I don't often read the Sun newspaper, but whilst waiting for a short back and sides this morning I did happen to catch their front page: No-one here was surprised to see a senior BNP figure Nazi saluting, but it is good to see that something like eight million people who read that paper now get a real glimpse of what the BNP is really like when they think nobody can see or hear them.
I may even go as far as to say it was a very good piece of journalism by the paper, going all the way to Hungary to capture the BNP's true face.
As they always do, the BNP will now claim they are expelling or at least suspending their former rising star from West London. They also do this when their members (who are quickly described by the BNP as "former members") are arrested when guns and bombs are found under their beds.
For some, having another one of their leading lights exposed is just too much to handle. Claudia Dalgleish, who the partner of BNP's London Organiser Steve Squire is probably worried how this will effect her successful modeling business.
We hear that her and partner are seriously thinking of joining the English Democrats now.
What with the current state of the BNP and the fact that a large number of their senior people appear to be going to ground, one suspects there are a few more skeletons due an airing very soon..

Thanks to Nick Lowles at HOPE not Hate/Searchlight
The original article by The Sun can be found here
What I am amazed at is the fact that the best "leftie" site (Lancaster Unity) has not even bothered to report BRITAIN FIRST. This is a group led by Jim Dowson and Paul Golding (two of Griffin's right hand men). Not only that all the ex-BNP officials are now joining it. This is Griffin's new baby - albeit he is in the background.
Anonymous said...
What I am amazed at is the fact that the best "leftie" site (Lancaster Unity) has not even bothered to report BRITAIN FIRST. This is a group led by Jim Dowson and Paul Golding (two of Griffin's right hand men). Not only that all the ex-BNP officials are now joining it. This is Griffin's new baby - albeit he is in the background.
I noticed that Kevin Edwards and Tom Gower joined recently and there is little love between those two and Griffin for well publicised reasons.
Jim Dowson, so desperate to advertise his group that he comes on here to promote it?
Ye Gods.
Sounds like John Walker might have jumped ship as well.
I believe that Gary Raikes has joined the Britain First as well. All the BNP gathering again under another name and fleecing the gullible for their money. But, hey, who cares.
I had a BNP apologist once tell me, when I confronted him about previous pictures of senior BNP figures giving the Nazi salute, that "it means nothing, everyone's done it in fun at some time or another"
Oh really?
please download and distribute as and when.
Anonymous said...
I believe that Gary Raikes has joined the Britain First as well. All the BNP gathering again under another name and fleecing the gullible for their money. But, hey, who cares.
8:09 PM, August 04, 2011
No they are not. You have the Green Marrow and his happy band of lunatics and Morris is more than likely on a percentage.
Tom Gower who worked in the Belfast office and is particularly pissed off with the BNP and Griffin after the way he was treated.
Keith Edwards who got told to eff off by Griffin but has the support of GA
Bloke in the South West whos name escapes me at the moment.
Andy McBride, the former SE organiser who made himself very popular with his dithering and Golding and Dowson.
The only one who puzzles me is Raikes. I wonder if he got left with the costs after that Labour MP got the Scottish manifesto launch cancelled and has been promised a cut by Dowson to pay it off. It's either that or a strategic plant.
Is Nationalism Today still going?
Griffin upset Dowson by not paying his son in law last Christmas, Dowson said he would teach Griffin a lesson and I think this is what we see with BF. Dowson will cut the ground away from under Griffin to show him who is boss.
Alwyn Deacon loves these sort of nazi bashes. I suprised he wasnt photographed at this event.
spelling error "effect" should be affect.
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