August 20, 2007

One of Griffin's 'vermin' begins the fightback against BNP corruption

According to a comment over at the North-West Nationalist blog, this was sent in to the Sandwell Express Star. Our thanks to Kirklees Unity for the heads-up.

Dear Sir

In response to Simon Darby's comments about me resigning from British National Party. I would like to thank him for acknowledging the hard work done myself in the party. With the exception of a particular Judas, most of the Black Country BNP are first class folk.

There has been a rumour I resigned because of the party's failure to allow me to promote the idea that 911 was an inside job. This isn't actually the case.

My resignation followed the disclosure of a private email to a supposed friend and colleague Ken Griffiths. The substance of the email was that based on events surrounding an article about Nick Griffin's wheeler dealing in Croatia, his meddling in the affairs of the independent trade union Solidarity and such items as £63,000 being spent on "travel and entertainment" (see 2005 BNP accounts at the electoral commission), it was about time we started educating the membership about what I believed we mutually recognised as serious financial mismanagement of the party. In fact it was Ken Griffiths along with a few others two years ago that encouraged me to examine Nick Griffin's history and therefore his leadership of the party.

I've worked for the party as a volunteer for over five years. Three years as the Black Country organiser. This work was unpaid. I may have claimed £60 at most in petrol in that time and of course have suffered in my employment. Famously being sacked as a teacher in 2004. The party's support was pathetic. The so called party legal eagle failed to advise me that I had three months to appeal to an industrial tribunal. I am currently investigating a sickening allegation that a substantial donation from a member of the public was made to myself following my sacking but didn't quite find its way to me.

At national level huge amounts are raised. The "Trafalgar Club " rakes in £72,000 a year according to other ex BNP figures that were close to Griffin [we've been told at least £90,000 but there you go]. Financial transparency , other than what has to be provided for the electoral commission is non existent. There are other large donations that are rumoured to have been made but not declared. This is the tip of the iceberg in my opinion.

So how is the British National Party being run ? There is a genuine need for a Nationalist Party in Britain. In my opinion Nick Griffin who is a fantastic (self) publicist and orator, runs the party as a private family business - in doing so it is also necessary to appoint dubiously moral lieutenants to keep it like that . It is a money based not ideologically based operation . As such it is necessary to periodically purge the party of thinkers and those who are capable of critical thought to keep it like that.

Cllr Simon Smith

For more information, see Purged! British National Party councillor Simon Smith forced out and Nick Griffin's most recent Chairman's Blog post deconstructed...


Anonymous said...

So more fiddling around with people's email. What the fuck is going on in the BNP???

Anonymous said...

"The substance of the email was that based on events surrounding an article about Nick Griffin's wheeler dealing in Croatia, his meddling in the affairs of the independent trade union Solidarity and such items as £63,000 being spent on "travel and entertainment" (see 2005 BNP accounts at the electoral commission), it was about time we started educating the membership about what I believed we mutually recognised as serious financial mismanagement of the party."

Way past that time really. The membership need a BIG wake-up call.

Anonymous said...

"I am currently investigating a sickening allegation that a substantial donation from a member of the public was made to myself following my sacking but didn't quite find its way to me."
Now there's an accusation that if proven could go to the police!

Anonymous said...

"So more fiddling around with people's email. What the fuck is going on in the BNP???"

Control. Its all about Nick Griffin being a control freak.

Anonymous said...

Interesting - One assumnes that during his suspension Cllr S was not being paid any allowance.

It would be interesting to see what Cllr S's income was since his warranted dismisal as a teacher.

( And it must be a fair dismisal as he did not make any sucesfull legal claim that it was unfair )

Was in fact Cllr Smith behaving as a parasite, claiming and working for the BNP at the same time.

I would also presume that he did not declare the use of his car as a "travelling organiser working for a political party" to his motor insurers.

This would be a material fact that Cllr S must declare for his Road Traffic Act insurance to be valid.

