And now Lee Barnes is writing to him...
Ignoring for the moment the appalling illiteracy of the letter ('Councilor', 'Autty' ,'Kirkless' and the superb 'puupet') Barnes, who seems to have been elevated from his lowly role as legal advisor to the dizzy heights of Director of BNP Legal Department, seems to be saying that it has been decided by the BNP hierarchy that the Colin Auty challenge is illegal under party rules and that anyone who supports it 'will be tried for conspiracy and treason'. Lordy, such power.
Barnes also makes quite a number of statements in the letter that could, if the December rebels felt inclined, lead him straight into the libel courts. Certainly, his claims that they passed information to MI5 and Special Branch would be extremely difficult to prove and could provide us all with entertainment for months, with the added benefit that it would make anyone who gave Bonkers Barnes his head, like the current leader Nick Griffin perhaps, look a complete and utter fool.
Following a high level conference between senior high level BNP officials earlier today to discuss among other issues the security of Richard Barnbrook in the wake of serious threats to his person by far leftist cowards as he travels to and from the London Assembly I have been instructed to inform you of a bogus and illegal leadership challenge and the disciplinary measures we are now putting in place to squash this diversionary and divisive activity in the bud. This is a deceitful and cynical attempt to divert the party’s attention away from the historical victory last week in London and to derail the activist’s attention away from the all important European Elections next June.
This is a sham nothing and more than a forged challenge devised by the liars, thieves and splitters who tried to wreck the party in December 2007 before their unsuccessful coup was successfully thwarted by quick action from the Party’s own security, legal and intelligence departments. The challenger claims is to be Councilor Colin Autty from Kirkless in Yorkshire, a decent man who is known to many of you but he is being used as a puupet by the gang of malcontents who stole party emails, stole party property, stole thousand of pounds of party monies, spread malicious rumours about the Chairman, myself and other senior party officers on bogus Blogs and through a series of bogus bulletins which they prepared using stolen membership lists which they then passed on to our enemies in MI5, The Special Branch, The Labour Party and the Searchlight organisation. They then tried unsuccessfully to set up a rival political party. It is a cylical attempt by our enemies to try and derail the Party and to stop activities to get BNP members electd to the European Parliament.
The Party is on the edge of a historical victory in Europe next year. Nothing must stand in the way of getting the democractically elected Chairman and others elected to the European Parliament in Europe next year.
Aiding and abeting these people is an offence under the Party Constitution 10th edition.
Anyone who has already signed or is thinking of signing or intending to sign the nomination forms for Colin Autty will be suspended from Party membership pending an internal dispclinary tribunal where members will be tried for conspiracy and treason as per the Constitutition Section 6. (3) Section 7 – failure to use the correct channels to express concerns, 8 - spreading false and malicious rumours about Party officials and members, and behaviour likely to bring the Party into disrepute. Those found guilty of conspiracy and treason will be expelled from the Party and proscibred for life.
The laugable attempt to portray themselves as trying to 'save the party' is directly contradicted by the fact that they have spent since Christmas undermining the party, attacking the party, spreading lies about the Chairman, myself and other party activists, inciting dissent in the party and actively encouraging party activists not to stand in elections or assist party candidates in the elections.
This is not a game we are playing, this is a war and in times of war unquestionable obedience and loyalty to the commander in the field must come first, The 'First Law Of Nationalism' is - If you work with the enemy, then you are the enemy.
Yours sincerely
Lee John Barnes (LLB Hons)
Director of BNP Legal Department
"Anyone who has already signed or is thinking of signing or intending to sign the nomination forms for Colin Autty will be suspended from Party membership pending an internal dispclinary tribunal where members will be tried for conspiracy and treason"
Who the fuck do they think they are???
If anyone has ever had any doubt whatsoever about the sanity of this moronic slimbag, lee barnes then read it over once again. Griffin = Fascism. As for standing up for the British workers? Old one-eye is only interested in one thing, £££!
Barnes really is a lunatic putting all this in writing to the whole membership. The only reason the last bunch of rebels probably won't take him to court is that they can't afford to. If they could, they could bankrupt this moron.
I'm no solicitor but how exactly can ANY of this be legal?
"Who the fuck do they think they are???"
Very stupid. I hear that a group challenge to the BNP Constitution, will shortly be under way. Particularly as no one knows what the constitution is, as it's something of an Orwellian Barn Door, or should that be, Barnes door?
North West Nationalist has this to say
Anonymous said...
Thats it for me, the BNP has lost the fucking plot. Sorry for swearing.
06 May 2008 21:45
Anonymous said...
Word for word, the language and phraseology is straight out of Stalinist show trials of the 1930's and 1950's.
06 May 2008 22:01
NorthWestNationalists said...
Bet the stalinists didn't spell that badly though !
06 May 2008 22:10
Richard Chadfield said...
Is this satire or is it for real?
It certainly has all the hall marks of a L.B insane rant but ---.
True or not Mr G surrounds himselve with what many would regard as questionable people.
'A leader should be judged by the people he surrounds himself with'
My advice to all BNP members is VOTE COLIN AUTY in the coming leadership challenge. If Mr Griffin terminates the challenge (on some artificial contrived excuse) resign from the BNP because you then know the BNP is not a nationalist organisation --but under N.G has become a Judus Goat.
Richard Chadfield. ( thirty years a nationalist activist)
Remind me again. Griffin claims that the BNP is the most democratic party in the country? Did I get that right?
Lee Barnes is a fucking 'puupet'. LOL
By the look of this the Auty challenge isn't going to be allowed to proceed at all. So much for democracy then.
"An ex-member of the BNP sent the following communiqué to us after receiving a deluge of crap from the party - including four increasingly desperate appeals for his hard-earned cash - since the beginning of the year."
Is that all? I left the BNP over two years ago and I've received at least ten letters this year (mostly duplicate begging letters) plus this shit from the hippy idiot Barnes. If I was still in the party I'd sign Colin Autys nomination papers just out of spite!
This letter is fucking hilarious – I couldn’t stop laughing .... this shit is fucking gold dust.
You’d think from the language that the legally sane Lee Barnes uses that the BNP is the Whitehouse on DEFCON 1 alert, in fear of an actual imminent attack from the aliens from outer space. Here are snippets of the bombastic, over the top, full of self-importance and disproportionate to reality language that we’ve all come to associate the BNP and fascists generally with:
a high level conference
unsuccessful coup
thwarted by quick action
from the Party’s own security, legal and intelligence departments
on the edge of a historical victory in Europe
Nothing must stand in the way
where members will be tried for conspiracy and treason
This is not a game we are playing this is a war and in times of war unquestionable obedience and loyalty to the commander in the field must come first
The 'First Law Of Nationalism' is - If you work with the enemy, then you are the enemy.
