Offered today on the BNP website are “Christian” Christmas Cards. Because, as everyone knows, it simply isn't possible to find such an exotic animal outside the Magical Grotto that is “Excalibur”, the BNP's online tat superstore.
Thanks to the generosity of Alwyn Deacon, Santa Griffin's Chief Elf, a pack of 12 such cards is now available for the astonishing price of just £3.99!
Except, if you go to (see screenshot above) you'll find the same pack of cards (“Retail Price Marked £2.99”) from as little as 59p a pack...
So let's get this right.
These cards are wholesaled at 59p a pack, with a suggested retail price of £2.99.
A rather generous 407% mark-up for the retailer.
But this is insufficient for the BNP who go for a 592% mark-up.
Nice folk.
or “Winterval”, as we Searchlight-controlled Marxists like to call it. Obviously
The BNP used to call it "Yuletide" and send each other cards bearing Norse gods and "life" runes surrounded by oakleaves.
I suspect that if BNP members were church goers, they might well find lots for sale at the church?
That would then save them the need to flog particularly awful ones!
They don't seem to be wishing anyone a white Xmas.
Thank God I'm not a Christian (geddit?) so I don't have to dish out rubbish like these to people every year.
I read it as 59 p per card when you buy a pack of 12.
Buy Unicef - at least the money goes to a good cause
It's 59p for a pack of 12.
Granted that they load on a hefty p&p of £6.99 (which is per order), if the Elf deacon only ordered 24 packs of cards (unlikely - and the larger the order the greater the potential profit), that would work out at just over £1 per pack. The rest is profit.
Or "gravy". As in "gravy train".
PMSL, good spot Andy...... Looks like the BNP warehouse / bin will be overflowing with excess quantities of cards as well as unsold voice of freedom.... I wonder if cyclops will be buying any to send to all of his mates in the EU..... thats 1 sold (Brons).
Hey, Green Marrow (I know you read this), why don't you set up a QVC like sales show for all this shite? Maybe you could get your Fuhrer to appear on the show to talk up the quality of the printing?
Go on..... it'll be a laff....
Christmas is coming and the Griffins getting fat,
Please put 2.99 in the old fash's hat,
If you havent got 2.99 then you could buy a mug,
Or contact the new bnp treasurer as he may have some drugs.
So they'll all be sending each other exactly the same cards then, oh what a joyfull phonebox the bnp xmas party will be.
I wonder if Alwyn has got any cards with pictures of his BFF chums outside that smelly pub he used to run ? or with ones that when you open say " hello my name is martin findley i am a bnp councillor and not a lot of peole know that"
This from a party who hate Roman Catholics as much as they do Muslims, LGBTs etc.
The BNP used to call it "Yuletide" and send each other cards bearing Norse gods and "life" runes surrounded by oakleaves.
Yule expect to pay dearly for being a BNPrick!
There you are, £500,000 in debt. How do you get out of it? You sell Xmas cards with a largish mark-upon your not that popular web site.
Stupid as fuck.
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