Report on the BNP's Summer School by John of Gwent, one of Green Sparrow's mob.
Also, isn't it strange that, with an alleged 160 hanging off His Lordship's every word, the only photograph of this event that has been released to the world at large, shows a grand total of NINE in the audience (and one of them looks like he just died).
However, this might be explained by the only other picture we could find of the weekend, this being a picture of the site itself, swarming with Griffin-loyalists.
There's a nice pisstake of the top image here
Boy, that looks grim.
I bet when they passed around the collection plate at the end all they got was 50p and a few old buttons!
Fuck me, what an exciting looking event. I bet Griffo's panicking now.
It looks like Griffins missus on the left.
The loser in the light blue shirt has nodded off to Cyclops's repetitive calls for donations of money.
Notice how his face has fallen and his eyes are closed!
One of them looks like he died? More likely that he died last week and they nailed him to the chair to make up the numbers. It's the BNP that's dying.
lol looks like a comedy sketch
I love Nick, Cllr Simpkins.
Does this deserve a Nelson style "ha ha"?
Nah i'll save it, ahhh what the hell HA-HA!
not dying, dead
Ahh but you forget the tent was actually 2 1/2 ,iles long and the rest of the happy campers are out of shot!
Thats fat Jackie in the pink cardie. Not sure if there are any other members of the Griffin clan there as well.
Maybe they meant 16.0 members.
It looks like a really naff revivalist meeting that isn't working.
From the BNPTv it would seem that this is the same site as the Le Pen gig - also the name of the land owner/renter is named by Griffin as is the approx. location on the main site although it contains some misinformation about the location - though that may be down to ignorance - I'd suggest a business to avoid, although if they can offer space over a Bank Holiday they can't be doing very well :-)
Also the RV point and time, Welshpool Station has disappeared from the invite - anyway WTF are the Indigenous Forum or is this an invention of Gri££o?
'anyway WTF are the Indigenous Forum or is this an invention of Gri££o?'
It's yet another fraudulent 'separate' entity from the BNP that is actually a firm part of the BNP, like the BNP's shitty and worthless 'union' Solidarity, run by that sad wanker Patrick Harrington, and Great White Records, the star of whom is the scratchy-voiced moron Joey Smith.
The only reason for referring to the Indigenous Forum as separate from the bankrupt BNP is so the membership can be screwed for a few more donations to keep Porky Griffin in cummerbunds.
having read green arrow blog today where he goes into some detail of the up coming weekend, I may be wrong, but, Im pretty sure I read that he is now a BNP member.
am I correct please?
I may be wrong, but, Im pretty sure I read that he is now a BNP member.
Well, that's one they've recruited this week. Things are looking up!
Griffin is folding the BNP.
The "Indigenous Forum" will be his new civil rights business / fund raising scam / organisation.
Civil rights money scamming is what Dowson specialises in. Hence the deliberate bankrupting of the BNP and the pheonix from the flames is...
The Indeginous Forum Scam!
Catch up, eh!
Anonymous said...
Griffin is folding the BNP.
The "Indigenous Forum" will be his new civil rights business / fund raising scam / organisation.
Civil rights money scamming is what Dowson specialises in. Hence the deliberate bankrupting of the BNP and the pheonix from the flames is...
The Indigenous Forum Scam!
Catch up, eh!
11:26 PM, August 24, 2010
No doubt the Indigenous Forum will be merging with The Steadfast Trust in the near future.
Don't forget the Christian Council of Britain, the England Fair or Fair England fund and all the other "funds" designed to separate homo moronis from his own funds.
I was there and what a boring weekend onl 84 people tuned up including the staff of 20. Never again
Oh, so according to the BNP, folk singing in this country dies out with the advent of TV and radio?
Well, that'll be news to people like the Watersons, Carthys , Tams, Simpsons, Rusbys, Jones etc etc etc of this world.
Funny, I thought folk had quite a few followers these days...
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