Director of BNP Legal Department
Democracy? Griffin?
What a sick joke!
Richard Chadfield. ( thirty years a nationalist activist)
Hmmmm ... funny that Richard Chadfield (who was up till recently the BNP’s Stockport Organiser) should be now telling BNP people not to vote for Nick Griffin. Why didn’t Chadfield raise his voice earlier? He should have known what Griffin was like given that Chadfield was in the loony National Front with Griffin.
Further, Peter Barker of Rochdale BNP (posting as ‘heaven above’ on VNN forum) says the following about Chadfield:
Even BNP arsewipes like Richard Chadfield are in these pics. He has slagged me off since Griffin got elected, and indeed, he only arrived back when Griffin got elected. I thought he was a friend.
More from NWN
Anonymous said...
IF the above document is correct then it needs to be acted up on immediately
So a LEADERSHIP CHALLANGE IS NOT ALLOWED in this Democratic Party that is known as the BNP.
Perhaps griffin has not read his own constitution lately as he and barns rewrote it at least eight times? Perhaps they are high on pot at the moment and can not see through the smoke.
In other words it's dictatorship but it calls itself DEMOCRATIC? VERY STRANGE from the very party that stands for FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY.
Any one who dares to challenge the leadership of the party in an election as it is there very right to do under the constitution of the PARTY will be suspended pending a tribunal [kangaroo court] yes they will be guilty of acting in a democratic manner to intact changes from the top so a tribunal is superfelus in reality. Or is it expelled first and then the tribunal well what ever...This needs to be exposed all over every internet channel/ blog /forum and every member that he the challenger has at his fingertips and ability to inform…….so get to it lads……
All though it may be a very clever plot /spoof document to get the challenger and his team to act in some way illegally as they will say it was all cooked up by malcontents and trouble makers well what ever it must be acted on in some way so do your utmost to obtain proof of its authenticity a griffin is a devious man.
Ps the person who received this e mail /document I hope .needs to stand up and be counted as to give it some legitimacy if not I would be very suspicious of it contents so caution is the watch word.
keith axon. BNP founder member
06 May 2008 22:46
Anonymous said...
I have also recieved this email, so he must be working off the BNP forum list, or membership list.
If the collective BNP security are looking in, can you do me a favour?
Next time you walk into a crowd of reds with Griffin, just walk off and let the cunt defend himself.
06 May 2008 23:01
Incredulity rules said...
In some ways I hope it is a hoax.
If not then Barnes has finally reached the tipping point where he descends completely into a fantasy world. Leaving aside that he thinks that Barnbrook is an MP there is the worrying use of the phrase - for th e greater good. He really should cut back on his sci-fi addiction- The Greater Good' is the watchword of the Tau Empire in the Warhammer 40k universe.
06 May 2008 23:12
Anonymous said...
I'm voting Auty. How dare they tell me what I can and can't do.
06 May 2008 23:17
Anonymous said...
Keep donating to the rebels, and boot Griffin out via the courts.
It's just been suggested to me that this is a hoax. Well I can tell you for a fact that it isn't I know four people apart from myself who have got one. BNP or not, I don't know anyone who has any time for Lee Barnes. Most of us just think of him as a stoned idiot who really shouldnt be holding any position in any organisation that beleives it should be taken seruiously.
a high level conference - i.e. BNP pub piss up.
splitters - Orwellian language straight out of the Chinese Communist party handbook to describe Tibetan and Uyghur independence movements.
unsuccessful coup - The Beer Hall Putsch – silly, silly, silly – King Nick would have never made this mistake.
thwarted by quick action - I take it that Lee Barnes wasn’t smoking his wacky backy so for once he didn’t have the reflexes of a 100 yr old man.
from the Party’s own security, legal and intelligence departments - Arthur Kemp replicating the apartheid South African state apparatus in the form of the BNP.
on the edge of a historical victory in Europe - Blitzkrieg! We will invade and conquer the land of the Slavs, the Low Countries and France with speed and surprise!
Nothing must stand in the way - because I am Ming the Merciless.
where members will be tried for conspiracy and treason - like those who failed in their 20th July 1944 coup against the Eternal Fuhrer Hitler, you too will be hung with piano wire for being traitors to the Fatherland – Hail Griffin!
This is not a game we are playing this is a war and in times of war unquestionable obedience and loyalty to the commander in the field must come first - really, I thought this was a game .. oh bugger, then I must really take the BNP seriously.
The 'First Law Of Nationalism' is - If you work with the enemy, then you are the enemy. - Lee Barnes’ take on Fight Club – ‘The first rule of Fight Club ....'
Director of BNP Legal Department - seems like a big, City law firm with hundreds of lawyers constantly engaged in big fee litigation and corporate transaction work.
You guys seem to be missing the crux of what this is about. Lee has ruled against allowing the challenge so it is not accepted by the leadership. Colin Auty will not be the challenger to Nick Griffin's leadership. There will be no challenge this year.
Scumbag Barnes has done this before and he'll do it again, he is just the type of freak that Griffin loves.
You couldn't make this up!
To crown everything on VNN the Sofasoaker says "I shall take a nice break and am even writing a book."
Fooking hell!
'You guys seem to be missing the crux of what this is about.'
I think not. We can see precisely what this is all about.
'Lee has ruled against allowing the challenge so it is not accepted by the leadership.'
Barnes has an astonishing amount of influence in the party considering his extremely short time in it as a paid-up member. Less than a year, isn't it?
And what precisely gives him the authority to rule against a challenge? It was our understanding that the BNP is pro-democracy - or so Nick Griffin is always claiming. How does ruling a leadership challenge out do anything to enhance the BNP's appalling lack of internal democracy?
From Lee Barnes' little blog ... hehehe
Colin Auty - The Last of the Shadow Puppets
Monday, 5 May 2008
Lets take a look at Colins 'leadership team' shall we ;
This is the team that are supposedly running a leadership election for the benefit of the party, when in fact they are all the same whining plonkers that spat their dummies out when Steve Blake, Sadie Graham, Kenny Smith and Matt Single were discovered to be liars, thieves, spies, traitors and back stabbers.
The really sad thing though is that NOT ONE of the so called 'supporters' of these pack of morons is anything other than the usual suspects who were whining and sulking when the plotters were discovered at Christmas.
Its the same old losers, doing the same old whining.