In fact the non declaration of this would have given him a much lower annual premium.

I think we (and the "Fraud Squad" & Police) should be told.

Antifascist said...

Nice post. :-)

Anonymous said...

anon said...control, griffin control freak.....this has got nothing to do with griffin being a control freak, and everything to do with Griffin seeing an easy and timeless way of making money, by not being open and transparant with his accounts, and lets face it they are his, he may say there are officers in his party, but they are there in name only. He has used the BNP membership as his own private cash cow right from the begining and sadly in the past when members have tried to go public they have been frightened off, perhaps Smith and Ebanks are made of stronger stuff.

Anonymous said...

Okay, its got everything to do with Nick Griffin being a control freak AND a thief. I'll go along with that.

Anonymous said...

Its worth noting that Simon Smith says in his letter that an email of his was "disclosed" not that his email was tampered with. As far as I know its only Sharon Ebanks and the mystery searchlight bloke who are claiming that their emails were tampered with.

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin on the paranoia trail huh.

Anonymous said...

How come the openly neo-Nazi BPP managed to stage a Demo outside the German Embassy and a meeting afterwards in London the other weekend and nobody done or said NOTHING.

I have not even seen a report on it. Come on London ????

Anonymous said...

I wonder if ebanks and smith know that they dont necessarily have to talk to their local police? It may well be that their relationships with them are not too good or non existant. because the bnp are national im pretty confident that any borough commander in the met who has bnp activity in his/her borough would listen with an open mind.

Anonymous said...

This from northwestnationalists.
Are LUAF going to follow up?

"Once again Griffin allows a crook control in the BNP as I have heard Salvage has been made an organiser.

When I took over as Birmingham organiser the branch was in the RED. Having attended meetings I saw what was raised, where did it go?

I inherited Mark Cattell as the fundholder, he was a VERY VERY close friend of Robert Purcell ex organiser, prize backstabber and thief. Cattell and Purcell had pocketed thousands and I have all the emails sent to and from BNP HQ on this incident but BNP HQ refused to call in the police citing they didn't want their accounts rifled through by the police, I also have that email.

If Purcell is looking in, I have the books of particular business men who put their BNP donations through their accounts before handing cash to you. GOT YOU, YOU BASTARD.

Is there anything you want to share with the police regarding the May elections, Rob? I'll share it with them for you.

Kind regards

Sharon Ebanks"

Anonymous said...

Old Sailor, old chap, the article/letter makes it quite clear that Cllr Smith was NOT being paid by the BNP, so claims of being 'a parasite' are unfounded. Saying that he has claimed perhaps £60 in petrol is also a far cry from being a 'travelling organiser working for a political party'; in fact, it is again made quite clear that he was a volunteer, not an employee. I see no need for any information being needed by his insuarane company.

Of all the things going on in and around the BNP which need to be brought to the attention of the Fraud Squad, to try to go for Cllr Smith would be ridiculous in the extreme. What needs to be looked at here, if true, is yet another accusation of money being sent in for a particular purpose which finds its way into Griffin's personal account, and with no mention to the EC - nor, I am sure, the Inland Revenue.

But then, you are probably a Griffin fan, apologist or gay lover, aren't you? I can't think of any other reason why you would want to try to deflect interest away from the obviously guilty Griffin.

Kirklees Unity said...

Would that be the same meeting and demo that BNP members Richard Edmonds and Derek Beackon attended and spoke at?

Strange I thought the BPP was a proscribed organisation to members of the BNP.

I mean,its not the first time Edmonds has done this is it?

Anonymous said...

"Old Sailor said...
Interesting - One assumnes that during his suspension Cllr S was not being paid any allowance.

It would be interesting to see what Cllr S's income was since his warranted dismisal as a teacher.

( And it must be a fair dismisal as he did not make any sucesfull legal claim that it was unfair )

Was in fact Cllr Smith behaving as a parasite, claiming and working for the BNP at the same time.

