To mark his non-guilty verdict at the end of his November 2006 trial at Leeds Crown Court, BNP leader Nick Griffin celebrated, as you can see from the above picture, with a very public one-finger salute (good thing he wasn’t making a nazi salute like the one BNP Nottingham councillor Sadie Graham claims Nick Griffin made at a neo-nazi Blood and Honour concert in Scotland!).
We just thought we’d remind King Nick that he may have committed an offence under section 5(1)(b) of the Public Order Act 1986 Act, which we reproduce below for his benefit (highlighted in bold italics):
(1) A person is guilty of an offence if he-
(a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or
(b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting,
within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby.
The interesting thing about section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986 Act is that it need not be shown that the disorderly behaviour in question is in itself threatening, abusive or insulting, nor that it brought about any feelings of apprehension in the person(s) to whom it was directed (Chambers v DPP [1995] Crim LR 896). All that is required is for the behaviour to be generally abusive and it need not be directed at anyone in particular.
We’d also like to remind Nicky that a section 5 offence comes with a statutory power of arrest and is punishable via a fine. Nick Griffin is no stranger to the Public Order Act 1986. In fact, we’d be quite disappointed if it transpires that Nick Griffin doesn’t have the intimate familiarity of the Public Order Act’s provisions as we’d expect him to have. We remind readers that Nick Griffin was convicted back in 1998 under section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986 for inciting racial hatred against Jews for his editorship of issue 12 of The Rune magazine.
Now, do I report Nick Griffin to Welshpool or Leeds police ......... hope you understand Nick. After all, a crime is a crime.
¡No PasarĂ¡n!
If Griffin has broken the law, he should be taken to court. He takes the same action with others, including innocent BNP members.
From the Maryport Against Racism blog:
Leafleting In Cockermouth
Today around 20 people delivered Maryport Against Racism leaflets in the All Saints ward in Cockermouth as a response to the fascist BNP standing in the ward. Around 4 or 5 Maryport Against Racism members and around 15 Cockermouth residents turned up to help out. The turnout was brilliant despite horrendous weather and it did lead to a lot of soggy leaflets although the words contained in the leaflets are what’s important and not merely the presentation.
A quote by the local BNP organiser and idiot Clive Jefferson:
"“The left have been forced into some kind of action by our excellent weekends activism and a pathetic black and white UNISON smear leaflet has gone out today - it will have zero effect and is actually quite pitiful. (Note to the sad lefties - do contact me for a price on well designed, imaginative, factual and quality leaflets as we are often judged by the quality of our opponents and frankly you are at the moment just an embarrassment)”.
Nice to know we’re appreciated!
We, unlike the BNP, don’t have millions of pounds donated by rich backers, a record company, overseas racists and other means. We’re just a group of concerned local citizens who knocked out a leaflet a week ago that reveal the real side of the fascists. We also believe that the words are what count and that simply making something look good cosmetically isn’t a substitute for substance. Just like the BNP throwing some cheap suits on isn’t fooling anyone. We also don’t believe that people are stupid and only support the group with the most expensive leaflets. Don’t be so patronising Clive, people don’t like it.
We didn’t get anything but a positive response apart from someone who told me I hadn’t closed their gate properly, apart from that it was fantastic and a few of us were even invited into someones house to talk about opposing the BNP and shelter from the torrential rain.
The BNP have thrown everything into this election, even inviting their Fuhrer Nick Griffin to talk to people in the town and putting out massive amounts of literature. They’re really gunning for this ward to try and limit the damage to them that was dealt when they failed to win a single seat in the Carlisle and Barrow elections that they were sure they were going to get. The people of Cockermouth however are not stupid as the BNP seem to think and we believe that they will see through their pathetic lies, slander and division and not vote BNP.
fat chance of that, mate.
he's a law onto himself, sadly, which is why auty is doomed to being silenecd
so much for free speech
Over 4000 supporters of colin have logged onto http://challengeforleadership.blogspot.com/
and yet, most will be too frightened to put their face above the parafet when push cumes to shove
Would have thought Barnbrook would have visited Cockermouth?
How come it says that this contribution was submitted by Hexapla but was posted by 'Save our Lee Barnes' campaign.
Save our Lee Barnes??? Whats that all about?
This is the image that the morons on Stormfront tried to claim we'd faked.
Along with that one of Mark Collett sieg-heiling.
@ dave t
'Save our Lee Barnes' campaign =
Is there a video? Otherwise he could claim he was just saying 'one' and making an appropriate hand gesture.
"Otherwise he could claim he was just saying 'one' and making an appropriate hand gesture."
Who the hell indicates 'one' by sticking up their middle finger? It's pretty clear what kind of gesture he's making.
Along with that one of Mark Collett sieg-heiling.
There are loads of pictures and videos of BNP officials and members giving nazi saluates and chants. You could make a whole picture album. That should be Lancaster Unity's next publication project.
'There are loads of pictures and videos of BNP officials and members giving nazi saluates and chants. You could make a whole picture album. That should be Lancaster Unity's next publication project.'
Send us all the pics you can find (via email) and if we get enough we'll be happy to oblige.
Griffin and his family were being heckled by reporters after one of the most trying ordeals of a man's life. Perhaps you lot are too weak or cowardly to respect that or stand up for your own families (if any of you have nay).
Fuck you Ketlan.
Sue me.
'Griffin and his family were being heckled by reporters after one of the most trying ordeals of a man's life. Perhaps you lot are too weak or cowardly to respect that or stand up for your own families (if any of you have nay).
Fuck you Ketlan...'
Fuck you, too.
Being in court is one of the most 'trying ordeals' in Griffin's life? If most of your crappy party can survive court for football hooliganism, drug-dealing, bomb-making, abuse and violence, I'm sure your lord and master can cope with it. It's not like it's the first time, is it?
"Being in court is one of the most 'trying ordeals' in Griffin's life? If most of your crappy party can survive court for football hooliganism, drug-dealing, bomb-making, abuse and violence, I'm sure your lord and master can cope with it. It's not like it's the first time, is it?"
Well said.
You don't get taken to court on a section 5! you lot need to get out more! ROTFLMFWAO!!!
"You don't get taken to court on a section 5!"
It's true - all you people ARE as stupid as Kevin Watmough. Of course you go to court 'on a Section 5'. Plenty of people I know have, including me (cleared on appeal at Crown Court).
It shows how thick the far right are, also, when the abusive Griffinite Red And Shite (who dares to call hismelf a social studies researcher) runs a blog called "far left watch" which is slagging off the UAF an UNITY blogsites for a supposedly far left agenda.
UAF is supported by David Cameron and many other conservatives, and not all commentators on blogs like this, are left of centre.
Also, the rightwing Sun and the Daily Mail have begun to run stories against the BNP, so why hasn't Murdoch also been included in his childish "far left watch" bullshit, you stupid little geek....... ??????
so for an idiot like this guy to call us "commies" suggests that there's plenty of BNP supporters who would give old Watty a run for his money in the "Braincall Lacking Stakes".
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