Andrew Gatward (West Lindsey Organiser)
Bev Jones (North West Regional Fund-Raiser, Tameside Secretary, Manchester North Fundraiser and Ex-North West Regional Organiser)
Brian Riley (Glasgow Organiser)
Charlie Baillie (Glasgow Fundholder)
Cllr Chris Beverley (Yorkshire Elections Officer, Leeds Organiser - Mark Collett's local Branch - and Advisory Council Member)
Cllr Dave Brown (Broxtowe)
Cllr Graham Partner (North West Leicestershire Fundholder)
Cllr John Ryde (East Midlands Press Officer and Education & Training Officer)
Cllr Lewis Allsebrook (Amber Valley Organiser)
Cllr Nina Brown (East Mids Regional Secretary and Broxtowe Organiser)
Cllr Roger Robertson (South East Regional Organiser and Advisory Council Member)
Cllr Sadie Graham (Head of Group Development, East Mids Regional Organiser and Advisory Council Member)
Danny Lake (YBNP Leader)
Dave Jones (National Data Protection Officer, North West Regional Secretary, Regional Press Officer and Tameside Fundholder)
Dave Taylor (Bradford Contact)
Gary Pudsey (Bridlington Organiser)
Ian Dawson (Yorkshire Regional Secretary, Former Head of Group Support and Advisory Council Member)
Ivan Winters (Bradford Fundholder)
Kenny Smith (Head of Administration, Scottish Regional Organiser, Scottish Elections Officer and Advisory Council Member)
Kieran Dinsmore (Ulster Regional Organiser)
Lee Haggan (Doncaster Organiser and Great White Records Recording Artist)
Lesley Dathan (Sunderland Fundholder)
Louise Scott (Scarborough Secretary and Northern Regional Voices Correspondent)
Malcolm Porter (West Lindsay Fundholder)
Mark Payne (Former Assistant National Treasurer)
Mark Wain (Melton & Rutland Press Officer)
Mark Westbury (Nottingham Secretary)
Matt Single (Department of Security Secretary and Training Officer)
Michael Clarke (Ashfield Organiser)
Mike Cooper (Hull Fund-Holder - Dave Hannam's local Group)
Neil Craig (Bradford Organiser)
Nicholla Smith (Managing Director of Excalibur, Falkirk Organiser and Advisory Council Member)
Nick Walsh (Hull BNP Organiser - Dave Hannam's local Group)
Paul Harris (Barnsley Organiser)
Peter (Boston, Holbeach & Spalding Fundholder)
Peter Hollings (Yorkshire Regional Fund-Raiser and Leeds Secretary - Mark Collett's local Branch)
Richard Chadfield (North West Regional Fundholder and Former Stockport Organiser)
Rick Foster (Lincoln Organiser)
Rob Walker (Wellingborough Contact)
Robert Walker (Huddersfield Organiser)
Sammy Shaw (Falkirk Fundholder and Forum Moderator)
Scott McLean (Former Deputy Chairman, Scottish Regional Organiser and Advisory Council Member)
Steve Blake (Web Editor, Head of Education & Training and Advisory Council Member)
Steve Thomson (Aberdeen Organiser)
Stuart Russell (Former National Press Officer and Advisory Council Member))
Tom Linden (Harrogate & District Organiser) Unconfirmed
Trisha Scott (Scarborough Organiser)
Wendy Russell (East Midlands Regional Fundraiser, Regional Information Officer and Peacock Club Chairman)
December 13, 2007
Current list of party officials/councillors who have resigned/resigned the BNP whip
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That's a hell of a list and there are some key names on there. Keep up the good work LUAF.
Loads of key activists, I see.
The twats-cum-scum of the BNP keep on resigning. They probably like pretending to play grown-up politics. Makes them feel like they are adults. This latest saga is nothing more than proving to each who can be the most racist.
Is it possible to mark which ones are real councillors and which are parish?
Theives liars racists and scum, the lot of them.
I do hope that BNP members realise that, Griffin, will pretend to chop Collett just as he pretended to chop Lecomber. If Lecomber can bomb and attack people, Griffin will have no problem hanging on to his bum-boy Collett.
We're fecking fed up of being infested with this Griffin.
We're off too!
