“And lo! It did come to pass that the Tribe of Griffin did wander in the Political Wilderness for One Score Years and Ten, and were despis'd by the Righteous. And the Griffinites did cry out “Who will send us a Man of God to succour us in our Tribulation?” And their prayers were answered, and out of the land of Holbeach there did arise a wise teacher by the name of the Reverend West. And he did succour them. And succour them good.”
The Book of Racists : Chapter III – Verse IV
The “Reverend Robert West”, (or to give him his full ecclesiastical title - “Robert West”) continues to hang around the BNP like a bad (that is: worse than usual) smell. He's long been one of the most intriguing characters of the Far Right: A shameless charlatan who, in the face of documentary evidence, expert insistence and humiliation on national television, maintains that he is entitled to adopt the style “Reverend”, insists that he is an “Ordained Elder” of the “Apostolic Church of Wales” and acts as Leader (and sole Member?) of the (equally fictitious) “Christian Council of Britain”, a cover organisation set up in association with the BNP and taking its name from the “Muslim Council of Britain” (see what they did there?).
The Apostolic Church in the United Kingdom (there being no “Apostolic Church of Wales”) have denied all knowledge of West saying, some time ago; “I am uncertain about who is the Mr Robert West mentioned ... One thing is certain: he does not speak on behalf of The Apostolic Church. If this person lives in Lincolnshire he does not attend The Apostolic Church. In fact as a denomination we have no churches in Lincolnshire.”
“And the Reverend West did minister unto the Griffinites in their time of Tribulation. And he did tell how the Lord God was like unto a great big racist, too, just like them, and he did minister at their Tribal Gatherings, and he did appear on the telly: Yea, even though the Philistines did mock and did fall about laughing and did hold their sides for fear they would rend asunder.”
The Book of Racists : Chapter IV – Verse II
Robert West first appears on the public radar in around 2005, as a Tory District Councillor in Lincolnshire. He also made the local press by claiming Unfair Dismissal from his post as a teacher of Law and History at Peterborough Regional College.
Suspended from the Conservatives for his part in setting up the Christian Council of Britain, West threw his lot in with the BNP and has been their self – styled Spiritual Leader ever since. Turning up at their shindigs to officiate over “Church Services”, standing for election (with a lack of success remarkable even by his Party's woeful standards) and delivering his dreary, rambling “sermons” to a Grateful Listening Nation via the internet, West continues to cut an odd, almost pathetic figure.
“But lo! There did arise from the Philistines a Great Voice. And it did say “Beware this Man who does style himself a Man of God! For he is an charlatan, and an imposter, and an cheap conman, who does make thou Tribe, O Griffinites, look even more foolish than thou did before!” But their Leader did ignore the wisdom of the Philistines, and did continue to exalt the Reverend West most high.”
The Book of Racists : Chapter IV – Verse VII
On West's theology, which is a predictable cherry - picking of biblical quotes designed to deliver a message of Racial Separatism, I could go on at length. As an Atheist I'm not much of an expert on such matters (something I share in common with Robert West), so I consulted my local vicar for advice. After he had finished laughing at a selection of West's pronouncements, he explained two things to me: That the BNP's take on theology has absolutely no scriptural basis whatsoever, and that cherry – picking the Bible is one of the easiest and laziest exercises around. To prove this point, when I've finished this article I shall go and stone my wife for wearing a cotton skirt with a wool cardie, and rub dung in my son's face for swearing.
He's been written about here before, at length and in far, far better articles. Robert West is just another oddball character in a bunch of oddball characters. A fake vicar for a fake party. Quite fitting, really...
“And the Reverend West did continue to succour the Tribe of Griffin. And they did make themselves appear yet more foolish, and more gullible, and more amateur. Yeah: Even unto the ending of the World. So endeth the lesson.”
The Book of Racists : Chapter IV – Verse X
P.S: This lowering of the tone of L.U over the past few days isn't, in any way, a new direction! I'm only filling in while the A Team are layed low through a combination of illness and scheduling conflicts. Normal service will be resumed very shortly. And mighty grateful you'll be.
August 02, 2010
Robert West: Still There - Still Pretending to be a Vicar
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Some people create a smile wherever they go with the BNP its whenever they go.
Andy, as a bit of a grammar Nazi, I have to ask that when you hyphenate words could you please refrain from putting spaces at either end of the hyphen (unless you are using the dash as parenthesis).
"P.S: This lowering of the tone of L.U over the past few days isn't, in any way, a new direction! I'm only filling in while the A Team are layed low through a combination of illness and scheduling conflicts. Normal service will be resumed very shortly. And mighty grateful you'll be."
You'ew a great addition to the team and I hope, when everyone is better or has more time to post, you remain as a regular poster.
Anonymous said...
Andy, as a bit of a grammar Nazi, I have to ask that when you hyphenate words could you please refrain from putting spaces at either end of the hyphen (unless you are using the dash as parenthesis).
Behold, when hyphenating words, thou must use a hyphen only and never the en dash, and must close up lest mischief creep in via the spaces before and behind.
Select your dashes with care, seeing that each fulfils its sacred purpose, for improper usage warrants stoning after the third offence.
The Sacred Book of Grammar: Chapter LX, Verse IX
Its a miracle Dicky is back sober, and more importantly his dyslexia has gone
Read the 4/5 lenthy postings he has made on his blog this afternoon, not one spelling mistake, no error in his grammer, they will be calling it the Spennymoor miracle.
After all St Paul had his road to Damascus, Dicky has obviously had his road to Dagenham.
The one worriesome issue I have with his postings are that even though we are all aware that the BNP have no money and are on the verge of bankruptcy Dicky is adamant that the party must purchase a "polygraph" machine, as he has stated that when they elections are over all members will have to undergo a "polygraph"test to sort out the moles.
Ahahah thats worth at least 2 choc ices
Couldn't they just save the cost of a Polygraph and queue up to go on Jeremy Kyle instead?
As for the hyphens; I stand corrected.
As for the quote from the Sacred Book of Grammer; ROFL
Brilliant! :)
And the Lord said ' let there be white '
West reminds me of the vicar off the dick emery show.
How does the Nazi Reverend reconcile Odin with Jesus??????
It is also public record that Robert West has recommended, at BNP meetings, anti-Catholic newspapers as essential reading materials for BNP members.
It seems to me that Robert West is doing for the reputation of the Church, what Fred West did for the reputation of the building trade.
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