Despite claiming that his organisation had no official contacts with Breivik and that he condemned the actions of the mass murderer, EDL leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon claimed in a number of interviews with journalists that in his opinion, the UK was only five years away from the same sort of right wing outrage happening here.
Up and down the country for the last two years we have witnessed dozens of attacks on Muslim and progressive communities as Lennon's private army of racists grew further and further out of control even encouraged fleetingly, by sections of the national media.
News broke last week that finally, the EDL was to be monitored by the same counter terror unit set up after the 7/7 terror attacks. Hope Not Hate has long called for the EDL to be monitored in the same way that Islamic terror groups are.
We are now publishing these photographs of senior EDL members and activists to prove once and for all for any doubters, that the EDL are not just a pressure group with legitimate concerns about radical Islam. They are the flip side of the same coin.
Stephen Yaxley-Lennon says we are five years away from a Breivik styled massacre here. We believe they are already a terror group in the making.

Bloody hell. Didn't realise they were so tooled up. Thanks for this post, gives an interesting window in to how extreme they are becoming.
L. Snaith, pictured with a gun, is from South Shields and not from Middlesbrough
fucking spud guns,get a life!
At the time of the leaked BNP member list The Guardian referred to their members as, "liars oddballs and Walter Mitty types"
Looking at those pics, that could describe the EDL.
Seems like a good excuse to pack them all of the Afghanistan, they can do as much as they like out there to prevent 'islamification' (or muslamification, if your EDL, trying to read this). I'm sure that the Army would be well pleased to have 150 odd gobshite skinheads, shitting their pants behind the sandbags all day.......
Anonymous said...
fucking spud guns,get a life!
3:10 PM, August 30, 2011
And the shotguns?
Smoking guns. Plural.
EDL members posing with their BB guns. They haven't evolved beyond 12-year old boys suffering from a Walter Mitty-fixation.
Seems like a good excuse to pack them all of the Afghanistan, they can do as much as they like out there to prevent 'islamification' (or muslamification, if your EDL, trying to read this). I'm sure that the Army would be well pleased to have 150 odd gobshite skinheads, shitting their pants behind the sandbags all day.......
They could perform a very useful role by triggering IEDs and saving more worthwhile people.
From Wikipedia -
"The first innovation for Action Man was a form of flocking giving the effect of a short "fuzzy" hairstyle. The initial 1970-71 production run, some "soft" painted heads were treated to the flock-haired makeover by Palitoy and distributed to the public.The next major shift in marketing of the doll occurred with the introduction of an improved head with 'Eagle Eyes' in 1976. The design utilized a mechanism operated by a simple lever at the back of the head, moving the gaze of the eyeballs back and forth - an improvement on the fixed stare of the original."
I can only assume that this info has been passed onto every media stream possible??
if not it is our duty to start spreading this so journalists can start to wake up
I wonder who their intended targets
are???? gafaw gafaw.
Never, never let your gun
Pointed be at anyone.
That it may unloaded be
Matters not the least to me.
Mark Beaufoy - 1902
Spudguns? Err... 2 double barreled 12 bore shotguns, 2 crossbows, and 3 submachine guns
EDL Openly Display Guns and Knives -
They are far more dangerous than Combat 18 ever were.
2 legally owned shotguns, one SA80 at an Army recruitment/fair display, a few WW2 deactivated sub machine guns and a half dozen air rifles, and by the looks of it one .22 rifle.....Though the problem is, is not the weakness of these weapons but the fact that these men have become militarised in the "war" against Islam in the UK. Just as Berivik is.
The EDL are a militia.
To paraphrase a well-known saying, anything than can be deactivated can easily be reactivated, and Anders Breivik's gun was also legally owned
Penis extension anyone?
Anon said:"They are far more dangerous than Combat 18 ever were."
Now now, enough with the hyperbole.
Anonymous said: "To paraphrase a well-known saying, anything than can be deactivated can easily be reactivated, and Anders Breivik's gun was also legally owned"
Norway's gun laws are remarkably lax in comparison with ours. There's no comparison really.
Also, in the two bottom pics, one lad is in a gun shop, the other is posing with a standard issue british forces weapon at some kind of RAF stall at a fair.
I'm also willing to bet that none of the submachine guns posed with have any operational value - most are likely die-cast replicas. If you have a cache of weapons, it's best not to advertise.
All this is, is a bunch of know-nothings (I mean, look at how they hold their weapons - finger on trigger, like clueless amateurs) playing at looking tough because their otherwise empty lives need validating.
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