Councillors at district/borough level among this lest rebels are:
Chris Beverley (Leeds)
Graham Partner (NW Leicestershire)
Sadie Graham (Broxtowe)
That leaves the BNP with 43 real councillors, and hopefully falling.
Some names don't appear on here yet - thanks Kirklees Unity ( for supplying them.
It seems they're going down like nine-pins in the East Midlands, almost the last area where the BNP can claim any tangible electoral strength.
Thanks Searchlight. Most helpful. We're hoping to see a few more added to the list soon. :-)
Won't be long before "mummy Collett" is the only "councillor" left in the Midlands. And she wasn't a real one. And even then never did anything!
I think "mummy Collett" was on the "graveyard committee" or something like that, of her parish council. But even then never uttered a word!
Totally useless - like her son.
Bill Locke-Lichfield Organiser
Julie Locke-Walsall Organiser
Many people have commented as to why I have been so muted ever since I received a text message from Nick Griffin on the 9th December at lunchtime, informing me that my home had just been successfully raided by Party Security at his request.
My immediate reaction of disbelief shortly followed by one of anger still has not diminished today, but has instead been joined with feelings of total betrayal. In retrospect, I am relieved that I have taken some quiet time to reflect on the situation fully and not be drawn into thoughts and words clouded in desires for unconsidered retribution.
Act in haste, repent at leisure; these are wise words that I have adhered to during this difficult period.
It’s no secret that Sadie and I are engaged to be married and are looking forward to our first child together. We are both very happy and the life altering changes that will be upon us soon I’ll embrace because of the love I feel and the wonderful support of our friends and families that have left me feeling very humble, and exceptionally lucky to have them around us. I know many people in this world have nothing, so I remind myself that not a single thing should taken for granted in this life.
I joined the BNP back in 2001 after a short period in UKIP, I left them because they offered no solutions whatsoever as to how we could go about saving our country. My first proper contact with BNP officials was at the second RWB festival in Wales, the weather was appalling but the passion, warmth and drive in the other members I met filled me with hope, and for the first time in many years I felt that we had a path forward, and as a nation and people we could be saved.
That weekend I spoke to Nick Griffin and many other people and was so impressed I became a party official and organiser shortly afterwards. My activism has taken me across many different towns and places in the UK in various capacities and, like many activists, have plenty of tales to tell of blisters and aching legs on the various campaign trails I have been on.
Over the ensuing years I have met some of the finest people I have ever known, devoted, honest and loyal to the cause of saving our land. Some of these people I regard as instrumental in keeping my moral high and driving me onwards. Warren Bennett was one such man whose honour, and level of professionalism within the Security Department he created, attracted me to join it. My previous experience in the security industry and being an ex-serviceman gave me perspective and allowed me to judge this new Department; and I was very impressed. Since joining the Department of Security I have been involved in the personal security of Nick Griffin and other Party officials and featured prominently during the Leeds Trials. I taught Nick and Jackie and other Party officials various aspects of personal security, the details of which fall out of the remit of this letter. I can swear on my life that I at the drop of a hat would have given my life for Nick as his personal security, so to realise the vile and horrible way in which he has stabbed Sadie and I in the back leave me almost speechless.
Nick Griffin sent under ‘chairman’s orders’, five members of my own Security Department, men I have stood by through thick and thin and helped to train, to steal belongings from Sadie and I while we were away. Her computer has been accessed and Sadie’s private personal account read by dishonourable people paid by Griffin to dig around to publish information in order to hurt her. This level of betrayal by Griffin cannot be understated.
I bear witness to the fact that Sadie is the most hardworking, honest and conscientious nationalist I have ever met, she has worked tirelessly for the benefit of the Party that she, like so many others, has sacrificed so much.
On countless occasions she has tended to situations around the country and poured oil on trouble waters that Mark Collett had created in his egotistical ranting and trouble making. John Walker and Dave Hannam’s uselessness as treasurers have also caused a great many crises’s that again Sadie has patched-up and sort to bring to a positive conclusion for the benefit of all. Time and time again Mark Collett has been behind dozens of problems and breaches of the Party Code of Conduct and security safeguards. He, through his lies has manipulated Nick Griffin to unconstitutionally sack, bully into leaving or sidelining some of the most experienced and finest Party officials and members, because their dared to question Collett’s mindless ball-wreaking interference and arrogance across the Party’s inner structure.
