October 08, 2008

BNP candidate halts campaign

The British National Party (BNP) candidate for the forthcoming Tudor Ward by-election, Guy Dickens, has withdrawn from the contest. Although the final date to withdraw, September 24, has passed, he has decided he does not wish to continue the fight to replace Hugh O'Hanlon at Watford Borough Council.

Mr Dickens' agent, Deidre Gates, told the Watford Observer today: "I confirm that Guy Dickens, the British National Party candidate in the Tudor Ward election, does not wish to continue his campaign. Guy's wife, Esther, died suddenly and unexpectedly, shortly after the election was called. Guy, a courageous man, said he wished to continue nonetheless. However, as the few weeks since then have passed, he finds he cannot contest the election, as he needs private time to grieve."

As a result, all BNP campaigning in Tudor Ward has stopped at Mr Dickens' request. Voters heading to the ballot box on October 16 now must choose between Richard Southern (Conservative), Darren Walford (Liberal Democrat), Helen Wynne (Green Party), and Mark Xerri (Labour).

Watford Observer


Anonymous said...

what the Dick-ens???

It's not nice anybody's wife dying, but how can a racist neo-nazi be called corrageous by the BNP leadership is absolutely beyond me.

He never saved anybody in battle for the army/navy, etc. Neither did he rescue anybody from a burning house. Nor did he even help a cat struck up a tree.

What's corrageous about hating Jews, Muslims, black, gay and Asian people.

Sorry about his wife, but the man's a loser like the rest of them in the BNP, and sadly the journalist played along with the bullshit.

Wander if they all were given those phoney medals for this press release (journalist included), the ones from the Excalibur storage unit.

Anonymous said...

"Given" - when does the BNP give anything away.

Theyd all get a retrospective invoice

with a handwritten note from "The Chairman" himself

Anonymous said...

What is strange is that Dickens is down on the electoral register living with one "Sarah English" - not the woman in question here. Local speculation is whether this is in fact a smokescreen for the fact that they were running only at 3% on the doorstep, with only a minimal level of leafletting and canvassing. All this is laughable when you consider local BNP councillor Simon Deacon's comments when the election was called : " We will definitely win. The Lib Dems haven’t got a hope in hell. Labour in the current political climate are finished and the Tories haven’t got a hope in hell in Tudor. I cannot see anyone stopping us."