I would also presume that he did not declare the use of his car as a "travelling organiser working for a political party" to his motor insurers.

This would be a material fact that Cllr S must declare for his Road Traffic Act insurance to be valid.

In fact the non declaration of this would have given him a much lower annual premium.

I think we (and the "Fraud Squad" & Police) should be told."

Are you suggesting that Simon Smith has committed benefit fraud? I know who you are and if you continue I'll let the general public know who you are and you'll end up in court yourself.

I alone have been witness to payments recieved by Simon Smith as reimbursments from the BNP for paper, ink, stamps and envelopes. The BNP has tried to stitch up previous organisers and members and bully them into silence by pulling the same stunts.

Now run along you thieving bastard and get those accounts fixed. Fixed being the operative word.

Don't mess with me because I promise you I'm bringing you and your scum down. Shall we say "I'll pull the fucking rug from underneath you and leave you high and dry"?

Zero regards

Sharon Ebanks

Anonymous said...

"Don't mess with me because I promise you I'm bringing you and your scum down. Shall we say "I'll pull the fucking rug from underneath you and leave you high and dry"?"

I wish you'd stop talking about doing it and actually fucking do it. LUAF have offered you a voice and I'm damn sure would be happy to make anything you sent them into an article but you just keep on repeating the same old mantra. If you've got the goods on Griffin and co use them and let's get rid of this shitbag for good and all.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Smith can live with the threat of being investigated by the road insurers or any other "threats".

But can married man Walker live with the fact that Andrea Ashcroft said she couldn't find his penis because it was too small at the RWB before last ? Please don't being this to Mrs Walker's attention it would put a curb on John's trips to brothels in Leeds.

The word is spreading that slimeball John Walker is the one that "bubbled" Richard Mulhall. (Again at the RWB before last when JW was pissed and saying he would bring RM down)

I have more on Walker, but he's a nobody so I can't be arsed.

Walker wants to realise that he will be dropped when it suits Griffin.

Anonymous said...

"I wish you'd stop talking about doing it and actually fucking do it"

Everything has to be done properly. The Internet is not the place to do it. Heaven forbid it would bias any pending trial/trials.

Sharon Ebanks

Kirklees Unity said...

I disagree Walker is a somebody within the BNP

We would love to hear what he has been up to

John P said...

Its about a year since Ebanks got kicked out of the BNP and we have been hearing how she is going to bring down Griffin and all the rest. I reckon it's a load of balls. Time to put up or shut up. She won't get a better chance than now but I don't think she has got the guts or the evidence to do it.
The BNP has had a year to cover up any wrong doing that she accuses them of and the only evidence I've seen put forward was a cheque of about 5 quid which won't cause many waves.

Anonymous said...

"If you've got the goods on Griffin and co use them and let's get rid of this shitbag for good and all."
Too bloody right.

Anonymous said...

Sharon Ebanks is full of shit.If she had anything at all she would have used it long ago,. Forget her , she's lying.

Anonymous said...

!"I disagree Walker is a somebody within the BNP

We would love to hear what he has been up to"

I'd agree with that.

Anonymous said...

Griffin is protected by apathy, and he will reign forever until his freakshow of a daughter takes over.

It's undeniably a family thing, like the "spent-force" LePen Dynasty, the French national front crumbling as his daughter takes over for more political mismanagement.

How many rank and filers are quitings self-deceit, and facing up to this horrid fact.

Anonymous said...

The Griffin propaganda machine is perpetuated by the trolling friendless Collett, and tongue-up-arse twats like GreenArrow.

That pro-Griffin blog should be renamed "Home Of The Brown Arrow",'cos that pro-Griffin blog's guaranteed 100% full of shit!!!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Sharon Ebanks is full of shit.If she had anything at all she would have used it long ago,. Forget her , she's lying."

If you're expecting a reaction to your rhetoric you can forget about it. Being in the BNP might make me a deluded fool but it doesn't make me a prize idiot.

