The court heard West, who had three St George's flags and a Cornish flag in his back garden, attempted to put up a Union Jack by attaching it to Mr Kugow's shed. And when Mr Kugow objected, West flew into a rage, calling his neighbour a 'Kraut *******' and telling him to '**** off back to Krautland' before adding 'kill some more Jews'. West also told his neighbour to 'remember Dunkirk' during the 10-minute tirade.
Unemployed West originally pleaded not guilty to racial abuse but shortly before he was due to take the witness stand for his trial at Tameside Magistrates' Court, he dramatically changed his mind and admitted the charge. His solicitor said West felt under pressure to deny the charge because of his position in the party.
West stood as a BNP candidate in last May's local elections in Dukinfield, polling 734 votes and finishing in second place.
After his arrest last October, the BNP leadership complained that he was the victim of a 'malicious prosecution' and tried to organise a demonstration to protest against the arrest. But the protest was called off when West said he wanted the case to remain a private matter.
The court heard that the dispute with Mr Kugow broke out in August as West was putting flags up in his garden. Mr Kugow, 47, who lives with his British-born partner Susan Holt, said he warned his neighbour that he would remove any flags West put on his shed.
Mr Kugow, a personal assistant, said: "He said if I tried to come in his garden he will kill me. He then tried to attach it to the side of his house and it wouldn't stay up and he lost his cool - then an incredible torrent of the most vile abuse I've ever heard came my way. It made me feel terrible. Nobody should be allowed to get away with something like that in a civilised society."
Susan Holt was sitting on the patio out of sight of West when the incident happened. She said: "I was gobsmacked. I was shocked because you don't expect your neighbour to come out with those sorts of comments. Normal people don't do that and I've never experienced it before and never want to again."
The couple said West's flags were never an issue and the problem only arose when he wanted to attach the new one to their shed. Mr Kugow said his neighbour later apologised over the incident and came to his house with a box of chocolates and a handwritten letter.
He said West sat crying in his kitchen as he admitted his guilt. Kevin Nicholas, defending West, said his client deeply regretted his behaviour and found it hard to face up to his actions which happened at a time when he was under stress and not sleeping very well. Mr Nicholas said: "He felt under pressure because of his position in the BNP party and he has let the party down. He has also let himself down."
Judge Berg told West: "Your behaviour for whatever reason was wholly unacceptable, vile, offensive and distasteful. Behaviour which civilised society cannot be expected to tolerate."
West was fined £125 and ordered to pay £200 costs and a £15 victim's surcharge. He was also ordered to pay Mr Kugow £50 compensation. Speaking after the case, Mr Kugow said he was 'glad it was all over' but declined to comment further.
Manchester Evening News
arnt germans ayrian so the same race as us true brits , so in truth it cant be a race crime ,, it should have been abusive language or breach of the peace , it was only cited as a race crime because the c p s knew he was b n p so it was a easy target to smear us ,, most people will know the truth over this and wont be fooled by your attempted smear oh by the way ,hows your leaders looking now ,, red scum you lot are finished
A BNP candidate is :
a) unemployed
b) foul-mouthed
c) racially abusive
Well, you could knock me over with a feather!!!!!
What is it with the BNP and flags? They get a flag up and suddenly become uncontrollably racist nutcases.
"He said West sat crying in his kitchen as he admitted his guilt."
Ah, bless. And this is the master race, is it?
"it was only cited as a race crime because the c p s knew he was b n p so it was a easy target to smear us"
No, stupid. It was classed as a race crime because it WAS a race crime. Read the fucking report.
"And when Mr Kugow objected, West flew into a rage, calling his neighbour a 'Kraut *******' and telling him to '**** off back to Krautland' before adding 'kill some more Jews'. West also told his neighbour to 'remember Dunkirk' during the 10-minute tirade."
Seems pretty clear to me.
arnt germans ayrian so the same race as us true brits , so in truth it cant be a race crime ,, it should have been abusive language or breach of the peace , it was only cited as a race crime because the c p s knew he was b n p so it was a easy target to smear us ,, most people will know the truth over this and wont be fooled by your attempted smear oh by the way ,hows your leaders looking now ,, red scum you lot are finished
They are so small minded it is unbelievable, and these are the people that want to run a country?
Mind you, now he has proven his total incompetence, I wonder if Gri££in will promote him to one of his arse kissing clique underling’s?
Yet another petty-minded racist. No wonder the BNP is laughed at.
The new respectable BNP. What a loser.
It was classed as a race crime because the law classes it that way, NOT because race is involved.
An argument between a Briton and a German is not a race issue, it is a national issue.
"The court heard West, who had three St George's flags and a Cornish flag in his back garden, attempted to put up a Union Jack by attaching it to Mr Kugow's shed. And when Mr Kugow objected, West flew into a rage, calling his neighbour a 'Kraut *******' and telling him to '**** off back to Krautland' before adding 'kill some more Jews'. West also told his neighbour to 'remember Dunkirk' during the 10-minute tirade."
How precisely is that NOT racist? I bet if some german has come out with a similar load of garbage to one of the BNP's own they would have been crying about it for weeks.
"An argument between a Briton and a German is not a race issue, it is a national issue."
It was an argument which your idiot was losing and he resorted to a racist attack because he's too bloody thick to have a reasoned discussion with his neighbour. Who the hell would want to live next door to a dickhead who flies a bunch of flags anyway?
Can we involve the fashion police?
The suit, the shirt, the tie are so very 80's
But then my own family think I'm a hippy:-)
And I am 53!
And below we have a perfect example of what 'active' members of the BNP get up to, and then they scream they are being victimised.
No wonder the BNP is known as the British Nonces Party
Tell us "Anon" are you proud of the record of Kiddy Fiddling the BNP has ?
And those who wish to know the exact names and addresses of the Nonces Party can always down load the list from Wiki Leaks (For research reasons only of course !)
Old Sailor
So this nutzi BNP candidate wants a German man to "go off and kill some more Jews".
Guess the racist scumbag can't also be a Holocaust denier like his tongued-ass boss Gri££in as he wants to see more Jewish people murdered.
The Gri££inite troll at the top of the page calls both people from Britain and Germany "Aryans".
Sounds like exactly the pro-nazi terminology who happen to come across quite often on that pro-Gri££inite C.U.N.T.S. blog.
arnt germans ayrian so the same race as us true brits , so in truth it cant be a race crime ,, it should have been abusive language or breach of the peace , it was only cited as a race crime because the c p s knew he was b n p so it was a easy target to smear us
Clearly a fine legal mind.
It was classed as a race crime because the law classes it that way...
Yes, that's how the legal system works. The law classes things a particular way when, and only when, they in fact class them that way. Well done Timmy, have a biscuit.
Further to my comments: it seems that the law defines 'racial abuse' to include such things as abuse of a particular religion, national group etc. This means that for example anti-Semites can't get off on the grounds that most Jews are white, or that Judaism is a religion.
So the clever insight displayed by two posters to this forum, that Germans aren't a race, isn't a clever insight at all. Far from being an example of how the law gets it wrong, this case is precisely the kind of thing that the law was intended to catch.
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