1) The website for Colin Auty is set up and run by Steve Blake
2) The propaganda on it is written by Matt Single
3) Leadership Campaign Deputy - Roger Robertson
4) Leadership Campaign Co-ordinator - Cllr Chris Beverley
5) Leadership Campaign Press Officer - Dave Jones
This is the last throw of the dice for this cabal of losers and malcontents.
The truly sinister thing about this pathetic 'challenge' is that they all know that they are not going to win this challenge.
This challenge is simply about trying to cause more disruption in the party and to try and damage the parties growth over the next year in the lead up to the European Elections.
This is precisely what Searchlight wants. Searchlight knows that the BNP cannot be destroyed by external pressures and therefore only by causing internal problems can the progress pf the party be slowed and damaged.
The Inner Enemy is the true enemy we are facing.
The plotters [revious plan was to launch their pathetic rebellion just before the London Elections and thereby cause as much damage as possible to the chances of the BNP in the recent elections, but luckily they got caught out and we prevented the plot from destroying the London GLA campaign.
So instead of just going away in shame and disgrace this pack of losers then told all the BNP idiots that supported them NOT TO CAMPAIGN AND HELP the BNP candidates in the recent GLA and local elections.
Some of their supporters did this and as a result some areas of the country were lacking activist teams to go out and help our candidates, and this damaged our vote in some areas.
This was also what Searchlight wanted.
At every moment the script the plotters have been following could have been written by Gerry Gable himself - and as the first rule of nationalism states ' Those that assist the enemy ARE THE ENEMY'.
The idea that this collection of traitors and thieves can now try and pretend to be 'trying to save the party' when they told their supporters to not stand in the recent elections or help out the BNP candidates in the elections, and even worse some of their supporters stood as independents against the BNP, shows that these traitors are untrustworthy snakes who no-one can trust.
The laugable attempt to portray themselves as trying to 'save the party' is directly contradicted by the fact that they have spent since Christmas undermining the party, attacking the party, spreading lies about the party and activists, inciting dissent in the party and actively encouraging party activists not to stand in elections or assist party candidates in the elections.
Colin Auty may be a 'good bloke' according to some people who know him, but he is also a willing puppet of these idiots and therefore demonstrates that he is a fool.
He chose to be a puppet, he chose to allow the plotters to pull his strings and he is now working for them and not the party.
That is simply treason.
I did not intend to interfere in this debacle of a leadership election as I at first thought this was a legitimate leadership challenge.
It was not until Auty allowed a post on his blog to attack me directly that I became involved.
That was a very stupid mistake Auty, as by doing so you revealed to me the depth of your treason and corruption at the hands of the plotters.
The logic of the plotters was simply 'lets attack Barnes and make Barnes a target as Barnes was a person who attacked us when we were discovered at Christmas trying to destroy the party'.
This was a really stupid thing to do, as by attacking me it revealed to me who was really behind this challenge.
I have never had a problem with Colin Auty, I have met him once and he shook my hand and was as nice as pie to my face. Therefore for him to attack me for no reason meant that someone else was pulling the strings.
Once he attacked me then I began to look at his 'challenge' and the pictures all began to fit nicely together.
If Auty had not attacked me then I would have not investigated his challenge, as to be frank I have more important things to get on with such as helping Richard Barnbrook in the GLA (such as drafting up the legal letters to stop discrimination against him as placed on the website yesterday) and also doing research and reports to assist in the plans for the European Elections.
It was only once Auty attackd me that it became obvious who was really pulling the string on this challenge.
Auty and the plotters are traitors.
Auty himself is the Last of the Shadow Puppets, and this is the last throw of the dice before the plotters either vanish or set up their own joke party.
Before they can set up their own joke party though, they must first try and destabilise the BNP and take as many saps and suckers with them.
This leadership challenge will fail.
When it does the plotters and their supporters will realise they cannot destroy the BNP from within and they will leave the BNP and set up their own party.
Lets hope that the puppets and the plotters vanish as swiftly as possible, and that the last sign of them ever being present is the fading stench of corruption and lies that will vanish just as swiftly as they leave the room and finally shut the door and go.
Colin Auty may not be a traitor himself, but he knows what he is doing and he has chosen to be an accomplice to those who have been proven to be traitors.
Colin Auty is guilty of aiding the traitors, and that is enough to condemn him as an accomplice to treason.
Those that aid traitors are themselves traitors.
'To crown everything on VNN the Sofasoaker says "I shall take a nice break and am even writing a book."'
Writing a book? That lard-arsed twat couldn't write a note for the milkman.
From Scumfront by Yorkshire Loyal
The irony is it is Nick who has introduced more internal democracy including the voting members scheme to put checks and balances in to prevent any leader of the party having all the power and this will be rolled out in time but we never want to see the party ruled by commitee some of us remember how the NF was ruined from within by this method
Yessiree the NF was ruined from within - by Nick Griffin bumbass
It should still be within the remit of a 'democratic' party?
Like it or not that is the mark of a free and democratic party...anything else is a dictatorship.
There is NO legal reason why this contest cannot be held if Auty gets the appropriate number of nominations/signatories.
This outrageous attempt to derail internal democracy is appalling. I shall write to my Assembly Member at once. Let me just see who it is...
Aw shit.
I wander what threatening "legal letters the "legal beagle" is writing to the new mayor of london, folks?
Did he drop out of law school before sitting his exams?
I frankly don't give a damn if the griffinties or the rebels win. All I will say is, the BNP can never have the audacity to talk about rigged polls and the corruption of African leaders when they themselves are quite happy to stop democracy from replacing griffin with a much more popular leader.
The rebels don't appear to be searchlight spies.
However Griffin, Barnes and Darb are state-controlled agents, and they are the ones destroying the BNP from within.
MI5 are paying for the renovation of Griffin's retirement home in Croatia. Plus money from Bumbrook's GLA windfall, the most of which, Bumbrook has been instructed to hand over to the one eyed monster.
Greedy Gri££in got what he wanted the london money courtesy of barnbrook, so why cant he leave his rank and file members alone rather than sending nasty threats to them?
Do us a favour and piss of to Croatia and dont come back. Take that evil little pervert with you also.
Hmmmm... I see Keith Axon's spelling has improved, again.
So, this shows the true nature of the BNP rather well doesn't it - fascism.
"Anyone who has already signed or is thinking of signing"
Thinking of signing? Er... right, so it seems that Barnes, Griffin and co are now the thought police too. Watch out BNPers, you might accidently think that Nick Griffin is a one eyed fascist nutjob one day and next moment you'll have no front door and you'll be dragged in front of a court and 'tried' for being a traitor and going against the monarch, I mean, the fuhrer, no, I mean.. you know what I mean.