Anonymous said...

we all sound like a hunting pack at the moment, doing just what the bnp leadership do when they want to hound someone out.

Look if ebanks has got the goods, on line she certainly sounds as though she has the guts to use them, so instead of shouting and hollering at her give her the space to come clean...please note i said space NOT time, cos the longer she drags it out with these tempting little bits of info even my patience will wear thin.

Antifascist said...

As has already been stated, if Ms Ebanks would like the space for an article or would like us to produce an article based on notes she provides, she can have them.

Anonymous said...

That pro-Griffin blog should be renamed "Home Of The Brown Arrow",'cos that pro-Griffin blog's guaranteed 100% full of shit!!!

Ah, Green Arrow - a man so full of hatred it's a wonder he even likes himself.

He commented that he often prays for Nick Griffin, you know, and was very understanding when Griffin and co. ignored his requests for info on the Great Leader, so that he could pen a biography.

A strange, twisted little man, he comes over as a needy middle child constantly seeking the approval of his parents.

Anonymous said...

"A strange, twisted little man, he comes over as a needy middle child constantly seeking the approval of his parents."

Actually he comes across like a BNP operation harvesting the information of the disaproving.

Anonymous said...

"According to a comment over at the North-West Nationalist blog, this was sent in to the Sandwell Express Star."

Has the Express & Star published it?

Anonymous said...

Green arrow must have got leaned on very heavily a couple of days ago he had a picture of Dicky Barnbrooks arse with nasty spots on pasted all over his sight, within hours it was removed and no mention of why......perhaps Dicky felt it wasnt his best side.

Anonymous said...

"Has the Express & Star published it?"

What are you asking for? You've got the internet - go look.

Anonymous said...

Dosen't Nick Griffin remind anyone of 'Napoleon' from George Orwell's 'Animal Farm'?

A former Griffinite

Anonymous said...

Doh ! I must be getting forgetful. for I must take issue with Lancaster UAF over the heading of this thread.

If Nye Bevan described in his speach to the 1949 Manchester Confence Churchill's Tories as "lower than vermin" why should Lancaster UAF be able to call the BNP and their assorted scum only Vermin ?

Doh ! 2 Some of us here are loosing the plot. Smith and Ebanks are not hero's fighting for democracy. They are nasty little rightwingers whose main complaint against Griffin is that they are/were not getting their share of the loot.

For incidence Ms Ebanks, the fact that you faced large legal bills was not that there was any justice in your case, but having been improperly elected you tried to hang on to your seat when all and sundry were well aware that you were not the peoples choice. I have no sympathy for the problems you self inflicted upon your self.

And with regard to Smith the files accesible on the internet relate his "problems" only to well,
Only a moron would have "trusted" the legal department of "Solidarity" to deal wih his dismisal case.

BTW has Smith ever thought of sueing the officers and legal advisors of Solidarity for professional incompetance and neglect. For if, as he is alledged to say, he was let down by the Solidarity legal department, an organisation that pretends it is a functing Trade Union, no ? I wonder why ?

Antifascist said...

Believe me, we're well aware of what we're dealing with here.

Anonymous said...

sounds to me like sharon ebanks could be dating andy ali ?

Anonymous said...

antifacist said....believe me...yes now we know, having read a posting on another area of this site, we learn we are dealing with a bitch on heat.....let her get on with it.


Anonymous said...


I agree, I know what we are dealing with, you know what we are dealing with, next doors dog knows what we are dealing with. I am a tad concerned is that any inocent visiting may get the wrong impresion

Anonymous said...

"Everything has to be done properly. The Internet is not the place to do it. Heaven forbid it would bias any pending trial/trials.

Sharon Ebanks"

This excuse by Ebanks for not following up on her threats is just crap.

What is the point of all her internet threats, if as she says "...the internet is not the place to do it." ?

All she has achieved...if she has any evidence, which at least some are doubting to warn Griffin and his accomplices in crime that they had better cover their tracks.

