Today the HOPE not hate campaign launched a petition that calls on Merseyside police to ban the BNP from marching through Liverpool City Centre on 14 March.
The BNP's march of hate is designed to whip up racial hatred. Pure and simple. Liverpool is a multiracial society and does not deserve the hatemongers.
Please sign the petition and encourage your friends to do likewise
HOPE not hate
February 18, 2009
Stop the march of Hate
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Come on guys, sign the petition.
Signed. :) Stop the racist scum.
"Signed. :) Stop the racist scum."
Wot he said.
go fuck yourself you self hating pricks
I thought the BNP had given up on street marches?
'go fuck yourself you self hating pricks'
'I thought the BNP had given up on street marches?'
It seems not.
Done :)
I'll be there if anyone wants to say hello.
Joe Owens
Time to kick the bastards off the streets again, if this goes ahead it will give them the confidence to organise in other parts of the country
who ever said it was a march?
Let em march, if they are resorting to marches its because they know they have very little chance of major electoral gains. Marches are a good sign for us and a bad one for them.
Marches will sap their activists, divert their energies away from electioneering and will not attract public support - the NF never achieved much and it marched all the time. Not one single NF councillor ever got elected, the NF marched itself into ever decreasing circles let the BNP do the same.
Im overjoyed they are marching again, things MUST be bad for em
The BNP are trying to be clever or cunning here and some are falling for it. They are gambling on the march being banned but still getting publicity and/or of it goes ahead getting victim status again by being attacked by antis.
I mean c'mon the BNP can only attract about 200-400 people to national demos. They wouldnt want to parade their weakness like that so think on! It's a ruse
Just spotted this on the HnH site
"This morning we launched a petition to get Merseyside Police to ban the BNP's march of hate through Liverpool. By 1pm, just 96 minutes after the email went out over 1000 people had signed our petition."
Nice going.
I'll be there if anyone wants to say hello.
What the fuck would anyone want to say hello to you for?
Gri££in will use ANY means at his disposal to try and gain publicity. He needs fuel to secure the percentage he needs to get his greasy hands on that Euro seat; this is just the type of coverage he loves.
You’re going to see now just how incredibly desperate he is to get that seat and the £1,250,000 that a 5 year term will gain him. That’s right, up to 1.25 million fucking quid!
He’ll now be dragging up his IQ challenged minions to put on ‘protests’ left right and centre in the hope that it will attract the media like flies around shit.
"who ever said it was a march?"
This site and anti-fascist but all I can see on Hope Not Hate is that they are calling it a ralley, which is quite a different activity altogether. So are we signing a petition to stop something that isnt going to happen or are we signing to stop ANY activity.
This needs to be cleared up its causing unnecessery confusion
"He needs fuel to secure the percentage he needs to get his greasy hands on that Euro seat; "
He wont win a seat nor will any other BNP european candidate. They, and some of us, are basing their votes on, for the most part. the carefully chosen wards they often stand in. But that will be dragged down badly by all the other areas they will have to get support from it.
Aint gonna happen, no matter how many towns groffon gets his goons to clown around in. Their vote will note rise much higher than they got last time round.
UKIPs vote will go back to the Tories and the BNP will be left with just councillors - oh and barnbrook. LOLOLOL
"who ever said it was a march?"
Hmm, good point, looks like it's only a "rally".
Thought they'd have to be mad or desperate to think about a march such as the old NF ones.
They may be stoopid but maybe not without some low level sort of cunning
"I'll be there if anyone wants to say hello.
Joe Owens"
You seem a bit keen to fraternise with the enemy, whats the prob cant get a partner in yr own ranks?
The information we have is that the BNP has applied for a permit to march on Church Street.
At their last little gathering in liverpool I was trying to count them, 13 where arrested, lets hope they lock them all up again, but this time prosecute them all,
LCC said...
The information we have is that the BNP has applied for a permit to march on Church Street.
I'm sorry but I don't know Liverpool. It there any symbolism behind the choice of street or is it a main shopping area.
"He wont win a seat nor will any other BNP european candidate. They, and some of us, are basing their votes on, for the most part. the carefully chosen wards they often stand in. But that will be dragged down badly by all the other areas they will have to get support from it.
Aint gonna happen, no matter how many towns groffon gets his goons to clown around in. Their vote will note rise much higher than they got last time round.
UKIPs vote will go back to the Tories and the BNP will be left with just councillors - oh and barnbrook. LOLOLOL"
9:34 PM, February 18, 2009
Sorry bro, your info is wrong. He CAN potentially achieve what he needs to win based on the figures available.
He can be stopped however if his campaign is not given a boost by the mass media and people turn out to vote for the smaller party's and independents; this is the only way.
"He CAN potentially achieve what he needs to win based on the figures available. "
For BBHUnter:
The figures available are surely from by elections BNP has contested, thats the point, the BNP in the main only contests wards it knows it will poll high in. Rarely does it contest poor areas and where it has its vote has been derisory. Of course results from favourable wards will show the BNP has a chance, they owuld have done at the GLA yet the BNPs vote rose very little, about 1%, from the last GLA contest.
There is no reason why the European battle will see them do any better, in fact in the GLA the BNP actually campaigned with their Londoner leafet, they havent the manpower to do something like that nationwide for the Euros.
Their vote may go up a little but win seats they wont. Not one.
"He CAN potentially achieve what he needs to win based on the figures available. "
"For BBHUnter:
The figures available are surely from by elections BNP has contested, thats the point, the BNP in the main only contests wards it knows it will poll high in. Rarely does it contest poor areas and where it has its vote has been derisory. Of course results from favourable wards will show the BNP has a chance, they owuld have done at the GLA yet the BNPs vote rose very little, about 1%, from the last GLA contest.
There is no reason why the European battle will see them do any better, in fact in the GLA the BNP actually campaigned with their Londoner leafet, they havent the manpower to do something like that nationwide for the Euros.
Their vote may go up a little but win seats they wont. Not one.
10:23 PM, February 19, 2009"
Well, I sincerely hope you are right. Griffin deserves nothing except the British people's complete contempt.
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