What a muupet.
There's an interesting exchange on Sharon Ebanks forum
"I had a letter on friday 'inviting' me back to the BNP. What do I do??"
"I had one of those .. on very posh paper .. and an offer of a personal gift from you-know-who if I rejoined .. "
Invitations to rejoin? Personal gifts? Do I smell desperation?
This outrageous attempt to derail internal democracy is appalling. I shall write to my Assembly Member at once. Let me just see who it is...
Aw shit.
"What a muupet."
LOL Bloody funny. You're a witty lot of buggers on here.
Not that many people backing the challenge yet - particularly after the stupid Barnes letter
Alan Girvan (Yorkshire)
Cllr Chris Beverley (Yorkshire)
Cllr Joanne Beverley (Yorkshire)
Cllr Malcolm Porter (East Midlands)
Cllr Roger Robertson (South East)
Dave Jones (North West)
Louise Scott (Yorkshire)
Richard Chadfield (North West)
Sharon Towers (Yorkshire)
Simon Towers (Yorkshire)
Tom Linden (Yorkshire)
Chris Hill has stuck his snout in (as usual) though I notice isn't on the list.
"Who the fuck do they think they are???"
They - meaning Lee Barnes and Nick Griffin - think they control the BNP completely and that they have total control over its membership. And it's true. The BNP members will happily take whatever crap is thrown at them simply because Nick Griffin tells them it's their duty to do so and anyone who doesn't is a traitor.
And they refer to the British population as 'sheeple'? The arrogance.
Lee Barnes says on his deranged blog that the letter is a forgery. It does however give him an excuse to go into another rant (as if he needed any excuse). He blames Searchlight on the grounds that "Sharon Ebanks is a Searchlight spy"!
I wonder if Dave Hannam and Nick griffin will stop taking the profits from Colin Auty's billion-selling CDs now that he's proven himself a 'traitor'.
Lee barnes denies everything. This is the latest outpouring of bile from his blog.
"Searchlight Rats Involved In Leadership Challenge
This morning I was sent the bogus e mail below by people who been sent the e mail by Sharon Ebanks and Steve Blake.
The mail is a forgery, the e mail address is fake and the contents penned either by Blake or Ebanks.
Ebanks it appears has stop taking her medicine for her frequent psychotic episodes (such as when she thinks she is white and not the half black child of a Jamaican immigrant) and is back to being her usual insane idiot.
It appears that the malcontents behind the leadership challenge have now proved the direct involvement of the insane harridan Ebanks in the leadership challenge and also the involvement of Searchlight.
We long sustpected that Steve Blake was working for either Searchlight or the Police since his arrest in 2006 when he was arrested in Scotland when drunk for calling a white woman with an asian man in the pub who had rebuffed his advances ' a nigger loving slut'.
Blake was arrested and went to court and was convicted - and the result was simply a fine.
Even though other people who had been arrested and convicted of the same offence and who were not members of the BNP or the BNP webmaster were sent to prison - Blake was merely fined.
We suspected that this was because he had made a deal with the authorities, and seeing as his work on the BNP site was so incompetent and his activities so disruptive, we had him on our 'watch list'.
This suspicion was of course proved correct when we discovered that he had sent confidential internal e mails from the BNP AC to Sharon Ebanks who then out them on Stormfront and when he was later discovered to be hacking into internal BNP e mails between the BNP staff and outside contractors.
This latest escapade of Blake and Ebanks comes straight from the Searchlight book of ' How to cause internal disruption' and is a tactic used by MI5 and Special Branch in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.
I advise anyone who is still stupid enough to be in contact with Blake and Ebanks to be aware that all the information they post them both is probably going straight to either the police or searchlight.
Please remember that it was Sharon Ebanks who sent an e mail to Scott McLean which he passed on to me where she said that she would be taking a 'Chief Constable' from the police with her to her BNP disciplinary panel.
Just for the record ;
1) Ebanks is not a nationalist
2) Ebanks is black and not white
3) The idea that I would be stupid enough to send that demented whore Ebanks an email is about as likely as Klingons invading Milton Keynes
4) Any e mails I wish to send out about the leadership challenge will be my BNP address - as were the ones I sent out about the plotters at Christmas
5) Ebanks is a spy working for Searchlight
6) Blake is run either by the police or Special Branch
Dont say you werent warned
For those stupid enough to think the Colin Auty leadership challenge is legitimate here is the proof that Ebanks is involved, that Blake is involved and that they are so desperate they have to resort to this type of rubbish.
Blake and Ebanks - The BNP that the Police and Searchlight want.
And finally - the idea that I would first write such a trite cliche and state we must offer 'unquestionable obedience and loyalty to the commander in the field must come first' - is total bollocks.
Anyone who knows me will know that if I think Nick has made a cock up then I dont kiss his arse - I TELL HIM.
Nick is not God, and Nick makes mistakes and bad decisions like we all do at times - and when he does I tell him that he has made a bad decision and demand he changes it. I dont stay silent because it is Nick. Fuck that. I dont back down to anyone when I think I am right.
I am primarily loyal to the party and to my people, and I am not a Nick arse kisser and that means that if I think Nick has made a bad decision then I tell him face to face.
I am always straight up and honest with people I meet and if I think you are an idiot, what you have said is wrong and that you are talking bollocks I will tell you face to face.
Thats why I cant internet keybord warrior bitches who slag people off on Stormfront behind a fake name. They are cowards who aint got the balls to face me and say it to my face as they know what would happen if they did.
No party can run and survivae if we are a bunch of arse kissing weasels who offer unconditonal loyalty to a leader - I am loyal to the right ideas and the best path forward, I never have and NEVER will support stupid ideas just because they come from ze leader.
Zat is vat ze Nazis did - and look at how unconditional loyalty led to Hitler destroying Germany.
I am a NATIONALIST and therefore ze fuhrer principle is not what I follow - I am primarily a techinician whose primary loyalties to the party and my people and this means I only follow what is best for both of them.
Christ - Ebanks and Blake must think the BNP are right mugs if they thought they could get away with this crap."
Lots of "Ebanks is black" going on there, and loads of "Ebanks is a spy, Blake is a spy" too.
Though this quote is interesting
"No party can run and survivae if we are a bunch of arse kissing weasels who offer unconditonal loyalty to a leader"
I thought the BNP DID demand unconditional loyalty to its leader? If it doesn't, how has he got away with all the crap he has?
If you ask me, Griffin, barnes and co have suddenly realised the damage this idiotic missive could do and are going into damage-limitation mode, which means blaming someone else - in this case Ebank and Blake.