If any investigation fails, because Sharon gave them so much warning that they were able to do a good job of 'track covering', then it will be all her fault.

What a prize twit!

Or maybe that is her plan!

Ah Ha!

We have it!

When, not if, the investigation fails, she can always say it was because she mistakenly gave them warning, and not because in fact she had nothing important to say in the first place.

Kirklees Unity said...

Sharon Ebanks has had a full year of realizing finally what the BNP and its supporters are really like.

She owes them nothing.

From Simon Darby downwards they continue the attacks on her -mostly on a personal level.

Why doesn't she use the ammunition that she claims she has and give the BNP an almighty boot up the jacksy?

Allegations are all well and good on internet forums like this,however if she had any real meat on the bones(which I think she might have) she should make full use of it.

Remember Sharon my enemies enemy is my friend.

Anonymous said...

Like the poll. That should be a regular feature of the site.

Anonymous said...

i note today that the snivelling little wretch at green arrow has posted hes closing down the site "for a while" lack of funds he says, dont tell me that bnp members have now seen the light and are not using his paypal button. what a week right minded people are having.

Kirklees Unity said...

What funds do you need to run a simple blog?

Seems like people involved in the BNP can't help themselves when money is around

Anonymous said...

"Like the poll. That should be a regular feature of the site."

Yes, I go along with that. I see Mike Easter is top of the poll so far. No surprise there.

Anonymous said...

I see Mike Easter is top of the poll so far. No surprise there.

Sadie Grahams looking a bit rocky too.

Anonymous said...

Sadie Graham is going nowhere

Although she does have a pathological hatred for Mark Collett

Antifascist said...

'Although she does have a pathological hatred for Mark Collett'

That puts her up a tad (though a very small one) in my estimation then.

Kirklees Unity said...

I thought everyone apart from Griffin had a pathological hatred of Mark Collett?

I mean come on,its just so easy to hate him.

I once asked him when he turned up in Kirklees once,when he and Chris Beverley were busy snapping photos for Redwatch
"Mark what is it like to be hated by both the left and right? "

His answer

"He wasn't bothered,as long as he was remembered! "

Anonymous said...

Kirklees Unity said...

"What funds do you need to run a simple blog?"

"Seems like people involved in the BNP can't help themselves when money is around "

Actually that is the problem, BNP help themselves when money is around. It's not neccessarilly their money they help themselves to.

Anonymous said...

"Remember Sharon my enemies enemy is my friend."

I'm afraid not.

I want all immigration halted and positive discrimination abolished. I think that makes me very much your enemy. And, while you're at it, can you ask whoever produces your T Shirts to ensure they are not made in slave factories in India/China/Brazil or other. Dear old Che would be turning in his grave if he knew T Shirts were being churned out by starving 5yr olds so that the west could make a statement.

Thank you

And, remember to support FAIR TRADE. Lidle do an excellent selection of fruit, chocolate and coffee with the majority of the proceeds going back to the workers.

Power to the people

Antifascist said...

'...while you're at it, can you ask whoever produces your T Shirts to ensure they are not made in slave factories in India/China/Brazil or other...And, remember to support FAIR TRADE.'

We don't produce T-shirts but we DO shop in Single Step Wholefood Store (very ethical) at 78a Penny Street, Lancaster or, at worst, Holland and Barrett.

Antifascist said...

'Remember Sharon my enemies enemy is my friend.'

And on that point, we ought to make our position clear. The only thing we have in common with Sharon Ebanks is a desire to see Nick Griffin utterly destroyed. As far as we're concerned, the BNP could go with him. For that purpose and that purpose alone, we are prepared to co-operate to the extent of providing Ms Ebanks the space to print her allegations (as long as we stay clear of the libel laws). Given that she has refused our offer, choosing instead to play the thing her own way, perhaps this is all moot. Nevertheless, the offer remains open expressly for that stated purpose.

