Anonymous said...

Confirmed from London Elects:

Final London Assembly result
Party Seats Gain/Loss
Conservative Party 11 2
The Labour Party 8 1
Liberal Democrats 3 -2
Green Party 2 0
British National Party 1 1

Anonymous said...

Confirmed here

Anonymous said...

Confirmed now

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin must be counting the pennies as I speak. So don't drink too much special brew, Bumbrook. Griffin is your pimp, and he won't pay your bar tab.

A warning!

Anonymous said...

Much appreciated, Charlie.

Thanks to everybody who came along tonight.

I'll give it until 2 for final comments, then I'm off to bed.

Anonymous said...

Denise G said...
Confirmed now

It may turn out to be a blessing in disguise
Media focus on Barndoor can only be a good thing as far as we're concerned:)

Anonymous said...

G'night Denise, and thanks very much for keeping us informed:)
Kind regards...Rah

Anonymous said...

A good two days for antifascists and a great two days for Lancaster Unity I reckon.

Cheers Denise and Ketlan. We owe you one.

Anonymous said...

I blame all those gutless rebels who pntificated how much they hated Richard Bumbrook only to help deliver leaflets on the streets of london, the spineless losers.

How indeed will Cyclops repay those dear loyal brainless rebels when his court cases resume over the next few weeks, folks?

Just like Adolf Hitler who repaid the generals who plotted against him.

There's no such thing as loyalty in far right circles.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Rah xx

Anonymous said...

If there's a media focus on the gay pornographer Bumbrook, hopefully they will remind people he invited the world's most vile Holocaust deniers to london.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Cheers Denise and Ketlan. We owe you one.

The best way to show gratitude is by pressing the Donate button:P

Anonymous said...

How much time can Barnbrook devote to the LA seeing as he is also a councillor in Barking.

He is prone to gaffes and is not articulate considering he is a teacher, or was.

UKIP got two elected last time round it didnt catipult them to greater success. Why should it the BNP?

It has saved Nick Griffin's neck that is all, if they hadnt got the seat the rebels would have got more supporters.

I doubt there'll be a leadership challenge now.

For the time being the BNP will be happy bunnies

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this Lancaster Unity. Roll on the General Election, can't be far offf.

Anonymous said...

I mentioned the general election to Ketlan when we were snowed under last night.

He said something unprintable... ;-)

Anonymous said...

When I was a naughty seven year old girl, my mum dad and sister refused to speak to me for the rest of the day. The silent treatment, they called it.

How long would it take for the pervert freakshow to crack if nobody speaks to him for the next four years?

If everybody gives bumbrook the silent treatment, he would probably start fighting and threatening people because that's what he's like when he's drunk.

Fun and games await!

Anonymous said...

It serves the rebels right for helping a man they loathed, Nick Griffin, by offering their support for Richard.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought - If Boris Johnson is a changed man since his "piccanninny" days, he must try to win the confidence back of London's non-white population by totally and utterly humiliating bumbrook. Anything less would keep the rumours alive that Boris Johnson is indeed a racist.

Anonymous said...

Sugar! I dozed off at half 1 and missed the end.

No worries about Barnbrook, would've been surprising if he didn't sneak in even if he only just made it.

Old Nicky boy was there to get his share of the £400,000 was he?

Great couple of nights all round, nothing for us to worry about but in Barnbrook the best target we've got.

All the antifash who got out have a bloody good drink, you deserve it, and to Ketlan and Denise bloody well done with this blog. They hate you so you're doing everything right.


John P said...

Just got in from work I think I speak for many people when I say a big thank you to Denise and Ketlan.
There are lot of people who use this site as their first point of call for anti BNP stuff and I'm one of them.
As Irish Tony has pointed out several times this has not been a very good election for the bnp with them only winning 10 seats (well done to the residents assc') but the media have as always made a big deal of the BNP breakthrough. Front page of my local paper, BBC Radio 5 ect.
The BNP are still a very small party and we have 4 years of Dicky to look forward too. Keep at them, keep laughing at them and keep annoying them. If there is one thing a bnp member doesn't like, that is being laughed at.
Again many thanks to K+D.

Anonymous said...

Well done everyone who campaigned against the BNP on this. A splendid job!