A meeting organised by Blackpool BNP for Monday evening, at which Nick Griffin was to be the star attraction, has been cancelled following numerous phone calls by anti-fascists to the Marton Men's Social Club in Dagger's Hall Lane, Blackpool. So much for the grand launch of Griffin's Euro campaign in the North West.
Our thanks to the many people who made the effort to ring up. Keep up the good work, folks. :-)
June 20, 2008
Griffin's Blackpool meeting cancelled
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Serves the fat bastard right. Well done LU.
A pat on the back to everyone. Now let's stop him winning a seat in the Euro elections.
He looks like he's just spotted the police, the Inland Revenue and the Electoral Commission all coming through the door at once.
Maybe a good idea to keep an eye out for a backup venue?
'Maybe a good idea to keep an eye out for a backup venue?'
Believe me, we are.
Don;t let Gri££in win in Europe! All the plugs must be pulled out to see that he fails.
A great result for minimal action.
"He looks like he's just spotted the police, the Inland Revenue and the Electoral Commission all coming through the door at once."
LOL Doesn't he just.
How embarassing for the super-excellent Blackpool branch of the BNP. Now let's fuck up their conference too!
The sweat is oozing out of that picture and all down my screen...
Nice result guys.
Cyclops's scared look explained!!!
Maybe the One Eyed Monster has been reminded of Collett's underrage girl antics that happen each and every time the nazis arrive at Blackpool.
Blackpool = Nazi Boy Collett's Paedo Paradise
I see the report on Indymedia has attracted some nazi troll using one of our own.
"Threats work!
20.06.2008 17:47
Just to add, let that be a warning. We at Lancaster Unity warned the manger at the venue that it would not be in her own physical interest to let the meeting go ahead, if you get our meaning!
Irish Tony"
I'd suggest people get over to Indymedia and correct this. I have.
Infamy infamy They all have it infamy..
If the idiot who decided to use my name had even half a brain he would realise I always spell my name irishtony
I suspect that message was sent by Lee Barnes (LLBHons)
Barnes problem is his digestive system is quicker than his brain.
how sad that the "legal wizard" of the BNP can find the time for such utter shite
Damn. I forgot to mention the address of the Indymedia article.
Thanks for pointing this out, folks.
'I suspect that message was sent by Lee Barnes (LLBHons)'
There's a coincidence. I suspect the same thing.
'I'd suggest people get over to Indymedia and correct this. I have.'
Thanks, Bonzo.
It was probably the sweaty fat pig farmer.
irishtony as if you would have time to go checking all these blogs with a new baby to care for, hope you are at least getting some sleep.
Lee (im off my medication again) will wake up one of these days and realise he has to get up pretty early to catch one of us.
If you rearrange the letters LLBHons and fuck about a bit, you end up with the phrase "Lee Barnes is off his trolley".
sleep is a tad rare But I think I found a sure fire way to get some quality ZZZ,s .
I just have a look at Lee barnes (LLBHons) blog and oddly enough I find myself nodding off and laughing at the same time.
Feckin hell I may have found a cure for insomnia
The BNP's Dirty Tricks Department is on overtime again then.
Griffin is sweating cos his latest replacements in the management team are asking too many questions.........
He is busy thinking about replacements.....does he want competent professionals who will bring home the bacon, or dafties who will always do what he says?
What a dilemma, no wonder he has been stuffing his porcine face to survive a 3 month period of transition. Just where is the bacon gonna come from if Jenny Noble lives up to her surname and her reputation for being an honest and decent lass, putting right the mistakes by the now demoted Johnie Walker?
Can the one eyed fat fecker survive for another year on the alms from honest but duped BNP members until his destiny of MEP for (whatever the best chance) region comes to fruition?
What a dilemma, still a few bottles of claret from the royal cellar (all paid for by BNP street activists) help sort it all out.
Slurp!...two fingers to the Reds and one finger to the stupid proles who join the BNP thinking Lord Nick is going to be their hero!
Our friend Lee has been also trolling on this Indymedia thread calling anti-fascist protestors "members of the Labour Party", with casual anti-semitism, accusing us of being provided by the secret services with "holidays in Tel Aviv".
This particular comment was made under the nickname SKUNK.
Lee Barnes is partial to a little mind-numbing skunkweed.
How many more days before bankruptcy proceedings commence?
If they were down to the last £3000 in the main account at the end of last month, then they'll probably be struggling this month.
So allow a 30day run off followed by a 30 day default which would put it at the end of August.
But their debts are probably wages rather than goods and services so more likely a series of small claims actions.
Sadly they aren't going to go away that quickly rather remain and hang on, rather like a bad case of Athletes Foot!!
In the long run, the BNP won't be able to contest local elections, but Cyclops doesn't care less. The bnp is his little baby to use and abuse as he wishes.
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