"For those stupid enough to think the Colin Auty leadership challenge is legitimate here is the proof that Ebanks is involved, that Blake is involved and that they are so desperate they have to resort to this type of rubbish."
Perhaps Lee Barnes did send it to Sharon Ebanks, deliberately using the wrong email address, and knowing she would post it on a forum, so that he can claim it is a forgery and in so doing smear Colin Auty by linking him to Ebanks, Searchlight, MI5, Special Branch, Steve Blake and whoever else he sees as this month's devil incarnate.
'Perhaps Lee Barnes did send it to Sharon Ebanks, deliberately using the wrong email address, and knowing she would post it on a forum, so that he can claim it is a forgery and in so doing smear Colin Auty by linking him to Ebanks, Searchlight, MI5, Special Branch, Steve Blake and whoever else he sees as this month's devil incarnate.'
Fair point and a distinct possibility.
Of course, it would be a lot simpler if one of the people in the BNP who have received this rubbish would send us the whole thing complete with the email headers, then we could have a look at it properly.
If anyone fancies doing that, send it to us via email and it'll be treated with complete confidentiality.
Perhaps the first e mail is genuine and the denial e mail is a forgery??????????
the plot thickens
I see the Barnes/Griffin support group are busily attacking the Auty supporters one by one with the usual lies.
"Chris BEverley? Is this the same Chris "freeballer" Beverley who cannot afford any underpants? IS this the same Chris Beverley who lied about the stock when he ran (or ruined more like) Excalibur. He tried to blame the problems on the National Treasurer and his Deputy and he told the Chairman that there was £60,000 stock in the Leeds unit. When the Treasurer carried out a thorough stock check it was less than £6,000 - this cost the party a small fortune to fix. Is this the same Chris Beverley, the ultra-moderniser who visited German nazi cranks last year and spoke on same platform as cranks from Hitler worhsippers from Germany, Hungary and Czech Republic."
Funny how one minute Chris Beverley is being used to translate for Nick Griffin so he can communicate with the German nazis and the next he's speaking on the same platform as cranks and Hitler-worshippers. Er, they're the same people.
Lee Barnes’ personal motto: ‘Sanity sucks’ (perhaps his other motto is ‘Spelling, grammar and punctuation sucks’).
I bet the ring tone on his mobile, to tell him that Nick Griffin is calling, is the ‘Insane in the Membrane’ tune by Cypress Hill.
'Perhaps the first e mail is genuine and the denial e mail is a forgery??????????'
I'm getting a headache now.
Extract from article, From hero to zero (Searchlight magazine, December 2006)
Luckily for her Ebanks avoided bankruptcy when a donor stepped forward with £4,000 on 19 October. Searchlight understands that the payment was facilitated by the BNP. The other £1,000 was handed over by a member of the party leadership. Ebanks’s relief was short-lived. She was booted out of the party the following day.
Why had the party had “betrayed” her, Ebanks asked Darby. “What do you expect, you’ve upset Lee Barnes,” Darby apparently replied. He had previously warned Ebanks not to push her luck because, “if the chairman has to choose it will be Barnes”. According to Ebanks’s version of events she was sacked for daring to stand her ground over Barnes and for criticising the lack of transparency in the BNP accounts.
Barnes just keeps getting madder and madder. posting under his nom de plume of Walk Towards The Light on Stormfront, he says:
'Well well, it appears Ebanks forgered the email of LB threatening BNP members who would support Colin Auty's bid for the leadership. See Lee Barnes blog for details.'
Um, you ARE Lee Barnes and everyone knows it, you moron.
'I have know doubt this has been thought up by Ebanks and Denise Garside of Lancaster Unity.'
Yeah, Ebanks and Denise are always working together. Gawd.
'Garside I am told stayed at Ebank's house the other month where this childish lie I guess would have been thought up.'
I love the way this goop makes up the most ridiculous lies - lies that not even Nick Griffin would come out with - and then believes them to be fact.
I so look forward to hearing Denise's stories of life in the Ebanks household.
Sorry, Lee. I know it's not terribly PC to say it but you're mad.
"I know it's not terribly PC to say it but you're mad."
Fuck PC. He IS mad.
"'Garside I am told stayed at Ebank's house the other month where this childish lie I guess would have been thought up.'"
Is it a full moon or something???
Often people suggest that this chap is not too well - do we have any indication as to the precise issue? Other than suggestions of wacky baccy.
Could make reducing his effect a whole lot easier.
I just went to the BNP’s ‘Land, Folk and Liberty’ blog and read some of the writings of Director of BNP Legal Department. I thought I’d give you some quotes from this BNP genius:
for members of the press / government / police reading this I have copyrighted the words THE MYSTERONS to describe the non-Muslim Islamist terrorists who are not motived by Islam/ Islamism. Therefore if any overpaid fifthwit in the Home Office uses my copyrighted phrase to describe Al Qaeda / THE MYSTERONS then I will sue your ass.
(Lee Barnes, Director of BNP Legal Department, ’Jacqui Smith buys kebab’, 20th January 2008)
He [Tony Blair] also surrendered Northern Ireland to the IR.A.
(Lee Barnes, Director of BNP Legal Department, ’Official Portrait of Tony Blair’, 20th January 2008)
Lee Barnes’ idea that Tony Blair surrendered Northern Ireland to the IRA is news to us all. Has he told the Protestants about this? I think they should be first to know. It's not fair that only the BNP and Lee Barnes know about this.
I suspect rabies.
He has cancer in remission I have heard.
Lee Barnes, LLB? Since when?
Unless he means 'Lonely Looney Bastard' of course.
Two words cannot be copyrighted. A copyright is an automatic right which the person who came up with the idea holds, it's only valid for text consisting of more than one sentence.
"Fuck PC. He IS mad."
Yep, that's the long and the short of it.
Forget the mysterons. the biggest worry that this country faces is the gradual disappearance of the "monbacks"
I remember well the days I would be reversing my car into a tight space and an oldish man would appear from nowhere directing me and shouting "monback" as he waved his arms to where I should drive.
for members of the press / government / police reading this I have copyrighted the words THE MONBACKS Therefore if any overpaid fifthwit in the Home Office uses my copyrighted phrase to describe THE MONBACKS then I will sue your ass.
"Anyone who has already signed or is thinking of signing or intending to sign the nomination forms for Colin Autty..."
Thought police anyone?