At this years Blackpool Conference, the Code of Conduct, that I myself wrote, was yet again ignored by only two people out of the two hundred in attendance, they were Collett and Hannam; they clearly thought themselves totally above it and completely untouchable. At the time they breached the Code of Conduct, I successfully managed to liaise with the police outside to avoid officers from entering the Conference Hotel with the intention in arresting them both for stimulating hostility by antagonizing the protestors in front of the hotel. The police were adamant that they were within their rights to do so; if they had done so the media waiting outside would have had a wonderful time on the front pages the following day I’m sure at the expense of the Party.
At last years conference in Blackpool, I witnessed Collett and Hannam attempt to have sexual relations with two girls that were obviously under the age of sexual consent. These vile acts and others are not only illegal, they fall completely outside of the very ethos of nationalism that is supposed to represent family values and morality. This has all taken place directly under Nick Griffins nose, yet he time and time again has out rightly refused to even acknowledge the true character of Collettt and has absolutely refused to remove him from his position within the Party he is destroying from the inside out. The time has now come for Nick to be forced by the people of this Party to finally cut out this cancer within it if it is to survive.
I cannot and will never forgive Griffin for what he has done to Sadie and I, he has made the future mother of my children left feeling as if she has been burgled; it is an horrendous sensation and one that she absolutely does not deserve. This has been compounded further as I have heard from my friends the spurious lies and statements about her that he has spewed at Party meetings since this situation has come to a head. I am disgusted by the behaviour of Nick Griffin, he is now acting in a way that represents the very people that he has professed throughout his political career to seek to replace.
I personally call upon all members, activists and supporters of the British National Party to resign their official positions within it, while still remaining members of the Party until such time as Nick Griffin removes Mark Collett from the British National Party. Nothing else will suffice.
Sadie and I are very strong people and we absolutely will NOT be bullied into turning our backs on this Party and the fine people within it.
In the words of Nick Griffin himself; are with the Party for the long haul? YES WE ARE!
God Bless,
Matt Single.
Griffin is attempting to crawl.
He is inviting the disgruntled to a meeting in Leicestershire next week and has organised all his security to attend with him.
"Won't be long before "mummy Collett" is the only "councillor" left in the Midlands."
I heard even she was disgusted by Mark's fubling and frolicking with pubescant fillies............ She's going to sign the EisE site too!
As a kid I remember living on a farm and we had a wonderful horse that all the neighbours admired. This superb beast became very ill and we had to call out the local vet.
After numerous thorough examinations the vet broke our hearts when he told us the news
He explained that the only way the horse could be saved was by someone giving the poor thing mouth to mouth resusitation and no one in the village had a mouth big enough to perform this life saving
If only mark Collett had been around then
I've posted this on VoR in response to Matt Single's statement:
The BNP is NOT above the law! Criminal offences are NEVER internal BNP matters but ALWAYS matters for the police.
Why did Matt Single not IMMEDIATELY call the police to report Collett and Hannam?
When informed, why did Nick Griffin fail to inform the police?
When informed (as she must have been) why did Sadie Graham fail to inform the police?
Knowing that two alleged paedophiles were operating within the BNP and society at large and failing in her duty to society in general to bring these allegations to the attention of the authorities, is Sadie Graham a fit and proper person to hold elected office?
Knowing that two alleged paedophiles were operating within the BNP and society at large and failing in his duty to society in general to bring these allegations to the attention of the authorities, is Nicholas Griffin a fit and proper person to hold office in ANY political party at any level, or to seek election to any political body in the United Kingdom?
There are no "good" sides in the BNP's vicious faction fight - just one set of corrupt fascists against another, both of them showing that when the interests of the "party of law and order" are opposed to duty to society "law and order" will be unceremoniously flushed down the toilet.
If Matt Single had any honour at all, he would be in a police station, right now, passing on every scrap of evidence he has against Collett and Hannam. But Matt Single has no honour. He would rather use his knowledge for purely factional ends, because - for the BNP - "law and order" and "justice" are empty slogans, without weight or meaning.
"Knowing that two alleged paedophiles were operating within the BNP and society at large and failing in his duty to society in general to bring these allegations to the attention of the authorities, is Nicholas Griffin a fit and proper person to hold office in ANY political party at any level, or to seek election to any political body in the United Kingdom?"