Kirklees Unity said...

Anonymous said...

And, while you're at it, can you ask whoever produces your T Shirts to ensure they are not made in slave factories in India/China/Brazil or other.

As opposed to the cheap Chinese made badges that Excalibur sell?

Or the Slovakian printed Voice of Freedom newspapers(Previously printed by a Saudi firm)

Or the Croatian boltholes

Or the Libyan printed "Little green books" that Griffin,Harrington and Holland used to flog.
And that Harrington is still attempting to sell on ebay

Anonymous said...

"Kirklees Unity said...
Anonymous said...

And, while you're at it, can you ask whoever produces your T Shirts to ensure they are not made in slave factories in India/China/Brazil or other.

As opposed to the cheap Chinese made badges that Excalibur sell?

Or the Slovakian printed Voice of Freedom newspapers(Previously printed by a Saudi firm)

Or the Croatian boltholes

Or the Libyan printed "Little green books" that Griffin,Harrington and Holland used to flog.
And that Harrington is still attempting to sell on ebay"

I'm not going to disagree with you.

SOLIDARITY "British jobs for British People"

Do you think the BNP should change that to-

SOLIDARITY "British jobs to Foreign people"?

At least the major British unions are honest about not giving a stuff when it comes to outsourcing, eh?


Sharon Ebanks

Anonymous said...

SOLIDARITY "British jobs for British People"

Do you think the BNP should change that to-

SOLIDARITY "British jobs to Foreign people"?

At least the major British unions are honest about not giving a stuff when it comes to outsourcing, eh?


Sharon Ebanks

Er Mz Ebanks, surely NG means means "British Jobs to Croation people" And please don't accuse me of being a Nutzie. I have better thing to do with my life.

Anonymous said...

there really is no helping some people is there, would you believe that the bnp muppets have actually made donations to the snivelling wretch on home of the green arrow to the tune of £250 and hes on a promise of a further £60.

dont know why we bother sometimes.

Anonymous said...

his meddling in the affairs of the independent trade union Solidarity

Smith is not a member of Solidarity and never has been. At least Griffin is a member. He has more right to comment on the internal politics of our Union than Smith. Griffin has provided a platform for our Union and free ads. Smith has never lifted a finger for us. The vast majority of Solidarity members thank heaven that Nick Griffin showed resolute leadership and backed our GS against the traitors and enemy agents who tried to wreck our Union.

Anonymous said...

"Smith is not a member of Solidarity and never has been. At least Griffin is a member. He has more right to comment on the internal politics of our Union than Smith. Griffin has provided a platform for our Union and free ads. Smith has never lifted a finger for us. The vast majority of Solidarity members thank heaven that Nick Griffin showed resolute leadership and backed our GS against the traitors and enemy agents who tried to wreck our Union."

Excuse me while I go in search of the vomit bucket or perhaps the poster above is jesting? I do hope so.

Anonymous said...

anon said...smith is not a just dont get it do you, what Griffin doesnt have a right to its to get his sticky fingers on the money.

jhon said...

Dear all,
The Black Countrys BNP is now being run by a LOW LIFE SNAKE!
It looks like the branch is going down hill fast!
But thats the plan! Well done everyone!JOB WELL DONE!

Anonymous said...

I may have claimed £60 at most in petrol in that time and of course have suffered in my employment. Famously being sacked as a teacher in 2004. The party's support was pathetic. The so called party legal eagle failed to advise me that I had three months to appeal to an industrial tribunal.

All the more odd then that he chooses to criticise Pat Harrington and Solidarity which does vigorously defend and give support in such cases. Pat Harrington is personally representing two teachers targeted on account of their BNP poltics just now. He would have given Smith resolute support at the time if the Union had been formed then.

One poster suggests:-
BTW has Smith ever thought of sueing the officers and legal advisors of Solidarity for professional incompetance and neglect. For if, as he is alledged to say, he was let down by the Solidarity legal department, an organisation that pretends it is a functing Trade Union, no ? I wonder why ?