I have not been a Member since 2006 ~(forgive my mistake)and I got a copy of the message as well to an old email address I rarely use. Looks like he has been given an old membership list to send this to. Doesnt any membership organisation have a duty to look after membership lists? Is giving a membership list to a psychologically disturbed (allegedly) individual part of the duty of care?
Now what have i been telling you all for weeks now, it was only just over 2 weeks ago that Barnes was released allegedly from a secure unit on the understanding he continued with his new medication.
All went well for the 1st week, then he started posting again, it seems that he cant bring himself to post while on the meds. so he has made a lifestyle decision, sod the meds and keep posting.
A doctor friend of mine has had a look at the "Barnes" email and tells me that it is obvious that the person concerned is in the epi centre of a major phsychotic episode, he needs immediate medical attention "within the next 24hrs" otherwise total breakdown will occur.
My own view, it couldnt happen to a nicer person.
'he needs immediate medical attention "within the next 24hrs" otherwise total breakdown will occur'
Quick, hide the medication!
I look forward to seeing what form this total breakdown will take. Perhaps the writing of stupid letters followed by an immediate denial and an accusation that someone else was responsible for it (with a few lies thrown in for good measure)?
I fear we are too late. :(
Over on Scumfront WTTL who is Barnes writes:
"Well well, it appears Ebanks forgered the email of LB threatening BNP members who would support Colin Auty's bid for the leadership.
See Lee Barnes blog for details.
I have know doubt this has been thought up by Ebanks and Denise Garside of Lancaster Unity.
Ebanks and Garside both post on the stirrers forum together, both full of hate for the BNP.
That it first appeared on the Lancaster Unity's blog says it all.
Garside I am told stayed at Ebank's house the other month where this childish lie I guess would have been thought up.
The email made up by Ebanks and know doubt with some in the VOC, was meant to gather sympathy for their man Auty.
True to form it has now all backfired on the VOC, by using an email which is such a bad forgery.
Using emails from a state grass like Ebanks does not really help any BNP member who is bidding for the leadership, such as Auty."
The similarity of the spelling mistakes and mild dyslexia "know doubt" (twice-!!), "forgered" with the Warning email is striking, and Loopy Lee has the audacity to say its a hoax! Im no handwriting expert but I'd be interested to see this professionally analysed for comparisions.
Anyone with a spare 5 mins can see the similarity of his Warning with his rants and tirades on his twisted blog. He probably regrets being so open and blunt about his feelings towards those who dared challenge his paymaster Griffin, he nce his claim its now a hoax penned by Ebanks.
As far as I can see Loopy Lee has accused Denise, Sharon Ebanks, Matt Single, Sadie Grahame, Colin Auty, all at Searchlight and probably the Queen of forging this letter. The only person he hasn't yet accused is Ketlan.
Therefore, I believe Ketlan not only forged the letter but is in fact behind the whole leadership challenge and all the ills that have beset Nick Griffin ever since he had a nosebleed back in 1978. And Ketlan probably killed John F. Kennedy too. It's the sort of thing these lefties do.
Does anyone know when the Voice of Change rebels are back in court?
"I have know doubt this has been thought up by Ebanks and Denise Garside of Lancaster Unity.
Ebanks and Garside both post on the stirrers forum together, both full of hate for the BNP.
That it first appeared on the Lancaster Unity's blog says it all."
Afraid not, Lee, and I have the IP's that the email came from, namely, YOU. Most people in the BNP know that its your email account you insane twat, but, if it helps you to blame me, go ahead, you poor deluded bastard.
As for Denise Garside, I've never met her, nor spoken to her in person, and as for the Stirrer, I'll say what the fuck I like when I like, and thats why I resigned from the BNP you dictatorial lying shit bag. When the rest of the BNP members finally wake up to the BNP lie machine, you'll be fucked ;)
Seems a little suspicious, that the references to treason are used in the original 'hoax' email and the denial post...
'Afraid not, Lee, and I have the IP's that the email came from, namely, YOU. Most people in the BNP know that its your email account you insane twat, but, if it helps you to blame me, go ahead, you poor deluded bastard.
As for Denise Garside, I've never met her, nor spoken to her in person, and as for the Stirrer, I'll say what the fuck I like when I like, and thats why I resigned from the BNP you dictatorial lying shit bag. When the rest of the BNP members finally wake up to the BNP lie machine, you'll be fucked ;)'
And you can't say fairer than that. :-D
'And Ketlan probably killed John F. Kennedy too.'
I see Stormfront moderator RedXKnight has leapt into action by locking a thread criticising Griffin and his dirty tricks department. Anyone got a feeling of deja vu?
You're toooo funny Irishtony ... I've taken your example and copyrighted 'Lee Barnes' - the guy is fucking gold dust - with the shit he comes out with, I'll be rolling in the royalties everytime this BNP muppet writes or says anything.
I think I can help you here, not because I'm friendly with you but because I'm disgusted with what's happened to the BNP under Griffin, a man I publicly campaigned for when he stood against JT.
If anybody but a BNP councillor or leading rebel put in a challenge Griffin would have accepted it knowing he was going to win hands down.
Colin Auty is different. He wouldn't win against Griffin but the rebel machine behind him could build up enough support to topple Griffin by other means before the European elections. That's what Griffin's really afraid of.
Griffin hasn't officially disallowed the challenge but he wants to. That's why Barnes sent the email to selected members and made sure Sharon Ebanks got a copy.
They were flying a kite to see how the members would take it. They knew Sharon would get it out, that gave them plausible deniability and at the same time let them see what the members thought, and as it's on the internet not many BNP members will know about it.
So you've been used a bit, but I reckon this has exploded in their faces.
Quick, hide the medication!
No medication can help this man - being in the BNP has either caused his psychotic episodes (if that is the case) or has at least exacerbated them. Being in the BNP is likely to wipe the effects of any anti-psychosis medication.
There is a strong casual link between certain types of personalities in fascist/racist groups like the BNP and the occurrence of mental illness.
The BNP looks like a lauff - so many wonderful personalities, strange characters, dark goings on, conspiracies, accusations, counter-accusations, rebellions, intrigue, mud raking - you name it, the BNP has got it - it's all like some spy novel. Or, perhaps even a game for people who think they will be propelled into power very soon. Anyway, being in the BNP is a good way to distract one from the realities of life – it’s almost like living in denial!
Recent news announcement that will anger Lee Barnes:
"The government today defied the advice of drug experts and upgraded cannabis from class C to class B."
From: 'Smith upgrades cannabis to class B', The Guardian, May 7 2008
I'm beginning to think the email is false...
People have repeatedly stated that that an old mailing list appears to have been used, surely the Nazi has been handed a new one by its paymaster.