This is on a blog
Sharon Ebanks 2948
13-12-2007 07:02 PM EGT (US)
Edited by author 13-12-2007 07:04 PM
Hannam and Collett PAEDOPHILES
I'd just like you to know that even after I'd been telling people for 12 months what they had done (and not been believed), Matt Single has now admitted it. So, I have reported them both to the 'Police, Child Exploitation Unit' in Blackpool on 01772 614444 and I would urge others to do the same.
Matt Single:
"At last years conference in Blackpool, I witnessed Collett and Hannam attempt to have sexual relations with two girls that were obviously under the age of sexual consent."
Spill the beans where is this meeting in Leicestershire going to be.
Perfect chance to show them up.
latest resignations
Bill Locke-Lichfield Organiser
Julie Locke-Walsall Organiser
never heard of these 2 ?
To Denise G.
Matt Single could not go to the police with what he knew becuase the girls concerned did not want to take it any further, it would have achieved nothing except more upset. We choose to try and remove the 'cancer' of Collett though other means.
As for his home being robbed, he is currently talking with the police; they were called days ago.
But surely the allegation is that Collett and Hannam were only present in a hotel room with 2 young girls. That's not illegal. If they were indeed caught in an 'uncompromising position', then it most certainly is a matter for the Police and a cause of great concern if this was the case and the BNP did not act by informing the Police.
If BNP security got there 'just in time' and no offence was committed, Collett and Hannam should still have been sacked because we all know why they took the girls there. Decent grown men do not befriend girls under the consensual age for sex and invite them to their hotel room, and if the are going to try and use the excuse that they invited them up to talk, then that just won't wash. (Although the two young girls in question were probably on the same intellectual level as Collett and Hannam).
The thought of this disgusts me to the core and the thought of Griffin backing these 2 scumbags disgusts me even more.
@ Anon
I don't fucking well care what the girls thought. They were underage. Single's duty was to inform the police immediately, and they, the girls and their parents together would have decided what happened next.
No ifs, not buts.
"Denise G said...
@ Anon
I don't fucking well care what the girls thought. They were underage. Single's duty was to inform the police immediately, and they, the girls and their parents together would have decided what happened next.
No ifs, not buts.
9:50 PM, December 13, 2007"
This what Griffin thought of it
Matt Single could not go to the police with what he knew becuase the girls concerned did not want to take it any further, it would have achieved nothing except more upset. We choose to try and remove the 'cancer' of Collett though other means.
So two years probation is an acceptable punishment from a party that is so hardline on crime and even more so on this sort of crime.
It was accepted for a year, even when he punched another member at RWB 4 months ago.
Collett will not go and I hope he doesn't because the rumours that we have been hearing for the last year have been confirmed as fact and it has opened another frontline in the continued fight against Griffin, BNP and the rest of the nutzis out there.
I look forward to the next stories about alleged grooming and paedophile behaviour from the BNP news team.
Getting rid of Collett and Hannam doesn't stop the story. The cover up is starting to unravel and this goes all the way up to Griffin.
You really do make me sick.
Forget politics for a moment - if you let paedophiles get away with child abuse, they will only go on to abuse again.
How many young girls are at risk while these two nonces are behind bars.
Both of these abusers are on Faceparty, where there is said to be thousands of underage profiles, so unless Mr Single does the public duty, dozens more kids might have been assaulted.
How would you feel in it was your children who they had tried to sleep with, Single?
The girls were 15, Collett would have said that they said they were 17 or something. He is a good liar.
It would have not stuck in court for a second! Only given the BNP more publicity. Scum. The law is a joke and BNP Security know this. This is how they get away with so much anyway.
where is the meeting - I think we should be told!
For all their constant denials pof criminality, the bnp have show themselves to be teeming to the brim with all types of criminals from racial terrorists to rapists, drug dealers, they're all there.
Finally, it's coming home to roost.
Be careful, guys. We don't want to jeopardize any possible case that might arise out of this.
Were the parents of these girls BNP members? or were the girls groomed from facebook?.
Were the parents paid off to keep quiet?
"But surely the allegation is that Collett and Hannam were only present in a hotel room with 2 young girls. That's not illegal."
