The controversial right wing party have put the track on a nationalistic album named after the iconic song, which they are currently selling through their trading arm Excalibur. The collection of songs include the Second World War classic and another Dame Vera Lynn hit All Alone in Vienna - both of which have been apparently included without permission. The album is selling for £4.95, with a portion of the cash going towards the BNP’s party funds.
Dame Vera Lynn, who lives in Ditchling, is said to be in talks with her legal team over the song’s appearance on the album. Her solicitor Nigel Angel said: "Her position is that the song was included without her approval. She does not align with any political party. I will be discussing it with her further."
The 91-year-old, who is reknowned for her relentless fundraising, donates proceeds from songs she has sung to British troops to charity.
Norman Baker, MP for Lewes, said: "The BNP will try to imply they have the support of individuals by this kind of action when they clearly don't have their support – it's extremely regrettable."
In November the BNP came under fire in Sussex when it claimed it had received an official invitation to lay a wreath at a war memorial on Remembrance Sunday by Horsham District Council – the claim was found to be untrue. This week the Church of England announced a ban on clergy joining the BNP as it was classed by them as a 'racist' party.
The BNP which describes itself as “the foremost patriotic political party in Great Britain” has supported campaigns for white supremacy and the reintroduction of corporal punishment.
A book about Dame Vera's life called One Sunny Day is due to be published by Harper Collins in June.
The Argus
"The collection of songs include the Second World War classic and another Dame Vera Lynn hit All Alone in Vienna - both of which have been apparently included without permission."
Is anyone surprised? The BNP seems to think it's above the law.
The BNP will only sell half a dozen copies anyway. Hardly anybody buys anything from Excalibur.
Why are none of us the least bit surprised by this ?????
I see Colin Auty's album is still for sale through Excalibur. I wonder how he feels about that? The track listing is good if you read them in the right order.
9. Mr Griffin Says Hello!
1. Democracy
6. Where's it all Gone Then?
3. Oppression
4. Goodbye to My England
10. Smell the Coffee
13. Resign from the BNP in anger
(Okay, I lied about the last one)
Great comments as always.
What gets me is the sheer effrontery of taking a beloved British classic and remarketing it for personal BNP profit.
But why am I surprised? BNP supporters are already claiming patriotism as if they alone have love for Britain. That's an even bigger attempted theft.
"13. Resign from the BNP in anger
(Okay, I lied about the last one)"
Both the Telegraph and Mail have picked this story up, saying that Vera Lynn is "furious" at being linked in this way with the BNP.
Let's hope Dame Vera's legal team has the tenacity to go through with a prosecution or at least forces the BNP to stop selling the CD.
Bloody hell, even the NME has reported on this.
Good on her for having the nerve to speak out.
Someone on Stormfront is trying to suggest that this is a publicity coup for the BNP. Why must they always delude trhemselves? Those who are old enough to remember Vera Lynn or who had parents who did, will remember her with a great deal of affection and will NOT take kindly to her music being hijacked illegally by a party full of racists, thugs and idiots.
"Someone on Stormfront is trying to suggest that this is a publicity coup for the BNP. Why must they always delude trhemselves? Those who are old enough to remember Vera Lynn or who had parents who did, will remember her with a great deal of affection and will NOT take kindly to her music being hijacked illegally by a party full of racists, thugs and idiots."
Well said Dave.
Two more extraordinary postings on Stormfront:
'Pensive' of Hants says - "let us not forget that she [Dame Vera] made a bloody good living out of being a national British patriot ... and enjoyed free travel everywhere to entertain the British troops"
Ah, what a clever wheeze - entertain the troops and see the world!!
And 'Keith Axon' writes -
"What do you expect as i think she is not of English decent [sic] perhaps of Jewish origin"
Charming folk eh ?
The BNP must have added Dame Vera to their CD by mistake when it should have been Marlene Deitrich,
It's just been confirmed that she's going to sue the BNP!!! http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/2009/02/18/dame-vera-lynn-to-sue-bnp-over-white-cliffs-of-dover-86908-21133560/
Keith Axon, who feels qualified to comment on somebody else's genetic qualities, is the love-child of Albert Steptoe and an illiterate scarecrow and is almost certainly inbred.
A portion of funds from the sle of this CD going to Party funds?!?
Well I never, that must be a first, the money usually gets split between Gri££in and Paedo Boy Collett. I suppose Gaylord Kemp will also be getting his cut seeing as he has taken ownership of Excalibur.
Hannam owning Great White Records.
Collett owning Vanguard
Kemp owning Excalibur
Who will be next to get a nice little earning company courtesy of the ignorant BNP members???
Blue Donkey
"The BNP must have added Dame Vera to their CD by mistake when it should have been Marlene Deitrich,"
Oi ! That is an insult to that refuge from the Nazi's Marlene Deitrich !
Old Sailor
"It's just been confirmed that she's going to sue the BNP!!!"
Err, I dont think has exactly, the article states she "plans" to sue. Now I plan to be a millionaire and marry Jodie Marsh or Beyonce Knowles but its doesnt mean I am GOING to does it?
Dame Vera will probably have to take legal advice first to see if she has a case or not. As far as I can make out this cd is a compilation put together by a normal music company - its not on great white so it is up to that company who sells it Id assume and not dame vera.
Sorry and all that but we need to sort the truth
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