'Save our Lee Barnes' campaign - you know it's for a laugh.
The new military wing of the BNP (to replace the old Combat 18 which has gone on its own frolic):
‘Lee Barnes Angry Brigade’
Motto of this new elite paramilitary organisation: ‘make nonsense where there is no sense’
You know when they say ‘Curiosity killed the cat’, do you think it was Lee Barnes who killed the cat? Maybe it was a Politically Correct Cat or a Multicultural Cat or an Ethnic Cat, so Lee Barnes killed it and roasted at the RWB festival.
Lee Barnes - keepin' it real
Sorry to urinate on the bonfire but alas a challenge to the empire of King Nick does not quite extend to the dizzying realms of Treason.
Not petty treason, not treason and not even High Treason. King Nickolai is certainly no sovereign, but if his Excellency wishes to read every offence that constitutes Treason I can enlighten him back to 1351.
Alas sadly it gets worse, conspiracy does not extend to the wrangling over the BNP constitution (a poorly drafted document if ever there was one) but should His Imperial Highness wish to pre-empt a leadership challenge as allowed in the Constitution by stifling it I hope no one in the party uses Consumer Law, legitimate expectation or even Unfairness in Contracts (UTCCR').
Test of fairness
A term is unfair if:
* Contrary to the requirement of good faith it causes a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations under the contract, to the detriment of consumers.
I am sure the case could be made that "membership fees" to the BNP fall within the remit of "consumer" of course opening that can of worms means everyone wants to crawl over the books :) Touche:
On SF Purging The Droid has this to say:
The evidence is now on Lee's blog for all to see. The purpose of the smear, which its originators must have known all along would be exposed, was of course to try to prevent the Chairman from cancelling the election on the grounds that it is frivolous and vexatious. Clumsy and tacky, such as you'd expect from those concerned.
Lee Barnes sent that email. It's his account.
"I'm beginning to think the email is false...
People have repeatedly stated that that an old mailing list appears to have been used, surely the Nazi has been handed a new one by its paymaster."
Only if the present fash administration wanted to piss off its latest batch of new and very expensively acquired new and genteel members. How better to send out a warning message to those former organisers who have resigned in disgust per the Griffin mismanagement and those sacked in moments of Griffin's rage. Supplying the man with a werewolf complex (read his earlier blog postings if you can stomach it!) with a list a year old would include dupes like Ebanks and others who would be quick to demonstrate their disgust and give Griffin grounds for scotching the whole leadership challenge.
Watching the BNP scum tear themselves apart is better than watching EastEnders.
It's a test the water project. Barnes wrote it, the backtracking and "it was Ebanks, Garside, Searchlight" crap's up and running.
To divert attention the mangy madman's put up a miles long post about the help he's supposed to have given to Clive Potter, who Barnes shat all over in the Solidarity spat.
"for members of the press / government / police reading this I have copyrighted the words THE MYSTERONS to describe the non-Muslim Islamist terrorists who are not motived by Islam/ Islamism. Therefore if any overpaid fifthwit in the Home Office uses my copyrighted phrase to describe Al Qaeda / THE MYSTERONS then I will sue your ass"
are really Al Qaeda
Damm I work for the government, looks like the all powerful barnes is gonna sue me.
heaven to mergatroyd
This one is almost as entertaining as the election blog, and when you consider how long we have before the Leadership vote this could run for several weeks.
Irishtony you had better stock up on the choccy biscuits
In fascist terms, Lee Barnes is more flange than phalange.
Why has the mentally deranged Head of the BNP Legal Department completely smothered his earlier postings with a posting which has caused my very reliable HP printer some form of digital bulemia? Looney Barnes' latest post must run to more than 60 pages of A4.....where's the sink????
Anyone who has the real postal address of this beardy weirdy gobshite please publish it so my insurance company can sue him.
Merlin the non-racist magician
"To divert attention the mangy madman's put up a miles long post about the help he's supposed to have given to Clive Potter, who Barnes shat all over in the Solidarity spat."
I wonder if Lee Barnes has the permission of all the people he refers to in his legal argument to post their personal employment details on his blog.
You're mentioned in his newest post (piece of lunacy), Marianne. :-)
God, I just Lee Barnes' attempt at a legal opinion - as someone who is doing the Legal Practice Course to become a solicitor, Lee Barnes would definitely fail both his legal writing and legal drafting assessments. It's soooooo bad and over-the-top long. Thank God he isn't a lawyer ... it would put the legal profession to shame to have such a fascist cretin in its ranks.
"You're mentioned in his newest post (piece of lunacy), Marianne. :-)"
Yes but it isn't me who, according to Barnes, "has a doll with pins in it and a picture of me on it on her bedside cabinet, next to the Lithium pills, empty whisky bottles and a seriously traumatised vibrator".
Could anyone actually sleep with a picture of Barnes on their bedside cabinet?
"Barnes Is A Pussy said...
In fascist terms, Lee Barnes is more flange than phalange.
9:20 PM, May 07, 2008"
I'd say he was more blancmange
I've set up a temporary blog dedicated to Lee Barnes (LLB Hons):
You can post your favourite Lee Barnes moment, quote or faux pas.
This explain's the blog's purpose:
We invite all Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) enthusiasts to post their favourite Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) moments. Over the years, we've come to appreciate the idiosyncrasy that is Lee Barnes (LLB Hons). Indeed, Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) continually reciprocates our appreciation of him by allowing us to indulge, nay rejoice, in the outpourings of his poorly misunderstood and little studied mind. We salute you Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) for the hours of entertainment you have altruistically provided for us.
So, come share we us your favourite Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) moment at:
You know you wanna (especially you IrishTony).
"Hide the Medcation"
I think not, in fact Mr Barnes I would not leave you with you pills. I think matters would be better served if you were left with a loaded gun and a bottle of Whiskey.
After all if you want sympathy ???
And Griffin might pass it off as an "Establishment/State/Zionist/Black" Conspiracy
Old Sailor
It's funny how Nick Griffin's ass-lickers in denial (like Lee Barnes) have the audacity to criticise BNP members from posting on stormponce and nevertheless posts on stormponce himself. Even griffin himself uses that white supremacist site, which goes to show that the bnp are hypocrities.
O why o why o why couldn't Lee Barnes have been the number one on the BNP GLA list?
O why o why o why couldn't Lee Barnes have been the number one on the BNP GLA list?
He's not a member of the party is he
Bloody hell im famous, ive had a mention on Barnes blog, true its in the same sentance as Denise who i cannot hope to match in wit and verse, but golly this has made my day.
im going to lie down in a dark room.
Seems to be some debate about that point.