You'd also have to take into account the mobile phone footage said to have been destroyed by Griffin where they all cavorted scantily clad and drunken. Allegedly, Collett yells many times over "Do you know who I am, I'm the next leader of the BNP" rumours also abound that film footage still exists, now, I wonder who has that?
Let's not get carried away with this, intercourse didnt take place and the girls didnt want action taken so what would the police have done in the circumstances?
john p said...
"Were the parents of these girls BNP members? or were the girls groomed from facebook?.
Were the parents paid off to keep quiet?"
Maybe that's where the £17,000 has gone!
Dear Ketllin/Denise,
I am posting this in my personal capacity as candidtae for Mayor of London and as a senior member of the BNP.
I think enough is enough and you have had your fun.Your publishing smear after smear. All is fair in love and war ect but you are allowing hard working young men to be smeared by criminals and thiefs. Is this the work of "jounralists"?
If you must report on minor squabbles and childish antics of a small few then fine. But I would have hoped you would be mature enough to see that a line muist be drawn in the interests of fairness.
You have crossed that line. I would ask that you be a little more circumspect in your encouragement of criminmal elements on the left who may well be condemning two young men in the postion to do many great things on behlf of this country.
I also ask all BNP members to stop furnishing the internet with casual lies and half-truths.
I see the Stormfront poster Daffy Duck aka Mark Collett has been hovering on the expulsion thread for days. Poor lamb :)
Denise said
I don't fucking well care what the girls thought.
That's a first, DG swearing. Bloody right though. These sleazeballs are all as bad as each other.
Richard Barnbrook said...
Dear Ketllin/Denise,
I am posting this in my personal capacity as candidtae for Mayor of London and as a senior member of the BNP.
That cannot be him, they have only just called last orders in the pub
Griffin fiddles while Rome burns :) Or, should that be English homes in Wales :)
I think "Richard Barnbrook" is a clever troll, and not Mr Barnbrook himself. Either that, Barnbrook has had his blogger account (if he ever had one in the first place), hacked.
The person claiming to be barnbrook can't spell for toffees, which, for a potential Mayoral candidate, who will have to deal with education amongst other things, (if in cloud cuckoo land he was ever elected), would mean the schools of London would go to pot, folks.
The trolls and hackers are indeed the work of Mark Collett, me thinks.
You're not just a loser, Collett. You're an ugly twat too.
What's the hell's a "jounralist"?
Is Barnbrook really as illiterate as his posting suggests?
In which case, who the hell thinks he's competent to be Mayor of London?
Sure, this badly spelt piece of Griffinite macho postering in the form of threats, can't surely be the work of Dick(head).
If they could spell, the bnp trolls on Lancaster UAF would be dangerous, lol
Fuck off back to Scumponce, nazi trolls!!!
Whoever wrote that supposed Barnbrook comment wouldn't even pass his SATS, the spelling's so abysmal.
If the stupid threats to the bnp rebels were indeed from Mister Dickhead Barnbrook, it's a bit pathetic to call the Griffites "hardworking" and the rebels "liars".
When Dickhead loses his deposit in next year's mayoral elections, your mate nick griffin will take the piss, probably accompanied by plenty of (hypocritically) homophobic comments.
Griffin's the biggest doublecrosser ever in British politics, and never repays any misguided loyalty shown to him.
Does anybody have the YouTube lin to Barnbrook's "all-male arthouse movie"?
Just reported this to Lancashire police.
For what use they are
I never did understand why a party full of homophobic twats would accept a man who made a gay porno movie as Mayor Of London.
Worse yet, you're in denial, dicky-wicky....
If amazingly the threats have come from dicky-poos, perhaps the terrible spelling is his way of patronising the working class bootboy bigots groomed on football firms and the sun newspaper.
Failing to spell is dicky's way of disowning his homosexual porno pedigree.
"Hey there, Carling-swilling, football-obsessed chavs. I'm not gay as, like you, I can't spell".
"My brain's smaller than your brain".....
naaaaa-naaaaa -ner- naaaaa-naaaaa!!!
@ "Richard Barnbrook"
Assuming you are he, we are less than impressed with those credentials.
We have reposted what appears on BNP blogs and what are the words of BNP members.
Enough Is Enough Nick is still a BNP blog to us.
But Ketlan and I have been careful (as we always are) to preface our own comments with that word alleged.