This misreads the original. As I understand it Smith is complaining about legal advice from the BNP not Solidarity (with which he has had no dealings and which had not been formed in 2004).

As to "pretending" to be a functioning Union what does this mean? Solidarity continues to represent members at grievances and disciplinaries and provide guidance and advice on a wide-range of employment issues. Most of these aren't in fact political in nature. Despite attempts to wreck our Union we continue with our work. Just because someone is a member of the BNP doesn't mean that they don't need TU representation! Other Unions have not provided effective representatation in certain cases - Solidarity has moved in.

Nick Griffin gets no money from our Union but provides it with great support in the form of free advertising in Party publications. As a member of our Union he is quite entitled to express opinions but our members make the decisions ultimately and can choose to follow his views or not. We certainly regard him as intelligent and with a strong grasp of strategy. He is a man worth listening to.

We speak as we find.

Anonymous said...

anon claims..that griffin gets no money given to him by 'their' union, thats right, its not given Griffin just takes it.

more fool them for leaving the cash box out.

Anonymous said...

Anon claims..that griffin gets no money given to him by 'their' union, thats right, its not given Griffin just takes it.

more fool them for leaving the cash box out.

You'll really have to put your money where your mouth is with this sort of sweeping vague allegation.

Griffin has not been given money by Solidarity. Griffin has not taken money from Solidarity. None of the allegations put about by Potter, Hawke, Rushton-Rushmore et al have stood up because there is nothing in to them. It's all vague insinuation. All this stuff about Solidarity being a 'cash cow' for the BNP is utter bollocks. The union is small, it has limited funds, its pltical fund has not yet been launched and it is subject to strict legal regulation.

If you have a specific allegation to make regarding Griffin and Solidarity, make it. Put up or shut up. We know there's no substance to all the stuff you're saying about Solidarity, so it casts doubts in our mind about all the other financial stuff.

Anonymous said...

anon have to put your money where your mouth is.......

you really are a dumb muppet, investigation into theft and fraud on this scale does not come about by private means.

This is being done by large government agencies, and the noose is tightening.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have us terrified! We worry more about crossing the road however, as perhaps should you!).

Seriously you should learn the difference between writing a rabid letter and making an effective complaint.

Clearly you want the taxpayer to pay for your hate campaign rather than stump up yourself!

Anonymous said...

anon @ 10.30 says that a personal threat? and as a taxpayer (which is more than you probably are) i will be paying for it. piss off.....

Anonymous said...

as a taxpayer (which is more than you probably are) i will be paying for it.

Unfortunately it's very difficult to avoid paying tax - there are so many of them (VAT, tax on booze, tax on fags, tax on petrol, tax on income etc ad nauseum!). I do my best of course (being anti-State, but only the super-rich are really good at this game! I really think you should finance your own private vendettas entirely on your own or else start a public appeal. I don't see why people not of your strange persuasions should be forced to contribute even fractionally.

Anonymous said...

"piss off..... "

An articulate and well-made point. Keep it up and you may win a prize.

Anonymous said...

£63,000 being spent on "travel and entertainment" (see 2005 BNP accounts at the electoral commission)

So it was declared. Travel is a huge cost for any organisation. Check out some others for comparison at Companies House. Our UK rail fares are extortionate in case you haven't noticed!

Anonymous said...

£63,000 being spent on "travel and entertainment" (see 2005 BNP accounts at the electoral commission)

Did the Party have that kind of money to spend in the 'Glory Days' of JT? What proportion of overall expenditure is this?

Anonymous said...

is that a personal threat?

How could it be when you post anonymously???