Mind you, that nut-case in Lancashire was a BNP candidate and he wasn't a member of the party either, was he? At least, not after he get caught, he wasn't.
hey Tulip
ya lucky devil You get a mention !!
he's feckin taking me to court for using his mysterons word
doomed I tell ya DOOOOOMED
No more choccy biscuits for me
Have you seen this crap? This barnes idiot should be done for cyber-stalking.
"A Shout Out
Image - I have been contacted and informed by Denise Garfields psychiatrist in confidence that when Garfield looks at a photographic image or picture of me placed before her on a table in clinical trials, then due to a problem with the wiring and circuitry in her brain ( the professional psychiatric term for the medical condition is ' SHE IS A CRAZY BITCH !!! ' ) she actually sees a picture in her distorted brain of Herr Flick from the BBC comedy show Allo Allo. This explains her infantile obsession with using the word 'nazi' every three words on her blog. Nazi Delusional Syndrome is now a recognised psychiatric term with a new sub-set of the condition called 'Herr Flick-itis'.
I have checked my e mails this morning and as yet no more new e mails such as 'Revealed - Lee Barnes secret plan to use the Scouts to invade Poland' or 'Revealed - Lee Barnes admits he is 12 foot green lizard and he wants to eat your hamster'.
Oh well I guess the ejiots Garfield and Ebanks are busy doing what they usuy do when they arent e mailing each other and making their plans for secret e mail attacks which is probably torturing cats and indulging in self flaggelation ( Is Ebanks now a carpet muncher we wonder, though of course the image of Ebanks and Garfield munching on each others carpets is something that could strip enamel paint from a bath).
The good news is that one my fans on Lancaster Unity has set up a new blog about me.
Thats right, not content with Lancaster Unity having a 'Barnes Fixation' it now appears that the lancaster unity 'special people' are now even going to set up a blog to honour/hate me.
Jesus, these people need to get laid.
I am working on a new theory of ' The Left, Sexual Dysfunction and Projection '.
It is my theory that the reason why the Lefties are so obssessed with me is because ;
1) They are so ugly that they cannot have sex with living human beings even if they pay them (or even import them from the Far East is what most ugly blokes do these days) - take a look at Ketlan. That guy couldnt get laid in a morgue. He looks like Keith Flint from the Prodigy after he fell all the way down from the top of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, got hit by lightning at the bottom and then rabid rats gnawed at his face whilst he was unconscious.
Fuck me theres, ugly and then theres taking the fucking piss.
Ketlan, you are abusing the right to be called ugly.
He doesnt need a plastic surgeon, he needs fucking Balfour Beatty.
Just a quick question Ketlan - is that really your face or are you the worlds first 'Arse and Head Swop' transplant recipient ?
If they ever set up an 'Ugly Olympics' you could ugy for England - and win gold you ugly twat !
2) They are suffering from various sexual dysfunctions. Takes Garfield, here is lesbian with a 'Thatcher as leather clad dominatrix' obsession. You can just imagine her during the Thatcher era in her cellar indulging in endless onanism at the thought of Thatcher popping round for a cup of tea and chat about how to deal with the Falklands Crisis.
3) Both the lesbian left, the hetero'cant get laid left' and the cock jockeys all see me as some archetypal figure. The lesbian left are in fear of their own repressed sexual feelings for my rampant virility, the hetero lefties fear for their women as they know that the moment their women met me they would regard their lefty boyfriends with contempt and amdire my rampant bull like male sexuality whilst the cock jockeys all suffer from 'I hate Nazis / but dont they look just soooo sexy in those tight lederhosen in the old pre-WW2 Nazi propaganda films Complex' and therefore they project their repressed sexual deviancy and desires for ze nazis ( to be dominated and 'invaded') onto me.
I shudder to think of the thoughts in the septic tank like minds of these sick, sick people.
Anyway heres the details of the new blog about me ;
We love Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) blog said...
I've set up a temporary blog dedicated to Lee Barnes (LLB Hons):
You can post your favourite Lee Barnes moment, quote or faux pas.
This explain's the blog's purpose:
We invite all Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) enthusiasts to post their favourite Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) moments. Over the years, we've come to appreciate the idiosyncrasy that is Lee Barnes (LLB Hons). Indeed, Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) continually reciprocates our appreciation of him by allowing us to indulge, nay rejoice, in the outpourings of his poorly misunderstood and little studied mind. We salute you Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) for the hours of entertainment you have altruistically provided for us.
So, come share we us your favourite Lee Barnes (LLB Hons) moment at:
You know you wanna (especially you IrishTony).
12:13 AM, May 08, 2008
The day that these idiots get jobs or girlfriends / boyfriends or proffesional psychiatric help is the day my life will be a lot less fun.
They once said that 'Immitation was the most sincere form of flattery'.
In the era of the Internet you are nobody until somebody sets up a hate site to attack you.
Only once you have your own hate site can you be called a celebrity.
In the 80's it was having a stalker that made you a celebrity, but thats just sooooo passe now. I had my own stalker in the 80's (an ex-girlfriend) and though it was fun whilst it lasted in the end it just gets tedious having them sitting on the wall outside your house and staring through the front room window whilst you are watching The Proffesionals.
A cyber hate site though, thats something new and exciting.
Unfortunately I will not be posting on the site unlike the people that will be posting on it I have both a life and a sex life."
Jesus I got a mention
The feckin eejit, he says attack is the best form of flattery and he attacks me???
LLB Hons me arse
Doomed I tell ya Dooooomed
Unfortunately I will not be posting on the site unlike the people that will be posting on it I have both a life and a sex life."
A new movie is being made, with the working title 'Barnes and the Real Girl'
Lead roles being taken by Lee Barnes, LLB, and Nick Griffin.
Supporting cast of Mysterons.
when I grow up I want to be a mysteron but Im worried that
LLBHons will sue me
Unfortunately "The Mysterons" and "Mysterons", as characters in "Captain Scarlett & The Mysterons" are already a registered trademark of ITC POLYGRAM, CARLTON.
Sorry to spoil your fun.
Sorry legal pretender, it's the bnp-ers who are social misfits, and who cannot get laid, which are all those bnp members who aren't into sordid bisexual swingers parties.
Mark Collett is on record as never been able to get a girlfriend since leaving Leeds University, the last girl who slept with him, suffering threats of personal abuse. Then, in 2002, on the town hall steps in Halifax, Collett threatened to sexually abuse a labour party councillor who dared to call the BNP nazis.
Collett's sex partners are now all made out of latex, although he is partial to prepubescant schoolgirls, the evil perv.
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