@ All
There are a number of comments awaiting moderation that we cannot publish without qualification.
We should remember that certain BNP troll posters would love to undermine any future legal proceedings, as well as see us in the dock.
Please be careful as to how you phrase your comments, or we won't be able to use them.
Who's "Ketllin"???????
Sharon Ebanks 2949
13-12-2007 11:47 PM EGT (US)
Just one more reason why the BNP will never get elected in Birmingham. They can’t tell the truth ABOUT ANYTHING.
“Simon Darby: December 13th 2007.
By Simon Darby ⋅ December 13, 2007 ⋅
The frost warning light on the dashboard had already started to light up even before I set off to Birmingham for my meeting with local pensioners last night. In fact there were a couple of meetings I could have gone to last night, but I wanted to help out our excellent community politics team in the east of Britain’s second city.”
Cut the story telling crap, you’ll never be a James Frazer you arsehole
“Arriving at just after 7pm I was greeted by East Birmingham’s Richard Lumby, Tanya Whitehead and Denis Adams who were waiting outside the community hall for me."
That will be the same Richard Lumby with convictions for ABH and GBH and Tanya his alcoholic girlfriend who calls you at all hours in the morning to tell you how much she hates Robert Purcell.
Please read on:
"We chatted for a while before Richard showed me the reason why the local pensioner’s group had decided to contact us.
What has happened is that a foreign individual has purchased a beautiful piece of community garden from Birmingham Council at the rather ridiculous price of just £6500. Not content with his bargain, he has erected an ugly, poorly constructed 8ft wooden fence all around it.
As if this wasn’t enough this now hidden piece of land was the home to all kinds of birds and mammals that pensioners and children alike gained a great deal of pleasure from watching. In fact it was only because some of the local people slapped on relevant tree preservation orders that greater environmental vandalism was averted.
So now there is an impasse as the Council shuffle their feet awkwardly, not wanting to offend a member of an ethnic minority and worried in case the context of the deal itself comes to public light. On the other side there is the nucleus for a spectacular pensioner’s revolt which the other weekend led to scenes of near violence.
Into these circumstances I calmly walked last night as the pensioners wanted to know exactly what the BNP stood for and they certainly were not in the mood for evasive answers.
Having been told about the exact circumstances and shown photos of the “then and after” actions of the aforementioned property speculator, I was left in doubt as to which side I was on.
Not that there had been much doubt in the first place, in my mind there should be preservation orders imposed on all of our green areas no matter how small. In fact we should be embarking on the reforestation and planting of trees and shrubs wherever and whenever we can. I am incidentally particularly impressed with the way some councils are “greening up” the roofs of buildings in inner cities enabling new habits for birds and insects.
Yet the selfish and greedy actions of one individual and their subsequent implications for the wellbeing of the local wildlife were not my abiding memory of the night. Instead it was the look of shear abandonment and betrayal that was etched on the faces of those older people. Everyone in the area knows what the right course of action should be, but instead through a mixture of political correctness and perhaps some more unsavoury motivations a great injustice is being allowed to carry on. These are people that have fought, worked and helped to build up this country and for their troubles they are being completely written off.
Whilst even primitive cultures cherish and respect their older generation, the treatment of British pensioners should be source of great shame to this nation. Whilst thousands will die this winter because they can’t afford to keep warm, many more will worry themselves to death concerning debt and the prospect of selling their homes to pay for nursing care.
I’d like to think I did my best last night in trying to make them understand that there is one political party that intends to give our pensioners a little bit of dignity and respect in their later years. A Party that believes in giving the older generation that extra quality of life that their loyalty to our country deserves.
Even so being used to addressing our own members and supporters, it’s always refreshing to have the opportunity to address what some might call ordinary members of the public and to realise just how much support the BNP really has. I felt good driving home last night.”
The above being an absolute load of bollox. The piece of land in question was a drive to a private house. IT HAS NEVER BEEN A PUBLIC OWNED GREEN SPACE which is why the council were within their right to sell it off without asking permission. If the locals cared that much about it they could have purchased it themselves and Mr Darby wonders why the Birmingham branch needed to forge signatures last year. Party of truth and honesty my arse, feckin unelectable disgrace.