Anonymous said...

anon said....unfortunately its difficult to avoid paying then state booze and fags, as first 2 in your list, you made my point for me.

as for the other posting re: personal threat and anonimity, too right, a lot of people post here anon not because of personal fear, as im sure i could handle you, you drunken muppet with one hand behind me back and blindfolded, but as you lot are such craven cowards we do have families to look after.
The problem with you is that you so totally believe that Griffin is god and he can do no wrong, well are you in for a big surprise, i keep telling you the investigation is on going and the noose is around his neck. and when the trapdoor drops he will make sure hes not on his own.
But then again why should we warn you, you may have sticky fingers as well, if so you will get what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

63,000 being spent on "travel and entertainment" (see 2005 BNP accounts at the electoral commission)

The BNP is circulating the following response:-

According to the Internet Lie Machine, the BNP’s 2005 accounts reveal ‘corruption’, with £63,216.09 supposedly spent on ‘Entertainment & Travel’. In fact, when set out in full, the figures show a very different story to the black propaganda fantasy of jet-setting luxury:

Fuel - £30,009.93. This includes the party’s monthly literature run, delivery of millions of election leaflets, Nick Griffin’s average 40,000 miles a year on speaking engagements and a host of other mileage-eating but essential journeys by key personnel;

Accommodation - £6,901.70. This includes the frequent use of cheap motels by staff on the long journeys already mentioned);

Entertainment - £7,687.49. Made up largely of RWB costs such as marquees, displays and fireworks, costs at the Trafalgar Club dinner, buffets at all-day events such as planning conferences and Advisory Council meetings, and looking after guests from the Front National and other overseas groups with which we need cooperation;

Meals - £963.32. Less than £100 per month and including, ironically, several with individuals who have gone on to complain that these figures are too high;

Room Hire - £1,522.40;

Subsistence - £4,010.25. The incidental expenses such as motorway services sandwiches and snacks which go with the huge amount of travel outlined above;

Travel - £8,816.00. Rail/Taxis/Air – the year in question saw several important visits to the USA, which later brought back in donations to the BNP, Civil Liberty and Solidarity substantially more than their total cost, and thus clearly benefit the nationalist cause as a whole. It is also at times cheaper for staff who need to be in London, for example to meet the Electoral Commission or lawyers, to travel by train and taxi rather than by car.

RWB toilet hire - £3,305.00. A fitting point on which to end, as all the tales about ‘BNP corruption’ belong in a toilet anyway.

Anonymous said...

anon said....unfortunately its difficult to avoid paying then state booze and fags, as first 2 in your list, you made my point for me.

Some us prefer to spend money on such wordly things. I don't object to you foregoing these so you can buy extra polish for your jackboots do I?

im sure i could handle you, you drunken muppet with one hand behind me back and blindfolded

Such confidence. Are you sure you've not been on the hard stuff?

The problem with you is that you so totally believe that Griffin is god and he can do no wrong, well are you in for a big surprise, i keep telling you the investigation is on going and the noose is around his neck.

I don't think NG is "god" or that he can do no wrong. He certainly does have my support in dealing with lying "vermin", however.

You do keep telling us about grandiose investigations but just bluster and provide no details. I'm afraid I'm unconvinced. Show me the evidence then I may take you seriously. In the meantime I'll assume you are a crazed bullshitter!

Anonymous said...

if so you will get what you deserve.

I'm all for people getting what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

anon said...some of us really are one dumb muppet, all things come to he who waits, and oh boy are you going to get yours, and we will just sit and watch.

Anonymous said...

"as first 2 in your list"

Attention to detail is clearly not this Nazis forte! VAT (Value Added Tax) was No.1 on the list and the others 2 and 3. Pay attention old chap!

Anonymous said...

Andi Ali, an Asian student who choose to study the British National Party (BNP) at University, became a victim of racial discrimination when BNP supporters at his place of work, submitted false complaints in order to get him sacked and therefore unable to fund his research. They complained that he was an extremist for heckling the BNP and expressed support for suicide bombers, by wearing an Arabic headscarf. They also submitted numerous false allegations about him. See here: Already anti racist campaigners are calling this the worst case of racism they have come across in a long time.