There is a Sikhi Camp for kids from 7+ currently taking place at the Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College in Chigwell, Essex running up until Sunday. The Camp involves the overnight stay of 120 children. The incident took place yesterday afternoon.
At first around 5 Chavs, thought to be from a nearby estate, walked into Khalsa College and caused a significant level of commotion. They attacked one Singh who approached them asking what they wanted. They were then successfully forced out of the College premises by a group of Camp sewadars and a fight broke out on the road outside the College. The situation was diffused by a passerby (claiming to be a off duty policeman), who drove the chavs off in his 4×4.
Around an hour later the Chavs returned in a larger number of 20 tooled with baseball bats and blocks of wood. A small group of Sikh kids from the camp were out on a nature walk and were verbally abused but managed to get back into the college. One of the elder sewadars had his car damaged as the group jumped on his bumper and bonnet.
What mainly happened then was a stand off between the Chavs and the Sewadars around the perimeter of the Khalsa College. The Chavs mainly hurled racial abuse “Pakis, Muslims, razors and other EDL type chants” although they were tooled up to do more. Eventually the Police came and arrested 2 of the Chavs but the remaining were still adamant to carry on. The situation diffused as more Police intervened, however the Chavs still hovered around the area of the Khalsa College.
Around 50 local Singhs turned up last night to provide security to the Kids Camp, something that should have been organised by the sewadars before!!! It is an overnight camp where kids stay on the premises. It’s also concerning as we believe these Chavs must be hovering around the college during the day unchallenged.
There is a very strong chance the local Chavs from the estate will return (in perhaps larger numbers) and it was decided by local Singhs that a strong level of security is to be maintained at the college whilst the Sikhi Camp takes place until Sunday. The sewadars of the Camp should have factored in the security from the beginning even though no previous incidents had taken place in the Camp’s 30 year history.
Global Sikh News
Thanks to NewsHound for the heads-up
August 07, 2011
Sikh Summer Camp of 125 kids in Chigwell attacked by racist idiots
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And this just after the terrible events in Norway. Tactless and offensive.
These racists have all the hallmarks of EDL disciples. Ignorant, moronic, scum of the earth, racist fckwits.
Don't like the repeated use of the word 'Chav' in the Sikh article as it's offensive to working class youth.
However the racist abuse and attacks were terrible and I suspect it's no coincidence that this happened in an area where the EDL and BNP are/were strong.
Nasty ignorant racists.
agreed re the above. the use of the word chav is ignorant in itself, a favourite term of the ScUM newspaper to demonise those that live in council housing.
never the less, this kind of incident is disturbing, we need the musicians these kids listen too, to be bold enough to speak out and write songs educating and condemning these kind of divisive acts
Pssst you forgot to photoshop the black guy out.
To counter this for the future:
a) Security should have a MUCH stronger presence at such events.
b) I can't help but feel that a lot of the youth nowadays are sheltered and made to believe it is ok to do no form of self-defense training. When these individuals get older, most do not do much except for going out. As a community, would it not be advisable for Sikhs to regularly (from a young age)to take up self defence and honour that Warrior spirit they are known for. That way, as a collective unit, Sikhs would be able to act as their own security.
do you think its the same as planting bombs at the BNP RWB
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