S Ebanks
Barnbrook isn't homosexual. He advertises for his women on the internet. Ask him about the Irish lass in West London who told him to piss off as soon as she discovered who he was. Twat.
I see Anthony David Jones and big fat Bev have joined the fun. Who cares, the specky prat can't even speak properly! How can you trust a Catholic Orange bigot?
Incidentally I thought the dodgy South Africans were all with Griffin?
'The person claiming to be barnbrook can't spell for toffees, which, for a potential Mayoral candidate, who will have to deal with education amongst other things, (if in cloud cuckoo land he was ever elected), would mean the schools of London would go to pot, folks.'
'If amazingly the threats have come from dicky-poos, perhaps the terrible spelling is his way of patronising the working class bootboy bigots groomed on football firms and the sun newspaper.'
You seem totally gobsmacked by the man's spelling, which is in no way attempting to patronise anyone. It comes quite naturally, I believe. The spelling, more than anything else, is evidence that this is the man himself speaking - that and the unmistakeably bossy tone.
If the Barnbrook posting is by a troll (if), they obviously know he is a dyslexic (or claims to be,)an excuse he uses everytime he gets pulled up on his poor grammar and spelling.
I suppose Simone's no shakes at spelling either?
Can us down here in B & D reassure all you out there that posting was NOT from Dicky, why you ask, well the poor love is never sober enough to sit down at a computer, he doesnt know how to use one, in fact ever since he was elected he has complained that his computer has never worked, despite being tole on numerous occasions that he did have to switch it on.
As for the spelling, well Dicky makes this big thing about being dyselexic that is why he cannot read his council papers and makes such a dogs dinner of his speeches and tirades in the chamber, always with the excuse that of course we have to be nice to him because he is dyslexic.
Some while ago he demanded that the council provide and pay for an assistant for him because he is dyslexic, he got the bums rush on that one as well.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with him being dyslexic he is just a lush, a drunk, a piss head who cannot string two words together.
But whoever has posted in his name has made the forced spelling mistakes to try and convince everyone that its him.
We of course we are not that stupid are we.
It's true.
That is not Richard Barnbrook.
We are not going to make any comments.
You're not Dicky Barnbrook, I am!
Barnbrook said.....we are not going to make any comments.....
well wake up and smell the g & t Dicky you may not be but the other members of "your group" are, you just cant shut them up.
They are hardly likely to take any instruction from you anyway as "they" agree with us you are a total prat...goodbye
pete haywood, stratford upon avon organiser has resigned
I see key Leicestershire figures are starting to resign not too good for the Colletts then.
Griffin has lost it
'Can us down here in B & D reassure all you out there that posting was NOT from Dicky, why you ask, well the poor love is never sober enough to sit down at a computer, he doesnt know how to use one, in fact ever since he was elected he has complained that his computer has never worked, despite being tole on numerous occasions that he did have to switch it on.'
This is amusing, but untrue unless someone else is sending out e-mails with his name & e-mail address on. When these arrive they frequently contain gems such as 'problems being salted out', which was quoted on a previous thread here yesterday.
'It has nothing whatsoever to do with him being dyslexic he is just a lush, a drunk, a piss head who cannot string two words together.'
It would be good if this were true. It would suggest that he might be able to string two words together when he is sober (because, of course, no-one can be drunk 24/7).
But this is not the main reason, except possibly on occasions when he is drunk. 'Dyslexic' is just the name he has given to whatever is wrong with him, which I would guess is mainly hypertension. It's a useful label, I guess, since he's our candidate, and if we insist that he's disabled in some way he might not get bullied quite so much.
No, I am Richard Barnbrook !!!!
If Barnbrook genuinely suffers from dyslexia then he has my sympathy (for that at least).
On the other hand, if he is using that label as an excuse for his own ignorance and incompetence (aided by a liking for strong drink) then he is a disgrace (again), for abusing the disabilities of others.
doctor suess said....nobody can be drunk 24/7.....well sorry mate dicky allegedly can and is, hypertention, your having a laugh....but then we all do that at dicky.
i will repeat once again, the lush does not know how to use a computer, he cannot string 2 words together, he is allegedly a drunk of the highest water, so you can stop your silly lies and bugger off back to your troll hole.
'If Barnbrook genuinely suffers from dyslexia then he has my sympathy (for that at least).
That shows what a nice chap you are, Iliacus.
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